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Seduce Me If You Can (The Ashbrook Legacy Book 1)

Page 16

by Tonya Brooks

  Richard Van Dorn was a very attractive, sophisticated man. Exactly the type she would enjoy having for a suitor, were it not for the fact that she had already fallen in love with a scandalous rake. However, he was also the type of man that Nicholas had warned her about and he would not be happy to learn that she was enjoying the other man's company.

  Perhaps she could use Van Dorn’s interest to her advantage and finally make the duke realize that she was a woman now. That thought firmly in mind, Scarlett decided that she was going to do her damnedest to make Nicholas jealous.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Lady Scarlett,” came the sincere yet charming response as he lifted her gloved hand to his lips.

  “May I present my cousin, Lady Taran Harrington,” she introduced cheerfully. “Taran, this charming man is Mr. Richard Van Dorn from America.”

  “Mr. Van Dorn,” Taran acknowledged with a warm smile and offered her hand.


  “Lady Taran,” Richard responded as he lifted her gloved hand to his lips. Looking from one lady to the other, Richard simply could not decide which of them was the most beautiful. Both ladies were simply stunning, but as different as apples and oranges. Fortunately, they shared one very important similarity. “I’m pleased to discover that height really does run in the family.”

  The comment meant nothing to Blaise and Taran but Scarlett laughed in delight. “At the risk of frightening you away, I must admit, so does intelligence,” she assured him, those mischievous eyes sparkling.

  “Beauty and brains,” he grinned in approval. “I have to say, Flamecrest, you Ashbrooks produce extraordinary women.”


  “Indeed,” Blaise drawled in a warning tone.

  Ah, hell. He should have known the damned man would try charming his cousins. The surprising thing was that it seemed to be working. Both Scarlett and Taran were showing signs of interest, which would only bode badly for the yank. It was one thing to do business with the American, but quite another to let him court one of their own.

  “How is it that you know Lady Scarlett?”


  “We met today when I stopped in to see Langford,” Richard admitted and had heard the warning. However, he chose not to heed it. He had never met a man that he let intimidate him and he wasn’t about to start with a damned Englishman.


  Taran had heard it as well, and she was not going to let Blaise run the other man off. This was the first man that she had seen Scarlett show any interest in and their cousin deserved the chance to further the acquaintance. “Blaise, be a darling and send a footman to fetch some champagne,” she instructed. “Mr. Van Dorn you must join us for the second half.”

  “I couldn’t intrude,” he demurred.

  “Nonsense,” Scarlett chided. “We’d love to have the company. Wouldn’t we Blaise?”

  “Bloody hell,” he sighed instead of answering and stepped out of the box to signal a footman.


  As soon as the opera was over, Blaise took the ladies home and went on to the Felt Table as planned. Nicholas and Tony were already there waiting for him. He nodded to Dexter, pulled up a chair and dropped heavily into it. “Thank God that's over.”

  “Oh, it's not over yet. Not by a long shot,” Nicholas warned grimly, and appeared to be more than slightly foxed. “Somebody still has to explain this fiasco to Dev.”


  “It sure as hell ain't gonna be me,” Tony flatly denied and had no intention of incurring his old friend’s wrath. Devlin was ridiculously overprotective when it came to his sister. He'd be fighting mad over an insult like this.

  “I don't have anything to explain,” Blaise reminded the pair smugly.

  “You were supposed to keep them at home,” Nicholas snapped and slammed his clenched fist atop the table.

  Not a man to be intimidated by anyone, Blaise shot back, “I was supposed to keep them out of trouble, which I did.”

  “Oh, I say,” Dexter said in surprise at their aggressive behavior. “You chaps aren't about to come to blows, are you? 'Cause, damn me, if it don't look like ya are.”


  Nicholas forced himself to relax as he slouched down in the chair and unclenched his fists. “This is all my fault,” he sighed heavily. He never should have depended on Blaise to keep an eye on Scarlett. He should have done it himself, gossip be damned.

  “Fine. You take the blame,” Tony agreed. “I'll be your second.”

  That comment had Dexter sitting straight up to exclaim, “Oh, I say! You don't think it will come to that, do ya?”


  “You're all making too much out of this,” Blaise interjected. “The ladies were fine. Didn't even mention it the whole evening.” Thankfully the damned yank had kept them too busy chattering about America to give the pair an opportunity to complain.

  “Thank God,” Tony sighed in relief.

  “Scarlett was furious,” Nicholas said bluntly.

  “Maybe just a little bit,” Blaise admitted and heard Tony groan in dismay. “At least she wasn't raising hell about it.”

  Nicholas gave him a disgusted look. “Blaise, have you ever known Scarlett not to raise hell when she was mad?” He asked bluntly.

  “Can't say as I have,” her cousin replied with a frown.

  “So don't ya think it's a bit odd that she didn't?” He pressed in a tone loaded with sarcasm.

  “Nah. She was too busy flirting with the yank to…”

  “What yank?” Nicholas demanded jealously.

  “Van Dorn.”

  “What the hell was she doing with him?”

  “Flirting,” Blaise repeated impatiently and scowled. “She seems to like him a damn sight better than those green pups sniffing about. Scarlett insisted he join us for the second half and Van Dorn sure as hell didn’t mind.”

  That announcement obviously did nothing to ease Nicholas’s mind and only served to further infuriate him. “First Grayston, then Van Dorn,” he accused. “Who the hell else did you introduce her to?”

  Blaise’s own temper began to flare. “I already told you Bram behaved himself,” he said shortly. “And Scarlett met Van Dorn today when he stopped by the house for an appointment with Dev.”


  “Bloody hell,” Nicholas growled, incensed at the idea of the American showing an interest in Scarlett and twice as furious that she appeared to be attracted to another man.

  “Lighten up, Nick,” Tony advised. “At least she wasn’t raising hell.”

  “That’s what scares the hell out of me,” he admitted. Scarlett didn’t mind unleashing that fiery temperament whenever it flared to life. The fact that she hadn’t was baffling.

  “Well, we were in public,” Blaise said reasonably. “And Dev did threaten her with dire consequences if she... Come to think of it, don't think that would have stopped her.”

  “It wouldn't,” Nicholas agreed. Scarlett wouldn't give a damn what the consequences were. If she lost her temper, she didn't mind letting everyone know it.

  “You know her so well, why do you think she didn't raise hell?” Tony queried.

  “I don't have a clue,” he admitted with a worried expression. Nicholas was positively morose. Fifteen years of nurturing and adoration, one damnably long year of denial, self-torment and angst, two interminable years of patiently courting and planning for the day that he could claim Scarlett as his own, gone in an instant. All of his plans and dreams for the future, hell, even his heart and soul now hung in the balance. Everything depended on the whim of a woman known for her mercurial moods. If she didn't forgive him, it would have all been in vain. The prospect was too bleak to even fathom.

  “I say. Scarlett has always been unpredictable,” Dexter contributed helpfully. Which was no help at all.


  “And your point is?” Tony asked curiously since he damn sure hadn't made one yet.

  “Oh, I say. That was it, old boy,” Dexter replie
d, as dense as ever. “You never know how she'll react. Getting angry and not raising hell about it is completely unexpected behavior. Not a'tall what we would have predicted she'd do, ya know. You have to expect the unexpected with her, what?”

  Tony nodded thoughtfully at the convoluted reasoning. “Much as I hate to admit it, Dex has a point. I'm damned if I can understand how, but it does make sense.” He was surprised when Nicholas cursed a blue streak. The man was definitely overreacting and not acting like himself at all. “Her behavior is about as unexpected as yours, Nick. You're acting as guilty as hell.”


  “'Course he is,” Blaise said with dark humor. “His sister caught him with his mistress.”

  Leaning forward in an aggressive manner, Nicholas said in a deadly lethal tone that none of them had ever heard from him before, “Let's get one thing straight right now, Flamecrest. Scarlett is not, has never been, nor will she ever be, my sister.”

  Which caused Blaise's own ire to rise, and he leaned forward until the two men were literally face to face. “Are you insulting my cousin, Ryder?” He demanded hotly.

  “Don't be a fool,” Nicholas snapped. “I'd never insult Scarlett. She's...”

  “She's what?” Blaise demanded, still not certain what the other man meant.

  “She's bloody perfect,” he snarled before surging to his feet, the chair flipping over backward as he stalked out of the room.

  The three men seated at the table stared after him in astonishment as he left. “I'll be damned,” Tony said incredulously.

  “Never thought I'd see it happen,” Blaise confessed in an amazed tone.

  “Oh, I say,” Dexter blinked in confusion. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  “It does,” Blaise confirmed. Nicholas was in love with Scarlett. “Dev's gonna kill him.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Harrington House, London, England, 1812

  Blaise had dropped them off at midnight and since both of the ladies had been keeping late hours lately, neither of them were ready to retire. Changing into their nightgowns and dressing robes, they curled up on the sofa in Taran's cozy sitting room with a pot of chocolate.

  “We haven't done this in years,” Taran pointed out.

  “Then we'll have to do it more often in the future,” the younger cousin suggested.

  “Until you get married,” was teased.

  “Or you do,” was shot right back.

  She nearly choked on the warm, rich brew. “Not likely,” Taran denied. “I'm an old maid now, my dear.”

  In spite of the fact that she'd had countless marriage proposals, Taran was a spinster by choice. Not that she had anything against marriage. On the contrary, she'd like nothing better than to marry the man of her dreams. But not without love. Never would she settle for less than her ideal.

  “Bother that,” Scarlett snorted. “Men still flock to you like bees to honey. You could take your pick and you know it.”

  “But not the one I want,” she said without thinking.


  “Taran Isabella Harrington!” Scarlett exclaimed, wide eyed with shock at the realization that her cousin was in love. “Who is he?”

  “Oh, no,” Taran laughed and shook her head. “Some things aren't even worth mentioning.”

  “This is,” the younger woman insisted as she sat her cup down and curled her feet under her. “I want to know everything, every last detail.”


  “There's nothing to tell,” she denied. “The man doesn't even know I'm alive.” Well, that wasn't exactly true. He knew, and he wanted her... but he'd never do anything about it. Drake was not the marrying kind.

  “Don't even try that one,” was scoffed. “Men start drooling when you walk in a room.” When Taran began to laugh in earnest, she lightly smacked her with a pillow. “I'm serious. Even Tony watches you.”

  That sobered her amusement. “He does?” Taran asked with more curiosity than was decent.

  “Like a hungry wolf.”

  “Tiger,” she corrected absently. “A great big, beautiful tawny eyed tiger.”

  Scarlett's eyes rounded even more and then she hooted with laughter. “I knew it!” She chortled merrily. “I knew it was Tony.”

  “You did not,” was adamantly denied.

  “Did so.”

  “Oh, hell,” Taran sighed and glared at her. “How did you know?”

  “I saw the two of you dancing at my come out ball,” she gleefully informed her.


  “He looked ready to devour you, and you...”

  “I what?” She pressed warily when her cousin trailed off.

  “You looked like you wanted to be devoured.”

  “Oh, God,” Taran groaned and lifted a pillow to hide her face. Then she lowered the pillow and gave her cousin a horrified look. “Do you think anyone else noticed?”

  “Well,” Scarlett hedged. “It was obvious to me.”

  Mortified, Taran buried her face in the pillow again. “I'm never going out in public again,” she moaned.

  Scarlett snorted at that. “Come on, tell me everything,” she insisted. “How long have you been in love with Drake the Rake?”

  “Since my come out ball,” she admitted. “It was so romantic, Scarlett. Drake danced me right out onto the veranda. There were a million stars sparkling in a velvet sky. He was so beautiful in the moonlight, all tawny and golden like a Greek god. I could have stood there looking at him forever.” Taran sighed in remembrance, the pillow hugged against her chest.

  “And then he kissed me. My first kiss.” A bittersweet smile touched her lips. “It was perfect. So sweet and gentle like a first kiss should be. In that moment, I knew that I loved him. Then he lifted his head and stared at me with the strangest expression on his face before he pulled me into his arms and showed me what a real kiss was.”


  “What was it like?” Scarlett queried, remembering her own first kiss again.

  “It was magic.”

  Both women sighed in fond remembrance.

  “What happened then?”

  “Then he broke my heart,” she said in a tone void of emotion.

  “What?” Was squawked in disbelief.

  “He stepped back and stared at me as if I'd sprouted another head,” she admitted. “Drake's voice was hoarse, harsh even, when he said, 'I won't marry you. I won't, dammit.'. Then he just turned and walked away.”

  “The bastard!” Scarlett exclaimed in outrage.

  “My sentiments exactly,” her cousin agreed.

  “And even after that, you still love him?” Was asked doubtfully.

  “Intellectually I know it's foolish, but my heart doesn't agree,” she explained. “It won't stop loving Drake, nor let me love anyone else.”

  “That's why you've never married,” the youngest deduced.

  Taran shook her head sadly. “No one else can compare with Drake,” she confessed.

  Scarlett nodded her commiseration. “I know exactly what you mean,” she agreed. “I feel the same way about Nicky.”


  “Oh, dear,” Taran said regretfully. It would appear they were both in the same losing predicament. Nicholas was no more interested in marriage than Drake was. “We're quite a pair, aren't we?” She asked as she reached over and took her cousin's hand. “Hopelessly pining for men we can never have.”

  Not one to give up without a fight, Scarlett asked, “Why can't we have them?”

  “Because neither one of them is interested in marriage,” was pointed out dryly.

  “Bother that,” she scoffed. “Who said we had to marry them? Why can't we just have them as lovers?”

  Taran's mouth gaped open as she stared at the younger woman in disbelief. “Scarlett!” She finally managed to chastise. “We'd be ruined!”

  “What difference would that make?” She queried with a shrug. “Neither one of us is planning to marry unless it's to them, so who would know?�

  The older woman opened her mouth to protest and then shut it again as she realized that her cousin had a valid point. She would never marry anyone except Drake, so it wouldn't matter if she lost her virtue to him. But to take him as her lover... a delicious shiver shot through her at the thought.

  “Good heavens,” she said in wide eyed wonder. “I can't believe I'm saying this, but... you're right.”

  “Of course I'm right,” Scarlett confirmed. “Besides, I'd rather have Nicky as my lover than to never know what it would have been like. If it's half as wonderful as kissing him...”

  “He kissed you?” Taran squawked in shock. Aside from the fact that he was a rake, Nicholas Branvill was one of the most honorable men that she knew. She could not imagine him taking advantage of Scarlett's innocence like that.

  “Actually, I kissed him... and then he kissed me back, and...” she sighed in rapture, a dreamy look on her face. “You’re right. It was magic.”

  Taran was still staring at her in shock. “You kissed him?” She expostulated. “You actually dared to kiss the Rake of Ryder?”

  “Only because he refused to teach me how to kiss,” Scarlett defended herself. “Nicky always helps me when I'm studying. When I was learning French, he refused to communicate with me in English until I mastered the language, so it only made sense that he would teach me about kissing. He is an expert, ya know.”

  Her mind reeling at this astonishing revelation, Taran thought to ask, “You were studying kissing?”

  “Actually, I was reading this wonderful novel by Lady Mystique, and she kept referencing various kinds of kisses which made no sense. So I asked Nicky to teach me.”

  Taran's frown turned contemplative. “What part didn't make sense?” She queried and saw her cousin’s blank look. “In the novel. You said the kisses didn't make sense.”

  “Oh. Well, it kept calling them open mouth kisses, intimate kisses and the like, but I couldn't understand why a man would put his tongue in a woman's mouth,” she explained and then smiled wickedly. “Now I do.”


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