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Iran: Empire of the Mind

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by Michael Axworthy

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  Abadan 261

  Abbas I, Shah (Abbas the Great) 134–8

  Abbas II, Shah 141

  Abbas III, Shah 156–7

  Abbas Mirza 178, 183, 185–6

  Abbasid dynasty 80–6, 91

  Abdali Afghans 151, 153

  Abrahamian, Ervand 234

  Abu Muslim 80

  Abu’l Abbas 80

  Achaemenes (Hakhamanish) 5,

  Achaemenids (dynasty) 6, 11–27, 34, 35, 42, 44, 45, 51, 60, 256

  adalatkhaneh 205

  Adhurpat 57

  adhvenak 9,

  Al-Afghani, Jamal Al-Din 201–2

  Albright, Secretary 283

  Afghanistan, xvi, 198, 191, 288

  Afshars 135

  Ahmadinejad, Mahmud 230, 289–90, 293–4, 295

  Ahmad Shah 220, 223

  Ahmad Shah Durrani (formerly Ahmad Khan Abdali) 167–8

  Ahriman 7–8

  Ahura Mazda 7–9

  Aisha 75

  Ajam 82, 108

  Ajnadayn 76

  Akhbaris 174

  Akoman 8,

  Alborz (mountains) 3, 4, 128

  Alexander (Iskander) 17, 28–32, 33, 43, 132, 167

  Alexandria 29, 32

  Ali 79–80, 124–6, 130–2

  Ali Qoli (later Adel Shah) 165, 167

  Alp Arslan 93

  Amanpour, Christiane 283

  Amida (Diyarbekir) 58

  Amir Kabir 195

  Amol 84

  Amesha Spenta 7,

  Amin od-Dawleh 203

  Amin ol-Sultan 203

  Amuzegar, Jamshid 258

  Anahita 7, 57

  Andragoras 34

  Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC – lat
er Anglo-Iranian – AIOC) 216, 236

  anjoman 208

  Antioch 33, 39, 67, 68

  Ansari, Ali 279

  Anshan 2, 11, 13

  Aq Qoyunlu 121, 131

  Aquinas 85

  Ibn Arabi 109–11, 138, 249, 265, 275

  Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar (later Shah) 170–4, 178

  Arabic language 2, 72, 81, 82, 85–6

  Arak 295, 295

  Aral Sea 34

  Aramaic language 2, 23

  Araxes (river) 5, 183

  Arberry 95, 113

  Arcadius 59

  Ardashir I 45–9

  Ardashir II 59

  Ardebil 129, 130, 137

  Aristotle 17, 84, 85

  Armenia, Armenians 16 (map), 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 48, 57, 59, 61, 66, 68, 73, 92 (map), 134–6, 144, 157, 184, 187, 191, 199, 208, 264 (map), 284

  army (Persian, Iranian) 29, 37, 45, 76, 134–5, 151, 154–5, 158, 161–2, 167, 182, 183, 185, 195, 196, 220, 222, 226–7, 232, 234, 238, 239, 242, 263, 268, 273, 305,

  Arsaces (Arshak) 34

  Arsacids 34, 36, 43

  arta (asha) 10, 19

  Artabanus (Ardavan) IV 44, 45

  Artaxerxes I (Artakhshathra) 26

  Artaxerxes II 26

  Artaxerxes III 27

  asabiyah 76

  Ashraf Ghilzai 152

  Ashura 124–5, 176–7

  Aslanduz 183

  Assassins 105, 128, 165, 167

  Assembly of Experts 269

  Assyria, Assyrians 2, 4–5, 12

  Astarabadi, Mirza Mahdi 166

  Astyages 11,

  Atatürk 223, 226, 230, 231

  Athens 25–6, 29

  Attar, Farid Al-Din 99–101, 117

  Augustine, Saint, of Hippo 54–5

  Augustus 41

  Aurelian 56

  Averroes 85

  Avesta 4, 10, 41

  Avicenna 84, 85, 97, 138, 275

  awqaf 137

  ayatollah 175

  Azarethes 66

  Azari, Farah 281, 308n.

  Azarmedokht 69

  Azerbaijan, Azeris 4, 5, 40, 117, 129, 178, 183, 186, 190, 217, 220, 237–8

  Baath party 272

  Babi movement 191–3

  Babol 190

  Babylonia 2, 10, 12, 13, 14, 26

  Bactria, 5, 34

  Bagoas 27

  Baghdad 80, 81, 82–83, 84, 91, 105, 119, 135, 141, 142, 156, 163

  Baha’is 191, 193, 204, 210, 257, 285

  Bahar, Mohammad Taqi 139

  Baha’ullah 193

  Bahman (Vohu Manu) 7


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