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Sasha's Lion

Page 8

by Hazel Gower

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” She turned her back and searched the floor for her clothes. She found her shirt in the corner and her black pants on the floor by her feet. Grabbing both clothes she found her Ugg boots at the end of the bed.

  Keeping her back turned from Zeck she asked, “Ah, is there a bathroom close so I can change?”

  “Yeah, it’s the door to your left. I share a bathroom with my brother, so lock it on both sides. I’ll meet you downstairs once you’re dressed.”

  Sasha nodded and walked into the bathroom. Locking the other door she did her business, got dressed, and cleaned herself up as much as possible, before she slowly made her way down the stairs.

  She followed the smell of food to a yellow kitchen. An older woman in a pink apron, cream pants and a light purple top placed butter on a round six seat table. Zeck sat in a chair, and a guy a year or two younger than Zeck sat next to him on one side, and a grey-haired man sat with his back to her. The woman looked up at her, a bright smile lighting up her face.

  Oh shit, Sasha thought. That look didn’t bode well.

  “Holy shit, bro! How the hell did you get a girlfriend that looks like that?”

  Sasha looked around for her bag and an escape as the younger boy whacked Zeck on the back. “I’m not his girl—”

  She was cut off by Zeck’s mother. “Benjamin. I don’t want to hear that language in my house.” She went to Sasha and grabbed her arm pulling her to the table. “Come on, sit. Eat.”

  Sasha did as she was told and promised herself she would never drink again. She also needed to have a conversation with Zeck, to clear up that she wasn’t his girlfriend. She was only his friend, and that wouldn’t ever change.

  She sat and a plate was placed before her.

  “Zeck hasn’t told us your name? I’m Sandra Cunningham, and this,” Zeck’s mother pointed to the man with his face in the paper, “is Daniel Cunningham.”

  “Nice to meet you both. I’m Sasha Brentno. Thank y—” Sasha heard her phone. It sat on the kitchen bench.

  “Sasha, you are popular. That’s been ringing all morning.”

  “I’m so sorry. You don’t mind if I answer it and call them back?”

  “Go ahead. It’s your phone.”

  Sasha smiled and almost ran to her phone. The ringing had stopped, but when she pulled it out she saw she had fourteen missed calls, and ten of those were Savron. He would be worried about her, especially with them having their first little fight. Dialing his number she debated what she would tell him.

  “Where the hell are you?” Savron yelled at her.

  “I’m at a friend’s.”

  “Why didn’t you call me and tell me? What’s the address? I’m coming to get you now.”

  Sasha knew with him worked up the way he was, if he found out it was Zeck’s house he’d probably kill him, even with his parents here. Savron was way too jealous. And now with her stupid behavior he had a right to be. God, she was an idiot, but she didn’t want to cause a bigger scene with the Cunninghams.

  “No. Stay. I’ll come to you.”

  A loud roar was her response, before Savron growled, “Please. I’ve been going crazy with worry.”

  She sighed. “Fine, but you have to promise you’ll be nice no matter what.”

  There was silence on the other end for a long time before she heard, “Okay, I promise.”

  She held the phone away and turned to Zeck’s family. “Can I have your address please?”

  Sandra told her the address and added that she or Zeck would be happy to drive her home.

  “Thanks for the offer, but Savron is happy to pick me up.”

  Zeck frowned, and his mother raised her eyebrow for a moment. Sasha just smiled. She wasn’t going to explain to Zeck’s parents who Savron was. She was already extremely embarrassed about the situation she was in.


  Savron had been brutal last night when he fought a boogie-man and later trolls, thanks to the fight with Sasha. His lion and he were on edge. He knew the fight was over age difference, a subject that seemed to still be a touchy subject.

  He’d gotten home last night thinking he would find her waiting up for him ready to argue or talk over what had happened, but she wasn’t. Sasha wasn’t even in their bed.

  Savron rang Sasha’s mobile twice, and she didn’t answer. Then he tried his sister, who said she’d seen her at a house party with her drama friends. So he’d waited up all night. At seven o’clock he’d started ringing Sasha again, and she didn’t answer.

  Savron was getting worried. It was now nine o’clock, and he hadn’t heard anything from Sasha. Savron knew she was pissed off with him, but he didn’t think Sasha would stay the night away from him. He’d called her cell again, and it went to voice mail. His lion was itching to break free and go find their mate, and Savron was at the stage where he was going to let him.

  His phone rang, and Savron almost smashed the phone in his hurry to answer it. Savron really didn’t mean to yell at her, but he’d been so worried. He got the address of where she was, and even before she hung up he was out the door and on his way.

  A two-storey brick house with a nice manicured lawn in a good suburb was what he pulled up to ten minutes later. His could smell Sasha’s desert rose scent and three other males and one female even before he got out of his car.

  Savron got out of his car slamming his car door in frustration at the situation he was in, as he could also smell that the occupants were all human. Stomping to the front door he took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself before he knocked on the door.

  He could hear Sasha in the house. “Thanks for having me. That’s my ride. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

  The door opened, and a woman in her late forties answered blocking the door. Sasha stood behind her.


  “Hi, ma’am, I’m here to pick up Sasha.”

  The woman eyed him, and he tried not to let his eyes shift. It was really hard especially when he could smell another man’s scent all over his mate. Zeck came up behind Sasha, and Savron bit his tongue to hold back a growl.

  “Thanks again so much for letting me stay the night.” Savron watched as Sasha turned to Zeck. “I really appreciate you looking out for me last night. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

  The older woman watched the interaction between her son and Sasha before she turned back to him. Sasha squeezed past the woman to come and stand next to him. He reached for her hand and held it in his. Savron’s lion calmed a bit at the touch of their mate.

  “Thanks so much for having me, Mrs. Cunningham. Your pancakes were excellent.”

  “You were no problem, Sasha. It was nice to have someone wash up and me not have to do it. You’re welcome back any time.”

  Savron squeezed Sasha’s hand and closed his eyes for a moment as he repeated that he was with humans. His eyes snapped open as Sasha tugged him to the car.

  Savron didn’t say anything until they’d driven away. “Want to tell me why the fuck you smell like him?” Savron gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white, and he didn’t stop for anything except red lights. He drove with a focus to get home as soon as possible. His mate couldn’t smell of another man.

  “No, not really. Not if you’re going to explode with jealousy. I know what I did was wrong, and I’m sorry.” Sasha looked out the window.

  They sat quietly in the car for a while until Sasha gave a loud sigh. “I got drunk at a party. I was being silly with people my own age. Just like you get to socialize with women and people over twenty-one at your club.”

  “Do I come home smelling like other women?”

  He saw her flinch, and a tear ran down her cheek. “I’m so sorry. I was stupid and irresponsible. It was wrong. I shouldn’t let my temper go and do idiotic things. Things that jeopardize my relationship with you.”

  He pulled into their street, and he could hear the sobs coming from Sasha. He pulled into his driveway and got out of the car. He was f

  Savron lived in a shifter neighborhood. Unable to hold himself back he stripped his clothes and changed into a lion. Sasha walked past him carefully and opened the front door and walked into the house. He followed, and she shut the front door. Sasha went straight to the lounge room, where she sat on the lounge crying. He followed. In this form he could smell her every emotion. She was confused, sad, disappointed, and the biggest one scared.

  “I’m so sorry. I’ve never done anything like last night. I’m not usually this childish or selfish. I’ve never really been in a relationship before. Sure, I’ve had dates before, and I once had a boyfriend for two months, but I’ve not had anything serious. Please forgive me. I will never do anything like that again.”

  Savron came and rubbed himself up against her letting his scent cover her. Sasha reached out and stroked his mane, and his cat purred.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing with you half the time. When you’re in human form my body lights up and all I want is for you to touch me, kiss me, and hold me. I feel good when I’m with you, and that scares me. I’ve never felt what I feel like when I’m with you with anyone else.”

  Sasha leaned down and hugged his huge lion head. “Please forgive me. I promise nothing happened.”

  He changed back to human while she held him. He let her feel the magic of the change. Savron covered her mouth with his and kissed her. His hands glided over her body and ripped her clothes throwing the pieces to the floor. Savron could not stand the smell of them. They smelt of Zeck.

  Savron tore his mouth from hers before his kisses became too punishing. His fingers trailed over her body coming to rest at her core. He told himself to stop, that he was being a bastard, but a voice in the back of his mind reminded him she was young and human and wasn’t bound by the mate bond like he was.

  Sasha moaned as the tips of his fingers brushed her clit and his mouth nibbled on her neck. He stroked her nub a couple of times and eased one of his fingers into her pussy until she winced when he felt her maidenhead still intact.

  “Don’t, Savron. Please don’t take me in anger because of the stupid thing I did.”

  He added another finger and pumped in and out of her. He eased away from her neck and looked into her eyes. “What did you do?”

  Sasha’s breathing was coming out faster, and he knew he was getting her worked up.

  “I got drunk and slept the night at Zeck’s. Nothing happened. But I did sleep in his bed. I’m so sor—”

  Savron snapped. He roared, cutting her off, and added another finger. She screamed as he bit her again, mate-marking her other shoulder. Her hands came up to grip his shoulder, and he felt her core clench tight around his digits.

  He lined his cock up ready to take his mate when she whispered, “Please.”

  Lapping at his mark he let go of her shoulder and took his fingers out of her pussy. “You’re mine,” was all he said as he swapped their positions so she sat hugging him.

  “I’m sorry, too. I should have shown you the club. It wouldn’t have hurt.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lips and forehead. “Please don’t run off like that again. Stay and talk to me. I know all this is new and not easy for you, but you’re my first real relationship, too. We’re going to make mistakes and fight. It’s how we learn and grow. Sasha, you have to promise me that every time you get angry or we have a fight or something you don’t run off and get drunk.” He brushed his lips against hers. “I know Zeck is your friend, but no more sleepovers. Not if you want him to live. You said you would give us being mates a real go. If you mean it, don’t be alone with him. He’s proven he’s untrustworthy.”

  Savron let his hand drop from Sasha’s face, and she leaned in and nuzzled his neck. “Okay. No alone time with any other man or boy, bar you.” She brushed her lips over his. “Thank you.”

  Savron didn’t know what part Sasha was thanking him for, not having sex with her, him forgiving her, him not killing Zeck, or all the above. Savron sat cuddling her not caring which. Right now he was content just holding his mate.

  Chapter Nine

  Today Savron had told his dad to call in other cats, because he was spending his Friday night with his mate. After last Sunday, Savron made sure he’d put aside time to spend with Sasha through the week, even if it was just snuggling for an hour or two on the lounge.

  Savron wasn’t going to let Sasha say no either about going out tonight. She needed a rest from her busy schedule. When she wasn’t at school or at dancing Sasha was studying. Even when they sat snuggled on the sofa watching a movie she had something she did on the side. The only time she relaxed was when she made and ate dinner and when they were in bed.

  Bed. He couldn’t think of bed with Sasha without getting hard. His promise not to take her virginity was getting harder and harder. He didn’t know how much longer he could just hold her all night. He ached to make love to her.

  He sat outside the school in his car waiting for the bell. It was the first time in a couple of days he’d picked her up from school. He’d been letting Mac drive her home.

  Savron had asked Sasha if she’d like a car of her own, but she wouldn’t let him buy her one. She’d said that she wanted to buy her first car herself and didn’t want her boyfriend to buy her one. He let the conversation be, as he’d been so happy she’d called him her boyfriend and stated that they were in a relationship. It was the first time she’d admitted to it.

  The bell rang, and he got out of the car walking to the entrance. He saw Britney first, and she bounced over to him.

  “Hey, bro. Sasha doesn’t finish for another half an hour. She is in the drama room. I don’t know why she hangs out with those nerds.” Britney shook her head. “Come on, I’ll show you where she is. It’s been a long time since you were here, and it’s changed some.” Britney dragged him through the throng of students until it thinned.

  He spotted Mac and stopped him. “Hi. You don’t need to drop Sasha home.”

  Mac’s eyebrows furrowed. “Sasha told me this afternoon not to bother as she had a lift. She’s been getting a lift with someone else.”

  Savron gritted his teeth, and his lion stood to attention. He wondered who’d been taking Sasha home. Savron knew Mac and trusted him. Savron knew he shouldn’t worry, and that Sasha shouldn’t have to tell him every person who took her home, but he didn’t like that he didn’t know who was looking after his mate. He hoped it wasn’t Zeck especially after what happened on Sunday.

  “So how’s all the Prides going in their sector? Our sector has been busy lately. I have even been pulling some late nights.” Mac looked tired as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “We’re busy, too. I have been working nonstop. Tonight will be the first night off in days. I told Dad to get another cat to pull a double, or call someone else in because I need time with my mate.”

  Mac nodded and patted his back. “I wish you luck. I’ll take Britney home, and you can go to your mate. She’s just around the corner at the end of the hall in the drama room.”

  “Yeah, Brit told me.”

  “I can wait with you if you’d like,” Britney said.

  “No, I’ll be fine. Go home.”

  Britney nodded and looped her arm through Mac’s. “Let’s go. I can drive if you’re tired.”

  He walked away and laughed as he heard Mac swear. “Fuck no. You’re not driving my car.”

  As he rounded the corner he smelled desert rose and stopped by the drama room door talking a deep breath in.

  “No one is there when we drop her home. They’d had an argument on Saturday when we picked her up from The Edge, that night club. I don’t know if they’re together anymore.” A voice he recognized was whispering.

  “I love you, Zeck, but you don’t have a chance with Sasha. Not only does she live with her boyfriend, she’s way out of your league.”

  Savron listened to the conversation and told himself not to kill the teenage boy.

  “She’s nice to me, J
ess, and I can’t stop remembering her in her bra and panties as she jumped into the pool on Saturday night. My mother really liked her.”

  “I’m surprised Sasha is still talking to you after the stunt you pulled having her sleep at your house on Saturday night. I also like to add, that you and about half the boys at that party feel the same as you. I should hate her for looking that good. I have no idea how she makes a size fourteen look that sexy. The kicker, I think, is Sasha has no idea how hot she is.”

  “I know. That’s one of the things I love about her. When we went into the house yesterday I noticed something. Do you know there is not one photo of her? There are some of the guy, but there isn’t even one photo of them together. I really don’t think they’re together.”

  Savron frowned as he listened for an answer. He’d never even thought of him and Sasha having no photos together or any of her out.

  “Sasha is nice to everyone. And if she wasn’t going out with the hunk she is now, she would be with someone like Mac, or another handsome older guy. Not that you’re not cute, Zeck. You are, but…” Jess groaned. “You did see his body. Tall, broad and muscular, then add that blond hair.” She moaned.

  As Jess spoke the desert rose smell got stronger.

  “Who are you moaning about?” Sasha’s voice had his heart-rate picking up and his lion dying to get out.

  “Your muscle clad super-hot boyfriend.” Jess sighed.

  Savron held his breath as he waited for Sasha’s answer.

  She giggled. “Oh, he is, isn’t he? I’m a very lucky girl. He is not just hot. He looks after me.”

  Smiling, he opened the door and walked in and straight to his mate. Like she sensed him she turned, and the look on her face took his breath away. Her eyes lit up, and she beamed at him as she jumped on him wrapping her legs and arms around him.

  “What are you doing here? What happened to work?”

  “I took the rest of the day off to spend with you.” He wrapped his arm around her not caring of the audience and kissed her. She pulled away blushing as a voice broke in.


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