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Blood Lust (Fallen Angels Book 3)

Page 21

by Judith Post

  She ran a fingernail down his torso, and his muscles quivered. Shit. He didn't try to refrain from female company very often. He wasn't good at it.

  "I've never fed off you," she purred.

  He reached for his tunic and pulled it over his head. "Enoch's blood satisfies your cravings better than mine would."

  "True." She ran a hand up and down his arm. "Yours would make me crave more."

  He leapt away from her and opened the door. "Get dressed and join us in the kitchen. We'll share what we've been up to."

  She raised a copper eyebrow. "You get undressed and join me in our bed. I'd like to share more."

  "You're a newly turned. You don't know what you like."

  She spun away from him, her shoulders stiff, her hands curled into balls. "Give me a minute. I'll be there."

  He practically ran from the room. What was wrong with him? He never ran from battles, met everything head on, but this woman screamed danger, and he knew it.

  Enoch raised dark eyebrows as Ulrich hurried into the kitchen. Voronika made an amused noise. They thought it was funny, huh? He went straight to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of dark ale.

  "Are you okay?" Enoch asked.

  "Fine." Ulrich slumped onto a stool. When Lucinda walked into the kitchen, he wouldn't meet her gaze. Luckily, Crystal joined them, too. A distraction.

  Ulrich smiled at the girl. "I heard your phone call. Not on purpose. Vampire senses. I'm proud of you."

  A blush colored Crystal's cheeks. She wasn't used to praise, he could tell.

  Her phone ring blasted music again. She was going to turn it off, but Ulrich said, "No, answer it. Tell Lance you don't trust him, that you know he's working for Feral, and that you're throwing the cell phone away."

  As Crystal talked, Ulrich walked to the French doors and looked out at the parking lot. In the gathering dusk, Lance stood on the sidewalk below them, arguing on his cell phone. As usual, Scarlet hovered close by, standing in shadows. Ulrich motioned to Enoch. "Let's follow them when they leave."

  Enoch nodded. He reached for his light, wool coat, and when Lance jammed his cell phone deep inside a pocket, they watched him stalk back to Scarlet. As he and Enoch hurried out the apartment doors, Voronika went to the metal grid and yanked it down.

  They stayed far behind Scarlet and Lance. Scarlet might have scented them, but Ulrich doubted it. As a vampire, she left a lot to be desired. She seemed more interested in intrigue and connivings than speed or strengths.

  As he suspected, she led Lance straight to Feral's nightclub. Scarlet opened the back door when they got there and took Lance upstairs. They watched as a light flicked on at the top floor. Feral's apartments.

  Ulrich grinned. "She's not going to be happy with her cute, little lure."

  "Do you think she'll cut him off?" Enoch asked.

  "I hope so."

  Enoch hesitated.

  Ulrich frowned at him. "What?"

  "Danny and I went to see the body of the last boy who got cut off from venom."

  "So?" Ulrich put a hand on Enoch's arm. His friend was far too kind and forgiving. "Lance is a sneaky, little weasel. If the world loses him, what does it matter? What will we really miss?"

  Enoch struggled. "He's young."

  "He's a spoiled, mindless, selfish bastard. He got an early start and isn't going to change. He'd have led Crystal straight to Feral without one twinge of conscience."

  His friend hated to give up hope, always wanted mortals to prevail, but had to admit, "You're right. He would have."

  The back door of the club opened and Incisor led Lance outside. He gave him a small push and closed and locked the door behind him. Lance stood, hands jammed in his jean pockets, when a female vampire dropped from the sky to land in the parking lot. She started toward the door, looked at him, and smiled.

  "What's the matter, little mortal? You look sad."

  Humans couldn't hear their conversation, but distance didn't deter Enoch and him.

  "Scarlet was feeding off me and giving me venom. Now she won't."

  The vampire looked him up and down. "You're handsome enough. Why doesn't she want you?"

  "She says I'm too young."

  The woman grinned. Fangs glistened in the dim light. Long fangs. She was an older vampire, not new like Scarlet. Ulrich shook his head. Her venom would rock Lance's world. She ran a finger down Lance's cheek. "I like young blood."

  The boy shivered with pleasure. "I can pay you. I'm rich."

  She laughed. "Silly, child! I'm an old one. I don't need your money, but I am looking for a new blood servant."

  "A what?"

  "I take you home with me. I drink from you, enjoy you, and pleasure you."

  Ulrich could smell Lance's excitement.

  She raised an eyebrow. "But only if you want to join my stable."

  "I'm in."

  The female grinned and motioned for him to follow her behind the next building. When they returned, she glowed with rosy health, and Lance looked energized and happy. A venom high.

  She shrugged. "I suddenly have no interest in visiting the club. I'd rather spend a night at home, in bed. Care to join me?"

  Lance stepped close.

  Enoch was about to move out of the shadows to stop him when Ulrich put a hand on his arm and shook his head.

  The vampire hugged Lance to her, spread her wings, and took him with her.

  Enoch grimaced, clearly frustrated.

  "You wouldn't have changed his mind," Ulrich said. "The kid wouldn't pass up venom like that. If you ask me, he's stupid enough to get by. It's easy when you have no standards."

  Enoch scowled in disgust. They started back toward the apartment. "Lance didn't get the full idea of what a blood servant is. He's that woman's own, private blood bank."

  "He doesn't care. You saw him. He jumped at the chance."

  "He won't see his home, his family. He'll be part of her household."

  A man, pushing a shopping cart filled with his possessions, slowed as he approached them. He looked Ulrich up and down, then he studied Enoch's wool pants and white shirt. He tugged a tin cup from his ragged, coat pocket and held it out for money. Ulrich shook his head, but Enoch jammed a twenty-dollar bill in the cup.

  Ulrich sighed. "When are you going to learn? That money will probably buy him the biggest bottle of rot gut whiskey he can carry."

  Enoch shrugged. "Maybe it will buy him something to eat, too."

  "What is it with angels?" Ulrich knew the story. Enoch kept Caleb from joining Lucifer and saved his sorry soul. He had this compulsion to rescue people. But he should set some limits. "You'd save Lance if you could."

  "That's what I came here for. Lance is a kid. He still thinks vampires are glamorous."

  "No, all he cares about is pleasure. He wants his venom fix. He'd rather be a vampire, but living with one as a blood servant is as close as he's going to get. It's what he wants. He's happy. I'm happy. This should be the end of Lance."

  Enoch's voice turned grim. "It won't be the end of Feral."

  True. The bitch had a real hang-up. Vampires had long memories and fierce passions, but this bordered on psychotic. "It's like she's obsessed, she wants to punish Crystal so much."

  Enoch's lips pressed together in a tight line. He was worried, Ulrich could tell. "Maybe that's why she has to keep changing cities."

  Ulrich worried, too. "I'm beginning to think it's going to come down to Crystal or Feral. She won't let it go."

  "I'm beginning to think the same thing."

  They were silent on the rest of the walk home. If they were right, Feral wouldn't stop until Crystal was dead. Or…Ulrich liked this idea better…until Feral was true dead.

  Once back, they entered the apartment to loud music. Voronika, Lucinda, Crystal, and Angel had moved sofas and furniture out of the way, and they were dancing.

  Enoch loved to dance, Ulrich knew, but not with a bunch of fevered girls. He gave a nod, poured himself a glass of wine, and di
sappeared onto the balcony.

  Ulrich poured a glass of ale and began to follow him when Lucinda cha-chaed across the floor, slammed him against the wall, and crushed his lips with hers. He tried not to spill his beer on Enoch's expensive carpet, but she took it away from him and set it on a side table. She grabbed the front of his tunic and started toward their bedroom. "You're mine. It's time you knew it."

  "But…." He looked toward Voronika for help.

  She gave a small wave to Lucinda, smiled, and ignored him.

  He started to call for Enoch, but Lucinda pushed a finger over his lips. "Shut it." She tugged him forward. "No more women are enjoying you. Only me. I'm taking you as my mate, and you'd better keep me satisfied."

  She pulled him into their room, shut the door, and leaned against it. "Let's see what you've got."

  How much could a man take? Self-control crumbled. Lust rushed through his veins. He groaned and smashed himself against her, crushing her back to the door. He bent his head to lick her throat. The taste of her skin fanned his hunger. Her scent made him dizzy.

  He ran his hands over her lush curves, dived under her sweater. Her soft skin set his nerves on fire. Stop! Stop now! His mind tried to warn him, but his body ached with need.

  Her hands slid under his tunic, touching, teasing. His muscles tensed. Her nimble fingers untied his leather pants. Heat exploded through his body. His thoughts stopped, his mind numb. His entire being filled with Lucinda and his desire to pleasure her.

  He flung her on the bed, sprawled on top of her. His tongue darted in and out between her open lips. His hands roamed everywhere, feeling, owning.

  He lifted his head for breath, and she dug her fingers in his hair and pulled him back to her. She squirmed out of her sweater and arched her back.

  Firm breasts pushed toward him. He ripped at her bra, took her right breast in his mouth and sucked. A groan ripped through her. He nipped and tugged. Who gave a fuck about mother's milk when you could have this?

  Her hips came off the bed. He unzipped her jeans, tugged them to her knees. His hands slid under her panties. Warmth. Moisture. Nirvana. His tongue slid between the folds of her lips. Her nails found his shoulders, dug deep. He grew harder. Wanted more. His fingers caressed until she twitched with need. He dove them deep inside her. She gasped, cried out. She bucked and moaned, then pulled him on top of her.


  He couldn't tease, wouldn't play with her. He slid inside her, and she screamed out her pleasure. It was like riding a mustang. They slammed and jostled, and he shoved deeper and deeper until they both came at once. Then she pushed him off her and lay panting on the damp sheets.

  He could barely speak. "Damn."

  She was on top of him, claiming him. Her lips savaged his face. Finally, she breathed, "You're mine, my mate. Til true death."

  Ulrich wrapped his arms around her, pressing her close. "Mine."

  She smiled, pressed her nose to his and nuzzled him. "I love you, Viking."

  He hugged her closer. "I love you, Lucinda." And he meant it. He'd never wanted anyone more.

  She pushed on his shoulders, gazed down at him. She blinked back tears. "No one's ever said that before."

  He ran his hands along her sides, over the ups and downs of her. "They should have, but they can't now. You're mine."

  She nuzzled her face under his chin. She shook with emotion, and he rubbed her back, her firm buttocks until she calmed.

  They lay, locked in each others' arms, for a long time. When Enoch finally called that it was time for supper, they tugged on clothes and went out to join the others.

  Enoch gave a wry smile. "Congratulations. It's about time."

  Voronika laughed at him. "You finally met your match, Viking."

  Ulrich laced an arm around Lucinda and grinned. "I'm so freaking happy."

  Lucinda took a tremulous breath, and he worried she'd cry again, but her expression went soft, tender, and the look she gave him made his bones melt.

  Enoch popped the cork on a bottle of champagne. "To your future."

  The rest of the night was a blur until he and Lucinda headed back to their room in the early hours of the morning. Vampires don't have to sleep, and there were other distractions to attend to. A few hours later, with Lucinda spooned next to him, Ulrich finally let slumber claim him. He was pretty sure he was smiling.

  Chapter 31

  Enoch scowled at his computer. His article needed a hook, and his mind went blank. If he sat here long enough, would inspiration strike? It never had before. Usually, he had to jostle ideas out of thin air. He stalked to the kitchen. When he needed a distraction, he poured himself a cup of coffee. Thoughts needed to bubble and brew to slip in secretly and surprise him. His cell phone rang. The caller ID said Danny. He braced himself. That could mean bad news. "Hello?"

  "Voronika and Maggie ordered a rocking chair online. The store called. It's ready for pick-up. Want to bring the Land Rover and pick me up for lunch?"

  Enoch sighed his relief. "Will do. Noon?"

  "I have time to grab something for lunch, too. Don't have to be back here till one-thirty."

  Even better. Enoch felt a smile form. "Paula's?" They both loved seafood. Paula's wasn't cheap, but it was tasty.

  "You're a friend in need. See you at noon." The phone went dead.

  Typical Danny. Get to the heart of the matter, set up times, and hang up. Enoch sipped his coffee and went to stare at his computer screen, and as usual, the caffeine and distraction zapped his brain. Ideas started to flow. By the time he needed to leave to get Danny, he had a decent start on his news piece.

  They drove north, fighting traffic, to the pick-up ramp of the furniture store and got the rocking chair. It was a charmer with a carved, wooden back that had a heart-shaped cut-out in the center. Golden oak and cozy-looking, it would fit Maggie's small frame. The arms were low enough that she could rest her arms on them. Then Enoch drove to Danny's house, and they carted it inside.

  Enoch whistled at the baby room's transformation. A white crib sat in one corner. Dancing animals decorated its bumper pads and baby quilt. A mobile hung above it, dangling fabric zoo animals that whirled as music tinkled. A white, changing table was centered on one wall, its drawers filled with baby lotions and disposable diapers. He and Danny placed the rocking chair near the crib.

  Danny walked to the room's closet and opened its doors. Baby clothes filled each shelf and hung from hangers. "Maggie's family's going a little crazy. So are my sisters."

  "Good. Let them celebrate with you," Enoch said. "They want to be part of the fun."

  "It is sorta nice." Danny nodded, a goofy smile on his face. "Maggie's the baby in her family, and she might be a little spoiled."

  "She'll have experts to call when she needs advice." When Enoch had lived with Grace—his one, mortal love—she'd often bemoaned the fact that she was an only child. She'd missed having a sister or brother to hash things over with. Maggie was certainly the recipient of an outpouring of love. He grinned. "By the time you have the last baby shower, you won't need to go out and buy anything for months."

  They left to grab their lunch. They were turning onto Main Street when Danny's cell phone rang. Cars were parked on the curb in front of the restaurant and filled the two side lots. Enoch could smell Old Bay and herbs, the scent of broths and sauces hovering on the air. His mouth watered. Danny glanced at the caller I.D. and his shoulders drooped.

  Oh, hell. "Who is it?"

  "Derek." Danny answered his cell. He listened and rubbed his forehead. "We'll be there in a minute."

  Enoch sighed. A couple walked to the restaurant's front door, opened it, and disappeared inside. More scents wafted toward them—fried fish, garlic, and onions.

  "We need to go to Macy's apartment. She's dead."

  Cold washed over Enoch, filled his veins. He'd worried about the girl, still hoped he'd be able to change her mind sometime in the future, to help her avoid his vision. "An overdose?"

No signs of any drugs."

  "Then what?"

  "Derek didn't say." Danny stared out the front window, his lips pressed into a tight line.

  Enoch brooded on the drive to Macy's apartment. She lived—nope, not any more—in an old, brick building on the north side of the river. It didn't take long for them to reach it.

  Derek was waiting for them on the front stoop. He motioned for them to follow him up the stairs. He nodded at Wayne, standing guard, and opened the door.

  Enoch stopped to study Wayne's neck before he passed him.

  Wayne smiled. "No bite marks."

  "Are you still with Goth?"

  His smile widened. "Yes, and Goth's still with me."

  Enoch frowned at Derek.

  "I'm not leaving Ilona," Derek said, "whether you approve or not."

  "Does Feral approve?"

  "She's not doing a happy dance, but she doesn't own Ilona, and she doesn't want to lose a mortal server."

  "I just don't want any of you to get hurt." Enoch hadn't thought the two couples would last, but what did he know? The laws of love and attraction constantly surprised him.

  Danny grimaced and motioned Enoch inside. "No wonder Derek didn't say much on the phone. She must not have been feeling any pain."

  Enoch stopped when he saw the altar in the corner. Macy's nude body draped across its cheap, formica top. She was lying on her stomach, her face turned toward them. She wore a huge smile. She'd cut her wrist—the slices so deep, her hand hung by a flap. Her arm dangled to the floor, and blood stained her hand and fingers. It dripped on the scuffed wood floor. She'd scribbled Take Me in her own blood across the worn planks.

  Enoch rubbed his eyes, suddenly tired. "She must have had too many hits of venom too close together. It makes people euphoric."

  Danny frowned. "Does euphoria make you ask Lucifer to take you?"

  "It would Macy. She'd given up on everything else."

  Danny walked to the window to look outside, not that there was much of a view. A few cars sat in the gravel parking lot behind the building. A dumpster sat on the side. Weeds lined the alley. He frowned. "This is an overdose, but we'll have to write it up as a suicide."


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