Book Read Free

Remember This Day

Page 10

by Mairsile Leabhair

  As Aidan and Vicky danced, the wedding party quietly got up and move from the stage to a round table reserved just for them, positioned in the center just behind the dance floor and in front of the rest of the tables. Then Ellen had people ready to clear the dishes and remove the tables from the stage in preparation for the rest of the band’s set up, including the singer and her backup singers.

  As soon as Vicky finished singing, while the music still played, Aidan said to her, where only she could hear, “You are my heart and my soul, and I love you so much, kid.”

  Vicky looked up into her wife’s emerald eyes and replied, “You are mine, Aidan, you always have been mine, and you always will be mine, and I love you with all my heart.”

  Finally the clapping brought them back to reality and they realize the music had ended. The two held hands on the way back to their table, but before Vicky could sit down it was time for the father-daughter dance.

  Vicky held her breath, as her father escorted her to the dance floor. Had it only been a matter of a few weeks before, that her father lay dying of a heart attack. And now, fulfilling his promise to her, to dance at her wedding, her heart was light as a feather, her eyes blurred with tears. Vicky said a silent prayer of gratitude for the man that stood before her, and wiped away her tears, as she looked up into her father’s eyes and instantly became her daddy’s little girl again.

  Aidan stood in the corner away from everyone else, so she could watch as her bride’s dream came true. It was one of the sweetest moments of her life, just as it had been when she was a child, watching her best friend dance with her father.

  Towards the end of the song, Leonard motioned for Aidan to join them. Reluctant at first, Aidan looked to Vicky for approval and Vicky nodded her head, she couldn’t think of anything more perfect than to dance with her bride and her father, as a family. Together the three slowly danced to the music as Leonard quipped, “Now girls, no stepping on my feet this time.”

  As the band went into a jazzy melody, the best man, matron of honor and the other bridal attendees joined Aidan and Vicky on the dance floor. Even Leonard and Alice joined in, and Vicky pulled Dr. Kline from his chair, and soon everyone was laughing and dancing and kissing and loving, as the music played on.

  The next song was a slow romantic tune that had couples swaying arm in arm. Ruth grabbed Kate’s hand and led her to the dance floor. Then Kate wrapped her arms around Ruth’s neck, and laid her head on her shoulder. She was unusually subdued, which Ruth found concerning.

  “Everything all right, Kate, you seem a bit distracted.”

  “Oh, um, yes. Well, we can talk about it later.”

  Ruth took a step back, “What is it, Kate? What’s wrong?”

  Kate looked up at Ruth and sighed, “Ruth, I’ve taught you all I know.” A little white lie, but Kate thought it was a kinder way to ease into the breakup.

  “Oh yes, you’ve been a wonderful teacher.”

  “And now as your teacher, I must let you fly on your own.”

  “I don’t understand? Are you kicking me to the curb?” Ruth asks as she swayed Kate to the music.

  “I have to, Ruth. You need to get out there and spread your wings and you can’t do that if you’re attached to me.”

  “Well damn.”

  “Ruth, it’s for the best, and we’ll still be friends. Why soon I’m sure I’ll be dancing at your own wedding.”

  “Okay, what brought this on, Kate? Why the sudden bum’s rush? I thought we were having some fun?”

  “Oh kitten, we were. But you need to experience other women, and I need…”

  “What? What do you need, Kate?”

  Uncharacteristically somber, Kate said, “I need to be who I am. I’m sorry, Ruth.” And then she hurried from the dance floor.

  “Well damn.”

  All too soon, it was time to toss the garter. Aidan made a big show of pulling it from Vicky’s thigh, all the while wishing the party was over so she could caress that thigh properly. She twirled the garter around on her finger a couple of times before aiming it straight at Jerry, who caught it before he realized what that meant. Then it was Vicky’s turn to toss the bridal bouquet, and she of course aimed it straight for Yvonne, in yet another attempt to play matchmaker. The photographer had Yvonne and Jerry posing with their prizes, as the two bashfully laughed over the obvious.

  It was then that Ellen had the wedding cake rolled in, and everyone formed a path to allow Vicky and Aidan room to walk up to the cake. As the audience sat back down, the newlyweds first posed for pictures, and then cut the cake. Aidan considered doing something goofy, but when she saw Vicky’s glittering eyes and waiting lips, she took a small piece and delicately fed it to her, delighting in Vicky’s red lips provocatively licking the icing from her fingers. Then Vicky fed Aidan a slice from the cake, placing some of the icing on Aidan’s bottom lip, and then leaned in and kissed the sweet confection from her lips. Once they were able to break away from the sugary kiss, Aidan served two slices of cake to Vicky’s parents as Vicky served cake to the wedding attendants.

  Finally it was time for the newlyweds to change into something more comfortable, while everyone enjoyed their cake and danced to the music. The newlyweds would be flying out to Ireland in a few hours, so for them it was time to start wrapping up the party.

  “You’re unusually quiet, Ruth, anything wrong?” Sally asked, as they sat their drinks down at a table, and then sat down.

  Ruth had met her best friend, Sally Barrick, in college over thirty years ago, and still wasn’t use to her perceptiveness. She attributed it to Sally being a psychologist, who used her shrinky tricks on people. Truth be told, Sally was just a good friend who knew when something was bothering Ruth.

  “I just got dumped.”

  “Dumped? By Kate?”

  “Yeah. Dumped at a wedding, is that classic or what?”

  “Why did she break up with you?”

  “That’s just it. I don’t know why. She said stuff like that I needed to fly on my own and not be attached to her.”

  “Not be attached to her? Were you in love with her, Ruth?”

  “No, nothing like that. I love her as a friend, and really enjoy our time together, but I’m not in love with her. We were having so much fun but she said she needed to be herself again. What the hell does that mean?”

  “From what you’ve told me, and what I’ve observed of her today, I think Kate is a free spirit who finds her self-worth in bed, anyone’s bed. You came along and complicated the narrative.”

  “English please.”

  “She’s probably beginning to feel caged, and a woman like that can’t last long in a cage.”

  “You mean she feels caged by me? How? I never asked for a commitment. I don’t even want a commitment, with her, or anyone else for that matter.”

  “What do you want, Ruth?”

  “To keep things as they are. I’m not in a rush to get married anytime soon. Been there, done that, disaster both times. I do want to fly on my own, as she put it. I want to date, and have fun without being bogged down in dramatic relationships.”

  “Have you told her that?”

  “No, I just assumed she knew.”

  “Have I taught you nothing in all this time? To assume something is to take the easy way out. To assume is to make an ass out of you and me. Or in this case, you and you.”

  Ruth looked past the assumption and could see that Sally was right, that she had unknowingly trapped Kate in a cage. She remembered the twinge of jealousy she had when she saw Kate with another woman, and admitted to herself that there was something there, but what was it? Love? Or was it more about being her favorite student than about being her lover. What am I, twelve years old again, trying to be the teacher’s pet?

  Alone in Vicky’s dressing room, Vicky asked, as she pointed to her zipper, “Are you happy, honey?”

  Aidan unzipped her dress, caressing her hips as she did. “More than I can ever express to you, Vic. I know in
my heart that I love you, but to be able to tell the world that, as I did today,” Aidan began undressing herself, “I don’t know how to say it…”

  Vicky slipped out of her dress, and said, “It makes your heart full to bursting?”


  Vicky, in her camisole, placed her hand between Aidan’s now bare breasts. “Did you feel that, sweetheart?”

  Aidan shivered, “You mean the way my heart just skipped a beat at your touch?

  Vicky smiled, “Yes, exactly. I know this because my heart also skipped a beat when I touched you.”

  Aidan took Vicky’s hand from her heart and kissed it, “I don’t suppose we have time for‒‒”

  “You are incorrigible.”

  Aidan tapped Vicky lightly on her chest, “And you love it, don’t you?”

  They continued to talk as they changed clothes.

  “Yes, sweetheart, I do.” Vicky chuckled, “Don’t ever change that. But I really think we need to get back to our guests right now.”

  “All right, but you owe me one.” Aidan said as she pulled on her boots and stood up.

  “A debt I will look forward to repaying.” Vicky said as she stepped into her pumps.

  “Ready?” Aidan asked.

  “Ready.” Vicky replied.

  Aidan had changed into a starched blue shirt, tan leather jacket, with starched black chinos, and tan slouched boots. She tucked her medals under her shirt, and then adjusted her wrist watch.

  Vicky put on a lilac cocktail dress, leaving her jewelry on, but she removed the broach from her hair, and unfurled the braids, brushing her hair into a loose twisted bun. She wore rhinestone encrusted pumps and carried a matching clutch purse.

  The newlyweds walked back into the reception hand in hand, and danced one more dance, before making their way around the room one more time, thanking their guests for coming. Not one for socializing at parties, Aidan was getting antsy, calculating that if they left now, they would have time for a romp in the sheets before they had to leave for the airport.

  Dr. Kline walked up to Aidan and said in hush tones, “I have to tell you something, it’s very important.”

  “Sure Doc, let’s go outside where there’s more privacy,” Aidan replied, and made her way past the half eaten cake, to the tent entrance.

  At the same time, Vicky was feeling like something wasn’t right, and walked outside as well. The sky had grown dark on one side and crystal clear blue on the other. Vicky looked at the clouds for a moment as Aidan and Kline joined her.

  “What’s the matter, Vic?”

  “Aidan, when I was a senior in high school, four tornadoes came together to form one massive tornado that tore up our hometown, killing five people. I remember being outside of the science building when I saw this huge dark funnel cloud behind the English building, but it was actually over the town. My mom was working part time at a store downtown then, and she had to dive under the car tires just before the tornado ripped through the store. She wasn’t hurt, thank God. Anyway I ran the mile and a half to the store and on the way I saw such devastation, like the train that had derailed on the tracks, homes that had been flattened or had their second story floors ripped away, the bank with only the vault left standing. Aidan, right now, with these clouds and this humidity, it feels exactly the same as it did then.” Vicky put her hand to her mouth to calm her fears, the déjà vu was too acute.

  “Then let’s tell everyone to go home,” Aidan offered.

  “I agree,” Paul said, as he walked up to Vicky and gave her the latest weather report, “I was just coming to tell you that this weather system has only gotten worse and it’s about forty minutes away.”

  Vicky immediately switched to her CEO persona, “Paul, don’t wait for the official announcement, call code black stat and do it now!”

  Paul didn’t need to be told twice, he instantly pulled out his walkie-talkie and gave the order for code black stat to be called, which tells the employees to move all the patients into the hallway, shut all the doors, and close off all the corridors. As Paul gave the order, Vicky crossed herself and prayed, “Lord hear my plea, protect our patients and employees, protect this hospital and all who are inside it. In your son’s most holy name, Amen.” Vicky crossed herself again and then turned to Aidan, who saw the fear on her brides face.

  “What can I do?” Aidan asked.

  “Would you mind telling our guests what the situation is and invite them to wait out the storm inside the hospital?” Vicky put her hand on Aidan’s arm and continued, “Aidan, don’t let them try to leave, this is no ordinary storm, I can feel it, this one is a killer. I’ll go find my parents and Joyce‒‒”

  “I’m right here, what’s going on?” Joyce asked as she strolled up with Ellen on her arm.

  “There’s a tornado coming. No time to explain further, just make sure you get to the hospital ASAP!” Vicky didn’t wait for a reply, she went to find her parents.

  Dr. Kline grabbed Aidan by the arm and said, “Aidan, I’m going back to the hospital to check on my patients. But after the storm is over please come find me, we have to talk.”

  Aidan nodded her head and ran inside the tent with Vicky, as Joyce, Ellen and Dr. Kline ran the opposite way, to the stairwell. Aidan went straight to the stage, asked the band to stop playing and then using their microphone, spoke to the audience, “Can I have everyone’s attention please. Please, listen up. We’re going to have to end the party early because there is a really bad storm heading our way. Vicky and I invite you to wait it out in the hospital.” Aidan saw Vicky grab her father and after a brief discussion that Aidan couldn’t hear, Vicky and her parents rushed out of the tent. Vicky glanced back at Aidan, waving for her to follow. Aidan nodded and returned her attention back to the audience.

  Their mumblings told Aidan that they didn’t understand the severity of the situation, so she said, “People, we’re talking about possible tornadoes, so don’t try to drive out of here thinking you can outrun them. Move to the hospital as quickly as possible.” That worked, everyone started shuffling for the tent entrance. Jerry and Yvonne helped direct those guests who had never been to the hospital before, while Aidan continued at the microphone.

  “And for those people here with equipment, pack it up as quickly as possible. Don’t waste time being tidy; get your stuff off this roof as fast as you can.”

  Aidan pulled the plug out of the microphone and grabbed everything she could carry and stuffed it in an instrument case as the rest of the band members followed suit. Her sense of urgency transferred to the other vendors and everyone scrambled to pack up their equipment. Aidan wouldn’t let them use the stairs or elevators while the guests were still trying to evacuate the parking deck. Instead, she instructed them to either tie it down where it was, or for those boxes with wheels on them, wheel them down the ramp. This took up quite a bit of time and Aidan’s heart beat faster at the darkening skies overhead. She wheeled a medium size speaker box down the ramp, running to keep up with it as it rolled down on its own.

  Jerry turned to Yvonne and said, “I’m going to help them,” He pointed at the lighting crew frantically tearing down their scaffolding, “you should get to the hospital.”

  “Don’t be too long, okay?” Yvonne wanted to make him come with her, but their relationship hadn’t progressed to that kind of desperate plea yet.

  Jerry nodded his head, “I’ll be right behind you,” he said, and then ran over to the far end of the deck.

  Inside the hospital Vicky ushered the guests and people from the lobby into the hallways, and rooms without windows. Joyce and Ellen went up to the cardiology unit where they offered their assistance, while Paul and his security officers remained outside, directing people to move inside.

  When the hospital runs a tornado drill, they do not require that the patient be moved into the hallway, so the employees knew this was no drill, this one was the real deal, and it made them nervous. But they were well trained in the rules so no one pani
cked, even though some were reminded of the time just a few months ago, when they had to evacuate the hospital because of a bomb threat.


  The National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for Hot Springs County in southwest Arkansas. A tornado was indicated on the ground near Malvern, Arkansas, heading northeast towards Benton, Bryant and Little Rock. This is a massive storm system that has already produced baseball size hail and three tornadoes. We’ve sent camera crews to the damaged areas and will have a live update for you shortly. We urge you not to take this storm lightly; it has only grown larger and more deadly since it crossed into our state. Please stay tuned to Today’s THV for further updates.


  Twenty minutes later the sirens began to wail, and those who hadn’t paid attention before, were paying attention now, and they hurriedly ran inside. Aidan had run back up to the top of the deck, helping maintenance take down the large tent and then literally throwing it over the side of the building to save time. They folded up the metal frames and carried them as quickly as possible down the ramps, to where they would store everything, the tents, the band’s equipment, and the lightening equipment on the ground floor, which used to be for parking, but had been transformed into a storage area a few years ago. The ground floor had a locked gate across the entrance that only maintenance had a key for, and after the equipment had been stored, they locked it up and ran for the hospital. Everyone that is, but Aidan.

  “Get out of that car!” Aidan ran over to a car on the third deck that was about to leave. She pounded on the glass and opened the car door, startling the young girls inside. “Get over to the hospital now!” Aidan demanded and the two teenagers scrambled out of the car and toward the stairwell.


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