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Your Exception

Page 3

by Starr, Bria

  Zach started working at my dad’s shop over a year ago. He’s four years my elder and friends with Connor. He also happens to be the bass player of Draven. Zach is what every girl wants in a bad boy—tall, dark, and handsome. He sports dark, half-shaved hair parted on the side, and two full sleeves of tattoos that go up to his neck—and probably everywhere else—and he’s as sweet as can be.

  Since the first day we met, we’ve gotten along great. Who says guys and girls can’t just be friends? Alec had hated him, but I think he had just felt threatened. Alec didn’t want me hanging around him, so I never did unless we were at work. I respected Alec’s wishes because I wouldn’t have wanted him hanging out with some girl...even though that hadn’t stopped him. Zach and I have become a lot closer since it is finally “okay” to hang out with him. He has been a great friend throughout the breakup and after.

  The perfect platonic relationship.

  Sometimes we have an extra mechanic who comes in and helps out with big projects, and sometimes my dad comes in just to make sure things are running smoothly, but otherwise it’s just the two of us in the shop. It’s such a small shop, and the only customers we really get are the loyal ones who have been coming here for years. Zach can fix anything, and my job is to make appointments and take care of the accounting. It can get boring sitting at a desk all day while trying not to fall asleep, so whenever that happens, I wander in the back to see if I can be of any assistance. I enjoy working on cars, always have, and anything I don’t know how to do, Zach helps me with. We’ve become a good team.

  After a few hours of catching up on emails and paperwork, I decide to go back to the garage. Zach is bending over the car, elbow deep in grease.

  “Zachary, I’m bored. What needs to be done?”

  “You know, no one but you and my mom calls me Zachary,” he says, looking at me with a smirk.

  “You don’t like it? I think it suits you.”

  “No, I don’t like it, but I don’t mind when you call me it,” he says, still smiling at me.

  I’ve always thought he was attractive. Cassidy had asked me after Alec and I broke up why I didn’t go out with Zach. The truth is, I’ve never seen him like that. I know about his ‘one who got away’, and I know he hasn’t been the same since she left him. He’s broken, but you’d never know that by looking at him. He’s easy going and happy, and it’s enthralling to watch how he’s gotten past it and moved on after what he’s been through. I think that’s what has drawn us together lately.

  I’d be lying if I said I never gave dating him a thought. After all, he’s attractive, treats me with the utmost respect, and he’s incredibly sweet, even with his bad boy image. But I’m just not attracted to him in a sexual way, which is good because the last thing I need is a complication at work.

  After a day of hard work, I walk out to my new silver Kia Optima that I bought last month. Part of my moving on process. Alec used my old car more than I did. Especially at night when I thought he was working but was actually going to see her.

  I get home just as Cassidy is getting ready to walk out the door. We exchange hellos and I head straight for the shower instead of grabbing my clothes first. I had gotten grease all over me today and needed to get clean as soon as possible. My thoughts stray to Logan as I hop in the shower and start singing as I scrub myself down. I get out and grab a towel, brush my hair, then make my way back to my room.

  I open my bedroom door to find Logan lying on my bed.

  "Holy shit!" I shriek, grabbing at my towel to make sure it was fully covering my body and nowhere near falling down.

  "Hey you," says Logan, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  "Not cool. What the hell are you doing in here? And how did you even get in?" If Cassidy forgot to lock the door again, I'm going to beat her ass.

  "Cassidy, let me in.”

  Yup, she’s definitely getting her ass beat.

  “I figured I'd wait in here until you were done. I thought maybe I could get a private show."

  I consciously grab my towel even tighter. "If you think for one second that I'm going to do a strip tea-"

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold your horses. I was talking about your singing!" He laughs. "It was...very entertaining. But since you brought up the strip tease all by yourself, how could I refuse?" He starts singing some of the lyrics as I stand here, mortified. Just yesterday he caught me checking out his ass and found out how much I loved his music, and now he’s heard me singing.


  Pissed, I stomp over to my closet and rip a shirt off the hanger, then throw open my dresser drawers tograb panties, a bra, and jeans. He continues laughing at me as I stomp past him and back into my bathroom, slamming the door shut.What a jerk.

  After I'm dressed and slightly calmer than I was before, I open the door to see Logan sitting on my bed, looking through a scrapbook I’d made of Cassidy and I. Thank goodness it wasn’t the scrapbook of me and Alec. Note to self: Burn all pictures of Alec ASAP.

  He looks up at me and frowns. “I was hoping you’d keep the towel on for the rest of the day.”

  “The rest of the day? I don’t think so. I have shit to do. Now, what are you doing here?” I fold my arms and stare him down.

  He lies back on the bed. Well, he certainly feels comfortable here. “Cassidy said you had nothing going on and that you were free.”

  She is in so much trouble. “Well, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

  “What do you have to do that’s so important?”

  I hesitate because it’s not in my nature to lie. I always say it how it is. “I was hoping to have some peace and quiet tonight.”

  He sits up and smiles. “I have an idea. How about you let me hang out with you for a bit, and if you don’t have the best night you’ve ever had in your entire life, I’ll leave.”

  How can I say no to that smile and those luscious lips? “Fine. What do you want to do?”

  He doesn’t say anything as he lies back down on my bed with a grin from ear to ear.


  I’ve always thought guys don’t like to do a lot of talking, but that’s what we do. Laugh and talk, with a substantial amount of flirting.

  Sitting by each other on the couch in the living room with our shoulders touching, we continue our conversation from the previous night of Twenty Questions, but it’s more like One Thousand Questions.

  "Well?" he asks.

  "My favorite song? I don't know. There are just too many. How about you? What's your favorite song?”

  “I couldn’t tell you. That’s why I asked.” He chuckles.

  “Oh, that’s fair. Fine, it doesn’t have to be your favorite…what song do you listen to the most?”

  He thinks for a minute and responds withOld Man by Neil Young. It’s a common favorite song, but the way his eyebrows pull together as sadness overtakes his handsome face makes me think there’s a lot more to that song than one would think. Something deep. The atmosphere was just taken down a notch or two from our playful conversation. I instantly feel bad, thinking I must have hit a nerve.

  And this night had been going so well.

  We sit quietly for a minute before he continues, “It reminds me of my dad and...well, let’s just say he wasn’t ever up for father of the year. I have a different dad than my siblings, and I come from a line of domestic abuse in my family on my dad’s side. It reminds me that I don’t ever want to be like that. I’m the last Kalford son in the family, and the abuse ends with me. I won’t be that way.

  “Growing up, I had all sorts of anger issues. I was suspended for throwing a kid through a glass trophy case after I watched him slam my friend’s head into the locker vents. I was put in anger management after that, and I finally learned how to work through my anger. It hasn’t been a problem since.” He shrugs and looks at me.


  I don’t even know what to say. I collect my thoughts, wondering why he has decided to share this information with me. This is not exactl
y where I thought this conversation was going to take us tonight, but a part of me feels special for knowing this deep dark secret of his.

  “I don’t know why I just told you all that.” He lets out a long breath and runs his fingers through his hair.

  “Honestly, I don’t either, but I’m glad you did. It’s like you opened up a part of you for me to see.”

  He looks at me and nods. “That’s exactly what I did.”

  I attempt to lighten the mood with the worst choice ever. “I have a sob story that is nowhere near as sad as yours. Want to hear it?”

  “Lay it on me.”

  I tell him about my relationship with Alec and how I have been trying to let him go. I tell him how he had stopped coming home at night, always telling me that he had to work late, and how he was constantly on his phone texting someone. Eventually, Cassidy came to me and said she heard he had been cheating on me for six months. Six whole months!

  I don’t do bullshit, so as hard as it was, I sucked up any courage I could muster and approached him about it. He denied it until he was blue in the face, but I knew. And he knew I knew. Finally, he broke down and told me he had been seeing my friend, Amy.

  “There was so much back and forth, and so many broken promises that, I couldn't take it anymore, and I left. I went and stayed with my parents until I could get my stuff moved out. I needed a new place to live, so Cassidy gave her roommates her notice and went on the search for a new place for the two of us, and talked me into getting a part time job at The Edge, and there you have it.” I take a deep breath. “I’m sorry if that was too much information.”

  Logan looks surprised. “Too much information? After what I just told you?”

  “Well, I know guys don’t like to hear about previous relationships.” I play with the fringes of one of the blankets on the couch.

  “No, we really don’t, but we all have them. I’ve only had one serious girlfriend myself. Valerie. I moved across the country to be with her. We both wanted to go to school down in Texas, so we went, but I didn’t care for it down there, and it was way too hot. I missed my family and friends, and our relationship wasn’t working out, so I moved back. She decided to stay there with her family.”

  It comes out that other than that, he's really only had the occasional one night stand which is something I've never experienced and didn't intend to. I don't really have any desire to sleep with someone I don't love, and Alec is the only guy I’ve ever loved, so I gave him everything. He still randomly calls, begging for me to take him back, but I just delete his voicemails and texts. It could never be what it once was.

  Logan’s eyes look pained as he moves his hand into my hair and down my cheek. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, but I’m glad you’re not with him anymore. Now you’re available for better opportunities. Someone who will care for you and appreciate you.” He starts to move forward, then stops.

  I wait for him to come closer and kiss me because now would be the perfect time, but he doesn’t. Maybe being sad and vulnerable isn’t the best time for a first kiss, especially not after just talking about both of our exes. He was right to stop it before it started. I’m grateful for that. But still a little sad. Maybe next time we hang out he can kiss me.

  If there is a next time.

  He eventually changes the subject. “Do you have any weird habits?”

  “Habits? Like biting my nails or fidgeting?”

  “Okay, I guess I didn’t mean bad habits. More like, quirks, that make you…you.”

  “Well, I’m always overly cautious of things. I can’t explain why. I have a ton of things that would qualify as OCD, but I can’t think of anything off the top of my head. I’m sure I have others. What about you?”

  “I always have to have a penny in my right pocket. In the little coin pocket part. Even though it apparently used to be for pocket watches.” He shows me and pulls out a penny at the same time.

  “Thank you for that history lesson.” I look at the penny in his hand. “A penny? Why?”

  “For luck. I found one heads up at the track one day when I was racing motocross, and I put it in that pocket. I won the race that weekend, so whenever I find one heads up, I put it in there.”

  “I’d say that’s more of a superstition than a quirk.”

  “I was pretty superstitious when I was racing, but besides that, I’m really not.”

  Logan is turning out to be completely different from the guy I thought he was. I guess I shouldn’t always judge a book by its cover.

  We talk into the night, and the rest of our conversation is on a much higher note. He's hilarious. We love the same music, the same bands, the same movies and the same TV shows, apart from my beloved classics, of course. It's crazy how much stuff we have in common. With Alec, it was opposites attract, but with Logan it's as if he's my best friend.

  We make dinner, eat, and talk some more. I'm amazed. There's definitely a connection here that I've never had before. Even Cassidy and I don't have this much in common. As much as I can’t explain this feeling, and as cheesy as it sounds, it’s as if we’re soul mates who were meant to find each other, and I can slowly feel the ice around my heart melting. All because of Logan Kalford.

  I look at the clock and see it’s already past two in the morning. I can’t believe I’m not tired right now. I haven't mentioned that I need to be up early, or that I have to work a double tomorrow. Although, none of it matters. Tired or not, this night with him is worth the lack of sleep.

  Logan notices the time and grabs my hand, leading me outside towards his bike. I open my arms to give him a hug, at the same time he leans in to kiss me, hitting the corner of my mouth.

  I had no idea he was going in for a kiss. This cannot be happening.

  I giggle nervously as I look up at him. So now what? My stomach is in knots. He looks at me and leans in again, landing a perfect, gentle kiss on my lips this time. His lips are soft as he pulls back a little then kisses me again. Longer this time. I want to devour this man. I stand on my tiptoes and put my arms around his neck, slowly parting my lips to let him know I want to keep going. We kiss slow and passionately until I need to come up for air. My mind is in a haze.

  He smiles and gives me one more soft kiss on the forehead before he whispers, "Good night, Wren. Sweet dreams."

  I try to catch my breath as I whisper, "Good night."

  As I crawl into bed, my thoughts are racing. What a perfect night—the night I spent getting to know this perfect man who asked me for my number and if he could see me again.

  The night I'm pretty sure I got over Alec.

  How the hell am I supposed to fall asleep when I can’t stop thinking about that kiss? What a perfect first kiss that was.

  Or was that our second?

  Chapter 4

  Logan consumes my every thought the following day. I know I need to stop making comparisons between him and Alec, but Alec is all I’ve ever known. I’ve never dated or been with anyone besides him. In reality, there is no comparison. None. Logan beats him by a mile. It’s so different with him. So right.

  As soon as I get home from the shop, I start the coffee pot. This is going to be a long night, but it’s worth the wonderful evening I had.

  "Why are you so tired today?" Cassidy asks as we head out towards our cars. It would have been nice if a garage had come with the house, especially once winter hits, but the driveway is big enough to fit both of our cars so we can’t complain.

  “I was up late. Couldn't sleep.” Or stop thinking about that kiss.

  She stops at her car. “How did it go yesterday?”

  “What ever do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. Did you see Logan?”

  “Logan? Oh, right. Yes, he was laying on my bed when I walked out of the shower, half naked. I’m furious with you about that, by the way.” I get in my car and drive.

  When we meet again in the parking lot, Cassidy continues our conversation. “So, did you or did you not have a good t

  “After my humiliation died down, I ended up enjoying myself. But you’re not off the hook.”

  “Did he kiss you?” she asks.

  “Why do you always ask that when you know the answer?”

  “Because you’re not answering me. So did he?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think he did, and you don’t want to tell me.”

  The Edge is dead on Tuesdays, so one of us usually gets to leave early during the week if it stays slow. It's Cassidy's turn, but she tells me to go ahead and get some sleep. “After you admit that he kissed you.”

  “Oh stop. Just let me go home so I can go to sleep.”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Fine. He kissed me. Are you happy?” I say, smiling.

  “Thrilled. Good night,” she says, satisfied.

  I am eternally grateful when I get home, and my head hits the pillow. I’m used to staying up until all sorts of hours, but it’s starting to weigh on me. Moving sucks. I don’t want to do it again for a long time.


  Logan and I text every day over the next two weeks. He comes over when he can, and when I’m not working until ungodly hours of the night. I love it when he asks when he can see me next. I’d spend every waking moment with him if I could. Sometimes I expect him to be lying on my bed when I get home, and that small part of me hopes for it, but he hasn’t since the time he caught me coming out of the shower. He seems to be quite busy during the day working at a powersports dealership or playing a show somewhere on the weekends. I wish I had more weekends free to watch another one of his shows, but he should be having a show at The Edge soon.

  Logan has started coming into the bar every now and again to see me while I’m working, and I get distracted every time. I can’t help but look over at him every chance I get. I find myself smiling with a stomach full of butterflies. He always sits up at the bar and waits for me to come and talk to him. There are plenty of females who approach him, and as I watch him laughing and talking,it makes me wonder if he flirts with everyone.Maybe I’m not so special.


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