Erotica: No Limits

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Erotica: No Limits Page 43


  But look. In the space of a month or so, it’s all turned around. Charity Hollis. 19 years old. Competent woman. And sexaholic. Haha.

  Later, Diary. I have sex lessons to get to.

  Chapter One

  Kylie Taylor slammed the door behind her causing the entire structure of the house to shake, as she stormed out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out of the front door into the pouring rain. She had paused only to grab her keys, so that she had a form of shelter from the harsh conditions. She had no clue where she was headed. Her intentions were to simply get into her car, start the engine and drive aimlessly until her temper had cooled enough to return home without ripping her husband’s throat out. But she doubted that would be any time soon. There was only one thing she knew for certain: she was spending a single second longer in that house with that asshole. He had gone too far this time and she was seriously on the verge of doing some crazy shit – none of which he would approve of.

  She could feel her cell phone vibrating against her hip from her jacket pocket. That’ll be Richard, calling me and begging me to come back inside. Well he can fuck off, Kylie thought to herself. There were a lot of things that he could do which she would be relatively okay with, but these antics in the bedroom were becoming too much. She was beginning to get really wound up with him now. It had been months since they had last got it on. Richard complained that he was always tired or never in the mood. It was driving Kylie insane. At first she thought that it was because she had become ugly. She was pushing forty now and on the verge of that all too famous mid-life crisis, but she had hoped it would hold off till a little later. But yet, here she was, storming through her front yard in the torrential rain, the darkness swarming around her, heading for her car so that she could flee her home and clear her fucking mind for a second. It seemed as though her mid-life crisis was well and truly upon her.

  The car pulled up to the gas station, finally residing in some shelter underneath the roof of the gas pumps. Kylie actually preferred to listen to the soothing sound of the rain hammering against her windscreen, but under here it was no more. Though she could hear it pounding against the roof above her and it sounded similar. It was enough. She walked towards the front of the store, inhaling the smell of the fresh petrol as she put one foot in front of the other. She wasn’t here for gas though, she was here for a different type of fuel. A fuel to burn a fire of happiness in her stomach and melt away her sorrows. The door swung open with the sound of jingling bells as Kylie pushed it inwards. The store looked just it always did – scarcely populated, low on stock and a collection of wet footprints trailing to and from the sandwich section in the refrigerator. It was its usual self and her usual favoured aisle was as empty as usual, just as she’d hoped it would be.

  She walked through the store, nodding at the cashier as he raised his eyes and stared at her blankly. It was the creepy guy that always hit on her when she came in here. In fact, all of the guys that worked here hit on her, though he was the only one that was creepy about it. She got to thinking as she walked up the aisle and heaved the litre bottle of Jack off the shelf, surely if she has so many guys hitting on her, the reason that Richard doesn’t want to fuck her can’t be because she’s ugly, otherwise why would they hit on her? She told herself right there to stop with the bullshit about being ugly and start wondering what the fuck was going on with their marriage. She had an incredibly high sex-drive and she couldn’t continue putting up with this shit for much longer.

  She placed the bottle on the counter and watched that creepy smile form on the dude’s face. It was strange because he wasn’t necessarily unattractive, he was much the opposite. He was rather handsome in fact – big bulging muscles, a defined jaw structure, nicely cleaned and groomed. It was just that smile and the creepy way his piercing eyes lingered as they looked at her. Apart from that, he was largely her sort of guy. Especially because he was probably just over half of her age. “Thanks.” He said as she handed him the twenty and gave her the change, feeding the bottle of whiskey into a carrier bag. “Is that all this evening?” Where was it? Where had his creepy comments been? That creepy look? None of it was there. Why was he being normal? Had he realised she wasn’t all that interested and given up? And then, as she thought of Richard sitting at home in his dressing gown, watching the football rather than pleasing his wife, the idea struck her like a bolt of lightning.

  “In fact, no. There’s something else I would like this evening.”

  “And what would that be?” He asked with a normal smile across his lips.

  “Your number.” Kylie said as she half shook her huge tits, leaning over the counter further towards him.

  “Is this a prank?” He asked a few seconds later after he managed to successfully register what she had just said.

  “Does it sound like a prank? I want your number. I want to arrange to hook up with you. Are you in or out? It’s a simple question.” She smiled teasingly as she watched his mouth fall open. He had probably fantasised about this exact moment and now it was becoming a reality. She thought it was hilarious. She shouldn’t be doing this, but it felt so goddamned right. If Richard wasn’t going to give her what she needed, she was sure as shit going to go looking for it elsewhere. And besides, if it’s one thing that this guy looked like he could do, it would be properly fucking a chick.

  “Well you know what, if you wanna hook up, I get off in like fifteen minutes. We could go back to my place once we leave?” He was speaking in a hushed voice now, presumably so his manager in the back didn’t overhear.

  “I’ll wait in my car big boy.” Kylie said as she grabbed her bag off the counter and sashayed towards the door. She pulled it open and the sound of the rain flooded the room. “Don’t let me down now.” She winked and headed back out to her car. He watched her as she turned around and walked out of the building. Fuck she was hot, with the perfect face and petite body, round ass and huge tits – with that perfect slim waist. That milfy type of chick who looked like she owned trophies for being the best at sucking dick. It was the way those glasses sat on the edge of her nose – just like in every young dude’s fantasies. And Josh Redpath, the cashier guy, was not an exception.

  As Kylie sank back into her seat and that first drop of Jack Daniels caressed her tongue, she knew that she was going to do something terrible tonight. For some reason, she was actually waiting for this young guy to finish his shift. At first it had been a joke, a way of proving to herself that she could actually do it if she wanted to. She had her proof, she should just go home now, drive back and drink herself to sleep. But it was too late for that. The idea was already imprinted in her mind and she knew that it wouldn’t go away until she acted upon it. She continued sipping on the whiskey, letting the aroma of it fill the entire car, as her mind drifted further and further towards the dark side.

  Chapter Two

  By the time they arrived at Josh’s apartment ten miles down the road, Kylie was a little tipsy. In fact, she wasn’t tipsy, she was blind drunk, to the point that she was beginning to slur her words a little and stumble simply just sitting down. They got out of the car and before they even made it up the stairs to open the front door Kylie already had her hand in his pants and she was playing with his cock gently, rubbing it and squeezing it as they made their way up the outdoor stairs to the front door. Josh fumbled in his pocket momentarily, pulling out the keys eagerly and slamming them into the door, hurrying to get inside so that they could get down to business. Already his cock was beginning to grow as she toyed with it and pretty soon he would be fully erect and fully ready to fuck her senseless.

  He unlocked the door and pushed it open, both of them stepping inside. “I have to warn you, my roommate is probably home but he won’t mind the noise.”

  Kylie began pulling off his pants as Josh kicked off his shoes. “Don’t be so silly, there’s no need for him to be left out.”

  “If that’s your kinda thing.” Josh said, laughing a little. “Let us get started first
though, I want you to myself at least for a little while.” And before they knew it they were in his bedroom, Kylie fully naked laying on the bed, Josh knelt on the floor at the side, his head buried between her legs as he ate her out ferociously. Kylie moaned out as she felt his warm tongue thrusting against her clit, picking up the pace and then slowing down, making sure to fluctuate for that added sense of stimulus. She had forgotten what it had felt like to be touched by a man it had been so long and she didn’t know if it felt better than ever because Josh was better than Richard, or because it had been a while. Either way though, she was just glad to be getting some. She didn’t give a fuck if it was wrong. So was not pleasing your wife.

  Before she knew what was what, she was on her hands and knees on the bed, one cock in her mouth and another in her pussy, as Josh and his roommate went to town on her. They each pounded her as hard as they could, which made her moan extremely loudly, even though the huge cock in her throat was muffling them a little. It felt incredible, they were both much bigger than Richard and much better too – way more energy and passion, it made her feel like she was in her teenage years again. She felt the sensation creeping up on her, building in pleasure. It was a ball of heat in her pussy, waiting to unleash itself and radiate throughout her entire frame and fill the room with screams. And then, it did just that. Just as Josh began rubbing her clit from underneath whilst still fucking her, the explosion began. The orgasm erupted in the pit of her stomach and passed its way through her entire body and filling the room with roaring, pleasure-filled screams.

  As she was still climaxing, she felt Josh blow his load into her pussy and then his roommate pull back and then unleash his come all over her face, drenching her in the salty stuff. Then Kylie rolled over onto her back and once her head hit the pillow, that was all she wrote. Josh and Oscar stood over her wondering if she was okay, but once the snoring began, they realised that she was. She had passed out almost instantly. They had quite clearly fucked the life out of her. And one thing was for sure: it would be more than just her head hurting when she woke up in the morning.

  Chapter Three

  With a lot of missed calls and an obscene amount of Advil later, Kylie finally pulled up outside of her house. Josh had to drive her back to the store where she had left her car all night so that she could drive herself back home. It hadn’t been awkward with him at all. In fact, it had been much the opposite. The pair had gotten on like a pair of old friends, filling the entire car ride back to the gas station with nothing but conversation. They had spoken about how random it had been and Josh had admitted to her the fantasies that he had had about her, but he never expected them to come true. She felt as though she had gotten it out of her system now, as if she could now get one with things at home and work on things with Richard. Though the look that her and Josh shared as she got out of his car told another tale.

  She walked into the house expecting the worst, but her external expectations were nothing compared to the internal realities.

  Richard was stood in the kitchen, which was directly opposite the front door. Kylie could see him resting against the bench as she walked into the hallway. He turned his head to look at her, he looked disgusted. Without warning, he reached to his left, picking up the kitchen knife and then turned back towards her, smiling manically. He bolted towards her, looking to inflict pain, to extract his revenge. Kylie didn’t hang around. She turned as soon as she saw him coming, pausing only to drop the handle on the front door. Reasoning with him was out of the equation. She knew that when he was like this, there was only one thing that she could do. And that one thing was the exact thing that she did. Run.

  There was a knock at the door, just as Josh had sat back down to begin playing a little Fifa. “Fuck sake. This better not be some shitty door-to-door salesman.” He stood to his feet and headed through to the door, pulling it towards him and filling the apartment with some refreshingly cool air. Though the person on the other side of the door was even more of a refreshment. Kylie was stood in the door in the exact same clothes she had left in. She was standing rigidly, quietly and she was shaking like a leaf. “Back again so soon?” Josh asked with a smile on his face.

  “It’s a long story.” Kylie said, forcing a smile.

  “Long story short?”

  “My husband tried to stab me when I got back home this morning.”

  “I see. Well, I suppose you had better come in then.”

  Chapter Four

  It wasn’t long before they were creating the scenes from the previous night. Only this time, Josh’s other buddy was here too, so there were three guys fucking her as opposed to just two. And they were doing an incredible job too. Kylie had already had two orgasms and they had only just started fucking her. They had all taken turns on her during foreplay, rotating between eating her out, being jerked off by her or getting a blowjob. She was straight up loving life right now and she was so glad that she had left her beta husband and was now sexing it up with three hot young guys, who were all enormously hung as a bonus and also knew how to please a woman. Boy did they know how to please a woman. If her soaking wet pussy and multiple orgasms weren’t enough proof, then her extremely loud moans certainly were.

  They had brought out the lube now that there were three of them. That’s because one of her three holes required quite a lot of it, especially when the guys were this huge. Josh took up a position on his back on the bed and kylie was riding him in reverse cowgirl, though his cock was in her ass, so she was leaning much further forward than usual. Oscar was knelt between Josh’s legs, managing to get the right angle on it so that he could fuck her pussy. And Jack, their buddy, was knelt at the top of the bed right beside her head, with his cock buried deep in her throat. Kylie was in her element. The thing that she had been deprived of most over the past three or so years, she now had in abundance and she intended on keeping it that way as long as she could. She could feel herself becoming wetter and wetter with each pound and she was truly loving it.

  She clawed and scratched at Oscar’s back as he and Josh obliterated her ass and pussy, their huge cocks going in and out of her at light-speed. She had no clue that it was possible for someone to move their hips so fast, but as she moaned out and filled the entire neighbourhood with ferocious screams of pleasure, they sped up even more and she realised that they could go even faster. The feeling was like no other. She had never been penetrated in both holes at once like this before and it was even better than she could have ever imagined. She had always been a fan of anal and with a dick in her pussy too, it was even more enjoyable than it already was. She could practically feel the two dicks almost touching in side of her, separated only by a thin layer of skin and membrane. All three guys were moaning gently, but theirs were nothing in comparison with hers. They were moaning, she sounded more like she was being tortured. But it was the best type of torture. A torture in which pleasure was the only form of punishment.

  She felt it, it was upon her – the third orgasm in rather quick succession. This one had taken a little longer to build up, but she could already tell that it was going to be much more powerful. She prepared herself to release it, focussing on the sensation as hard as she could. It always helped if she focussed, always felt a lot more powerful and it came way easier. They continued fucking her and that ball of heat in the pit of her stomach was growing and growing with each and every hip-thrust. She couldn’t wait until it exploded and radiated throughout her. The heat crept its way along the walls of her vagina, causing her to shake and quiver and her back to arch insanely. The feeling was here, it had reached the maximum height. It was a matter of seconds away. “I’m going to fucking come again!” She yelled out at the top of her voice.

  And then she did, hard and fast, the most powerful climax she had ever had. It felt as though she had been thrown inside a vibrator and had it switched on. She was shaking and shuddering as she screamed at the top of her lungs. As the heat filled her stomach and ran through her veins, coursing around her e
ntire body. The tingling sensation rendered her unconscious, she just lay there temporarily paralysed as the guys continued to pound her. As that feeling continued to spread through her body. As the screams were still coming thick and fast.

  As if they had been communicating telepathically, the three guys all pulled out and huddled around her kneeling on the bed. They began to jerk off rapidly, all aiming at a separate part at her naked body. After about a minute, they all exploded viciously, covering her in bucket-loads of warm come. Kylie lay there in the aftermath whilst the guys redressed and headed through to catch the rest of the football game, and as she lay there, her legs still shaking and her pussy still tingling from the continuous orgasms, she knew that she had discovered her new lifestyle. Never would she ever be subjected to a lack of cock ever again. It was time to catch up on what she had been missing out on.

  Chapter One

  The sun was a roaring, blazing inferno in the centre of the blue cloudless sky. It was beating down onto David Fodders as he lay out sunbathing, more in what felt like an oven than the outdoor pool area. It had just turned midday, meaning that it was almost at its hottest time and David wasn’t sure if he could take much more of the raging heat. So he didn’t. He sat up on his sun lounger, kicking off his flip flops and strolled over to the pool. He noticed a couple of the women that were also staying at the hotel eyeing him coyly as he moved towards the cooling water. A bunch of cougars, that’s what they were, eyeing up a twenty-two year old man like that. But he supposed that’s what he got for coming on holiday alone.

  What else was I to do? He asked himself in his head as he approached the poolside. Just waste all my money that I spent on this holiday by not coming? Fuck no. He bent doubled, bowed his head low and then leapt into the air, spreading out as straight as he could and then diving into the water. It was the single most relieving thing he had felt in months, second to the feeling he got in his stomach when his psycho ex-girlfriend finally decided to leave him.


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