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Eros Inc Boxed Set (Bisexual Menage Romance MMF FFM): All FIve Episodes Bundled In One Volume!

Page 16

by Mia Moore

  My head swiveled around at the harsh words Lotus had hissed.

  “Do you know about the money missing at Northern Dynamics? That Gus was doing an audit? Nick must have known that Gus was going to find out it was him.” I scowled back at her. She probably was unaware as this had been told to me by Ginger in confidence.

  “The person they should be looking at is Dev. Funny, that he’s dropped off the map during all of this, don’t you think? And Sam didn’t show up for the meeting today either. Sam, who Dev hired. What’s more, all of the operating funds for Eros are gone as of this morning, yet the police arrested Nick.” She started to turn away, to go into the boardroom when I grabbed her arm to stop her.

  “If that’s true, we’ve got to let the police know so they can find Dev. Why would he do this to Nick and Eros? We’ve got to find him.”

  She snatched her arm away from my fingers and spittle hit my cheeks when she spoke.

  “This is your fault. If you hadn’t told them about the gun and the car almost running you down, he might not have been arrested. He and I were going to find Dev and have him charged. Now, what chance do I have? You’ve successfully ended Eros.” Her heels then clacked across the floor to enter the boardroom.

  I stood still looking after her. Had I ruined everything? Was she right? What if Nick was innocent and convicted because of me? The policeman had asked that I go to the police station to file a report on the near miss yesterday, but I knew I couldn’t do that.

  “Hi Cerise. How are you today?”

  I turned to see Mason peering down at me a slight smile on his lips. I’d almost forgotten that he was going to go with me to see Ginger and was here to pick me up. After the total mess of the morning and the accusations that Lotus had made, it was a relief to see a friendly face--so open and honest, after the intrigue of Eros.

  “They’ve arrested Nick for Gus’s murder. C’mon let’s get out of here. I’ll tell you about it in the car.” I took his arm and dragged him after me to the front door.


  Mason drove in silence after I told him about the morning. I felt better getting everything off my chest but still, what could we do to find Dev? That was the only way to clear Nick and maybe get the money back. Maybe Gus had said more to Ginger that would help us.

  “I think Janice has something to do with this. You know what they say…hell hath more fury than a woman scorned. If Lotus is right, that someone framed Nick, then my money’s on her.” Mason glanced at me a few times as he said this.

  “But Dev was the only other person aside from Nick and Gus with the authority to move money in the engineering company. It has to be Dev.” I shook my head but wondered if there was a connection. Ginger knew Janice. Maybe she could shed some light on this.

  “I never liked Janice even though she was a real knock out. There was always something about her that didn’t ring true for me—she got my spidey sense going. When she left, I didn’t miss her.” He looked at me and placed his hand over mine. “I like the new GM a lot better and she’s twice as pretty in my eyes.”

  My face was warm when I smiled at him. He could be nice when he wanted to be.

  We parked the car a block from Ginger’s and walked side by side to the door of the townhouse. It was well maintained with freshly painted trim in a working class section of town. Mason rapped on the door and squeezed my hand for reassurance. This wasn’t going to be easy. Should I tell Ginger that Nick had been arrested?

  A shorter version of Ginger, with red curls and green eyes answered the door, looking quizzically from Mason to me.

  I extended my hand. “Hi. I’m Cerise and this is Mason. We’re friends of Ginger’s. Can we see her?”

  “Yes, come in. I’ve just heard on the radio that they’ve arrested someone for Gus’s murder.” She stepped to the side and we slid past her.

  As Mason commented on the sister’s remark I glanced around. Ginger’s home was a true reflection of her personality from the flamboyant bright color she had chosen in wall color to the off-beat, primitive prints on the walls.

  “Follow me. Ginger’s in bed resting. She had a rough night but I’m sure she’ll be glad to see friends.”

  I followed up the carpeted stairs to a dimly lit, spacious room. With the shades pulled all the way down over the two windows, it was hard to see her, lying in a fetal position on the enormous bed. When I moved closer, she gazed at a photo clasped in her hand. Gus.

  I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath at the devastation in Ginger’s life. Whoever was responsible would pay for this. I eased down onto the bed next to her and stroked her beautiful curls.

  “How are you doing, honey?”

  She turned to face me, a shadow of her former self, almost unrecognizable with the puffy face and red rimmed eyes.

  “Nick killed Gus.” Her voice was flat, a statement not a question.

  “He was arrested for it but we’re not sure he did it. Lotus thinks that Dev is guilty. The money’s gone and so is he. Did Gus tell you anything more about his audit of Northern Dynamics? Anything that pointed to Dev?”

  Ginger put her hands on the mattress and pushed herself into a sitting position. “The night after we did the foursome, he stayed at my place. We messed around a little more but he couldn’t sleep. I brought him a brandy and he started talking about the audit. He was all keyed up about it, blaming himself for not catching it earlier. He said that Nick didn’t blame him, that Nick was a real friend.” Her eyes welled up with tears once more.

  I handed her a tissue from the box on the night table and looked at Mason.

  “Have you ever seen Janice since she left Eros? I think Dev has something to do with this but maybe Janice is involved?” Mason stood looking down at Ginger. With his hands in his pocket, stretching the jeans even tighter and the broad shoulders, again I was struck by how attractive he was. Now, seeing how gently he spoke to Ginger, I wondered how I could ever have thought he was cold.

  Ginger blew her nose and then looked up at him. “There was one time that I thought I saw her. And funny thing, Dev was there too. It was my birthday and Gus took me to Maison Yvette for dinner. While we were waiting in the foyer, looking into the dining room I saw her. If it wasn’t her, it could have been her twin sister, I swear. She turned her head and almost ran to the ladies room. And that was it. Gus and I were seated and Dev waved at us as he was leaving.”

  “Did he leave right after the woman disappeared? Was he with a woman when he left? I thought he had a fiancée.” I leaned over the bed and touched Ginger’s thigh.

  “Oh God, it’s hard to recall.” She was silent looking at the tissue in her hand for a few moments. “Wait, I remember Gus remarking that it was odd to see Dev alone. He knew Dev’s fiancé from the times she’d visited the office.”

  Mason shot a look at me. It was obvious he was thinking the same thing. It was Janice who Ginger had seen and Dev clearly didn’t want her or Gus to know they’d been together.

  “You were friends with Janice. Does she have any relatives? How about a picture of her?” Mason sat on the bed, near Ginger’s feet.

  My heart leapt at the prospect of seeing a picture of my predecessor—not just from curiosity but in the event it would help us locate her.

  “Do you see that white box on my dresser? I think I DO have a picture of her. Someone snapped it during the Valentine’s fete last year.” Ginger sat up straighter pointing to the box.

  Mason got up and then handed it to Ginger, watching her thumb through pictures.

  “Here it is!” She held the photo out for me to see. Ginger was easily recognizable wearing a corset with a heart bodice and next to her was a beautiful blonde woman hamming it up for the camera.

  I looked at Mason. “We’ve got to go to the police and tell them what we know. With this picture, they may be able to find Janice and then Dev. Poor Nick, there’s not a minute to lose.” I stood up and stroked Ginger’s hair. “I’ll be back later to see how you’re doing and let you know
what we find out. Rest and try to get some sleep.”


  It was early evening by the time Mason and I arrived back at Eros. The place was like a ghost ship, dark and quiet. Lotus must have let the staff go home and cancelled any bookings since we were broke.

  I turned on the lights in the foyer and looked around. It was hard to believe that only a few nights ago the place was bustling with people having sensual adventures.

  I jumped when a hand touched my shoulder.

  “I’m not leaving. With everything that’s gone on and the place empty, staying alone is not an option.” His dark eyes bored into mine with a depth I’d only seen once before, when we kissed in the airplane.

  His lips were parted and his face so close to mine that I leaned forward to kiss him, grateful for his offer. His arms went around me, holding me close while his lips pressed against mine. I had only dreamed of a moment like this with him and to have it happen now, somehow didn’t seem right. I wanted to tear his shirt from his body and rake my nails down his back while he made love to me but this wasn’t the time.

  A loud bang made both of us startle and swivel to face the entrance where the noise originated.

  Framed in the light, Dev pointed a gun at us. At his side was a blonde woman I recognized from the picture Ginger had shown me. The knuckles of her hand were white, gripping a large can of gasoline.

  “Cerise, what are you doing here? I thought you’d still be at the police station trying to spring Nick. But I see you’ve got other…ahem…things on your mind. And with the staff no less. Tsk. Tsk.” Dev’s eyes were slits above lips curled up in a sneer.

  Janice set the can down with a thud and strode over to where Mason and I stood.

  “So I finally get to meet my replacement. What! He’s starting to like them young? Young and stupid no doubt. But I’ll give you credit for one thing—you’re quick on your feet. I almost got you when you were running.” Her grey eyes were cold even though the smile she affected was sweet and warm.

  “You tried to kill Cerise?” Mason took a step towards her, hands raised to grab her shoulders.

  “Easy cowboy. Get away from her! We’re going to take a little hike to the walk-in refrigerator now. That’ll cool your ardor.” He chuckled as he walked towards us, still brandishing the weapon.

  Mason turned to look at me and then around the room as if searching for something. It was no good. There was no one or anything around to save us. We’d be locked in the cold room while they burned the place down. They probably had some scheme to collect the insurance money.

  I started to turn away when a movement behind Dev caught my eye. Lotus appeared holding a gun in one hand and a cell phone in the other, at her ear. Much as I disliked the woman, I could have kissed her in that moment.

  “Drop the gun Dev. The police are on their way.” Her clipped voice rang through the empty foyer.

  “YOU drop the gun or your friends are history. It’s a Mexican standoff, though you wouldn’t know what that means, you being Chinese.” He lifted his other hand to steady the gun and point it at my head.

  Great. Knowing how Lotus felt about me, I was as good as dead.

  “Confucius say, the cautious seldom err.” She punctuated this remark with the click of the gun’s hammer being pulled back.

  I jerked to the side, pulled by Mason’s hand. He yelled ‘shoot’ and then his body covered mine on the floor.

  Three deafening cracks followed.

  “Police! Everyone drop your weapon and don’t move!”

  I peeked out from under Mason’s arm to see Dev crumpled, lying in a pool of blood, Janice cried kneeling next to him. Lotus looked dumbstruck and pale standing with the gun at her feet.

  “Are you alright? I hope I didn’t hurt you.” Mason sat up and touched my cheek with his finger.

  Oh my God. Twice in a couple of days I’d almost been killed. And I had Mason and Lotus to thank for being alive.

  Chapter 6

  It was almost 2 in the morning when Mason and I left the police station. We had given our statements and with Lotus’s added, it was enough for them to release Nick.

  “You sure you want to come home with me?” Mason glanced sideways at me, his cheekbones and strong jaw line highlighted in the lights of the oncoming car. “I can drive you to Nick’s if you want.”

  “I made my choice. You’re the one I want to be with. Money isn’t everything.” I looked out the passenger window and couldn’t help seeing Nick’s face in my mind’s eye. When he appeared in the main entrance of the police station he looked like a man haunted and lost. When he’d seen me, his face broke out in a wide smile, sure that I was there to take him home.

  I’d stood up and he’d put his arm around me and steer me with him to the door. The puzzlement on his face before it transformed into sadness broke my heart. I almost went with him, just for the night. I wouldn’t have sex with him again, I was beyond that with him.

  Now, sitting close to Mason, I reached over and stroked his thigh. “There’s no more Eros for us. I’m not your boss anymore.” My hand drifted higher on his thigh.

  “Yeah, look at us, unemployed, with nothing to do.” He grinned and pulled up to a small apartment building.

  My hand curled around the bulge in his crotch and I leaned over, my lips brushing his. “I can think of a few things.”

  Chapter 7

  Mason locked his apartment door and turned around to face me.

  “Give me your cell phone.” His eyes and the tone of his voice made it clear that saying no, wasn’t an option, not that I objected.

  I fished the phone from my purse and handed it to him. He turned it off and tossed it onto a chair in the small living room. Silently, he stepped towards me and scooped me up into his arms.

  “No interruptions. There’s just you and me and tonight you’re mine.” His eyes bored into the very depths of me igniting a fire deep in my belly.

  My arms hugged his neck and I rested my head on his muscular chest, closing my eyes. I felt him move a few steps and then the sensation of being lowered to a soft surface. I opened my eyes to see him standing above me, his eyes locked with mine.

  His hands unbuttoned the white shirt he was wearing and he slipped in over his muscular tattooed arms. His firm pectorals were separated with a fine dark coat of dark hair which trailed in a soft line along a taut abdomen to his navel and down. His belt and snap of his jeans were next to be opened and then pushed down over his ropy thighs as he slipped out of his shoes.

  Naked, in all of his masculine glory, standing above me, made me wet, especially the sight of his hard cock brushing against his navel. Not waiting for his command, I kicked my shoes off and sat up to remove the cotton sweater and wiggle out of my jeans.

  He bent and his fingers released the clasps on my bra and threw it to one side, before climbing onto the bed next to me. When I rolled into him, his mouth was on mine, kissing me with a passion that matched my own. Our tongues explored each other’s mouths as our bodies embraced held tight together.

  When his hand clutched my breast, rolling it and pulling it, my head fell back breaking the kiss.

  “Cerise…Cerise” He murmured my name kissing my neck and shoulders. When he took my nipple inside a jolt of pleasure shot straight to my clit. God, I wanted him so bad. I reached to touch his cock but his hips jerked away.

  “No, not yet.” His voice was a raspy whisper, low and rough from his arousal.

  He trailed kisses down my abdomen, over my tummy and down to my mons. He sat up and moved to kneel between my legs, gazing down at my pussy as his fingers traced along the folds, separating them. His hands slid under my knees, lifting them and pushing them out and towards my chest, till my pussy was tilted up and open for him.

  His eyes met mine briefly with a look of longing before his face dropped and his tongue was on my clit. Oh God, it was so good laying on his bed, spread wide open for his mouth on me. He sucked the firm nub of my clit between his lips and flicked
his tongue over it quickly.

  “Please fuck me, Mason. I need your cock.” My hand flew to my mouth and I turned my face to the side, lost in the pleasure and longing his tongue was causing.

  His fingers slid inside me pumping hard while his tongue was sweet torture. My heart beat hard in my chest and I whimpered, begging him to fuck me.

  Instead he shifted his legs and ass closer to my face, his hard cock oozing pre-cum that I wanted to lick. I rolled my upper body and lowered my leg to get his cock in my mouth. He tasted wonderful on the tip of my tongue. My mouth lowered on him slowly, tongue circling his knob, wanting him deep inside.

  His mouth and finger fucking my cunt was getting me close. I wanted so much for us to come at the same time. I sucked his gorgeous cock like my life depended on it, my head bobbing on it to his pubic bone, wanting to please him.

  Oh God, his mouth drove me wild and the fingers of his other hand were pressing against my asshole. My stomach muscles clenched driving my pussy hard onto his mouth as the first wave of an incredible orgasm flooded through me. His finger was in my ass while his other hand seemed to be completely inside me, it was so tight.

  He stiffened, thrusting deep inside my mouth, his cock pulsing, shooting cum down my throat as another orgasm rolled through me again. He pulled his cock back a little and I licked the tip of it, tasting his cum. I wanted to drain him, lick every drop out.

  The stimulation of his tongue became too much after the powerful orgasm he’d given me. My hands cupped his face, lifting him off my pussy. At the same time his cock softened and slipped from my mouth. We were both satiated and drained.

  He shifted on the bed to lie next to me and pulled me into his arms. My cheek brushed against his face, still wet from my arousal as I arched up to kiss him.

  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that?” His hand stroked my face, tucking a stray lock of my hair behind my ear.

  “I thought you didn’t like me at first. When did you change?” I looked into his eyes; he was even more handsome when his face was relaxed and open.


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