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Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4)

Page 22

by Toye Lawson Brown

  “You know what, I’m going in the house to take a shower. You go on over there and do what you gotta do,” Ryan said, getting up from the chair. He hoped to have good news to tell Megan, but the saga would continue until Iona and Emin were located.

  Eddie raised his thick brows. “I’m just supposed to go over there?”

  “You the man, dude. Impress her with your charm and good looks.”

  “If she had the hots for you, I don’t have a chance. I don’t have your body. I got the looks but not the body.”

  Ryan flexed his muscles and grinned. “All men can’t be me. I’ll check back to see if you’re still here after I get out of the shower.”

  He walked through the house to the bathroom. Megan was soaking in the tub. “Oh, I didn’t know you were in here. I was going to take a shower.”

  Megan rinsed the soap off her body with a sponge. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”

  “Why, baby?”

  “I guess I’m feeling a little lost these days. I want to put everything that has happened behind me and stop leaning on you so much.”

  “Babe, I want you to lean on me whenever you feel you need to.”

  She looked up at him. “I want you to do the same when you get overwhelmed at work.”

  “It’s a deal. We’ll be open about everything going on in our lives.”

  Megan squeezed more soap on her sponge and held it out to him. “Will you do me the honors?”

  “I need a bath myself, but I’ll bathe you instead,” he said kneeling beside the tub.

  “Get in with me. We can bathe together.”

  Ryan crinkled his nose. “I’ll smell like a fruit salad.”

  Megan smiled wickedly, “Salad does the body good.”

  He undressed and slid behind her. His long legs reached the end of the tub. Megan nestled her back against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her, letting the warm soapy water envelope them. “I haven’t had my daily dose of fruit today.”

  “I love you, Ryan. I know I don’t say it enough. Without you, my life would have no meaning at all.”

  “We’re in this together and forever,” he said sponging her back.

  She nestled against his shoulder. “This fills so nice. Just the two of us enjoying a bath together. All we need is a bottle of wine and music to complete the ambiance.”

  Ryan pushed himself from behind her and got out of the tub. “I’ll be right back,” he said, wrapping a towel around his waist.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Your wish is my command,” he said, leaving the bathroom.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  One Month Later

  Pam stopped doing her paperwork when a special broadcast broke regular programming on the television playing in the waiting room. She came from around the desk and sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room and watched as the television camera focused on a large fire. She saw two firefighters stumbling out of the burning structure dragging a third firefighter between them and paramedics quickly lift the firefighter onto a gurney to wheel to an ambulance.

  Pam sat with her hand covering her mouth as she watched the nightmare unfold in front of her eyes. Two of her best friend’s husbands were firefighters, and their unit was on scene along with several others.

  Gabrielle paced the small office refusing to watch the exclusive breaking news happening. Jon was careful but had been hurt more than once battling a fire. Pam turned to her and said, “We have to find Megan and let her know what is going on, Gabby. She works in the ER, and when injured firefighters start arriving, she is going to freak out.”

  “I know. I’ve been notified that three firefighters are being transport, and their condition is serious. We have to be on standby to assist.”

  Pam put her hand on Gabrielle’s shoulder. “I’m worried about Megan and look at you. You’re shaking—is there anything I can do for you?”

  “I’m okay. We should get to the emergency room and get set up,” Gabrielle said walking away from Pam.

  Megan stared at the television in the breakroom; her hands folded tightly together as she rocked back and forth on the couch. Her prayers increased when she heard the reporter say Because of the intensity of the fire; they are pulling out all the rescue workers at this time. Their primary concern right now is getting this blaze under control. She held her breath but kept her eyes on the screen as she watched firefighters scrambling, trying to see if she noticed any of them…they were moving too fast. She did see the Rescue Squad 1, Engine and Ladder 30 parked in the shot, so she was positive Ryan, Jon, Nick and the rest of the crew were there.

  The reporter approached a man in command. Megan ached that it would be someone she recognized. Watching the screen as the man turned and removed his white hat, she felt her heart hit the floor; it was another B-Chief and not the Chief at Station 30.

  She clicked the television off and went back on the floor. The ER would be flooded with victims from the fire soon. “Megan.” She heard Gabby’s voice calling her from down the hall. She stopped to wait for Gabby and Pam to reach her. “I’m okay. I’m staying positive and concentrating on the patients that need my help.”

  “Yes, that is the mindset to have right now,” Gabrielle agreed.

  “Gabby, have you heard anything from Jon?”

  “No, I haven’t heard from him. I’m waiting just like you and trying to keep myself calm.”

  Tears tried to cloud Megan’s eye, but she pushed them back. “You look worried, that makes me worry.”

  “I won’t lie, Megan, I am worried. Whenever there is a fire of this magnitude, I can’t help but worry about those my husband and his guys. I know they are the best, but they are also only human.”

  Megan blinked. “I can’t lose him. I can’t, Gabby.”

  Gabrielle hugged her. “They will be fine. We just have to pray harder for their safety.”

  “I can’t stand here and do nothing,” Pam huffed. “I’m going to see what I can find out. I’ll let both of you know if I learn anything. We’re in this together, my sisters.”

  The doors of the emergency room flew open as paramedic’s rushed in with the first wave of victims. Gabrielle straightened her face. “Okay, this is where we turn off our emotions and help those people that need us.”

  Megan nodded and was called to assist a doctor with a patient right away. She went into the exam room and saw the turnout coat on the chair. A breath caught in her chest. The doctor barked orders to her as she stood in a trance. “Nurse Tisdale! Did you hear what I said? Get vitals on this patient and start an IV solution stat.”

  “Yes, Doctor,” she said snapping from her haze. She moved the curtain back afraid to look down at the firefighter lying on the table. She lifted his arm to slip the blood pressure cup around it and could tell right away it wasn’t Ryan by the gray hair covering the man’s arm. She looked at him, and he had to be in his late 50s or early 60s. He had burns to his face and chest. The breath caught in her chest released as she went to work on the patient.

  She smiled politely and in a comforting voice said, “You’re going to be okay. I’m here to take care of you. What’s your name?” The oxygen mask on his face prevented him from speaking clearly, but Megan was able to make out his name and write it on a chart. “Okay, Mike. I have to start an IV on you, so be still and don’t jump.” Her fingers trembled as she tried to insert the needle into the thick vein. Her mind would not allow her to push Ryan away. If an experienced firefighter like this man had been injured what was stopping Ryan from getting hurt?

  The doctor shook his head as he watched her fumbling. He scolded her. “What is wrong with you? Can’t you start a simple IV? Have you ever inserted an IV into an actual patient before? I’m assuming you have since you’re working in a hospital.”

  The condescending words were familiar but coming from a different source. She narrowed her eyes at the doctor whose age she placed as not much older than Ryan and said, “Yes, I know how to insert an IV, and I
’ve done plenty of them. However, reprimanding me in front of a patient is uncalled for and unprofessional.”

  She finished with the patient and left the exam room. Tossing the rubber gloves in the trash she updated the chart and slipped it back in the slot. Her eyes rolled when she saw the doctor approaching her.

  “What the hell was that back there? You don’t speak to me that way, ever!”

  Megan couldn’t stop her lips from moving. Arguing with a doctor was like terminating herself, but she couldn’t help it. Lately, every little thing was setting her off. “Then I suggest you don’t speak to me the way you did, either. I admit I stumbled but not because I’m incompetent; I’m worried about my husband. He’s battling the same fire that injured that firefighter.”

  He pushed the glasses up on his thin pointy nose. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. If you want to take a break to check on him, go ahead.”

  She shook her head. “I have to keep busy to keep my mind off my husband. Are you ready to see the next patient?”

  “I understand. Our next patient is in Room 4,” he said taking Megan’s elbow and escorting her to the room.


  Ryan pulled burning debris from his path as he made his way through the structure that was once a premier spa for the upper crust society. The heat was unbearable, and he knew his SCBA was close to empty. His radio went off again with the chief warning all firefighters to evacuate. The severely damaged structure could cave at any minute trapping them inside.

  He moved to another room where the flames danced across the ceiling angrily, looking for more victims. He stayed low to avoid the living force of the flames that couldn’t be reasoned with. Without a fire hose at his disposal to smother it, the fire was living and growing off the oxygen in the room.

  “Fire department, call out if you hear me,” he shouted. The thick smoke made it difficult for him to see what was in his path. He came to a door. He had to take precaution when opening doors. The back draft could wipe him out. Removing one glove, he touched the door, it was hot but not from fire. He opened it and called out again.

  As he started to leave, he heard a small, whimper. Dropping to his knees he went in to search for the victim. He felt a hand but the rest of the body was trapped under rubble. Clearing the smoldering embers with his hands, he pulled the victim free. “Chief, I got one! I’m coming out.”

  “10-4, Ryan. Make it quick.”

  He lifted the body over his shoulder and proceeded to leave the room when a hand clamped around his leg. “Help me.”

  Ryan looked down; there was another woman. She was severely burned and losing consciousness. “Chief, I got two victims here. I’m gonna need help. I’m on the second floor on the east end of the building.”

  Jon’s voice came over the radio. “We’re on our way, Ryan.”

  Ryan looked up at the ceiling; the fire was crawling across it from the hallway. He had to get them out and to a safer area to wait for help. He hoisted the first victim over one shoulder and picked the smaller lady up to carry her over his other shoulder. He was thankful both victims were not heavy, but with his gear and his oxygen running low, they felt like they weighed a ton.

  He managed to get half way down the hall and to the stairs. He paused. He was out of oxygen. He held his breath only breathing when necessary. He took the first step and the floor caved under his feet. He felt himself falling with the victims still in his arms.


  He heard the voice but couldn’t move. He was buried under burning wood and floor material. Coughing, he pushed what he could away. Then he remembered the victims. Where were they?

  Jon called out again. “Ryan, where are you?”

  “I’m down here! Drop me a line, Jon. I have two victims that need medical attention.”

  “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m okay, I think. I’m out of air, though.” He turned to the first victim; she was still breathing. Checking on the second victim, he shuddered and bent back on his knees. It was Iona James, and she was close to dead. He coughed again sticking his nose inside his turnout to block the smoke. His lungs weren’t seasoned to handle the assault of smoke like the experienced firefighters, but he was tough.

  Steve from the rescue squad propelled down on a rope with a spare SCBA and handed it to him. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” he answered putting on the mask. He pointed to the first victim. “Get her out first, she is still alive.” He looked over at Iona’s lifeless body. “The other victim is DOA.”

  “Did you check to make sure?” Steve asked strapping the first victim to the rope and easing her up to firefighters waiting above.

  He nodded. “Yeah, she’s gone. Let’s get out of here before we’re goners too.” He grabbed his shoulder as he stood up. “Fuck!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, go ahead; I’m right behind you.” He heard a tiny groan come from Iona who he thought was dead. Her body was badly burned and curled underneath the smoldering ashes of the fallen ceiling material. “I should leave your ass here,” he snarled. “You better be glad I have a conscious.”

  Ryan limped from the building carrying Iona’s smoking body. A paramedic rushed over and took her while another one seen about him. He took off his turnout; it was smoking. Coughing he dropped to his knees to catch his breath. His lungs were on fire.

  A paramedic helped him to sit up as he applied an oxygen mask to his face. He looked at the spot on Ryan’s shoulder and said, “You have a bad burn on your shoulder also. We’ll have to transport you to the hospital to be evaluated.”

  Jon came over to him. “How are you doing, man?

  Ryan pulled the mask from his face. “I took in some smoke and have a burn on my shoulder. How are the victims?”

  Jon hesitated and said, “I’m sorry, Ryan. Iona lost the battle and died a few minutes ago. I don’t know the condition of the other victim.”

  “Damn, I don’t how Megan will take this,” Ryan said as a paramedic applied gauze to his shoulder. “Did she say anything before she died?”

  “Paramedics didn’t say. She died as they were treating her injuries that were extensive. Again, man, I’m sorry.”

  Coughing he struggled to breath and took a deep breath of the oxygen to get some relief. Ryan removed the mask again. “I know I should be feeling bad for her, but I don’t.”

  “How are you going to tell Megan? Iona was the only mother she knew.”

  Ryan shook his head. “I can’t be the bearer of this type of news by myself. I’ll call Mr. Jones to meet me at the hospital. We’ll break it to her together.”

  “Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I have to get back and help with the search and recovery.”

  “Well, they are ready to take me to the hospital. Hey, Jon, I’m surprised her body even reacted to the fire. People who live in hell don’t usually burn.”

  “I agree. People like her usually walk away unscathed,” Jon said putting on his helmet. “Put that mask on so you’ll breathe better. I’ll come to check on you at the hospital when I can get away.”

  Ryan sat on a gurney and gave Jon the thumbs up.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  James sat with his daughter holding her hand. “Megan, I’m sorry. I know despite what has happened between you and Iona, she was still your mother.”

  Megan wiped her face. “These tears are not for losing her but for finally getting my freedom. For 25 years, she's hated me. I can’t pretend I’m over your part in this, Dad. I resent you for keeping the truth from me, but I have to thank you for not giving me away.”

  “That was never an option, Megan.”

  She took a deep breath. “I have so many conflicting emotions right now. I should feel hurt that she is dead, but I don’t.”

  “I know, honey. It’s hard to feel anything for a person that treats us so badly. I’m taking credit for my mistakes, too. I have to ask you to forgive me for my part in this. I was young and trying to co
ver my unhappiness with Iona by having affairs when I just should have given her what she wanted and left.”

  “If you’d done that she just would have found another man to torture and put through hell. No, you did the right thing and stopped her destruction.”

  Pam knocked on the door and stuck her head in the room. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but Ryan is back in his room now, Megan.”

  Megan hugged her father. “I have to see him.”

  James hugged her back and said, “I’ll be in to see him in a minute.”

  Megan walked into the exam room. Ryan was sitting on the bed holding his head in one hand. “You scared me—don’t ever do that again.”

  He lifted his head up and smiled at her. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Plus, it’s not that bad of a burn.” His voice was hoarse when he spoke.

  “And don’t forget smoke inhalation. You took in a lot more smoke than you think.”

  “Aw, it was just a little,” he said pinching his fingers together. “I didn’t swallow enough smoke to require an overnight stay in the hospital.” He pulled at the tubing irritating his nose.

  She sat next to him on the bed. “It’s only for precaution. So don’t be a big baby. You’ve had one breathing treatment already. If Gabby doesn’t feel you’ll need another one, you will be released in the morning. I’m going to stay with you tonight.”

  Ryan caressed her knee. “Baby, I’m worried about you. Talk to me.”

  She got off the bed to wet a face towel. Wringing out the excess water, she cleaned the soot from Ryan’s face replacing the nasal tubes carrying oxygen to his nose. “I’m fine. Everyone is expecting me to break, but I’m not going to do that. I have so much more to be thankful for than losing Iona. I feel sorry for Connor. I talked to him to let him know that I’m available to him to help however I can. Dad is willing to pay her funeral expenses so Connor won’t have to do that.”

  He cupped her face. “You’re an amazing woman and I’m blessed to have you in my life.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re the amazing one. You saved two lives today and although there was no love lost between you and Iona, you did attempt to save her life too. I love you so much, Ryan.” She felt the tears spill from her eyes. “I don’t know why I’m so emotional.”


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