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The Bad Ass Brigade: Bad Guys Beware. The Good Guys Are on the Prowl (A Taylor Lee Sizzling Romantic Suspense Collection)

Page 46

by Taylor Lee

  Not touching his glass, Gabe asked in a soft, threatening voice, “Where is she?”

  Dominic met his gaze. “That I don’t know. They came and got her earlier today. If it is any consolation, Gabriel, they might muss her up a bit. But I can assure you given the way this game will be played tonight, no one is going fuck her and shall we say, spoil the prize.”

  Knowing that Dominic was his only source of information, Gabe held his anger in check.

  “You’ve got three minutes to tell me how you think the ‘game’ will be played, Dominic. At the end of three minutes I will decide how much longer I’ll let you live. Just so you know: When I kill a snake I start with his tail. In your case, that would be your balls. One, then the other. And then your dick.”

  Dominic choked on his whisky, “Really, Gabriel, this doesn’t have to be uncivilized—”

  Gabe pulled out his pocket watch. “Two minutes and fifty seconds, Dominic.”

  Dominic sighed. “Peter Harcourt came to me three weeks ago. He owes me hundreds of thousands of dollars. He offered me a ‘show,’ shall we say, if I would release his debts. He told me that he was in trouble with some unsavory fellows that you know, Gabriel. Red Regan’s gang. I don’t have to tell you they are the most vicious sons of bitches you’ll meet. In addition to killing people in unusual ways, they are known for their taste in women, especially Red. He has a penchant for virgins, the more exotic the better. The only things he likes better are games, wagers.

  “Not to put too fine a point on it, Gabriel, but Peter offered him Miss Li and you.”

  “Me?” Gabe barked, disbelieving. “What the hell does he want with me?”

  “Like everyone else who’s dabbled in the game, he knows that the Ace Angel is unbeatable. That, and apparently he has scores to settle with your father. Red is nothing if not strategic. He gets Miss Li, takes you down, and wounds your father in the process. Not bad for one game of poker wouldn’t you say?”

  “What do you get out of it, Dominic?”

  “What I always do, Gabriel. Money.”

  Dominic took his time lighting his cigar. He offered one to Gabe, but Gabe refused. His gut was in such a turmoil he doubted he’d be able to inhale.

  “This is where it gets strange, Gabriel. Strange even for me, and you know my taste for, shall we say, the perverse. Peter Harcourt proposed a game in which Red and six of his men play for the virgin. Excuse me, Miss Li. The winner takes her first. Knowing that his men would never take the chance of beating him, Red gets the privilege of being first. The other men, depending on the card they drew, would take her in that order. Following the… how else can I say it… the gang rape, the men would vote on whose technique was the best and that individual would have her for the weekend. Because Red only fucks virgins, he would not participate in the voting.”

  Gabe took a chance and gulped a big swig of whisky. One of two things would happen. He would spew it all over Dominic’s neat attire, along with the breakfast he had two days ago; or perhaps, if the gods were with him, it would calm his rage.

  “One more time, Dominic. What do you get out of it?”

  “That depends on what I bring to the table. I offered them my country house outside the city for the game. That earned me a neat twenty-five thousand dollars. In addition, each man who draws a card for a go at Miss Li puts $25,000 in the pot. I get my usual twenty-five percent of that.”

  Dominic hesitated, his first sign of stress since Gabe threatened him. He gave Gabe a weak smile. “And if I bring the big prize to the table, I double my money.”

  “What’s the big prize, Dominic?”


  Gabe took one of the cigars from Dominic’s humidor and guillotined it with the elaborate cutter on the desk. After it was drawing well, he asked, “And Harcourt? Where does he fit in?”

  “Assuming the game goes as planned and you are taken down, Peter will join the party. He prefers not to sit in on the poker nor does he want a shot at Miss Li. Apparently he only wants to watch.”

  Gabe’s voice was like ice. “Are you playing this both ways, Dominic? You may as well tell me now and die relatively easy. If I find out you are double-crossing me, I’ll skin you alive and them dismember you.”

  Dominic shuddered.

  “Hell, Angel, I’m first and last a businessman. I always bet on the winner. Red is a flash in the pan. You, my friend, are my best draw. I make more money at the tables when you are here for one night than I do in an entire month. I’m being straight with you, Gabriel. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have had Maude send you the telegram.”

  Gabe shoved a piece of paper in front of him.

  “The address, Dominic.”

  Dominic scribbled on the paper and handed it to Gabe.

  Gabe stood, and walked to the door of the balcony.

  “See you tonight, Dominic. What time did you say?”

  “I didn’t, but you should be there by nine.”

  Gabe nodded and allowed a smile to cross his lips as he folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

  “One more thing, Dominic. I hope you’re not too fond of your country place.”

  Dominic flinched then regained his composure.

  “Mere sticks and mortar, Gabriel. Nothing compared to friends, right?”

  Gabe’s smile widened.

  “See you at nine.”

  He strode to the door then turned. His voice was soft, dangerous.

  “Oh, and, Dominic? I’m not your friend.”

  Chapter 34

  Ana stared into the mirror. She didn’t recognize the person standing there. She… she looked like a whore. No, to be fair, she was beautiful. More than beautiful, stunning. But she didn’t look like herself. Her eyes were wider, darker, their exotic shape emphasized. Her cheeks were flushed. She looked like she did the other morning after lying with Gabe. The women had put something shiny on her lips. They were full, puffy as though she had been kissed. Many times. Her hair hung in a shiny curtain down her back. The red bow tucked saucily behind one ear contrasted with her midnight black hair, and called attention to her bright red dress.

  Dear God. What had she been thinking? Her aunt was right. The dress did look like it came from a brothel — only more stylish, more outrageous if possible. Once again, the women had added touches that she would never have thought of. The same color they brushed on her cheeks they put on her chest. The tops of her breasts were clearly visible, strikingly so, calling attention to the firm full mounds below. They had done something to her nipples that made them harder, pointed. The way they looked after Gabe sucked on them. She blushed just thinking about it. And her legs. My God, if she moved just right, you could see the inside of her thigh. All of the women oohed and aahed over her shoes. Now looking at them in the mirror, she understood why. She’d always known her legs were pretty, but these shoes made them gorgeous.

  When she turned to face the women who had dressed her and primped her, they all clapped in delight. Ana couldn’t help but smile. Then she faced the reality of her situation and her stomach plunged in fear.

  She turned to Maude. “Where… where am I going?”

  It scared her when Maude looked away. Her response was evasive. “I’m not sure, sugar.”

  Ana swallowed hard to get by the painful lump in her throat. “Will… will Gabe be there?” Her voice sounded small, frightened, the way she felt.

  Maude gave a hearty sigh. “I sure as hell hope so, honey.”

  A young man came to the door. His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed when he saw her. He bowed low. Stepping back to hold the door for her, he said, “Madam, your carriage is waiting.”


  Ana had been in San Francisco a few times in her life, enough to know that the carriage was leaving the city. The fear that haunted her throughout the day became panic. She had never known terror, but she did now. Even when she thought Marty and Jake were going to attack her, she felt nothing like this. Then she had options. She had none now.

>   Then, as though an actual angel heard her anguished pleas, she remembered she did have options. She could choose not to give in to her fear. She could remember who she was. Master Han told her many times: Your size is only a disadvantage if you make it so. It is the size of your spirit that is the test. She remembered her father, all through the years, the racial slurs, the whispers behind his back. But he never gave in. He never lost his dignity. And finally she thought of Gabe. Strong, powerful and cunning. All those men believed in her. As they pulled up in front of a large impressive house nestled in the trees, Ana promised herself. No matter what happened tonight, she would leave with her dignity intact. No one could take it from her — and she would never give it away.

  The walk from the carriage to the house was a blur. She barely noted the winding stone path. The sound of music and men’s voices filtered through the cool night air. By the time they reached the steps to the entrance, she was calm, focused and far away. In the carriage she decided that she would escape to the canyons, to safety. And wait for Gabe to come and get her.


  A tall Chinese man greeted her at the door. He introduced himself as Nancho indicating that he was Mr. Dominic’s butler. “Good evening, Miss Li. The gentlemen are waiting for you inside, but we will wait here for Mr. Dominic.”

  The hallway was lined with exquisite paintings from traditional portraiture to avant-garde impressionism. From her study of art, she knew there was a small fortune hanging on the walls. She was so intent on the artwork she didn’t hear the man beside her speak.

  She turned to see a small impeccably dressed man with a thin mustache and goatee. He looked familiar. “I beg your pardon. Did you speak to me?”

  He nodded. “Yes, Ana, I did. I don’t know if you remember me. I was at your party the other night. I know your father. My friends call me Dominic.”

  When Ana nodded but didn’t reply, Dominic said. “I couldn’t help but notice your interest in my paintings. Do you know art?”

  “Yes, I do. If you know my father, you are aware that he has a significant collection, particularly of the Impressionists.”

  She saw him looking at her with what seemed like regret. If she didn’t know better she would think he looked unhappy, not pleased to see her.

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry my dear, but we need to go in and meet the other guests.”

  She felt a flash of fear at his words and apologetic tone. She remembered her promise and raised her chin in the dignified gesture she had seen her father make all of her life.

  Boisterous laughter and hearty male voices greeted her as she walked to the doorway of what looked like a game room. There was a poker table in the center and a serving bar on each end of the long room. Across from the poker table was a small elevated stage. Ana purposefully refused to make eye contact with any of the men standing in the center of the room. Instead she focused on the cadre of Chinese servants in front of each of the bars. Their familiar features and mannerisms comforted her. They looked as dignified as her father. Their presence bolstered her courage. She had been so intent on her perusal that she only then became aware that the room was silent. All of the men in the room had stopped talking… and every one of them was staring at her.

  Ana lifted her chin and met each of their gazes without flinching.

  A huge red-haired man stepped forward. The copious amounts of gray peppering his hair and the web of deep lines on his face told his age. He was almost as tall as Gabe, but heavier, a protruding gut hanging over his belt. His once handsome face marked with bright red splotches pointed to a lifetime of heavy drinking and other excesses. His most remarkable feature was his eyes. If Ana hadn’t promised herself she wouldn’t be afraid, his eyes would have terrified her. She couldn’t remember when she had seen a colder, harder man. She instantly knew that she hated him.

  “Well, well, well. If this isn’t a nice surprise. You’ve outdone yourself Dominic.”

  The big man circled her then flipped his hand in a twisting motion. When she stood still, he practically shouted, “Turn, turn around! Let me see your ass.”

  Ana was so startled she almost stumbled, but a tiny voice inside said, courage. Lifting her chin in the air she turned in a slow circle.

  He roared. “I’ll be fucked. A haughty uppity little bitch. All the better. The kind who needs to be taught a lesson.”

  The men around him laughed uproariously, as though he had said the most amusing thing. It reminded her of the men who crowded around her at parties, begging for attention like little puppy dogs. It was hard to contain her disdain.

  She was grateful when Dominic stepped forward. “May I suggest that we be seated, gentlemen? We have a long night of activity ahead of us.”

  He motioned to the waiters, who snapped to attention. As the men began to take their places, Ana could see the pecking order. The big man sat down first then one by one the others took their places. The ones sitting next to him were clearly his lieutenants. An older man with a white shirt and string tie stood off to the side. Ana assumed he was the dealer. In minutes, bottles of whisky and glasses appeared. The servant placed small tables laden with smoking paraphernalia between each pair of players.

  As the men settled in their chairs they began talking and laughing as they had before she entered. Ana eased back against one of the serving tables trying to disappear. There was an empty chair at the table. For one silly moment she wished she could play but she knew without asking that she would not be included.

  The big man whose name she learned was Red had already filled his glass twice. He shouted to Dominic. “Where’s the little prick? I thought you said he was coming.”

  Dominic pulled an impressive watch from the chain at his waist. “It’s not 9:30 yet, Red. He may have had difficulty with directions.”

  Red glared at him. “You’re leaving a shit load of money on the table, Dominic, if that fucker don’t show. You know that, don’t you?”

  Dominic bowed slightly. “I’m quite aware of the agreements.”

  For the first time since she arrived, Ana was afraid. Without hearing his name, she knew the empty chair was for Gabe. All of her bravado, her promises, deserted her when she thought about facing this night without him. The anguish that swept her would have brought her to her knees but one of the servants behind her grasped her arm and held her up.

  At that moment Red turned and glared at her. “What the hell are you doing standing there, girl? Get the hell up on that stage and be quick about it!”

  Ana was stunned. He couldn’t mean it. Please god, no. That stage can’t be for me. Please, no.

  Red glared at her and raised up in his chair. “What are you? Deaf and dumb? You hear me, girl. And don’t you be swingin’ that chin at me unless you wanna feel my fist.”

  Ana took a deep breath and pictured her father. She remembered stories of him walking down the street between columns of white men shouting ugly curses and epithets but never once bowing his head.

  Without looking at the man muttering behind her, Ana squared her shoulders and walked toward the stage. When she reached the steps one of the Chinese men stepped forward. He bowed slightly and held her hand guiding her up on the stage.

  Red leaned back in his chair and puffed on his fat cigar. “Now that’s what I’m talking about, girl. Get your ass up there so we can all see what we’re playing for.”

  A wave of horror swept over her. No, God. Please no. By sheer force of will, Ana kept her knees from buckling.

  Red laughed a deep ugly sound. “Hell yeah, that’s a lot better. She don’t look so haughty now, does she men? But hell honey, don’t lose that. I like a little bitch with spirit. Like ‘em when they put up a fight.”

  Ana struggled to breathe. She wasn’t sure she could.

  Her fear egged Red on. “Now turn around one more time, nice and slow. I wanna get a good look at that ass of yours. It’s givin’ me all kinds of ideas. How about you, men?”

  Cutting through their lewd chuckles an
d outright laughter, Ana heard a calm voice.

  “I see you’re as big a bully as you ever were, Red. Kicked any puppy dogs lately?”

  Chapter 35

  Red reared up in his chair. His face flushed a dangerous dark scarlet color. He glared at Gabe, his eyes flashing with anger. With an obvious effort he pasted an ugly grin on his face.

  “Well, I’ll be fucked. If it isn’t the little prick himself. Gabriel McKenna. And as arrogant as ever. Come to teach the big boys how to play poker, kid?”

  Gabe gave him a brief smile. “I wouldn’t presume, Red, that I could teach you anything. What’s that saying about trying to teach old dogs new tricks?”

  Red growled. “You cocky son of a bitch. You haven’t changed a bit in twelve years, have you?”

  Gabe gave him an appraising glance. “I imagine there have been some changes, Red. Not as noticeable as yours, however,” he said lifting his head to eye the big man’s protruding gut.

  A couple of the men at table chuckled, but quickly stopped when Red glared at them.

  Gabe looked up with a pleasant smile, nodding to a couple of men across the table. “Greetings, Mike, and you too, Pat. I see you’re still hanging around with the old man here.”

  Both men glowered at him and didn’t answer.

  Gabe glanced around the table then allowed himself to look at the stage. His heart pounded so hard it was a wonder it didn’t jump out of his chest. He leaned back in his chair and took out his cigarette case, desperate to hide the pain flooding him. Using the cover of smoke he glanced up at Ana, wanting her to know that it was going to be okay, that he would get her out of here. She trembled and her face flushed. He thought his heart might break when he saw the shame and embarrassment in her eyes. Jesus, what he would do to put his arms around her and tell her that she was the bravest woman he’d ever known. But he had to content himself with the knowledge that shortly every goddamned one of these sons of bitches would be dead.


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