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Erotica: No Limits

Page 10


  She swung her legs down off of the settee and walked into the kitchen. She poured her lukewarm tea into the sink and watched it swirl away down the plug whole. Sort of in the same way her life had. Then she simply stood there, rooted to the spot. Her eyes were focused on the seat at the bottom of her long garden, the very same one that her and Terry used to sit on before the divorce. Before their love took the trip down the drain and joined the tea in the sewer. They would sit out there for hours on warm summer nights, with the fire lit and a nice barbequed burger on their plates. They would have a drink or share a tender moment down there. Will would join them some nights too. Those were the better days. The simpler days. The days when she felt as though life had a meaning.

  Reminiscing was what killed her most. She knew that she shouldn’t do it, that she should just stop the thought dead whenever it crept into her mind. But it wasn’t as easy as that. It would never be as easy as that. It was impossible to forget someone who gave you so much to remember and she had a lot of things to remember, almost thirty years of things in fact. Their marriage had been glorious and the divorce wasn’t foreshadowed in any way, shape or form. It had come from nowhere. Apparently Terry had met someone else, they had hit it off and hey presto! He was leaving her to go to this other slag. And that was that. If she had her way, they would still be sat out there now on the old wooden seat, champagne in their hands, food in their bellies and the warmth of love in every ounce of air that they inhaled.

  Then, of course, there was the sex. That killed her too. Maybe even more than the reminiscing. Terry had formed a sexual relationship with another woman after only having sex with her for twenty-nine years and that thought totally crushed her. And what made it worse was that she hadn’t had sex – or even kissed – another man since Terry. In one year and two months, she hadn’t so much as hugged another man. It was driving her insane as well. It’s not that she couldn’t. She was a gorgeous woman, even if she didn’t know it. She had long, red hair which was full and voluminous and it wrapped itself around her perfect face, complimenting it wonderfully. She had deep and explorative eyes which evoked happiness in even the most drained souls and big, full lips which spoke words of truth and harmony. She was what every man, of any age, would consider beautiful. And wholeheartedly fuckable. She just didn’t have the confidence anymore.

  But she knew that if she wanted to get her sorry life back on track and start feeling good again, she had to get over this bump in the road. She was just so used to a steady, practically pain-free existence. It would be hard, but doable nonetheless. And she knew what she had to do. She had a free house all of the time, that was the only upside of Will going to university – she now had the house to herself constantly. It wouldn’t be hard to do what she wanted to do. She knew that getting some good dick would help her get over Terry and show her that she was just being ridiculous. A good fucking would set her straight. It always had and it probably always would. It was just a case of getting herself back out there and getting some cute boy back to hers. Fuck, he didn’t even need to be cute, just male. But the ultimate turn-on for her was a toyboy. She loved the idea of having a younger boy attracted to her. She could feel her pussy tingling just at the thought.

  Baby steps, she reminded herself. As long as he had a cock – preferably a big one – it would do the trick. It surely wouldn’t be hard to do. She was a female, so that automatically made it one thousand times easier for her to have sex. If she was that desperate, all she would have to do would be walk into a bar or a club and literally just ask someone back to her place. No small talk or introductions, just plain and simply: ‘hey, wanna come back to my house and fuck me?’ – nine times out of ten it would be a yes, even if she wasn’t attractive. But with her good looks and her added hotness from her huge tits and round, meaty ass, they simply wouldn’t say no.

  So it was at this exact moment that she made up her mind. She was sick and tired of being down in the dumps because of her loneliness. Not that sex with a random stranger would solve that issue, but it would certainly solve her other big one. She had had enough of seeing Terry with his new woman and she was done with beating herself up about the fact that he has been with another woman for the first time in almost thirty years. The only way that she would overcome this, was if she did the same. And that’s exactly what she intended to do. She looked at the seat for one second longer, gave it the middle finger and then walked out of the kitchen and got back to work hoovering the living room. It was time to grab life by the horns and get herself out of this shitty rut. It had been much too long. Danielle Summers was finally ready to get back out there.

  Chapter Two

  Danielle woke the following day at the crack of dawn, the Nina Simone song that was playing through the radio very applicable to her new-found mind-set. She sang along as she rolled out of bed “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me. And I’m feeling good!” She danced around to the song as she made her bed and sang it all the way down the stairs as she headed for her morning caffeine fix. It truly was a new dawn and a new day and Danielle was ready to embrace her new life with open arms.

  After her breakfast ritual of eggs, toast and a cup of black coffee, she made her way to the high-street to purchase some food and run some errands. She had her food shopping to do and a few birthday gifts to buy for her cousin and her nephew. It was the first day in a long time that she had managed to motivate herself enough to actually get out of the house and it felt refreshing. Being out and about surrounded by people helped her to overcome her loneliness. Why hadn’t she tried this before? It was simple. Getting herself out into town and seeing lots of faces going about their own personal business put a smile on hers. She felt at one with the world and everyone in it. For the first time in the past year, Danielle Summers actually felt whole again.

  Back home and she decided that she would make used of some of the fresh ingredients that she had bought and make something nice for tea. She opted for a pasta Bolognese, with fresh chopped vegetables and a concoction of spices and extracts for added zing and flavour. It had been years since she had made a good old fashioned homely meal and it felt good as she did so. It felt like she had accomplished more in the past few hours than she had in the past year. It felt like she was born anew. As though her soul had been brought back to life and placed into a fountain of youth. She felt good. She felt renewed. And most importantly, she felt as though it was well and truly time to overcome her troublesome past.

  A bit of chill time on the couch whilst the food was slow-cooking. She sat on the sofa with her phone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. The TV was on but only on a very low volume and she wasn’t paying much attention to it. It was there more as a background noise than anything else. Her phone buzzed in her hand and startled her a little, it wasn’t often that she received texts and when she did, they especially weren’t from Will. She closed down Candy Crush and opened the text. It didn’t make much sense and there wasn’t a lot to it. Just four simple words: ‘Come to the door’. Confused, she stood to her feet and set her coffee cup aside. What on earth could this be? Had he gotten some flowers delivered to his darling mother? She bet that’s what it was. She walked on through the corridor and towards the front door, grabbing the handle and enjoying the way the cold handle tickled her palm, she lowered it and heaved the door towards her.

  Her eyes lit up and she almost dropped her phone. She leapt out of the door and flung herself onto him. She couldn’t believe that he was actually here. She thought that she was seeing things until she actually physically felt him. “William! What are you doing here? I’m so delighted to see you!” She squeezed him tightly in her clutches, so tight that it was almost as if she was never letting go of him again.

  “Hey Mum! I thought I’d pay a surprise visit! I’ve missed you so much.” He hugged in in return, holding her just as tight. But little did he know that his words meant more to her than any other words ever could.

  Chapter Threer />
  It was a Saturday night just like they used to be. Will coming home may have temporarily placed her plan to finally fuck someone new on hold, but she didn’t care. Her baby boy was back and that’s all she cared about. She only had tonight and tomorrow off of work and then it was back to reality. But in a way she was excited to go back, at least then she would have something to fill her days with. Tonight though, was about enjoying a Saturday night the way that they always used to. Pizza was here and her, Will and his four friends who haven’t seen him since he left for uni were all sat in the kitchen feeding their faces. The four boys looked a lot different compared to the last time Danielle saw them. They had aged a lot and two of them in particular were highly attractive, and she could tell that they were all attracted to he too.

  The plan began to creep its way into her mind as she watched Tim and Devon biting into slices of their pepperoni pizza. They were very good looking, almost too good looking. What she would have done to have those two here alone. Could she though? Was nineteen, almost twenty too young? There was nothing illegal about it. It would be frowned upon, but not illegal. They were mature for their ages too, rocking the tattoos and piercings and seeming more like they were in their mid-twenties than still in their teenage years. But the very second that Will asked if it was okay if his friends could stay, she knew that she just wouldn’t be able to resist. Her plan was in place, she just needed a way to execute it. They wouldn’t say no, it was every teenage boys dream to fuck his friend’s hot mum. Let alone have a threesome with her. The problem wasn’t getting them to agree, it was finding a way to propose it to them discretely.

  Her chance came after the boys made their way into the living room to watch TV. Danielle was still in the kitchen washing up. She had written out a note which was plain and simple. It said: Tim/Devon – both of you, my room, 3AM. She would hand it to one of them, which ever one she got the chance to first and then from there all she had to do was set an alarm for three. Her room was at the opposite end of the upstairs corridor to Will’s, but they would still need to be as quiet as possible. Her thoughts were interrupted as Devon walked into the kitchen and placed his plate on the bench beside her, smiling. “Thanks for the pizza.”

  “You’re more than welcome Devon.” She said seductively, holding out her hand and meeting his, sliding the note into his palm. He looked down at the note nervously and quickly jammed it into his pocket, looking back up at her looking rather scared. She winked at him and slowly brushed her hand over his cock. He put his on her tits, beginning to have a little fondle. Bingo, she thought, they obviously know what they’re doing. But she had to push his hands away as it was beginning to feel a little too good. “Save it for later big boy.” She said with a seductive smile and then turned away to continue washing the dishes.

  Chapter Four

  Danielle didn’t need her alarm. She was woken up a whole hour before it was scheduled to go off as Devon sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her head in towards his, kissing her lips passionately. For a second she thought that he hadn’t bothered telling Tim, until she felt the quilt at the bottom of the bed being lifted and a pair of surprisingly large hands groping her bare thighs. Then his hands worked their way upwards and inwards, as he started rubbing her pussy over the top of her black netted thong. With the combination of the kissing and the massaging, Danielle already felt as though she had been transported to another planet, so she couldn’t imagine how she would feel when things got going properly. Tim then lifted her hips up and pulled her knickers all the way off in one swift motion. Then, parting her legs, he slowly kissed his way from her right foot towards her pussy. Devon was still kissing her hard, playing with her tits and switching his kisses between her lips and her neck.

  After about a minute of teasing, Tim was right beside her pussy. He kissed the area all the way around it, hesitated for a moment and then placed one slow tongue-stroke from her vagina up to her clit. Then he did the same in reverse and then back up once more, before staying at the clit and flicking it delicately with his tongue. Right away Danielle’s back began to arch and the moans began to surface. It felt incredible, he was doing everything that she loved and more. Where had he learnt to be so good at this? They obviously were well experienced for their age. Devon took her vest top off as they made out and then unhooked her bra, pulling that off too. The boys were already in their boxers, meaning that Danielle was already more than aware of what weapons they were concealing in them.

  “Let me get a taste of that young meet.” She whispered in Devon’s ear, moaning gently after her words. Tim had picked up the pace now and was sucking and flicking her clit rapidly with his tongue, but then he was going back to slow and full strokes, mixing it up every now and then. It felt amazing. She loved the pace changes and technique and already the sensation was beginning to build up. She could feel the ball of warmth forming inside of her, ready to burst at any moment and spread throughout her entire body. Devon tore his boxers off and sat down on the bed, pulling the quilt back to relieve his hefty cock. “Wow, that’s huge.” Danielle said in disbelief, it had to be eight inches easily and it wasn’t even fully erect yet. She leant over and began stroking it with her hand, jerking it slowly and rolling it between her fingertips. Then she leant down further and took the whole thing down in one mouthful. She looked up at Devon as he stared down at her in awe, his mouth gaping. She smiled at him. “What? Did you think I was just a tame old woman?” She asked, moaning a little too loud after she spoke. “I need to keep quiet. We don’t want to wake the others.”

  She continued moaning again and again as Tim picked up the pace to a totally new level. Then the feeling was totally upon her and there was no stopping it. “Oh god yes, oh god. I’m going to come!” She slammed Devon’s dick back into her mouth and began bobbing her head up and down with great speed. Then the bubble in her stomach burst and sent rippled of absolute pleasure flying through her entire being. She shook violently as she came and even though her screams were muffled by Devon’s huge dick, they were still a little too loud. “That was so fucking good. Now come on boys, fuck me! Fuck me as hard as you can.” She whispered as she the quilt aside and lay flat on her back with her legs in the air, spread wide. Devon and Tim switched places. Time tossed his boxers aside and sat near Danielle’s head, whilst Devon took his position between her legs.

  Danielle began sucking Tim’s cock now. She gave him the same treatment on his large cock, licking it and sucking it sloppily. Then she cried out in pleasure as Devon thrusted himself into her, slowly pushing all of his length and girth into her, and then pulling it back out and sliding back in. Once the original push had been made, he began picking up the pace. Fucking her a little harder and a little faster wish every stroke. Her vagina walls began to tingle as he fucked her harder than she had ever been fucked before and with what was by far the biggest cock. The combination was proving too much and already she had to try as hard as she could not to burst out into a fit of screams, filling the whole house with her pleasure-filled moans. It felt incredible and Tim’s huge dick was just enough to muffle her screams to the point where they were acceptable.

  They switched roles a few times, one of them fucking the other getting their dick sucked and they even tried out a few different positions too. One where Danielle was on top with the other guy standing behind getting his dick sucked and another where they spit-roasted her over the corner of the bed. It had been a good hour now and Danielle had came about four times. It had been the most incredible sex that she had ever had and she didn’t regret it one bit.

  She just finished her fifth and final orgasm, the vibrations even greater than they ever had been this time, filling her entire body with the most intense pleasure she had ever felt. Every inch of her as tingling, especially her pussy. And then Tim groaned as he shot his load into her. Devon pulled his dick out of her mouth saying that he was close too, he slammed it into her pussy and groaned too as he fired his into her also. Then the two boys rolled off
and retrieved their boxers, whilst Danielle just lay there in the middle of the bed, soaked in sweat, panting like a dog and absolutely drained from coming so hard, feeling their juices as they poured out of her and pooled onto the bed.

  As they departed she called out. “Boys, if you make sure not to tell Will we can do the same again tomorrow.” She winked, knowing that she would love to do them again and that they very much would too. They giggled and left the room. Danielle realised that she had done it. She had finally done it. She had overcome the thing that bothered her most in life and had finally managed to have sex with not one, but two new people, putting her thoughts about Terry and his new girlfriend to bed for good. She lay there in the pool of sweat, semen and pleasure and knew that she wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. Partially because she was too busy shaking from all the orgasms, but mainly because of her uncontrollable excitement for round two the following night.

  Chapter One

  The vibrations ran through not only the wooden floorboards, but also right up his arm and into his shoulder as he brought his hammer down with impressive force and precision. He ignored the pain between his index and middle finger where he had sliced it on a bunch of gripper rods ten minutes earlier and hadn’t noticed that the bleeding was actually rather bad until he stopped hammering the strip of gripper into the wood and looked down at the small pool of blood just in front of him. “Fuck sake.” He whispered under his breath as he walked over to the toolbox and pulled out a roll of tape. He found the end and then wrapped an abundance of the sticky stuff around the cut, preventing even more blood from soaking the floor. Cuts were the absolute bane of his life, it was an everyday thing for him as a carpet fitter, he couldn’t actually remember the last day that he hadn’t cut himself in some way, shape or form.


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