Book Read Free

Until the Stars Fall From the Sky

Page 26

by Mary Crawford

  Kiera is cutting Mindy’s burger into four pieces and spreading a napkin across the front of her dress as she instructs, “You can have your float after you eat two of these sections. You don’t have to eat fries if you don’t want them; but you can if you’d like.”

  Mindy looks at the burger skeptically as she tentatively whispers, “Are you gonna hit me if I don’ eat the pickles? They make me puke.” She looks between us with tears in her eyes.

  Kiera smiles at her as she efficiently removes the pickles from the burger and pops them in her mouth. “There! Problem solved,” she says, laughing. “Did I tell you I once beat your Papa in a pickle eating contest? I love them, so I’ll be your official pickle eater, but you have to eat all of my black licorice, okay?”

  Mindy giggles and wrinkles her nose as she exclaims, “You’re so weird, Miss Kiera. You just traded me begetables for candy!”

  “Oh flubber-buckets! I guess I did,” Kiera declares, as she throws her hands in the air in defeat, “You’re one tough negotiator Mindy Mouse.”

  “Thank you, Thank you, very much…” Mindy replies in an uncannily accurate Elvis impression.

  Kiera and I meet gazes over her head and Kiera shrugs so I inquire, “That was pretty spot on Sweetheart, how’d you learn to do that?”

  Mindy looks puzzled for a second, but answers, “Oh, you mean Elbis? I’ve been watchin’ Comedy Central for ages.”

  Kiera shakes her head slightly as if she’s trying to clear the image from an Etch-A-Sketch. Under her breath, she mutters, “Oh good Lord…” Louder, she says, “Mindy, when you’re at our house, you’re going to be watching stuff made for kids. There are a bunch of cool movies and things for you to watch that will be a lot more interesting.”

  Mindy replies, “That’s good, cause some of that stuff isn’t even funny. They hardly ever tell knock-knock jokes.”

  Kiera and Mindy start to talk about the upcoming school year as I feed Becca a bottle. Mindy is fascinated by the fact that Kiera and I are both “old” and yet we are still in school. Kiera further blows her mind by telling her that her Papa had taken some criminal justice classes online just recently because he was thinking about becoming a private investigator to help find lost kids after he retires.

  As everyone starts eating dessert, I tell Kiera that I need to go change Becca. She does actually need a diaper change, but that’s not my purpose in leaving the table. Kiera’s attention is on cleaning Mindy’s hands, so I sign to Tara “table 10 minutes”. I see her text Denny. Now, all of my bases are covered.

  I quickly change Becca and pick up the extra treat I ordered at the counter. Since I had placed a heart shaped candle on the chocolate sundae and had my mom bring a dozen red and white roses tied with a silver and lavender ribbon, most everyone in the restaurant knew something was about to happen. Well, everyone except Kiera. Mindy is doing a masterful job of keeping her distracted. She is telling her a long involved story about her last school. Apparently, she had been removed from the accelerated reading program because she missed too many days of school and she had tried to continue to read chapter books by reading her Nana’s romance novels. Based on some of the conversations I’ve had with Mindy, I’m not sure there isn’t at least a kernel of truth in her storytelling.

  Mindy sees me out of the corner of her eye and tries to smother a grin. She isn’t quite fast enough and Kiera starts to notice the goofy grins on the faces around her. By this time, I’ve handed Becca off to my sister and I’ve pulled the ring out of my pocket. Much to my surprise, my hands are trembling slightly. I kneel in front of Kiera and say as clearly as my emotion will allow, “A few weeks ago, you rescued one little boy on the day we met and you were amazing. However, what you never knew was you rescued another little boy that got lost inside me after my dad died and never had a chance to grow and thrive until you gave me permission to set him free. I’m so glad you dove from the pedal boat to rescue us both. You are my everything. I will love you until the stars fall from the sky.”

  I hand her the card that Mindy made. Kiera opens it with tears streaming down her face.

  “Oh, honey, it’s perfect!” she exclaims.

  Love is 4-ever

  Please Marry Us!


  Mr. Jeff, Mindy and Becca

  Kiera throws her arms around my neck, kisses me, and then kisses me again more thoroughly this time.

  Mindy pipes up, “Did she say ‘yes’?” She is standing on her tiptoes in an effort to see everything.

  Kiera turns to hug Mindy as she announces in a clear voice, “Yes! My answer is yes. A thousand times yes!”

  Mindy is tugging on my shirttail. “Mr. Jeff!” she cries, “you forgotted the most important part. Where’s the diamond ring?”

  The whole restaurant chuckles. “No Princess, I didn’t forget,” I explain. “Pip is so excited that I think she didn’t notice it. So, let me make sure I have her attention.”

  I slip the ring from the box and slide it on her ring finger as I ask, “I love you. Kiera Celeste Ashley, will you please do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Kiera gasps when she sees the ring. “Holy Soufflé! I’ve always loved these rings. How on earth could you know that?” she whispers in a hoarse voice. Clearing the tears from her voice, she proclaims in a louder voice, “Nothing in this world would make me happier, I love you, Jeffery Charles Whitaker.”

  I gather her into a tight embrace and kiss her deeply. The restaurant patrons and staff break out into applause. Mindy bows theatrically at the waist and the crowd laughs.

  Heather steps up and introduces herself, “You must be Mindy. Kiera said you’d fit right into the Girlfriend Posse and now I understand why. I’m Heather. I’m one of Kiera’s BFFs and I’m sure we’ll be BFFs too, because I like a girl with confidence. Besides, I need someone to chat with about my curly hair. It’s a huge pain, right?

  Mindy regards Heather with a mixture of awe and respect as she hesitantly asks, “Do you need new friends? Who’s that lady holding Becca? She looks like Jeff. But, now I know they don’t leak chocolate milk.”

  Heather laughs as she answers, “Of course I need new friends. You can never have too many really good friends. The person holding Becca is Donda, she’s Jeff’s sister and she’s helping Mr. Jeff get ready for the wedding.”

  Mindy’s face brightens as she recollects, “Oh, she’s the one that helped Mr. Jeff learn to braid.”

  “You have a great memory, Mindy,” Heather remarks.

  “Well, how else am I goin’ to keep the good guys and bad guys straight in my head?” Mindy asks her expression grim.

  “Well, that is a good point,” Heather concedes. “I just wish you only had to think happy thoughts. Hurry up and think of something happy.”

  “Do I get to be a flower girl?” she asks hopping up and down on one foot.

  “Well, I’d say that qualifies as happy,” Heather responds with a grin, “I happen to know that you’re going to be a flower girl very soon.”

  “Yes!” shouts Mindy, doing a fist pump in the air, “how soon?”

  Heather lowers her voice to a whisper, “Well, girlfriend, we might have a problem. Jeff has already planned most of the wedding, but I’m not sure he’s bothered to tell Kiera.”

  “Tell me what?” asks Kiera, her attention drawn by Mindy’s shouting.

  “Uh oh, we’re busted,” laments Mindy, hiding behind Heather’s poodle skirt.

  Heather puts her arm around Mindy as she clarifies, “Actually, technically, Jeff is busted, and we’re just the messengers.”

  Kiera pats her lap and Mindy climbs on. “What’s going on Mindy Mouse?” she probes gently.

  Mindy shrugs as she replies, “I don’ know. Miss Heather was just s’plaining.”

  I figure I should probably stick around for this conversation since I’m the main topic at issue. I’m very curious about how Kiera is going to react to this development.

  At this point, Tara walks up to the other side of M
indy. She is wearing a jean shirt studded with beads and a tank top with a bandana rolled into a headband.

  Mindy’s eyes grow wide and she tugs on Kiera’s skirt as she asks, in a rather noisy stage whisper, “Is that Pocahontas?”

  Kiera and Heather break out in a chorus of giggles as Kiera says, “No, sweetie, this is Tara, the other member of the Girlfriend Posse.”

  Tara reaches out to shake Mindy’s hand and answers with a smile, “No Half Pint, I’m just plain old Tara, Heather’s friend.”

  “I’m not a Haft Pint!” Mindy argues indignantly, “I’m Mindy Mouse.”

  “So, very right you are,” Tara agrees, “my mistake. Nice to meet you Mouse.” Turning to Kiera she says, “So, if you could wave a magic wand, how do you envision your wedding?”

  “Over with?” Kiera answers with a half smirk on her face that turns into a grin when both girls practically choke on their own spit. After Heather stops coughing, Kiera continues, “It’s just Dad and me. Besides you guys and the girls, there isn’t anyone else I care enough about inviting to bother stressing about planning a whole big shindig. If Jeff wants it for the girls, I’m not above some pomp and circumstance; but I’d rather the ceremony just be a distant memory in our rearview mirror of life. I don’t want to spend months of my life planning for one afternoon. Maybe it’s because I’m a trucker’s daughter, but I’m just not that girly.”

  Tara turns to me and winks as she says, “Remarkably well played sir, I see your ideas weren’t as half-baked as they appeared.”

  Kiera looks bewildered as she pegs me with a look and states, “Will somebody — and by that I guess I mean you — please fill me in? I feel like I’m reading a novel and somebody tore out the good chapters.”

  I look down at my feet and try not to mumble as I confess my plans. Somehow, they sounded a lot more reasonable in my head. I gaze into her eyes seeking reassurance or perhaps forgiveness for what I’m about to say, “I’m glad to hear that you don’t want to spend a long time planning our wedding because our friends and family have been helping me plan a surprise wedding for us at William and Isobel’s horse ranch for a week from today.”

  “I am getting married this Saturday…and my dad has no problem with that?” she asks, incredulously. “Has anybody actually asked him about this?”

  I nod as l say, “Yes, everything is confirmed. Justice Gardner is officiating, your dad is giving you away, the girls — big and little — along with Gabriel will be in the wedding party and the grandparents are on babysitting duty if we want to take an extra night at the beach for a honeymoon of sorts. Heather is doing the cake and my mom is in charge of the flowers. Donda is decorating. Tara is the DJ.”

  “I want to make the card,” offers Mindy, proving that at least some bystanders were hanging on every word.

  “Apparently, Mindy’s got custom stationary covered,” I easily agree. “Well, what do you think?” I let the breath out I’ve been holding in a noisy gust, as I study her reaction carefully.

  Kiera is trying very hard to keep a straight face, but finally surrenders to a hopeless case of the giggles. “You all are insane. Still, if you can get this many people I love to back you up, you must be something pretty special. So, yes, I’d love to marry you next Saturday, even if I have to walk the aisle in my PJ’s.”

  “Oh Sweet Pea, it would never come to that. I have a group of beautiful dresses from which to choose. You just have to show up,” Heather interjects.

  “Really? You guys have taken care of all of the details?” Kiera questions. “I’m not quite sure how I feel about that. I didn’t want to have to worry about everything for months and months, but I kind of would like to have some choice in what happens.”

  “Oh, absolutely,” I assure her, “we just did some of the legwork. We never intended to make the final decisions. I just didn’t want to tell you before today because I wanted the proposal to be a surprise.”

  “Oh, I think it’s safe to say I’m surprised. I guess I’m okay with that, I just don’t want to be completely left out of my own wedding.” Kiera laughs lightly. “Although, I won’t have enough time to become a true bridezilla.”

  Kiera turns to Mindy and throws her hands up in the air in apparent exasperation as she shakes her head and mutters, “Did you hear that Mindy Mouse? I’m getting married in seven days. I must be out of my ever-loving mind! Weddings take months, even years to plan — “

  “Miss Kiera,” Mindy interrupts insistently, “I don’ think you heard the real important part. Mr. Jeff said there was gonna be horses. Lotsa horses.”

  “Hmm, that’s true, I think he did,” Kiera answers. “I guess we should hurry and get home to pack because we have tons to do in a week.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for then?” exclaims Mindy as she shovels huge bites of Kiera’s sundae into her mouth.

  Chapter 26: Kiera

  I stare down at my ring as we drive home and Mindy chatters away with Jeff about all the benefits of having a pet pony in her room. Even though the concept of marrying Jeff wasn’t a total shock, all of the romantic personal little details around the proposal were. On the other hand, given his tendencies toward full service dates, I guess I should have been more prepared. It far exceeded anything I imagined, Jeff’s inner Boy Scout should be proud.

  “How did you know about the ring?” I ask, intrigued about how I ended up with the rings from my childhood fantasies. “It matches the pearls and jade from your family. It’s almost as if our legacies were meant to be combined.”

  Jeff shrugs as he responds philosophically, “I don’t really know except that your dad seems to have taken a liking to me and wants to see us happy. He knows that you’ve always cherished them. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that I’ve loved you since I first laid eyes on you, so giving them to us is a pretty safe deal since they’ll still stay in the family.”

  “You were amazing today, PC,” I say, lacing my fingers through his. “It was a stroke of genius to include Mindy. It far exceeded any dream I ever had.”

  “You’re not ticked off that I commandeered the wedding?” Jeff asks, a distressed expression on his face.

  I think about it for a minute before I answer, choosing my words carefully, “Angry? No. Confused? A little. As grateful as I am, I can’t help but wonder if maybe you didn’t trust me to do it according to your expectations and you just decided to take over.”

  Jeff looks like I’ve slapped him. He runs his hand through his hair as he lets out a choppy breath and grimly admits, “I can see how you could get that impression, but I never meant to offend you. Your dad and I were talking about how to best fit a wedding into our school schedules and one thing led to another and a simple conversation suddenly snowballed into full-blown plans.”

  “I should have known my dad had an active role in this,” I reply with a grin, “In fact, the more I think about it, this has his WD-40 encrusted fingerprints all over it. It’s lucky for the two of you that I’m kind of in a hurry to get married and start my little family unit or you guys would have been in some real trouble.”

  Jeff nods solemnly as he acquiesces, “I understand. Under normal circumstances, I would have never suggested such a bold plan, but average and typical doesn’t really seem to be our style, does it?”

  I look back at the girls crashed in their car seats, Mindy’s bright pink headphones sitting slightly askew on her head. “No, PC, it sure isn’t. Think how much we’d miss if it were,” I muse.

  As we pull up to our house, Mindy wakes up and whispers, “Do we live here now? It looks like a gingerbread house.”

  Jeff and I laugh as I agree, “If you think the outside is impressive, the inside might make you want to do cartwheels. Tara and Donda did a great job making it pretty for you.”

  Mindy puffs up as she brags, “I can almos’ do a cartwheel all by myself. I learned last year in Kindergarten.”

  “That’s great Mindy Mouse,” Jeff acknowledges, “let’s go see what you a
nd Becca think of your new digs.”

  Mindy seems disappointed as she enters the front door. This is not the reaction I was expecting and quite frankly, I’m baffled until Mindy tugs on Jeff’s pant leg.

  “Mr. Jeff, where is your dog?” Mindy asks, her bottom lip sliding out into a pout, “You said there was going to be a dog.”

  Jeff puts his arm around her shoulders as he replies, “You’re right. I did say he’d be here. You girls came home from the hospital earlier than we were expecting and Lucky is still spending the night with a friend of mine who owns a grooming and kennel facility. He getting all spruced up for his big debut. He should be here tomorrow.”

  Mindy nods her head in understanding as she says, “I just wanted to make sure you didn’t kill him because I said I liked him.”

  Kiera hugs Mindy tight as she murmurs, “No sweetie, you can like as many pets as you like, but we’d like you to help feed and clean up after Lucky, because it’s part of owning a pet.”

  “You mean like a zookeeper?” asks Mindy excitedly.

  “Well, sort of,” Jeff answers, chuckling. “Mindy, are you ready to see your new room?”

  Mindy starts jumping up and down as she exclaims, “Yes! I’ve been waiting forever and ever. How will I know which room is mine?”

  Her enthusiasm is contagious and I start to laugh as I reply, “Something tells me that you’re going to be able to figure it out all on your own. Go for it. Just don’t run too fast.”

  Mindy’s eyes widen. “For reals? I can touch stuff and everything?” Mindy clarifies tentatively, running her fingers up and down the doorjamb.

  I give her a small hug — because I’m allowed to do that now — and reassure her, “Mindy of course you may touch things. This is your home now. You aren’t leaving anytime soon, so you need to make yourself comfortable. Just make sure you treat other people’s things with respect.”

  “Okay, Miss Kiera, I will,” she promises solemnly. Mindy tears off through the house leaving me in her dust. Jeff is trying to follow her with his iPhone at the ready recording the whole experience.


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