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Noble Release [Nature's Nobles 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Peyton Elizabeth

  “Your experience might be vanilla, but your wants and needs are far from it. And your reaction to Caden yesterday proves that your vanilla has a little spice to it,” Trent said, stepping away from the wooden jamb. She was surprised when he went to walk down the hallway toward the kitchen. “And you still haven’t answered my question.”

  “Who are you to tell me what my wants and needs are?” Lauren couldn’t help herself and reached out to grab a hold of his shirt. Trent had a way of stirring up anger with the most nonchalant questions, and she was getting more irked by the minute. Pulling him to a stop, she had stepped out of her room and into the hallway with him. He turned around to face her. “You don’t know me.”

  “Caden and I have always shared our women, Lauren.” Trent took a step forward, causing her back to come up against the wall. She let go of his shirt and was afraid to touch him again for fear she wouldn’t stop. But that didn’t prevent him from leaning in, only stopping when his mouth was an inch from hers and their eyes were connected. “He told me what was in your eyes yesterday. He told me he saw longing, he saw hunger, and he saw desire. Why do you think he wanted to show you that part of our lives? He wanted you to have a taste of what we could give you and fulfill the yearning of your submissive nature.”

  Lauren felt his breath tease her lips, and she couldn’t bring herself to look away from his deep brown eyes which seemed to beg her for the truth. Her heart rate accelerated to the point that she felt lightheaded. Her body flushed hot and cold, and her stomach was saturated with nerves. But she couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth. If he knew that Caden saw through her with such accuracy, she would lose her last grip on her safe existence, and they would then have her heart in their hands.

  “It doesn’t matter what one fantasizes about,” Lauren whispered, dropping her gaze. “What matters is reality, and just because I came yesterday, doesn’t mean it had anything to do with Caden.”

  For several seconds, they stayed locked in this position. His hands rested on either side of her head, securing her body. Ever so lightly, Trent closed the inch between them and lightly touched their lips together. Nothing more. And before she could inhale, he pulled away, breaking the moment. Standing straight, he looked down at her with his brown eyes full of passion.

  “The truth is reality. You just need to face it.” Trent stepped away, causing her to all of a sudden feel cold. “It was a long drive, and we didn’t stop to eat. You must be hungry, so let’s meet up with Caden in the kitchen.”

  As if he hadn’t just made her feel a rush of emotions, Trent turned and walked down the hall. She didn’t immediately follow, letting herself lean against the wall for a little bit longer until she knew she had her heart under control. She struggled with knowing that she had wanted him to kiss her, like Caden had. The sliver of disappointment that sat in her chest made it difficult to breathe. This was all her fault, coming here and tempting all of them, especially her.

  * * * *

  Caden followed Lauren as she took her coffee from the kitchen into the living room. Dinner had started off a little bit uncomfortable, but by the end of the meal, Lauren had relaxed. It wasn’t their intention to make her uncomfortable, but he and Trent both agreed they wouldn’t be backing off either. They wanted her. It was that simple.

  “Thank you for such a lovely dinner.” Lauren took the chair that Trent had sat in last night, keeping herself separate from them. “It’s been a while since I’ve had pasta with homemade tomato sauce. How often does your cook come in?”

  “Louise comes in three times a week and is a lifesaver,” Trent answered, going over to the window and pulling back the curtain. “It’s starting to rain. The worst part of the storm shouldn’t be here until tomorrow, though.”

  “How long has she worked for you?” Caden watched as Lauren blew on the surface of the hot liquid, her lips pursing in a way that made him want to lean down and kiss her again.

  “Going on eight years now, I think.” Trent turned from the window and walked back to the center of the room, taking a seat on the couch.

  Caden kept his distance and walked over to the bar. Setting his coffee cup down, he turned and half listened as Trent went on to explain how they happened to hire Louise. He mulled over what they had discussed during dinner, mainly Lauren’s brother. She had explained that her brother, Max, was the impulsive one, who was always on the move and continuously getting himself into jams that she had to pull him out of. They learned it was only her and Max, that her parents were deceased. From what he gathered, she did not have too many close friends, although spoke very highly of Theo McKay. From what he remembered on the news, Theo McKay and Jagger Malone headed up a refuge, called Haven, for Nobles who had trouble integrating into society. He remembered seeing their names on the news multiple times and was ashamed to admit he had never much paid any attention to the stories.

  It turned out that he should have. According to Lauren, McKay and Malone ran special missions when they felt their powers were able to assist. Caden had questioned why Lauren wasn’t at Haven, helping them. She said she had carved out a life here and that the ability to control her power came easily to her. Her job was something she was good at and loved to do, so she reversed the question on him by asking why she would move. Lauren tagged on that Theo knew he could always count on her and she would always help if they needed her expertise.

  The conversation went rather smoothly, and Caden couldn’t find out enough about her. He was like a sponge to her warm, soothing water. He wanted nothing more than to soak in everything she was willing to give. The only time he noticed her tense was when Trent turned the conversation to her mother. Lauren had politely smiled and said she had passed away years ago, then immediately changed the subject. When Caden asked if she had ever been married, she had just laughed and shaken her head no. He was still pondering certain aspects of their previous conversation when he heard Lauren mention Victoria.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” Caden crossed over to the couch, sitting himself on the other side of Trent. “I heard you mention Victoria.”

  “I was just saying that although I understand her need to extricate herself from her overprotective brothers”—Lauren smirked—“I was wondering if you have any inkling of who she might be with. I’m assuming Trent told you she’s in the Atlanta area.”

  “Yes, he did,” Caden answered, crossing his ankle over his knee. “But we have no idea who she could be with. We have someone keeping an eye on Paul, and he was at home as of this morning. So whomever she is with, is someone we do not know. Do you really think she is with another Noble?”

  “Well, now that I know the storm is coming and you won’t go off half-cocked and do something you’ll regret, I think she is with a Noble. And yes, I think whoever he is, he was born with the ability to interfere with others’ power.” Lauren leaned forward and placed her cup on the coffee table. She held up her hand to stop him from speaking, which had Caden gritting his teeth. “I do not think she is in any danger, though.”

  “Why do you think that?” Trent asked, probably knowing Caden was ready to demand answers that she was so slow in giving.

  “I’ll be honest. When I had her brush in my hand, I felt her energy. It’s hard to describe what I feel, but think of a television signal. What happens when service gets interrupted?”

  “Static appears on the screen,” Trent answered.

  “Yes. It’s like that,” Lauren agreed. She held up her fingers, rubbing them together to show them where she felt the transmission. “I felt her, then what I was feeling felt scrambled. I couldn’t pinpoint her location.”

  “But you said she was near Atlanta,” Trent said, leaning forward. “Do you think you are wrong?”

  “No, I am right about her location. But I didn’t know until she phoned you. Whoever was on the other end with her was occupied with her side of the conversation. I was able to get a read on her energy at that time.”

  “Do you know this person?” C
aden saw Lauren hesitate to answer. “Lauren, you said you didn’t feel she was in any danger. If you are having a change of heart on that, you need to tell me so that we can go after her.”

  “No, I don’t think she’s in danger.” Lauren stood up and walked over to the window. Parting the curtains like Trent had earlier, she peered into the night. “But if she is with a Noble who has the power to alter others’ abilities, well, that’s something unprecedented.”

  “Lauren, this is our sister,” Caden said, standing up and walking over to her. Her back was to him, but he stepped in close enough that when she looked into the window, their eyes met. “I’m trusting you.”

  Lauren didn’t say anything for a moment, and then acknowledged him with a slight nod of her head. “I have placed a call to Theo. It has taken them years, but they have created a lineage of the people who were affected so long ago. There has been no word on there being a Restrictor in our generation. But there was a genealogy that hasn’t been able to be traced due to there being a missing family. ”

  “And you think this Noble is connected to them?”

  “Theo thinks so.” Lauren had yet to break their connection in the glare of the window, and he found it wasn’t enough. He wanted her to turn around and face him, to let him see her emotions. “I’ve let him know how my power was affected. I think Victoria just happens to be with him and out of instinct, he felt me try to reach her energy. Maybe he was protecting her, I don’t know. But I don’t think the person means her harm.”

  Caden saw Trent walk up beside him in the window. The picture they painted affected him in a way that pointed out a longing that was deep within him. He and Trent often spoke of finding that one woman to share their lives with. They spoke of having a deep connection, someone to reveal their dreams to, divulge their deepest feelings to, and bare their souls to. Seeing the three of them together, standing in their home, he couldn’t help but ask himself. Had they found her?

  Chapter Nine

  Lauren awoke to a loud noise, causing her to sit straight up in bed. She knew immediately where she was, since she had been waking up every hour since calling it a night. Her eyes were already adjusted to the dimness of the bedroom, but she could see nothing that would have caused the sound that had awakened her. She strained to hear anything out of the ordinary, but only silence met her ears.

  Lying back down, Lauren grasped the sheet to her chest and rolled to her side. After discussing whom she thought was with Victoria and how he affected her power, conversation seemed to be nonexistent. Seeing Caden and Trent standing behind her had been overwhelming, so she had taken the easy way out and claimed exhaustion.

  Conversation at the dinner table had gone rather well, and she prided herself on keeping things casual. The only thing that had had her shifting in her seat was when Trent had brought up the club again. He had touched on the different mindsets of the people who belonged, and yes, a part of her was fascinated by it. They painted a picture of the women who were of a submissive mindset, placing their trust in the hands of their men. These women said they could just let go of everything, be free, and let their men take the burden of their stresses. Of course, there were women who were dominant, while the men leaned toward the submissive side. Lauren listened and eventually changed the subject when the opportunity arose. Either these women and men were lying and just wanted to have a physical experience, or they were delusional. Because who would trust another with their emotions? But it wasn’t for her to judge. It was easier to change the subject than to debate the issue. Caden and Trent could believe what they wanted to believe, but if that was their way of saying she could trust them with her weaknesses, they were sadly mistaken. She only trusted herself.

  Another loud crash rattled the bed, and this time, Lauren jumped up. She had brought a pair of shorts and her favorite tank top to sleep in. The minute she stood on the inside of the bed, away from the window along the far wall, glass shattered everywhere. She stifled a scream but couldn’t prevent herself from jumping. Rain and wind came through the window, immediately saturating the carpet. A tree branch was stuck inside the window pane, preventing what could have been worse damage. They were lucky the entire tree hadn’t fallen on the house.

  The door to the bedroom slammed open, which did elicit a scream from her. My God, they came storming in like some warriors about to take arms with the enemy. Trent had on nothing but his jeans, and Caden had on some sort of black pajama pants. Both came directly up to her and started to stroke their hands all over her body.

  “Lauren, are you okay?”

  “Did any of the glass hit you?”

  “Stop it!” Lauren batted away their hands, not liking that, in the middle of chaos, her first thought was how good they looked. “I’m fine. But your window isn’t.”

  “We don’t care about the window.” Caden glowered, walking over to where the tree was sticking through. “If that had come in any farther, you could have been hurt. We never gave a thought to the tree next to your window, especially because the brunt of the storm isn’t supposed to happen until tomorrow.”

  “It’s fine. I wasn’t hurt,” Lauren reassured them, needing them to back off. If she ever started to lean on them for security, she would end up losing herself. “If you just want to point me in the direction of another bedroom, I’m good.”

  “Come on,” Trent said, grabbing her hand, “you can sleep with us. There are no trees on the west side of the house.”

  “Whoa, hold up, boys.” Lauren tried to pull her hand out of Trent’s grasp. “It’s a limb. It’s not a big deal. You have tons of bedrooms in this house, which will be just fine for me to use.”

  Before turning in earlier this evening, Lauren had found that their private quarters were on the main level, maintaining their privacy from the club. The guest bedroom they placed her in was down the hall on the opposite side, where the yard was evidently lined with trees.

  “Do you think we will be able to sleep, knowing that you are in a separate bedroom after what just happened?” Caden came up beside her and cupped her face in his palm. “You have no idea the horrible thoughts that ran through my head when I heard that crash. Please go with Trent while I take care of this window.”

  “There was some plywood in the garage, Caden, last time I checked. I’ll take Lauren to my room and then come help you. You won’t be able to move that branch by yourself.” Trent pulled her behind him, without giving her a chance to get a word in edgewise. Knowing they really needed to temporarily fix the window while they waited out the rest of the storm, Lauren mentally agreed to go with Trent. When they returned, she would ask them which bedroom was good enough for her to use for the rest of her duration.

  * * * *

  Trent and Caden finally managed to get the limb out of the window and the plywood nailed into the frame, preventing any more rain from coming inside. Both men were soaked, their jeans now stuck to their skin. Trent knew his hair was probably sticking out all over the place, while Caden’s perfect style only looked like it was shiny. Trent smothered a laugh as they walked down the hallway toward his room.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You. Even in the middle of a storm, with wind and rain, you look like you could put clothes on and go out for the evening—not a hair out of place.” Trent did laugh this time, shoving Caden’s shoulder with his hand. “You always were the proper one.”

  “Yeah, dickhead, because you were too busy partying all the time and I was the one dragging your ass back to the dorm room. And don’t forget the time when you went on a binge because Sally Portsmith didn’t want to be shared.” Caden was now laughing along with Trent, and it felt good. They had always shared a bond, but it was doubly strong due to being twins and the lifestyle they liked to lead. All they needed was a third, and she was waiting for them inside his bedroom. He had absolutely no doubt she was the one.

  “She’s the one, you know.” Trent repeated those words out loud, nodding his head toward the door but stopping be
fore turning the handle. “Call it a gut instinct, but she’s the one. We need to get to know her better, make her see she can trust us.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to be that easy, Trent. She pulls away every time one of us gets close.”

  “Then we make sure she can’t pull away.” Trent turned the knob and stepped into his room.

  He had expected one of two things, but not what he saw in front of him. Trent thought Lauren would either have gone into another bedroom on her own, or would be waiting for them with her hands on her hips, demanding that they show her to another room. Instead, she was lying in the middle of his bed on her side, her left hand underneath her cheek and her black hair fanned out on his pillow. Her breathing was even, and Trent knew she was deep in sleep. He spared a glance at the bedside clock, and it read 3:17 in the morning. No wonder she was so exhausted. It must have taken them a lot longer than he thought to fix the window. He couldn’t say he wasn’t grateful it had taken that long, if this is what he was to come back to. She looked like a slice of heaven, and he wanted nothing more than to slide in behind her and hold her close.

  Originally, when he had heard the window shatter, Trent had tripped getting out of bed. He had turned on the small bedside table lamp, which gave off a dim golden light, to see where he had laid his jeans. Looking down, he knew he couldn’t crawl in beside her wearing wet denim. He leaned down and peeled each leg off, his skin cold from the dampness. Looking up, he saw Caden do the same with his pajama pants. Caden took a step to the right and pulled open the top drawer that Trent kept his briefs in, and tossed a pair over while he borrowed another. Once they were both covered, which was difficult considering the hard-ons they were sporting, they gently lifted the covers and slid underneath.


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