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Down & Dirty

Page 3

by Madison, Reese

  He proceeded to kiss and touch me sweetly for a long time. I found myself clinging to this man who was all but a stranger and yet I couldn’t get enough of him. He’s making me feel safe, and loved. Love. I’ve never loved anyone. His admission caught me off guard. Men don’t say they love you lightly, if they do, it’s usually just to get in your pants.

  Joe had all but married me in the eyes of the club, and tonight he said he loved me, and promised to protect me from any and all pain. I’m not sure how to handle this. It makes me like him a little more than I should for a man I just met.

  He finally slowed his wonderful attention and rolled onto his back, “Okay, that’s all I can take. You’re just to damn tasty.”

  I laughed and rolled over to curl up in his armpit and touch his stomach. “Now what am I supposed to do? I don’t have a job thanks to you.”

  “Go look at some houses tomorrow. When you find the one you want, call me. I’ll take care of the rest.” He hugged me. “I need a cold shower.”

  “Go ahead. I need some more time to let this all set in before I’m ready for for more than this right here.”

  “I know.” He sat up pulling his shirt off. “Do me a favor and wash these clothes so I don’t have to put dirty shit on tomorrow until you take me shopping.” He undressed completely.

  I thought about not looking, but hey, he’s the one who’s undressing. I enjoyed the view as payment for being his laundry maid. “Why don’t you have any clothes?”

  “The ones I went into the service wearing don’t fit anymore. Shopping is not my idea of fun. I put it off. I’ve been in fatigues for so long I wouldn’t know where to start.” He walked his gloriously naked butt into my bathroom. I got a great view of his perfect butt.

  I gathered his trail of clothes and had an oddly domestic feeling picking up after him. I get the feeling I’lll be picking up after him for a long time. It made me laugh. I sniffed his dirty clothes before putting washables in the washer and hitting the leather stuff with a damp washcloth followed by a dry one so it didn’t leave spots. I don’t know any other way to clean leather.

  The clothes definitely needed washing, but I don’t remember him stinking. Maybe I’m too distracted by those eyes and that crazy fun beard. There’s something about that beard I just can’t help playing with. I love tangling it in my fingers. Grabbing it to pull him in for a kiss is just plain fun.

  I changed into comfy sweats while he showered and turned on the TV to distract myself from wanting to go in the bathroom and take a peek. He really is nice to look at.

  He shut the shower off and came out with that towel around his waist again. “That didn’t help, but those ugly sweats might.”

  I laughed, “That was the idea.”

  He threw the covers back, ditched the towel and climbed in. “Get under here.”

  I fumbled the covers and found my way underneath, “Behave.”

  “Oh hush.” He pulled me over and rested his head on my shoulder.

  I held his hand on my stomach. “Are you always this bossy?”

  “Yes. What are you watching?” He noticed the TV.

  “I have no idea.” I reached for the remote and turned it off. Joe snored lightly within minutes as I played with his hair.


  The next morning I woke up when he started kissing me. At first he was gentle, then he got a little brave. I started to wonder if he was really awake when his hands boldly found me and touched. I bit his jaw.

  He suddenly lifted up, “Shit. Sorry.”

  “You were asleep.” I accused him.

  “I was.” He moved his fingers, “Whoops.”

  I laughed and grabbed his beard like that leash he accuses me of using it for to get a kiss. He continued to touch and quickly brought me over the best climax I’ve ever had. I arched and made some weird noise in our kiss making him pull up.

  “You okay?”

  I laughed liking the concern in those sexy green eyes. “You could say that.” I reached down and pulled his hand free. “That’s enough.”

  He bit my lower lip gently and groaned. “Alright, get up.”

  “I can’t, you’re laying on top of me.”

  He rolled onto his back. “Run woman.” He warned making me laugh and run. I showered and got dressed to find him a little while later making eggs on the stove.

  “Smells good.” I poured some orange juice.

  “The dealer opens at ten. I found some houses online I want you to look at afterwards.” He told me.

  “You seriously want me to buy a house?”

  “Yes.” He turned around and cupped my face to set those eyes on me. “You’re not a bartender anymore, you’re my old lady. Set us up so I can focus on the club.”

  I swallowed, “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

  “You’re a smart girl, figure it out. Call Salina if you need help.” He let go and reached into his back pocket, “Speaking of which, here.”

  I took the fancy new phone. “What’s this for?”

  “You need a secure line when dealing with club business. I put the numbers you’ll need in it already.” He turned back to the eggs and put them on a plate.

  I looked at the phone. “Nice.”

  “You want some of this?” He asked all but pushing a forkful in my mouth.

  I took the bite. “Sure.” I love eggs.

  He continued feeding me in between shoveling eggs in his face for the next few minutes. He’s a very strange man. I’m starting to like him a little more because his bossy attitude amuses me.

  Shopping with Joe is a nightmare. He made me pick everything out and refused to try anything on. I finally got frustrated and just piled a bunch of shit up on the counter and held my hand out for money. He handed me his credit card and didn’t even look at the bill.

  He took me back to my apartment building, after stopping at the bar for my purse, looking annoyed after the whole experience.

  It made me giggle. “You’re kind of cute when you’re flustered.”

  He stomped his foot playfully at me making me run to the door.

  I unlocked the door dropping bags of his new clothes in his path. “Stop!”

  He picked up the bags and tossed them aside. “I’ve got about ten minutes to punish you.”

  I backed up to the kitchen, “You better not hit me.” I scolded knowing he wouldn’t. His eyes told me he wanted something else.

  “You know better, although a good spanking might knock you down a notch.”

  I grabbed his beard when he got close. “You don’t want to do that. You like it when I get on your nerves.”

  “I love it.” He kissed me until my toes tingled before righting himself. “I’ll be on a job until six. Find us a house, keep it modest.”

  “You are so weird.” I gripped his jacket at the zippers.

  “And you’re beautiful.” He ran his finger down my neck into my cleavage and snuck a peek.

  I swatted his hand away, “Go to work.”

  “Buy a house.” He lowered his head to my ear. “I love you, be careful.”

  Before that could register he was out the door and I was watching him ride off around the corner through the window. “Weird. The man is just weird.” I laughed and called the real estate agent on the computer he’d left up on the screen from this morning.

  I looked at six houses and took pictures to show Joe later. It was almost eight at night before I got back to my apartment. I was so tired I didn’t think to look for his bike as I unlocked my door.

  I jumped when I saw him sitting at my table as I turned the light on. “Geezus. What are you doing?!”

  “You’re late, and you didn’t answer the phone today.” He’s obviously mad.

  I pulled the phone from my purse. “It’s right here. If it rang I didn’t fucking hear it.” I guess I’m cranky too. Looking at all those houses was draining.

  He held out his hand, “Give it here. Did you find a house?”

  “I took a bunch of pictur
es.” I pulled my camera out and threw it at him. It bounced off his shoulder. “I took pictures, you decide. I’m going to take a bath.”

  He caught me around the waist and pulled me into his lap. “Not yet.” He tapped the screen on the phone turning the ringer on. “It helps if you turn the damn thing on.”

  “Whatever.” I pulled his hair free because I don’t know what else to do.

  He held the camera up and poked me in the stomach with it, “Don’t throw shit at me.”

  I moved my lips to his ear, “Are you going to yell at me all night or kiss me?”

  He turned and kissed me alright. I wrapped my arms around him and felt the stress of the day melt away under his hands. He scooped me up and carried me to the couch where he broke our kiss setting me down.

  He turned the camera on. “Did you find one you like?”

  “I don’t know.” I took my shoes off. “I’m going for wine, do you want something.”

  “I’ll take a beer. What do you mean you don’t know?”

  I poured wine and found a cold beer for him. “I don’t know anything about buying houses. You should do this, it’s your money.”

  He took the beer looking at the pictures. “They all look the same to me.” He handed me the camera back. “Get whatever one you want. I’ll call the real-estate agent in the morning with payment instructions.”

  “I think I’d rather tend bar.” I complained feeling completely out of my element.

  “You’ll live. Once you get the house done you can start a bar at the clubhouse.” He took his boots off.


  “The guys want a bar at the clubhouse, you can run that one if you’re bored. Salina will help set you up. There’s a run this weekend, so make sure you have riding clothes.”

  “What run?” I sipped my wine.

  “It’s for kids, something about Christmas gifts and shit. I don’t know, Salina arranged it all.”

  “Oh yeah, I know that one. Cool. Usually I just watch from the bar as everybody rides by.”

  He sat in the corner of the couch with his arms along the back to look at me. “I need you to answer the phone when I call you.”

  I sighed in frustration, “Then turn the damn volume up on it!”

  “Carly.” He said my name like I was the one being difficult.

  “Oh pipe down. I had a long day doing shit I know nothing about and now you’re nagging me.” I stood up. “I’m going to take a bath, you stay here and leave me alone.” I set the camera on his leg, he put it on the table as I got up.

  “Not a chance.” He said, but didn’t get up and follow me. At least not until I was chin deep in bubbles.

  I looked up as he stepped into my tiny bathroom and leaned against the counter. “You’re impossible.”

  “And you’re beautiful. Was it that bad shopping for a house?”

  “It was awful. I don’t know what to look for, and if I buy some piece of crap you’re going to get mad at me. It’s more pressure than I’m used to. I felt totally alone.”

  “It’s good for you. You need to learn to do shit you’re not used to. A good old lady takes care of the domestic stuff her old man doesn’t have time to deal with.” He informed me.

  “I’ll manage, it’s just frustrating. Then to come home and have you all bent out of shape over the damn phone. That, I could have done without.”

  “You’ll get used me soon enough. Are you done bitching?”

  “I am now.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

  “Good. Hurry up, you’re not the only one that had a long day.”

  I splashed him with water and bubbles, “Get out of here.”

  He stepped towards me and right into the tub displacing most of the water and suds as he brought his big body down on top of mine clothes and all.

  “Dammit Joe! You’re making a mess!”

  “Who cares.” He looked down, “The view is better now.”

  I grabbed his beard lifting his face back up and found his eyes almost playful. “What am I supposed to do with you?”

  “It’s a long list, you might need to write this down.”

  I laughed and drove my fingers into his hair as I pulled him down for a kiss. It didn’t last long because he slipped and ended up sliding down and pulling me on top of him. “Whoops.” When Joe says ‘whoops’ it’s not humor, it’s more sarcastic.

  I laughed landing on top of him. “You’re a mess.”

  “I was.” He agreed.

  “Was?” I looked up and began piling what bubbles had survived onto his beard.

  He pulled them out and smashed them in my face making me spit and blow them back. “Was. Now get up so I can get out of these wet clothes.”

  “I can’t believe you did that.” I’m still laughing.

  “You better get up.” He warned me with wandering hands.

  “I can’t, I’m stuck.” It was true, the only way for me to get up was to knee him in the thigh.

  He shifted and easily stood taking me with him. He set me on my feet in the tub and lifted my chin. “I need you to wash those clothes you bought me today.”

  “Okay, but you have to get out of here.” I snagged my towel to cover myself.

  “Don’t bother hiding from me.” He pulled the towel away and snuck a peek before I could swat him away.

  “Get out of here! And don’t leave those wet clothes on the carpet.”

  He undressed, grabbed another towel, and left the bathroom.

  I rolled my eyes and put my hand over my face. “He’s worse than a teenager leaving damn clothes all over the floor.” I had to laugh though.

  I found my comfy sweats and started laundry while he flipped channels from the couch. It’s too late now to really cook anything so I made a couple sandwiches then sat down next to him handing him one.

  “Thanks babe.” He ate it in about four bites.

  “Geeze, hungry?”

  “Not really.” He’d found some baseball game to focus on.

  I finished my sandwich a few minutes later and noticed the camera was next to him on the table. “Can you hand me that? I want to look and see if I can figure out which one to get.”

  He turned to me, “Come get it.”

  I laughed, “No, you’re too distracting.” I held my hand out impatiently, “Just give me the camera so I can get this over with.” I begged.


  He left the next morning around ten, so that’s when I called the real estate lady. I wanted to look at two houses one more time before I decided, then I chose the one I liked and told her. She said to wait for my call, and as soon as everything cleared she’d hand me the keys and we were good to go.

  I went to the club to find Joe because I had good news, and nothing else to do. The guys opened the big gate for me right away, I asked where to park, and sat in my truck for a minute before getting out. I’ve only been here the one time with Joe so I needed a minute to breathe, find some strength.

  When I was assaulted around two years ago I ran to Slider and Salina’s house because everybody knows Salina is the queen of parties, so everybody knows where they live.

  I’m sure I’m safe here, but I’m still nervous as hell being here alone. I’ve been invited to Slider and Salina’s for their parties, and managed to make it to one cookout, but otherwise her parties have been while I’m working, so I really don’t know these guys outside my environment at the bar.

  I looked around checking everybody and everything out. Men worked on motorcycles in the garages, various warehouses were closed up, and the actual clubhouse seemed dead. Bikers are nocturnal, so there’s probably not many here this early.

  I opened my door when I saw Salina step out of her office and head my direction. Right about then a screaming little blonde with torn clothes and tears running down her over made-up face came barreling towards me screaming “Rape! He’s trying to rape me!”

  I caught her arm before she could get in my truck. “Whoa! What the hell? Who’
s trying to rape you?”

  She pointed behind me, “Him!”

  I turned and saw Gunner walking like a man on a mission towards us. “I sincerely doubt that.” Gunner’s a nut, but he’s no rapist.

  “He hit me!” She pleaded.

  “Now I know you’re lying.”

  Gunner grabbed her arm and swung her to the ground after pulling something out of the back of her skirt. “Stupid bitch.”

  “What happened?” I asked him.

  He held up a wallet, “Bitch blew me then tried to distract me to get my wallet.”

  I laughed a little. “That was stupid.”

  Salina walked up, grabbed the girl by the arm and shoved her towards the gate. “Get out you stupid whore. Don’t ever show your fucked up face here again or I’ll kill you myself.” She threatened.

  Gunner and I watched as Salina roughly shoved the girl through the gate making her stumble and fall.

  I looked at Gunner, “Remind me not to piss her off.”

  “Shit, that’s nothing. These damn whores are getting out of control.” He complained turning his attention to me now, “What ever happened to the old days when whores weren’t thieves and liars?”

  “You’re asking me?” I laughed.

  “We need somebody to take control of these bitches. This is the second time this week one of them has tried stealing.”

  “Really? You guys don’t have somebody to keep tabs on them?”

  “No, Slider hates it when Salina has to step in, and nobody else wants to deal with it.” He explained looking over my shoulder, “Here comes your old man.”

  I turned, “He really is big isn’t he?”

  “Runs in the family. See ya later Red.” He left as Salina and Joe caught up to me from different sides.

  “What was that all about?” He asked looking at me.

  “I guess you guys have thieving whores in the midst.”

  Salina set her hand on my lower back, “When you’re done here, come see me in my office.” She patted Joe’s arm and left. She has a very confident walk. I’ve always envied her style.

  I looked up at Joe, “I picked a house, she’s rushing the paperwork though now.”

  He bent down and kissed me solid, “Good girl.” He pulled his wallet out and handed me a credit card, “Use this to buy furniture and shit. Again, keep it modest, but get whatever you need.”


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