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Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)

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by Renee, K.

  My sex is swollen and tender so the feeling isn't pleasant. "That was amazing," I huff out. The cocky grin appears back on his face, and he kisses me once more stealing my breath right out of me.

  "I wish I could stay and fuck you all night, but I have club business to handle." He kisses me again and I release my legs so I slide down his body slowly. Before I can walk away from him, he wraps his arms around me, and walks with me back to the bed.

  Giggling, my legs hit the bed and he slowly lays me down keeping his weight off of me.

  "I'll call you later. I don't trust this place, so call me if anything happens. You should really be in a safer hotel." He says while staring into my eyes. I wonder if he says this to all the girls he sleeps with.

  "I would if I knew it," I say with a smirk. I only gave him my number earlier.

  He shakes his head at me before muttering something that I can't understand while his fingers type out something on his phone. I hear my phone beep, but I make no move to get it. "There now you do," he says as he kisses me once more.

  He stands up and pulls his jeans and t-shirt on. I can't help but stare as he pulls his cut on, and brings his boots to the bed. I watch him intently as he pulls them on, and then turns towards me. The words out of his mouth shock the hell out of me.

  "I wanna take you out."

  I look at him like he's grown two heads and is speaking another language. Is he serious? I thought all bikers are supposed to be man whores...

  "You want to take me out?" I stutter. Now it's his turn to stare at me funny.

  "Yeah sweetness, why wouldn't I?" He asks with a small smirk.

  "I don't know, maybe because I am nothing like the girls I'm sure you have throwing themselves at you on a daily basis." His chuckle makes feel like maybe that was the wrong answer.

  "Darlin' that is the reason I want to take you out." I look at him confused for a minute. "Um I'm pretty sure I threw myself at you," I say giggling.

  Leaning over me he whispers in my ear, "I followed you to the bathroom, you didn't follow me." He kisses me once more before he gets up and makes his way to the door.

  Once the door is open he turns to me and says, "I'll call you later." I nod my head and watch him walk out the door.

  Lying back in bed, I think about everything that's happened tonight. I can't believe I just slept with the sexiest man I've ever seen before. After about twenty minutes my exhaustion gets the best of me, and I fall asleep dreaming about Dom.

  Chapter Six

  Making my way out to my bike, I check the parking lot and see a drug deal going on right next to the street. My protective instincts flip on, and I want to make sure she is somewhere besides this shitty ass fucking place.

  Shit, I just met this girl and I already want to make sure nothing happens to her.

  Straddling my bike, I watch the deal go down before I leave. The punks look over at me for a second before scattering.

  Revving the engine, I take off towards the strip club to meet with Jase. When I pull up to the front door, I see Jase standing there looking pissed. Cutting the engine, I put the kick stand down and walk over towards him.

  "Who pissed in your cheerios?" I ask with a smirk.

  "Fuck you Dom. You haven't had to listen to these bitches whining about who the fuck knows what. I stopped listening about an hour ago."

  Slapping him on the back, I lead the way inside and look around the place. It's fucking trashed. Bottles are broken, tables are broken, glass is everywhere, and the walls are spray painted with all kinds of bullshit signs and random words.

  Taking in all damage, I take a deep breath. My old man is gonna flip, and I really don't feel like pissing him off tonight.

  "J, get some prospects here to start cleaning up this fucking mess," I say pointing to the broken glass and wood that’s covering the floor. I walk into the back room where all the girls are and look around.

  "Dom!" Candy shrieks, running towards me. She jumps on me, and I have no choice but to catch her. Her legs instantly go around my waist, and I try to pry her off of me, but it's no use.

  "They ruined our club!" She whines and sticks out her lip. Looking at the rest of the girls I see that they are still shaken up.

  "Get off of me," I growl as Candy tries to rub her pussy all over the front of me. She slowly releases her legs as she slides down my body. I know she's trying to get me to fuck her, but I can't think of anything but that damn blonde at that shitty hotel.

  "Dom let me make you feel better." She says purring and running her finger down my chest. It doesn't give me the chills like it did when Coley did it earlier.

  "No. Got shit to do," I say and turn away from her. "Go home. I'll have one of the guys let you girls know when we are open again." I hear a few groans in protest because I know a few need the money, but there's nothing I can do for them right now.

  I turn and head back into the club area where I see Jase on his phone. "I said to fucking get them here now. I don't give a fuck what my brother told them to do." I can't help but laugh. I bet Brant has them running errands for him or something.

  He hangs up and looks at me shaking his head. "I swear my brother is a fucking moron sometimes." Lighting up a cigarette, I watch him mutter to himself before he tells me what happened.

  "Fucking Bash has them moving shit for him and they can't fucking get here till tomorrow," Jase spits.

  I can't help but fucking laugh at Jase. I don't know how him and Sebastian haven't killed each other yet. "Well let's just close this place up until they can get it cleaned up," I say kicking a piece of broken wood with my boot. I can't believe they got me out of bed with that sexy blonde for this.

  "You look like you’re thinking real hard brother," Jase says from my left. I shake my head no and look around at everything.

  The girls start to make their way out of the club, and a few start to gather around us just waiting to make their move. "You just got me out of bed with that smoking hot blonde from earlier."

  "Wait you mean the one your sister stole from me?" He asks with a frown. Part of me is fucking ecstatic that he didn't lay a hand on her.

  She's mine and I will kill anyone who puts his hands on her, brother or not. Damn I'm starting to sound like Brant and fucking Gunner.

  Running my hand over my face, I turn and make my way to the door. Jase jogs over to me and as soon as he opens his mouth, I know I'm gonna want to put my fist through it.

  "So how is that hot little blonde number? Is she a tiger in the sack?" He asks with a grin.

  Grabbing him by the neck, I push him into the wall. Getting into his face I sneer, "Don't fucking talk about her like that." His hands try to push me away, but I am still stronger than him.

  After a few seconds, I let him go and he rubs his neck. "Holy fuck, don't fucking tell me you are already whipped like my damn brother!" He says with a huge ass grin.

  "Fuck off J," I ground out. Shit. I can't believe I just flipped on him like that.

  Just hearing him say one word about her made me see red, and that has never happened before. Stalking off, I make my way to my bike and take off towards the club house. My head is spinning with what just happened.

  When I get to the club house I make my way straight to my room without one glance at who's all here. Slamming the door, I look around the silent room. What the fuck am I going to do now? Every part of my body is revved up to go another round with the blonde from Texas. But my head is telling me to stay the fuck away, because bitches only want one thing from me; but fuck I want her more than my next breath.

  Stripping down I contemplate what to do next. Fuck it. Grabbing my phone I shoot her a text. My brothers are gonna be laughing their fucking asses off, but I have a feeling about her that I just can’t ignore.

  Me: Sweetness dinner 7pm. I'll pick you up. Wear something sexy.

  Tossing my phone on the dresser, I get in bed and close my eyes. Tomorrow I plan on fucking that girl into a coma, and we will both need our rest.

bsp; Chapter Seven

  The next morning I wake up to a text message from Dom. It’s straight to the point, and I have a feeling that it's how it will always be with him. Lying in bed a while longer, I look at the text over and over again. I still can't believe that he wants to take me out on a date.

  I end up spending a majority of the day watching some old school cop show on TV, and eating some of the snacks that I still had from the drive out here. At about five, I finally decide on getting ready for the date. I wonder what I should wear.

  Looking through my bags, I find only three dresses, and a few pairs of dressy shorts. Opting for a pair of black dressy shorts, I match them with a deep blue blouse that reminds me of the color of Dom's eyes. God that sounds sappy, but he brings it out in me.

  Once I put lotion and light makeup on, I decide on leaving my blonde hair in the natural waves that it has if I don't blow dry it straight.

  Once I get dressed, I go in search for some shoes that will make my outfit look perfect. Three bags later, and I finally find the shoes that I have been looking for. Before I can slip them on, I hear a knock on the door.

  Walking over to the peep hole, I see Dom standing there staring at his phone.

  When I open the door, he shoves his phone in his pocket, and pushes me back inside. His lips slam down on mine, and he kisses me breathless.

  Shutting the door with his foot, he walks me backwards until my knees hit the bed, and I'm forced to sit.

  Once he has me lying down on the bed, he hovers over me. "I've been thinking about your sexy ass all damn day. Sorry I'm early, but I couldn't wait any longer." He kisses me once more before he helps me sit up on the bed.

  "Well that was some hello," I say with a huge grin.

  "You have no idea all the things I want to do to you tonight," he says with a growl. He nips along my neck and I can't help but moan in response.

  Every time he puts his hands on me I melt into a big pile of lust. I have no clue why, but it always happens. "You ready?" he asks when he finally comes up for some air. I nod my head and get up to grab my shoes.

  Slipping them on, I hear his breathing change. "Fuck Coley, those shoes and that outfit make my dick hard. I think we should go before I decide on having you for dinner instead."

  Smirking, I do a little strut to the bathroom to check my makeup. Before I can, his body is against mine and pushing me up against the sink.

  "You're going be my fucking downfall," he murmurs against my skin.

  Turning my head slightly I ask, "Is that a bad thing?"

  "Fuck no," he breathes. "I'd die a fucking happy man," he kisses my neck before pulling away. He grabs my hand and leads me to the door.

  "Wait, I need my purse." I go to the dresser and grab it before walking back over to him.

  His faded jeans fit him perfectly and his black button up shirt showcases all the muscles in his arms. God, now I want to skip dinner. He gives me a smirk and grabs my hand again, pulling me outside. He locks the door for me and then leads me to a shiny black Tundra.

  "Didn't think of you as a Toyota man," I smirk. He just chuckles and opens the door for me.

  "Well I wasn't sure what you were gonna wear, so I went with my safest bet of you not showing the world what's mine," he kisses my hand before closing the door.

  I watch him walk over to the other side of the truck and all I can think about is that things can't get any better than they are right now.

  Who knew this big bad biker would actually be a sweetheart underneath all that leather and frowning.

  The ride to the restaurant goes by super fast. Dom and I just spend most of the conversations getting to know each other. We talk a little about our families and our single parent homes.

  When he tells me about his mother being killed in a drive by, I almost lose it. How can someone be that cold hearted? Why would they target an innocent mother? I would never wish that on my worst enemy.

  When Dom changes the subject to me, I squirm in my seat. I don't want to tell him about my father or how much I hate my sister at the moment.

  "Tell me about your father," he says with a soothing voice.

  Hesitantly, I pick at my nails before I tell him. "Well my father was an alcoholic and a mean one at that. He used to say a million mean things to my mom and us, but he never actually laid a hand on any of us. During the day he was a successful country clubber, and at night he was our worst nightmare. About five years ago, he came home early from work with a gun and sat on the couch waiting for us to come home," I take a deep breath before continuing.

  "When my sister and I finally got home from school, he called us into the room with him and my mom. We had no idea what was happening, but before anyone could react, he pulled the trigger and ended his own life right in front of us."

  The tears start to run down my face, but before I can wipe them, Dom has us on the side of the road. He unbuckles my seatbelt and pulls me into his lap. "I'm sorry babe," he says kissing my lips.

  "It's okay," I mumble. He pulls me into his chest and runs his hand up and down my back until the tears stop. He pulls back and looks into my eyes. "You know you're nothing like him right?"

  Nodding my head, I agree. I know I'm nothing like him. I would never put the people I love through that type of pain. No matter how mean of a drunk he was, I still loved him because he was my dad, and I know deep down he loved me too.

  Chapter Eight

  Listening to Coley tell me about her dad was heartbreaking. Sure growing up without our mom was hard, but we never witnessed her dying in front of us.

  Even if it were at her own hand, she would have never made us watch. She loved us too much to do something like that.

  Once Coley stops crying, I wipe her tears with my thumbs and tell her that she's nothing like her father. Everything I know about her so far tells me that she would never hurt anyone intentionally.

  "You still hungry?" I ask. I don't want to force her to go anywhere after the bombshell she just told me about. I never expected that story to come out of her mouth. "Yeah," she mumbles. She tucks her face into my neck and takes a deep breath.

  She moves back into her own seat and tells me that she's ready to eat. Smiling over at her, I know I'm falling for her. Even with her past, I know she's something that I never want to lose and I'll fight like hell to keep her in my life.

  A few minutes later we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant. Getting out, I do the gentleman thing and open her door for her, and help her out of the truck. I watch her face light up and I know I’m scoring some major brownie points with her.

  Walking inside the restaurant, the hostess just stares at us like a fish out of water. "Two please," Coley says giving her a dirty look.

  Pulling her to me, I kiss the side of her mouth. "Down babe," I whisper against her hair. She pinches my side and I can't help but laugh. She's feisty when she wants to be.

  The hostess finally registers that Coley said something and asks how many. I can't help but chuckle. "Two," I state with a hint of laughter. Coley elbows me and I pull her closer to me.

  "Right this way," the hostess says leading us towards the back of the restaurant. "Are you celebrating anything special?" she asks eyeing me some more.

  Before Coley can say anything, I reply. "Just taking my ole' lady out to dinner. Every day with her is special," I wink at her and she tightens her grip on my hand. I hear the hostess huff out as she shows us our table.

  "Your server will be right with you," she turns and walks away with one more glance in our direction.

  Letting Coley slide in first, I slide in next to her and wrap my arm around her. "I like when your feisty side comes out."

  She gives me a dirty look and opens her menu, ignoring me.

  Once she's decided on what she’s going to order, she finally says something. "Is that how it always is with you and the female population?" Grinning, I tuck my face in her neck.

  "Yeah, but the only difference from before is that I would have tak
en her to the bathroom and fucked her before I left." I feel her tense. She elbows me and catches me right in the rib.

  "Fuck," I groan. She turns and gives me a dirty look.

  "Babe, I said before. Now the only one I want to fuck in the bathroom is you." She narrows her eyes at me and then turns her attention to the server.

  “Hi, what can I get started for you?" he asks, staring directly at Coley.

  Shooting the server a dirty look, he stops staring at my girl, and finally just takes our order. "Not so great, huh?" she says with a smile. She thinks she's clever.

  By the end of dinner, I'm pretty sure we talked about a million different things and I'm ready to get this girl naked and under me again. I run my hand down her thigh and slip my fingers inside of her shorts.

  Brushing my fingers over her clit, I can feel the wetness on her panties. I love that she is always wet and ready for me.

  When the server comes by again, I tell him we're ready for our check.

  While waiting for the server, I continue to run my fingers up and down her panty covered slit, occasionally dipping my fingers inside them. Her quiet moans tell me how much she wants it and she buries her face into my shoulder when I slip my finger inside of her.

  When the server comes back, I pinch her clit and her moan gets louder. His head snaps to her and I can't help but chuckle. I can see the bulge grow in his pants as he figures out what I'm doing to her.

  I give him a look and he goes away just as quickly as he arrived, but now with a problem he needs to take care of. Serves him right for staring at my girl.

  She turns her face towards me and her eyes are full of lust. I pull my hand from her panties and put my fingers into my mouth sucking her juices off of them. Her breathy moan gets my dick hard.

  Pulling out a few twenties from my wallet, I toss them on top of the bill and pull her out of the booth with me. Adjusting myself, I grab her hand and lead her back to my truck. Once we are inside, I make my way to her hotel as fast as I can.


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