Page 41
"There!" shouted Ohtar. "Do you see? At the edge of the moonlight. Something is splashing!"
"It is the king!" said Linfalas. "I see the circlet he wears on his brow. See how it catches the light?"
"He is well within their range!" groaned Ohtar. "Why is he visible? Sire! Sire! Over here! Put it on, Sire, put it on! They see you!"
"I lost it," came Isildur's voice from the water. "I slew many of them, then I followed you into the water. But then it just fell off. It was as if it suddenly grew larger and came off."
Arrows started whistling into the water around his head.
"Swim, Sire, swim, for Eru's sake," screamed Ohtar, dancing about helplessly on the bank. More arrows whistled out of the dark, plunging into the water with a sound like cloth ripping.
"Dive, Sire!" shouted Linfalas. "Dive and turn."
"I have lost it," moaned Isildur, as if he had not heard them. Another arrow struck only inches from his head. He splashed on slowly. "Why did it come off…" he began. Then they saw an arrow strike him. He cried out and raised one arm toward them. A half dozen more arrows fell all around him. At least one must have struck him, for he suddenly stopped struggling. He looked up toward his subjects watching in horror, his face a white oval in the dark water. "I lost my preciousss…" he wailed, then his face disappeared and did not come up again. From the far shore a hideous cry of triumph went up. Ohtar and his companions stood silently, watching the flowing water, waiting for Isildur to reappear. At last they slumped to the ground, lost and desolate.
* * *
Some time during the night they crawled off under some bushes and lay shivering, miserable and cold and full of despair. The night seemed endless, but in fact it was not long before the sun began to lighten the eastern horizon. When she was fully up, they crawled out into the chill morning air to draw what little warmth they could from the low slanting rays. Mist was rising from the river and drifting slowly around them. From glimpses they could sometimes catch, there was no sign of anyone on the opposite shore. Shivering so hard they could hardly speak, they took stock of their situation.
"Well, as I remember what Elendur told me," said Thalion, "it's another eighty leagues or more to Imladris. That could take three weeks on foot. And we have no food, no weapons, no warm clothes, nothing."
"I have the king's pack," said Ohtar. "Perhaps there's some food or clothing." He unfastened the pack and a gush of water spilled out. He rummaged inside and pulled out a long bundle wrapped in embroidered cloth.
"Is that all?" asked Linfalas. "Is there no food?"
"No. Only this." Ohtar laid the bundle on the ground between them. Untying a cord wrapped many times around it, he gently folded back the cloth and they all stared down at the object within.
"It's a sword," said Linfalas. "But it's broken."
"Yes," said Ohtar. "This is Narsil, his father's sword, that was broken when he fought Sauron."
"A noble weapon," said Linfalas, "but it will not help us in our need."
"It could serve yet as a weapon, and certainly as a tool. And the cloth when dried could be a blanket for one of us at a time. Perhaps with this cord we could try snaring a few birds."
"Do you really think we can still get to Imladris by ourselves, with no more than this?" asked Thalion.
"We must, and we shall," said Ohtar. "We must take this sword to Isildur's heir." He shook his head in grief. "That would be poor little Valandil now, I suppose."
"Why? What's the use of a broken sword?"
Ohtar sat staring off into the sunrise as if he could see something there the others could not. "Some day Narsil will be reforged," he said. "And someday Isildur's heir will avenge his father with it. We must take it to Valandil in Imladris."
They all sat looking down at the broken sword. It was going to be many weary dangerous miles. And even if they could somehow get it back to Imladris, what could a young boy do with a broken sword? How many years would it be before the sword was made whole again?
"Come," said Ohtar. "We have a long way to go."
Thalion and Linfalas got stiffly to their feet and stood stretching in the growing warmth of the sun. Ohtar carefully re-wrapped the shards of Narsil and put it back in the pack. Then he shouldered the pack and started walking north along the bank of the Anduin. The others stared after him a moment, looking at each other. But then they stumbled off after him. Soon all three disappeared into the blowing mists and were gone.
Year 3441 Third Age
Date / Events
Apr 15 — Council of Gil-galad; Waning gibbous moon rising at 8PM
Apr 16 —
Apr 17 —
Apr 18 —
Apr 19 — M: Isildur, Gildor, and Elrond leave Barad-dûr; Third quarter moon rising at midnight
Apr 20 — Waning crescent moon rising after midnight
Apr 21 —
Apr 22 —
Apr 23 —
Apr 24 — A: Gildor and Elrond part from Isildur at Morannon
Apr 25 — E: Gildor and Elrond camp at Emyn Muil
Apr 26 — New moon rising at dawn
Apr 27 — E: Gildor and Elrond cross Anduin at Celebrant
Apr 28 — M: Isildur arrives at Rauros and crosses Anduin; Gildor and Elrond arrive in Lothlorien; Waxing crescent moon rising in morning
Apr 29 — M: Isildur departs from Rauros; Gildor and Elrond meet with Celeborn and Galadriel
Apr 30 —
May 01 — M: Gildor leaves Lothlorien, is refused entry at Khazad-dûm; E: Isildur crosses Entwade
May 02 — M: Gildor starts up the Dimrill Stair
May 03 — First quarter moon rising at noon
May 04 — Gildor crosses the Misty Mountains
May 05 — Waxing gibbous moon rising in afternoon
May 06 — A: Gildor arrives at the WestGate of Moria; Isildur arrives at Angrenost
May 07 — A: Gildor arrives at Glanduin ford
May 08 —
May 09 — M: Isildur departs from Angrenost; E: Gildor arrives at Tharbad
May 10 — Full moon rising at sunset
May 11 — Waning gibbous moon rising in evening
May 12 — M: Gildor departs from Tharbad
May 13 —
May 14 —
May 15 —
May 16 — M: Gildor crosses Baranduin; A: Isildur arrives Anglond; E: Gildor arrives at the Emyn Beraid
May 17 — A: Gildor departs from Emyn Beraid; Third quarter moon rising at midnight
May 18 — M: Corsairs attack Anglond; E: Gildor arrives at Mithlond
May 19 — Waning crescent moon rising after midnight
May 20 —
May 21 —
May 22 —
May 23 —
May 24 — New moon rising at sunrise
May 25 — Waxing crescent moon rising in morning
May 26 —
May 27 —
May 28 —
May 29 —
May 30 —
Jun 01 — First quarter moon rising at noon
Jun 02 — M: Isildur departs from Anglond
Jun 03 — Waxing gibbous moon rising in afternoon
Jun 04 — A: Isildur meets the men of Ethir Lefnui at Nanbrethil
Jun 05 — M: Isildur departs from Nanbrethil
Jun 06 —
Jun 07 —
Jun 08 — Full moon rises at sunset
Jun 09 — Waning gibbous moon rising in evening
Jun 10 —
Jun 11 — M: Gildor sails from Mithlond; A: Isildur arrives at Erech; E: First council with Romach
Jun 12 — M: Malithôr arrives at Erech; Cirdan sails from Mithlond; A: Second Coucnil of Erech
Jun 13 — M: Isildur curses the Eredrim; Isildur and Malithôr depart from Erech; Isildur rides to Tarlang's Neck
Jun 14 —
Jun 15 — A: Isildur passes Calembel; E: Malithôr arrives at Ringlond and sails for Tolfalas; Third quarter moon r
ising at midnight
Jun 16 — Waning crescent moon rising after midnight.
Jun 17 — Isildur passes Ethring
Jun 18 — M: Isildur enters Lebennin; E: Malithôr arrives at Tolfalas
Jun 19 —
Jun 20 — A: Isildur arrives at Linhir
Jun 21 — M: Galadrim depart from Lothlorien; A: Council of Linhir
Jun 22 — M: Isildur departs from Linhir; New moon rising at sunrise
Jun 23 — Waxing crescent moon rising in the morning
Jun 24 — A: Isildur arrives at Pelargir
Jun 25 — Muster of Pelargir begins
Jun 26 —
Jun 27 — N: Corsails sail from Tolfalas; Gildor arrives Pelargir
Jun 28 — 2 AM Corsairs arrive at Ethir Anduin; 7 AM Cirdan arrives at Ethir Anduin; M: Isildur departs from Pelargir
Jun 29 — 5 AM Corsairs attack Pelargir; 10 AM Cirdan attacks Corsairs; E: Cirdan departs from Pelargir; 1st quarter moon rising at noon
Jun 30 — E: Isildur arrives at Osgiliath; waxing gibbous moon rising in afternoon
Jun 31 — M: Galadrim arrive at Osgiliath; E: Cirdan arrives at Osgiliath — Council of Osgiliath
Jul 01 — M: Invasion of Ithilien; Noon: Capture of Minas Ithil; E: Crossing of Pass
Jul 02 — M: Ride to doom, Sauron breaks siege, is pursued; E: fall of Sauron
Jul 03 —
Jul 04 — Full moon rising at sunset
Aeglos — “Snowpoint”, Gil-galad's spear
Ainur — “Holy Ones”, divine beings created by Eru. The fourteen greatest Ainur were called the Valar, the others were Maiar
Aldamirë — “Tree Jewel”, wife of Elendil
Alliance, Army of — The combined armies of Gondor, Arnor, and Lindon, which united to drive Sauron from the west
Altariel — See Galadriel
Aman — “The Blessed Lands”, island in the far western sea, home of the Valar
Amandil — “Lover of Aman”, last lord of Andúnië, father of Elendil
Amon Sûl — “Hill of the Wind”, outpost on the eastern borders of Arnor, later known as Weathertop
Amroth — Sindarin Elf, lover of Nimrodel, founded the city of Dol Amroth in Belfalas
Anárion — Younger son of Elendil, born in Rómenna 3296 SA, died in the siege of the Barad-dûr 3440 SA
Anduin — “The Long River” that runs the length of Middle-earth and drains into the Bay of Belfalas
Andúnië — “Sunset”, the westernmost province of Númenor, refuge of the Faithful
Anfalas — “Long Strand”, southwestern province of Gondor
Anga — “River of Iron”, rising in Angrenost, emptying into the sea at Anglond
Angband — “Hell of Iron”, the dungeon-fortress of Morgoth
Anglond — “Port of Iron”, port city at the mouth of the River Anga
Angmar — “Iron Land”, northern land, capital Carn Dûm, home of the Lord of the Ring-wraiths
Angrenost — “Iron Fortress”, outpost in northwestern Gondor, later known as Isengard
Annatar — “Lord of Gifts”, the name Sauron used among the Elves of Eregion
Annúminas — “Tower of the West”, the capital of Arnor, built on the shore of Lake Nenuial
Anórien — “Land of the Sun”, western province of Gondor, chief city Minas Anor
Ar-Adûnakhor — “Lord of the West”, 19th king of Númenor
Ar-Pharazôn — “The Golden”, 24th and last king of Númenor
Arador — “Royal Land”, Duitirith's esquire
Aragorn — 39th heir of Isildur, also known as “Strider”, crowned King of the Reunited Realms as Elessar Telcontar “Elfstone Strider”
Arannon — “Royal Gate”, triumphal arch in Osgiliath
Aratan — “Royal Man”, Isildur's second son, born 3411 SA in Osgiliath, died 2 FA at Gladden
Araw — Land near Rhûn, home of giant cattle
Ari — Diminutive of Aratan
Armenelos — “Citadel of the Men of Heaven”, capital of Númenor
Arnor — “Royal Land”, northern kingdom of the United Realms
Arthedain — Northern region of Arnor
Atani — Men, also called The Followers and The Secondborn
Aulë — One of the eight Aratar, the mightiest Valar, married to Yavanna, he made the Dwarves
Baggins, Bilbo — See Bilbo
Baggins, Frodo — See Frodo
Barad-dûr — “Dark Tower”, Sauron's fortress in Mordor
Barahir — Father of Beren, he was given Finrod's ring
Baranduin — “The Brown River” in Eriador, later called the Brandywine in The Shire
Barathor — Lord of Pelargir, father of Duitirith, died 3441 SA at Minas Ithil
Belamon — Soldier of Ithilien, died 3441 SA at Minas Ithil
Belcarnen — A captain of the White Fleet
Belegost — “Mighty Fortress”, one of the two cities of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains
Beleriand — “Country of Balar”, ancient realm of the Elves in northwest Middle-earth, sunk under the sea in the war with Morgoth, Lindon is the only remainder
Belfalas — Southern coastal province of Gondor
Belfalas, Bay of — Large bay between Harad and Gondor
Belrund — Leader of Pelargrim that went to fight with Elendil
Beren — Son of Barahir, hero who took silmarilli, slain by the wolf Carcharoth
Bergil — Mayor of Minas Anor
Bilbo — Hobbit that found the One Ring, uncle of Frodo
Blackroot — See Morthond
Blessed Lands — See Aman
Blotmath — Hobbit month, roughly November
Boromir — Father of Barathor
Bortil — Merchant of Osgiliath
Brandybuck, Anson — Scribe who copied Amroth's journal
Brethilrond — Elf of Lothlórien
Buckland — Eastern region of The Shire
Cair Andros — “Long Foam”, island in the Anduin north of Osgiliath
Caladil — Ship captain of Pelargir
Calembel — Town in Lamedon in Gondor
Calenardhon — Northern region of Gondor, later called Rohan
Caradhras — “Redhorn”, mountain in the Misty Mountains
Caras Galadon — “City of the Trees”, capital of Lothlórien
Cardur — A captain of the White Fleet
Carlen — Master of the Wainwright's Guild in Pelargir
Celeborn — Lord of Lothlórien, husband of Galadriel
Cerin Amroth — Hilltop home of Amroth in Lothlórien
Cerveth — Dúnedain month, roughly August
Cirdan — “Shipwright”, Lord of Mithlond, bearer of Narya
Ciri — Diminutive of Ciryon
Cirith Ungol — “Pass of the Spider”, between Minas Ithil and Mordor
Ciryon — Third son of Isildur, born 3425 SA in Minas Ithil, died 2 FA at Gladden
Curufin — “Skill Hair”, father of Celebrimbor
Curulin — “Skill Pool”, Cirdan's helmsman
Dagorlad — “Battle Plain”, field before the Morannon, site of a great battle
Dimrill Dale — Valley in the Misty Mountains near Khazad-dûm
Dol Elros — The capital of Andúnië in Númenor
Dor-en-Ernil — A seacoast region in Gondor between Belfalas and Lebennin
Doriath — Ancient Elvish kingdom in Beleriand
Duitirith — “Guardian of the River”, Barathor's son
Dúnadan — Singular of Dúnedain
Dúnedain — “Men of the West”, who founded Númenor, Umbar, Gondor, and Arnor
Dunharrow — Ancient city of Men in the northern Ered Nimrais
Dunland — A wild land west of Calenardhon
Durin — King of the Dwarves
Dwarves — A race created by Aulë the Vala
Eärendil — “Lover of the Sea”, son of Tuor and Idril, married Elwing, sailed to
Aman and secured the help of the Valar against Morgoth, called “The Mariner”
Easterlings — Wild men of the east
Edain — “The Men”, The Three Houses of Men
Elbereth — “Star Queen”, see Varda
Elda — Singular of Eldar
Eldamar — “Elvenhome”, region of Aman in which the Elves live
Eldar — “People of the Stars”, the Elves, also called “The Speakers”, “Quendi”, “Firstborn”
Eldarin — Relating to the Eldar or their language
Eldarion — King of Gondor in the Fourth Age
Elendil — “Elf-friend” Amandilson, founder of the Realms in Exile
Elendili — “Elf-friends”, “The Faithful”, those Númenóreans who continued to revere the Eldar and the Valar when the kings of Númenor turned against them
Elendur — “Devoted to the Elves”, first son of Isildur, born 3403 SA in Osgiliath, died 2 FA at Gladden
Elenna — “Starwards”, the island on which Númenor was founded
elanor — Small white flowers
Elessar — “Elfstone”, the name in which Aragorn ascended the throne of the Reunited Kingdoms
Elosterion — Westernmost and tallest of the towers on the Emyn Beraid
Elrond — “Star-dome”, son of Eärendil and Elwing, known as Peredhil “Half-elven”, lord of Imladris
Elros — “Star-foam”, son of Eärendil, brother of Elrond, founder of Númenor
Elvenhome — See Eldamar
Emyn Arnen — “Hills of Royal Water”, in southern Ithilien
Emyn Beraid — “Tower Hills”, in western Eriador
Ephel Dúath — “Fence of Shadow”, mountains between Ithilien and Mordor
Erech — Town in northern Lamedon, capital of the Eredrim
Ered Lithui — “Ash Mountains”, mountains on the northern side of Mordor
Ered Luin — “Blue Mountains”, in western Eriador
Ered Nimrais — “White Mountains”, mountains in Gondor
Eredrim — “People of the Mountains”, a strong tribe in the southern Ered Nimrais
Eregion — “Land of Holly”, Elvish kingdom of Celebrimbor in southern Eriador
Ereinion — “Scion of Kings”, see Gil-galad
Eriador — The land between the Misty Mountains and the Blue
Eru — “The One”, see Ilúvatar
Ethir Anduin — “Mouths of the Long River”, the delta of the river Anduin