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Noble Release [Nature's Nobles 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Peyton Elizabeth

  Trent pushed the head of his cock through her muscle, and immediately, the slight burn started to increase. Caden paused in mid-stroke, as if sensing she needed time to adjust to this foreign sensation. The more Trent pressed forward and his rigid erection filled her, the more intense the stinging responsiveness was getting.

  “Breathe, Lauren.” Caden’s eyes were now almost black with an all-consuming intensity.

  “It burns,” Lauren admitted, trying her best to breathe like he instructed, but she found herself taking in shallow puffs of air.

  “Trent’s not moving. He’s waiting for you. Relax into me.” With each order, Lauren found herself doing exactly what he said. Her muscles released their tension, and it seemed as if her body molded around their cocks, like she had been made for them. “That’s right, Lauren. Just feel.”

  * * * *

  Trent found himself listening to Caden, and while he knew his brother was talking Lauren through their first time, he took his words to heart. Her passageway was so tight, he wasn’t sure he would be able to pull out of her. He could imagine the burning she was feeling, because the pressure from her muscles on his dick was almost painful. He gritted his teeth, and when he felt her entire body fall onto Caden’s, Trent pulled out slowly. He could feel Caden lift his hips and push into her pussy.

  Though they had done this too many times to count with other women, this felt like he was home. He felt like he was never supposed to be anywhere else, and wanted to savor these intense minutes where her body accepted both him and Caden together. The way her body melted between them and the way she gave herself over to them was mind-blowing.

  He felt Caden pull out, so he slid back home, still straining to go slow to let her become accustomed to both of them. He had never been a braggart, but he also wasn’t one to feign innocence. He and Caden were well endowed and, because of that, always made sure their women were ready to receive them. The fact that it was Lauren beneath him and her body adjusted so well to them made it all the sweeter.

  Pulling out, he and Caden finally worked in rhythm, although the pace was still gentle. They alternated being inside of her, waiting for that telltale sign that she was ready for more. To help her along, Trent slid his hand beneath her stomach and traveled south until he found her swollen clit poking its head out, practically begging to be stroked. Having some leftover lube on his fingers, he placed them directly over her engorged nub and pressed hard while he repeatedly made circular motions.

  Her breathing hitched, and her body became tense once more, only this time he knew it wasn’t from pain. They were slowly bringing her body to that place where she would fly. He started to impale her in a faster pattern, Caden doing his best to keep up. Although their pace was becoming quicker, he made sure his fingers didn’t vary in their movements. He was hoping the dual sensations would keep her body from becoming too comfortable and let her reach orgasm.

  Visions of what the future held for them entered his mind, his own body stiffening with the need to come. He and Caden loved to play games, seeing how long they could wait to make their woman find her release. They loved to use their equipment in the black bag in his closet with the multiple toys inside, along with his favorite paddle. He glanced down at her porcelain-white skin, imagining how tantalizing it would be to see it stained pink from the wood.

  Lauren had started moaning, her body having no choice but to climb with them, his fingers helping her along the way. Trent was now bearing down on her with momentum, while Caden was matching every attack. He saw her fingers buried in the pillow underneath Caden’s head, and all at once, he felt her contractions deep within. Trent gritted his teeth, knowing the ecstasy she was about to pull from him, and sure enough, when she screamed that first release, he yelled out with her.

  Over and over, her body convulsed beneath him, the vise on his dick something he could never describe. Because she was sending them both over the edge, their previous tempo went to hell, and both he and Caden pushed in at the same time. Trent’s release came rushing out, the feeling as if she was yanking on his balls too much to take. Rope after rope of cum filled the condom, and for a brief moment, he wondered how it could not break. He jerked his hips until there was nothing left, and fell with her to the side, all the while wondering how they were going to convince her she belonged with them. Forever.

  Chapter Twelve

  The pounding on the window woke Lauren up from a deep sleep. Unfortunately, this time, she didn’t wake up to the comfort of two bodies protecting her and keeping her warm. Instead, she awoke to cold sheets and didn’t bother to analyze that the chill seemed to penetrate her soul. She sat up in bed, holding the material to her chest when she realized she still had no clothes on. It was rain hitting the window that had woken her up.

  Looking around the dim room, she realized it must be late morning, but because of the storm, darkness seemed to penetrate the air. She told herself it had nothing to do with her mood. Scooting to the edge of the bed, she swung her legs over the side. Sitting there for a brief moment, she tried to compose herself before getting up and getting dressed.

  What had they said yesterday? The brunt of the hurricane should be hitting soon. Tomorrow, she would be returning to her normal, everyday life. And that was as it should be. Images of staring into Caden’s eyes as they made her come were something she would never forget. The connection they shared in that brief moment was something she had never experienced before and, in all likelihood, never would again. When they had lain together afterwards, they were all breathing hard. Hearing them murmur reassuring words, Lauren never realized how much a person could crave such a joining. And with that, she now understood her mother a little bit better.

  Trying to brush aside her melancholy mood, Lauren whipped her hair behind her and reached for her shirt and shorts, which were lying on the floor next to the bed. Her suitcase was still in the other bedroom from last night, so she would have to sneak in there to grab a change of clothes. She didn’t want to be seen by them until she was dressed. Lauren knew it was a false barrier, but she needed everything she could get if she was to walk out of this house with her heart still left in her chest. There was one more day to get through.

  Dropping the sheet and dressing quickly, Lauren walked to the door and opened it quietly. Looking both ways in the hallway, she didn’t see nor hear either one of them. Were they back in her original room, making sure their temporary plyboard was still keeping the weather at bay? Or were they in the kitchen, getting something to eat? Either way, Lauren thought it best to sneak into the bathroom and take a quick shower. It would make her feel better to be prepared to face them after earlier this morning.

  Knowing which room was the bathroom from yesterday, Lauren quickly made her way in and closed the door behind her. Flipping the lock, she finally turned and walked to the sink, only to come to an abrupt halt. Standing in front of her in the mirror was a woman she had seen before. Before her was the young version of her mother she remembered from when she was a child. Her eyes held the same emotion. And all at once, tears started streaming down her face. They had touched something in her heart that she thought hadn’t existed—that she hadn’t let exist—but now it did. And now it was too late to turn back the hands of time.

  * * * *

  Caden and Trent watched as Lauren stood in the doorway of the kitchen. It was going on one o’clock in the afternoon, and they had wanted to let her sleep. The night and early morning had been a very emotional thing for all involved, especially, Caden believed, for her. Sharing something so intimate with one, let alone two men was not something she seemed to do often. He could only hope they did more than scratch the surface of her heart.

  Caden and Trent had spent the last few hours discussing how to proceed in persuading her to agree to give them a chance, but neither was sure how to continue without scaring her away. Caden watched her closely as she came into the kitchen, trying to see exactly how they should approach the subject. He couldn’t make out anythin
g by her facial expressions, since she seemed to be made of stone.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” Trent said, turning to grab her a cup of coffee. “It was a rough night and a very sensual morning, so we thought we’d let you sleep in.”

  Caden couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Trent’s attempt at being casual. Trent was just as nervous as Caden was, but the way he addressed her, it was like she was one of many. If Trent had been closer, Caden would have kicked him. His brother might be the more casual of the two, but he certainly knew when to put his foot in it.

  Caden did what he thought they should have done to begin with. Getting up from the table, he walked across to the doorway where she stood and leaned down, brushing his lips across hers. She seemed frozen, like she wasn’t expecting that reaction from him, but he pretended not to notice. Placing a hand on her lower back, he led her to the table and pulled out a chair. Trent was already placing her coffee in front of her.

  She must have taken a shower, because her hair was slightly damp and she smelled like his favorite soap. His dick stirred to life at the thought she had used his toiletries in the bathroom. There was nothing sexier than seeing a woman toil around the bathroom, using what he used to get ready for the day. It set a very intimate scene in his head.

  “Thank you for the coffee,” Lauren replied, not really looking at either of them in the eye. To Caden, this was unacceptable. They needed to face what they shared and figure out where to go from here.

  “Are you sore?” Caden sat down next to her but immediately got up when she choked on her coffee. The hot liquid sloshed over the rim of the mug, landing on her hand. Caden grabbed the cup as quickly as he could and then held her hand up for inspection. Trent was already running a paper towel underneath a stream of cool water, and Caden grabbed it from him after he had wrung it out.

  “My hand’s fine,” Lauren protested, trying to pull her hand from his. “Really, it wasn’t that hot.”

  “Just keep the cool towel on there just in case,” Caden demanded, not sure she was telling the truth. “We have some aloe in the bathroom, if you think it’s going to blister.”

  Trent came over with a rag to wipe up the spilled coffee on the table and then replaced Lauren’s mug in front of her. Tossing the rag through the air, he landed it directly in the sink. “So, you never answered Caden’s question. Are you sore?”

  Caden smiled at seeing Lauren’s cheeks turn as pink as her nails. She carefully lifted the mug to her lips, sipping the brown liquid, obviously taking her time before answering. “No, I’m fine.”

  “Not even—” Trent started to ask, but she cut him off rather quickly and loudly.

  “No! Not even there,” Lauren blurted out. “So what’s the news on the hurricane? Have we seen the back end of it yet?”

  Caden laughed at her obvious change of subject. Did she think they were going to let her get away with this that easily? “Yes, and the storm has slowed down and has dropped rather quickly to a category one. But you still won’t be leaving, at least until tomorrow. Now back to our original topic, how do you feel about what happened this morning?”

  “What do you mean, how do I feel? Physically?” Caden knew she deliberately misunderstood him, and he wasn’t going to let her get out of talking about what happened.

  “You know exactly what I mean,” Caden said sternly. “Why don’t you let us go first?”

  “There’s no reason for anyone to go first,” Lauren informed them.

  “Yes, there is and you know it. Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” Caden leaned over and grabbed both of her hands. “We want something more than just this one time with you. We think this could lead to something very permanent.”

  “I told you before,” Lauren warned, “I don’t do permanent. What happened earlier—”

  “What happened earlier was meant to happen,” Trent chimed in. He, too, leaned forward so that Lauren could only look at the two of them.

  “I don’t regret it, Trent. But you both knew how I felt before even coming here,” Lauren cautioned. “And yes, I could ask myself why I let you talk me into staying here during the storm when we both know I would have been fine at my apartment, and the answer would be because I did want to experience this with you. I won’t lie to either one of you. And if you want to continue this until I leave tomorrow, I won’t say no. But both of you have to know that tomorrow, I walk away.”

  “Why?” Trent demanded. Caden knew exactly the turmoil he was feeling inside, because he was feeling the same way. To find someone they thought could be a permanent part of their lives and have her dismiss them so easily was, quite honestly, devastating.

  “That doesn’t—” Lauren said, pulling her hands away but not finishing her sentence. Standing up, she grabbed her mug and would have walked away had Trent not stood up in her way.

  “If you say it doesn’t concern us, you are sadly mistaken, Lauren.” Trent took the coffee out of her hand and slammed it down on the table. “The minute you agreed to let us love you, it became our business. So tell us why you have built this wall around yourself.”

  “I let you love my body, not me,” Lauren said, her voice raising an octave. Her silver eyes flashed from Trent to him, as if her words alone should cease the subject they were broaching. “Don’t get the two confused.”

  Caden was just about to put his two cents in, when a loud banging came on the front door. He and Trent looked at each other. The first thought that went through his mind was, what idiot would be out in a hurricane? He didn’t care that it had been downgraded. Who would risk their lives driving in this torrential downpour?

  Lauren was the first one to turn and leave the kitchen. Caden and Trent caught up with her quickly, pulling her to a halt. “This conversation isn’t over, Lauren,” Caden warned. “If you don’t tell us why you have these barriers, we can’t break them down.”

  “Who said I wanted you to, Caden?” Lauren pulled her arm away from him and continued to walk to the door. “Someone is out there in this storm. The least we can do is let them in instead of fighting over something that is a non-issue, as least as far as I am concerned.”

  Trent beat Lauren to the door and leaned down to her eye level. “That’s five.”

  “Five!” Lauren exclaimed, pulling her hand back from the handle. “The last I checked, it was at two. And since I am still not one of your club girls, it doesn’t really pertain to me, does it? Caden, tell him he’s not spanking me!”

  Caden had obviously missed out on quite a lot and looked to Trent for help. They had always agreed to be on the same page with their woman when the time came, and since it was clear they both knew it was Lauren, Caden deferred to Trent on what happened to be something that was quite important to them. Spanking was something they felt kept a woman feeling safe, feeling secure, and feeling loved. It was never something they did in anger, only with affection. How or when Trent had discussed this with Lauren was a mystery, but Caden was glad to see the topic out in the open. Maybe it would be the way they could get Lauren to open up to them about whatever had her scared of commitment.

  “I’m not telling him that, Lauren, especially if you’ve earned them,” Caden noted, siding with Trent, much to her blatant displeasure.

  “I have not earned them,” Lauren yelled. Caden loved that she got riled easily and knew life with her wouldn’t be dull for a minute, if they could only convince her that they were meant for each other. “He thinks because I was parked on the side of the road, that it was unsafe.” Lauren used her index and middle fingers on both hands to insinuate quotes. “And then he had the audacity to say that because I didn’t want to come back here, that warranted another one! And don’t even ask me where he got the other spankings!”

  “One,” Trent began, using his fingers to count, “you were on the side of an entrance ramp with no hazard lights. Two, you were acting childish when I asked that you get into my car. Three, you lied about your response to Caden upstairs. As for the fourth, you didn’t bother
to stick around to find out that when we are discussing something, you don’t just get to walk out, like you did in the car yesterday and like you’re trying to do now. And that takes you up to five.”

  “That is such bullshit!” Lauren pointed her finger and jabbed Trent’s chest. “You just can’t take it that I’m not some little, itty-bitty, submissive woman who does what you say and acts how you want!”

  “You certainly enjoyed the sexual end of things, didn’t you?” Trent pointed out, something that Caden would have waited until she was in a calmer mood to bring up, but it was too late to tell him that now. “You just don’t like how the emotional part goes, which let me tell you, beats sex a thousand times over, hands down. I want to know everything about you—your fears, your hopes, your dreams. We want to know that about you, but you’re too damn scared to let us lead you.”

  The eruption that would have been Lauren never happened, because all three of them heard someone say through the door, “Could you three deal with your issues later and let us in out of the rain?”

  “Vic?” Caden called out, going around Trent and Lauren to open the door. Pulling it open, Vic and a stranger stood outside the entrance. Even though the area was covered between the pillars, both were still wet from the rain being blown sideways through the supports.

  “It certainly took you long enough,” Vic said, irritation evident with every stomp of her feet, as she traipsed inside and wiped the stray, wet strands of hair away from her face. She looked the same as always, her long blonde hair braided down her back in her favorite style, minus the loose, wet parts, and she was wearing her usually classic high heels to make herself appear taller.


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