Out Of The Dark

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Out Of The Dark Page 15

by Arlene Gonzales

  “I would rather wait until you come back. Then I’ll go to sleep. I just want to make sure you are okay.”

  Aiden lets go of my hand and walks back toward the bed. “Why wouldn’t she be okay? She will be with me, and I will always make sure that she is safe.” He gives Chris a hard look. “She is mine, and you need to remember that. She will never be with you.” He raises his voice and says each word slowly. “She. Will. Never. Be. Yours!”

  “Really? Is that why she kissed me tonight?”

  Before I know it Aiden has his hands on Chris. His swing connects, and he is about to throw the second punch when the monitor connected to Chris goes off.

  I try to pull Aiden off of Chris, but he has a strong grip on him. “No, Aiden, please stop.”

  I’m still trying to come between them when the nurse and officer standing guard at the door come rushing in. The officer yanks Aiden off Chris and is about to put handcuffs on him.

  “No, stop. He was just upset about what happened to us tonight.”

  Chris says, “It’s okay. He didn’t hurt me. It was just a misunderstanding.”

  I notice it’s Officer Martinez, the same officer who was first on the scene. He looks confused. “Okay, but remember you’re in a hospital and I’ll be on guard all night. I don’t want to have to come in here again to break you two up. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” We all say it at the same time.

  Then I turn to Aiden. “Let’s go to the waiting room.”


  We walk into the room. I’m glad it’s empty right now. “Please sit down and try to calm yourself.”

  He gives his head a shake and looks right at me with those intense eyes. “How can I calm down? Why did he say you kissed him?”

  Not wanting to look him straight in the eyes, I say in a low voice, “Because I did.”

  A hiss comes from him, and I can see the hurt in his expression. “Why? Why in the world would you do that? Do you want to be with him?” He is searching my face for answers.

  With tears sliding down my cheeks, I try to reach for him, but he pulls away. “Aiden, it was a mistake. I want you, only you, no one else. Please believe me. I didn’t mean to do it. It’s just that for a minute I thought he was dead and I was remembering my family and got overwhelmed. It was a very bad choice, one that I wish I could take back. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say. Please forgive me.”

  “So you do not want to be with him? Because he thinks you do, Alexis. Why would he think that? Didn’t you tell him it was a mistake, or is that just what you’re telling me so I won’t be mad?” His voice has a tone of disbelief. He puts his hands on my shoulders and squeezes them hard. “Tell me, do you want him or me?”

  I yank myself from his grip. “Let me go! Do not handle me like that—ever. Understand? I will never be put through anything like that again.”

  My reaction surprises Aiden. “I never meant to hurt you. I just found you and can’t lose you. It would kill me. It would break me. I could not bear it if you left me too. I cannot think of a life without you in it. My world would be nothing without you—it would have no meaning. I would not have a reason to go on.”

  I look at this gorgeous man standing in front of me, who is also a broken man, because of his past. “Aiden, I love you. I am not going anywhere.” I put my hands on both sides of his beautiful face and say each word slowly so he understands them. “I. Love. You. Aiden Steffan. And I am here with you, always with you. There is nobody who can come between us. Not ever.”

  Still holding him, I ask the questions I desperately need answers to. Even though I’m afraid of what those answers might be, I still have to know. “Why are you wearing a tuxedo, Aiden? And why haven’t you called me all day or even texted me back? You said I should have called you to let you know what happened, but I texted you earlier and never got an answer from you. Where have you been?”

  “I had a dinner function tonight, one that had been planned a long time ago, and I couldn’t get out of it because I was a guest speaker.”

  “Why didn’t you invite me to go with you or tell me about it? Are you ashamed to be seen with me because I don’t look like the women you usually go out with?”

  “You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me. More beautiful than any of the women I have dated in the past. They could never compare to your beauty. Sei bellissima, Alexis. Senza di te la mia vita non ha senso. Ti adoro.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know what you’re saying to me, Aiden. It sounds beautiful and all, but I don’t understand it.”

  “I am simply telling you that without you my life would have no meaning, and that you are beautiful and that I adore you.”

  “I feel the same way about you, and only you, so you have to trust me when I say that I’m only staying here out of gratitude, and because Chris and I are friends and friends don’t walk out when they are needed. So please, trust me.”

  “I do trust you. It is him that I do not trust, and I know he will use this to get further into your life. But if you feel you have to do this, well then I can’t stop you.”

  Hugging him tightly, I say, “Oh, Aiden, thank you for believing in me. I know what I’m doing, and don’t worry. I will be thinking of you all night, and when I’m asleep it is you that I’ll be dreaming of, always you. You are in my heart, you are in my head, you are my life, and you are always in my mind.”

  Aiden wraps his arms around me like his life depends on it. With my head firmly on his chest, I can hear his heartbeat. I take in his scent, the usual mixture of his cologne and him. I could stay in his arms forever, but I know Chris is waiting for me back in his room. I feel like I owe it to him to be there for him at least for tonight. The guy risked his life for me. If he hadn’t been there, well, I don’t want to think about what could have happened. Would I have been assaulted? Would I be dead instead of in the arms of the man I so deeply love? I close my eyes, to try and forget about it.

  “I need to go back to Chris’s room.”

  “Let me go in first.” He looks at my skeptical face. “Do not worry. I just want to thank the man for saving you, nothing else. I promise.”

  “Okay, Aiden, I trust you.”


  I stay outside in the hallway while he goes in to talk. I haven’t called Shannon to let her know what happened and that I won’t be coming home. I look for my purse and remember it was stolen, along with my phone. I will have to replace them tomorrow.

  It’s well after two in the morning and I do not want to wake her, but I know she’ll worry if I don’t at least call to let her know I’m fine. I use the hospital’s phone and she answers on the second ring.

  The tone in her voice says it all. She’s frantic. “Hello? Who is this?”

  “Hey, Shannon, it’s me.”

  She lets out a deep sigh. “Lexie, why haven’t you answered your phone? I’ve been going out of my mind with worry. I didn’t know where you were. I tried calling you, texting you…Where are you calling from? Are you with Aiden?” She is shooting all these questions at me, sounding like a mother would.

  “Shannon, stop. I’m fine, a bit shaken up, but I promise I’m okay. I’m at the hospital…”

  “What?” she says in a loud voice. “Why are you at the hospital?”

  I hold the phone away from my ear. “Calm down and let me explain. I went to dinner with Chris, a client of the agency, and after dinner we decided to walk rather than take a cab. Well, really it was at my suggestion, and when we were walking through Central Park, we were mugged.”

  She gasps. “Oh, Lexie, I am so sorry. Are you sure that you’re okay? Do you need me to come to the hospital?”

  “No, I’m fine. There’s nothing for you to do here. Just stay home.”

  “If you’re really fine, then why aren’t you coming home?”

  “I’m trying to explain that if you just calm down and let me.”

  “Sorry. Okay, go ahead.”

  “The man who
stole my purse had a gun and hit Chris on the head with it. He was knocked out, so they’re holding him here for the night for observation. I don’t want to leave him here alone.”

  “He is in a hospital. I’m sure he’s surrounded by nurses.”

  “Shannon, he put his own life at risk to protect me. I owe him that much. Besides, I already had to explain all this to Aiden. I don’t feel like arguing with you too. I just needed to let you know that I was okay and wouldn’t be coming home.”

  “Lexie, I just worry about you.”

  Filled with guilt, I say in a lower voice, “I know. You have always been there for me. I wouldn’t have been able to get through these past couple of years without you. I love you like a sister and you’re the only family I have left. I’ll see you tomorrow after the police come to take our statements.”

  “Did they at least catch the guy, or is he still out there?”

  “No, he got away before the police came, but they have an officer outside Chris’s room just in case.”

  “He took your purse, right? If he has your purse, then he has your driver’s license and that means he also has our address.”

  I feel sick to my stomach. My legs are about to give out from the sudden realization that the gunman has our address when I feel his arms around me.

  “Alexis, what is it? Are you all right? Who are you talking to?”

  As I sit down on the chair, I hand Aiden the phone.

  “Hello? Yes, it’s Aiden.”

  His jaw twitches as he listens to Shannon on the other end of the phone. As I sit there watching him talk to her, I wonder how he does it. How he keeps the public from seeing this side of him. A side that is troubled, that according to him is damaged, that has demons to deal with. The fans only sees what he wants them to see: the world’s most famous, highest-paid model. He brings me back from my thoughts with the stroke of his hand gently across my cheek. “No, I am not leaving her side. I will stay here all night with her and will have someone look into things first thing tomorrow. Yes, I will let her know. Goodnight.”

  Before I can protest, he puts his hand up. “Alexis, do not start with me. I’m not leaving this hospital without you. If you feel the need to stay here all night, then I am staying here with you, and I do not want any arguments.”

  I look at him again with worry, with fear, and say, “Oh my god Aiden, what about Shannon? She’s at home alone. What if the gunman goes over there tonight? What if he hurts Shannon because there’s nobody there to protect her?”

  He pulls his phone out and dials a number. “I need you to go over to Alexis’s apartment and watch over it all night. Her roommate Shannon is there alone and needs protection till we can change the locks on the doors and windows and set up a state-of-the-art alarm system. Yes, I will explain everything tomorrow, but for tonight I need you to get over as quick as possible. I’ll call her and let her know that you’re on your way so she doesn’t get frightened.” He ends the call and dials another number. “Shannon, it’s Aiden. I have my bodyguard on his way to watch over the apartment for tonight. No, he’s fine with sleeping outside in the car. Okay, well, see if he wants to sleep on the couch then.” Again he ends the call, this time putting the phone in his pocket. He gives me that one-sided smile. “Shannon will be fine—Anthony will make sure of that.”

  If I thought I couldn’t love this man any more, in this moment I would be proven wrong. I stand up and hug him as hard as I can. He holds me, soothing my fears away for the time being, then releases me. As soon as he does that familiar chill comes over me.

  I look into his deep blue eyes. “Thank you for being here with me, Aiden. Thank you for making sure that Shannon is safe as well.” Even though I’m glad he’s here, I don’t want to add to the burdens he has already. I don’t want to be another problem for him, knowing he has his own demons to deal with. “Are you sure you want to stay? It’s okay if you need to go home. I would completely understand.”

  “Alexis, the only way I am leaving this place is if you go with me.”

  “Are you okay with staying in the waiting room? I mean, I know you don’t care for the man.”

  “Yes, because you will be in here with me.”

  “But Aiden, I promised him I wouldn’t leave his side, and I’ve already been away too long. He’s probably wondering where I am. Let me at least stay with him until he falls asleep, then I’ll come in here with you.”

  Chapter 19

  The look in his eyes and his body language tells me he is struggling with this. I show what I feel for him the only way I can at the moment. I put my hands into his coat and wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a kiss. I lightly brush my lips against his. Then I lick his bottom lip, gently biting and tugging at it. I moan as he pulls me into him with one hand at the bottom of my back and the other at the nape of my neck. He deepens the kiss and I feel his erection grind into me. I taste him as our tongues dance around each other, a dance we are both becoming very familiar with. He lets out a low growl. Both of us breathe hard as we run our hands all over each other, as if we cannot get enough of one another. We are so close there is no space between us at all. He releases me and my lungs gasp for air. I’m dizzy with want, need, and love.

  “I need you, Aiden, I need you now.”

  He lets me go, and closes the door, putting a chair up against it so nobody can open it, then turns and walks back to me. His dark, hooded eyes say it all.

  He licks his lips, looking at me with such hunger. “Baby, I’m going to fuck you hard and fast.” He grabs my arms and swings me around. “Bend down and hold onto the chair.”

  I do as I’m told. Without saying another word he pulls my pants down and shoves my panties aside. Then I hear his zipper.

  “Baby, this is going to be a little painful.”

  All at once he is at my entrance, his right hand rubbing my folds and his left arm around my waist, holding me tightly. He enters and I let out a gasp. Hard as stone, and he’s only halfway in. Suddenly he slams into me and I let out a cry. He stills himself so I can adjust to his size. We are both breathing heavily. Then he begins to move and I meet him thrust for thrust. With each pump he growls like a hungry animal. I throw my head back and he grabs my hair and yanks on it. I love the feeling of his sack hitting between my legs, the sounds of our bodies slamming against each other. He’s in so deep that he hits that sweet spot, and even though it’s only been a short while, I’m already on the verge of an orgasm.

  “Aiden, I’m going to come.”

  “Hold on, baby. Together, remember?” He thrusts again. Once, twice…“Now, Alexis, come for me now, baby.”

  His words send me over the edge and the orgasm hits me like a freight train. I’m glad Aiden is holding me up because my legs are shaky. Aiden rests his cheek between my shoulder blades, then softly kisses me on the back of my neck.

  “Tu sei quella che stavo aspettando.”

  We stay like this until we are both breathing normally again. Then he pulls away, but he tells me to keep holding the chair. He goes into the bathroom off to the side of the waiting room and comes back with damp towels. He cleans me, then helps me pull my pants up before cleaning himself.

  I turn and watch as he zips himself up. I go to the bathroom mirror to fix my appearance a bit and Aiden comes up behind me. I look at myself, then at him, and wonder how he can still be so gorgeous after all that but I just look like a mess. Then again, I already looked a mess even before he fucked me into oblivion. I can’t help but feel safe with him, at home with him, and at peace with him. This is exactly where I belong, always with him.

  “What are you smiling about, Alexis? Tell me, my beauty. What is in that beautiful head of yours?”

  “Oh, I was thinking about how you keep pulling me out of the dark, that’s all.”

  He brings me back against him and I lay my head on his shoulder. He wraps his big, strong arms around me, and I put my hands on his biceps.

  “Aiden, I need to go check on Chris, but I promi
se as soon as he falls asleep I will be back…that is, if he’s not already asleep.”

  His chest rises and falls with a deep sigh. He kisses the side of my cheek and says, “I will be right here waiting for you.”

  I walk over to the door and remove the chair jammed against it. I turn and smile at Aiden before walking out.


  As I get to Chris’s room, I nod at Officer Martinez and feel my face get red with embarrassment. What must he think of me, having two men fighting over my attention?

  Does he know it was about me? Being a cop, I’m sure he’s used to reading people and their actions, right?

  I walk in the room. There is no movement. He’s lying on his side, facing away from the door. I try not to make any noise as I tiptoe over. I quietly sit down, looking over his entire silhouette, silently thanking the heavens for not letting him get hurt too badly. I scan the room and realize it’s really nice. The walls are a soft yellow and the view from the window overlooks the Hudson River. Lights reflect off the water, which makes it even more beautiful. The floor is white tile with hints of green, and there are two oversized chairs; both can become beds for family members staying overnight.

  I walk to the window and look down into the water below. I hug myself, remembering the whole night, how good the breeze felt on my skin, how carefree I had felt. Then the panic that came over me with the gun at the back of my head, the worry when Chris was hit and I watched him fall to the ground. All I could see was Erik lying there, blood dripping down his temple. When I realized it wasn’t Erik but Chris, I started thinking that I cannot lose another person in my life.

  I turn around and look at him sleeping. Is he part of my life? No, he’s just a client. I don’t feel anything for him. I can’t. I love Aiden. When I study his face, he looks so young. Even with the bandage around his head, he still looks very handsome. I remember his hypnotic gray eyes that seemed to sparkle even more when he laughed. That deep, low laugh of his only accentuates his silky, low bedroom voice. He has this firm, lean body. The man clearly works out.


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