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Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)

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by Renee, K.

  He grips my hips and I can feel the bruises already forming with the pressure he’s applying. He rubs my clit and I break apart around him. “Oh god.” I moan as I come around his cock.

  “I think you like me telling you what to do,” he grunts, as he continues his assault on my pussy.

  All I can do it moan in response. Squeezing my legs around him he mutters “so fucking tight.” I can feel him thicken even more and his pace quickens. Reaching under my shirt, I pinch my nipple and I’m about to go over the edge again.

  Leaning down, he seals our mouths together and we both come together. Panting, he rolls us over so that he is now on his back. “Sit up for a second sweetness,” he says as I rest my head on his chest. I sit up and he pulls his shirt off of himself. Before he lets me lay back down, he pulls my shirt and bra off too.

  “I like being skin to skin with you,” he says when I give him a dirty look.

  “Why?” I ask looking at him with a weird expression.

  Whenever Danny and I had sex, we would pull our clothes back on, and go to bed. We never slept naked together.

  He slides back on the bed to where we are not hanging off the edge anymore. He pulls me back down so my head is on his chest, and he runs his fingers through my hair.

  “I like the feel of your soft skin against my rough skin, but this way I know you’re really here.”

  Looking up to him, I swear I heard him wrong. “Why wouldn’t I be here?” I ask. Someone must have really hurt him to make him think I wouldn’t stick around. Hell, we’ve only known each other for a day, but everything about him makes me drawn to him.

  If things ended tomorrow, I would be devastated. In a very short period of time, I’ve started to fall for the big bad biker.

  “Because the women in my life always leave. My mom, my sister, and Tiffany. They all left.” His sad expression makes me wonder who Tiffany is, but I don’t dare ask. I don’t want to make him talk about something that will just piss him off.

  “Your sister is back though. That should count for something right?” I say quietly.

  Rolling us over, he pins me to the bed and stares into my eyes for a few minutes before he speaks again.

  “My sister has been through a lot and I get why she left last time, but I hate seeing her come back even more broken than before. If Brant ever hurts her again I’ll fucking kill him.” The love he has for his sister is admirable. I wish I had an older brother who would kill for me, but instead I have a sister who is just a whore.

  “You’re a great big brother.” He lays next to me so we are face to face. I trace the tattoos that cover his body and he chuckles at my statement, but doesn’t say anything else.

  Before we know it, someone is banging on his door. “Fuck off,” he yells at whoever is on the other side.

  “Come on get your ass out here. Anslie is going to fucking kill you and I won’t stop her big brother,” the voice yells back.

  Dom chuckles and kisses me. “Tell her to go fuck Brant or something and leave me and Coley alone.” I can hear a deep voice on the other side laughing. “Your funeral asshole.”

  Dom just shakes his head and pulls me closer to him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Leaning down, I kiss her lips and think about what I just told her. Fuck. I didn’t mean to tell her Tiffany’s name, but it’s just so easy to talk to her and I swear it’s like we’ve known each other forever.

  I can tell by the look in her eyes that she wants to ask about Tiffany, but she doesn’t say anything. Maybe one day, I’ll be able to tell her. We lay in the silent room for another twenty minutes before we decide to make an appearance so my sister doesn’t kill me.

  Coley is bent over grabbing her panties off the floor, and I can’t help but sit and stare at her ass. It is the fucking best one I’ve ever seen in my life. Walking up behind her, I grip her hips, and run my rock hard dick along her ass.

  "Dom," she giggles.

  She tries to stand up, but I keep her at the right angle, and push into her wet folds. "Oh fuck," she whimpers out. I don't know what it is about her that I'm addicted to, but I can't keep my hands off of her.

  I reach down and tweak her nipple until I feel her body start to tense up. Pounding into her a few more times, I feel the ache in my balls and I know I'm about to come. Slamming into her once more, we both let go. I feel her legs get weak, so I keep holding her up against me and slowly pull out of her.

  "Damn Cole, I can't get enough of you." I say as I kiss the side of her head.

  "Mmm," is the only reply I get from her.

  "Come on let's get dressed and head out there." She doesn't say anything, but she does nod her head in confirmation.

  Once we finally make it out into the barbecue, my brothers are all hoot and hollering. They knew exactly where we were this whole time, because I'm sure my dad and brother told them. Coley gets shy and tries to hide behind me, but I don't let her. If we are ever gonna stand a chance, she has to get used to this.

  I pull her in front of me and wrap my arms around her. "Sweetness they don't give a shit about what we were just doing. Hell, I'm sure most of them have done the same thing. No need to be embarrassed," I kiss down her neck and I get a soft moan in response.

  I hear my name being yelled from behind me and I release her to see who it is. "Dominic, if you don't get your stupid ass out here I will fucking kill you!" My sister screams at me.

  What the fuck could she possibly want? Sighing, I grab Coley's hand and make my way over to where I see Brant standing. For almost dying a few months ago, I'm surprised he's letting Anslie have this fucking get together.

  Brant turns my way and has a weird expression on his face. It's a cross between disbelief and laughter. I hear Coley's intake of breath and I look over to where she's looking.

  "Dominic who the hell is this whore and why is she here demanding to talk to you?" My sister's voice keeps getting louder. Looking over at the girl, I rack my brain trying to figure out who she is.

  Coley is trying to get her hand out of mine, but I won't let her go.

  Leaning into Coley, I whisper in her ear. "Don't go anywhere," I growl in her ear. Her eyes snap up to mine and I know she's about to tell me to go fuck myself. I give her a look and she closes her mouth.

  Looking over to the girl again I try to place her, but I can't. She's holding an infant and staring at me like I fucking killed her dog. "Who the hell are you?" I ask looking between her and my sister. Anslie looks ready to pounce, but I have no idea why.

  "Well Dom let me introduce you to our son, Axle," her voice, it sounds familiar, but I can’t place it. This kid can't be mine. I know for sure that I’ve never fucked this bitch. "How the fuck do you know that kid is mine?" I ask. I don't even know what to think.

  Coley breaks free from my grip and walks off with Anslie following her. "Deal with this Dom," my sister hisses as she walks by. I hear Brant chuckle and I want to put my fist into his face.

  "Let me guess you don't even remember the night we were together? I should have known better. But I couldn't pass up on a night in bed with you, so I went against everything I am, and slept with you," she shakes her head.

  She sighs. "If you don't believe me, let's get a test done."

  "Fine. Give me your number and I'll call you with the time and place," I say through gritted teeth. Great, just one more fucking thing to add to my list of things to do.

  She gives me a piece of paper with her name and number on it and then walks away with the baby. I can't take my eyes off of the baby. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I know its Brant.

  "Fuck man. He looks just like you."

  Shit that's not what I wanted to hear.

  Turning to Brant I just shake my head. "Fuck. How the hell did you handle this with my sister?" I ask.

  He smirks, "I fucked her after I found out."

  Shaking my head, I look back to where she walked away. "You and I both know I'm not gonna fuck her. I don't want to ruin things with Coley."

  "You really like her yeah?" he asks looking over his shoulder at Anslie and Coley.

  Looking over at them, I get a smile on my face. "Yeah I do. There's something about her that draws me in. Almost like I'm addicted already."

  Slapping me on the back he chuckles. "Welcome to my world asshole. Find out if you're the father, even though it's pretty obvious, keep fighting for Coley. Don't make the same mistakes I did."

  Brant walks over to Anslie and leads her away from Coley.

  Now is as good of a time as any to talk to Coley about this shit.

  Making my way over to Coley, I watch her eyes roam my body. This could be a good sign. Let's just hope she doesn't freak out at the possibility of me being a father.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The minute I saw the bleach blonde with the car seat, I knew what she was going to say to Dom. I could see the hate in her eyes as she looked at me.

  I didn't want to be part of that situation, but Dom wouldn't let go of my hand. As much as I want to stick around with Dom, I'm not sure I can deal with a baby momma and all the drama that it entails.

  When I finally get my hand free from his grasp, I make my way far away for the situation. What I don't count on is Anslie coming after me.

  "Coley please wait," she says as she gets closer to me. Stopping at the bar, I ask one of the guys to get me a shot of anything. He nods his head and Anslie sits next to me. She orders a water and stares at me. "Please tell me you’re not gonna run just because he may have a son."

  Looking up at her, I know I'm probably making a mistake, but I believe that he will do the right thing and try to make things work with her. He's a good guy, even if he's a biker.

  "I don't know Anslie. Men like your brother want women like her. She's everything I'm not. She just screams biker and I don't." Sighing, I down my shot and ask for another.

  "Dom and I will never make it."

  She spins her chair towards me and leans in to whisper to me. "Sweetheart, Brant and I have been there and done that, so I don't want to hear it. I was married when Brant and Dom brought me back here. So if it feels right, like I think it does, then you have to grab life and take a chance. What if you never meet someone like him? Brant and I have had our problems just like any other couple, but I get a feeling around him. It's like my body and soul know we belong together."

  I stare at her with my mouth wide open. Could she really mean that? I mean I feel this weird connection to Dom, but that doesn't mean we are meant to be.

  "How can you be so sure someone is meant for the other person?" I question. We haven't known each other long enough to know if we were meant to be together.

  "Okay, no one other than the club knows this, but I'm going to tell you." I watch her take a drink of her water, and then a deep breath before she starts her story.

  "So I moved here when I was sixteen. I lived with my mom before I came out here to live with my dad and brothers. My dad is the president of the Wayward Saints MC. All my brothers are part of the club. I met Brantley at the club house during a family barbecue. Immediately I felt this weird connection to him. It was almost like I was drawn to him. Over the next year we got to know each other, and then he was sent away. Our dads didn't like the fact that we had gotten so close. I went to college in Seattle and he went to the charter in Oregon. When I was eighteen, we ran into each other again. We were away from the club and finally alone. We couldn't deny the attraction anymore, so we gave in."

  She smiles and then looks away for a second. I don't know what is going to come of this story, but I listen anyway.

  "One of my brothers got shot and I had to come home. When I did, I was kidnapped by some asshole who wanted revenge against Brant and the club. After they rescued me, Brant took off. A couple months later, I found out I was pregnant." I can see the tears forming in her eyes.

  "I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't respond to my calls or text messages. I ended up marrying a guy who told me he would take care of me and the babies. I was stupid and thought that it was the right choice, but I was so wrong. My ex-husband hurt me and when he almost hit one of the boys, I knew I needed to get away. My best friend Casey is actually the one who called Brant and told him what happened. When they first arrived, I was terrified of what he would think about me. I knew he would hate me for not telling him about the boys."

  Anslie sniffled and wiped her nose on her hand. "You don't have to tell me anymore, Anslie," I whisper.

  She takes a deep breath before continuing. "He was mad at first, but the sparks were still there. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. When we got back to Vegas, I found out he had an old lady. Let's just say things didn't go well. We fought, but we ended up back together. I know in my heart that we are truly meant for each other. He's taken a bullet for me and would do anything for our boys. I still feel the spark that we have always had. I don't know what I would do without him. The way Brant looks at me is the same way my brother was looking at you before the skank came in the door."

  I am at a loss for words. How do I argue that? Do Dom and I have the same love that Anslie and Brantley do? My head starts to spin. I need to get out of here.

  Before I can make my escape, Brant comes walking over to us and pulls Anslie off her bar stool and wipes her eyes. He leads her away and I can feel Dom staring at me. The hair on my neck stands up, and before I can move, his chest is against my back.

  "Coley please stay," he says quietly.

  Turning towards him, I stare into his eyes. "Why?" I can't think of anything else. I know it's a stupid question, but I want him to tell me why I should stay.

  He gets so close to me that I can feel his body heat through our clothes.

  "I want you to stay because you are the only woman I've met that makes me feel. Really feel something." I look into his eyes and I know I shouldn't say it, but I can't help it.

  "What about Tiffany? Didn't she make you feel too?" My voice is low and almost unrecognizable. I see him flinch and I know I shouldn't have said anything about her.

  He shakes his head and then looks at the bar. "Not like you do. Give us a chance. I'll probably piss you off way more than anything else, but I want to try." I set my hand on top of his and bump into him with my hip.

  "Okay," I whisper. He looks over at me with a wide smile. Before any other words can be exchanged, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

  I yelp and he just slaps my ass. He takes me back down the hall and into his room. People try to stop and talk to him, but he's having none of it. Once we get to his room, he tosses me on the bed and locks the door.

  Instead of his usual demand for me to get naked, he slowly strips my clothes off of me, and then strips himself bare. He cuddles in behind me and pulls the blanket to cover us both.

  "Thank you Coley," he whispers against my hair. I cuddle into him more and his hand squeezes my hip.

  Closing my eyes, I pray that everything works out for us, because overnight I think I’ve fallen for him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  When I brought Coley back to the room, I wanted to bury myself so deep inside of her that she would never want to leave, but I could tell that it would have been the wrong approach.

  Don’t get me wrong, I plan on waking that girl up in just a few short hours.

  When she mentioned Tiffany’s name, I know I flinched. Hell that bitch broke my heart years ago, and since then, I’ve never let another bitch stay in my bed longer than one night.

  The moment I saw Coley in the bar, I had this feeling like I was supposed to meet her. Fuck now look at me, I can’t get enough of her.

  Seeing whatever her name is show up with a baby was a real shock. He looks just like me and my brothers did as babies. There’s no way I can deny he’s mine, but I want to get a DNA test just to be positive. Tomorrow I plan on calling our doc and telling him the situation.

  Pulling Coley closer to my body, I breathe in her floral scent. I hear her phone go off, so I get up and check it. I see
a dick’s name and number pop up, so I answer it. She doesn’t have any brothers, so it must be the dickhead she left before coming here.

  “Yeah,” I say as I pull on some jeans and walk out into the hall.

  “Who’s this?” the prick asks.

  “I should be asking you the same thing,.” I state.

  “Why the fuck are you answering my girlfriend’s phone?” he yells.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you did to hurt her, but I am sure fucking glad you did because she’s in my bed now. Trust me I had her screaming my name all morning and night,” grinning, I wait for his response. Every other word is a fuck or a god damn and I can’t help but chuckle at this clown.

  “Keep your fucking hands off my girl.” he growls.

  “Too fucking late mother fucker. You call or come near her again, and you will deal with me,” I growl. I’m already bored of this assholes shit.

  “Fuck you. You are just a nobody. Keep your fucking hands off of her,” I can hear him gritting his teeth and I just want to laugh at the moron. He has no idea who I am.

  “Trust me, I’ll be your worst nightmare if you touch one hair on her head,” hitting the end button, I stick the phone in my pocket and walk to the bar to get a beer. The party is going in full force still. I swear sometimes they never sleep.

  “Yo brother!” Robbie says as he pulls up the stool next to me. “What the hell happened earlier?” he asks with a smirk.

  “Fuck off,” I reply. I know damn well that every brother already knows about what happened because they are worse than fucking catty bitches when there is drama going on.

  He starts to chuckle and I have to stop myself from decking the motherfucker. “Where is the sexy little blonde you were all over earlier?” he asks looking around the room.

  “She’s in my bed asleep,” I say with a smirk.


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