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The Cockney Angel

Page 36

by Dilly Court

  The image of Edward’s angry face flashed before her mind’s eye and Irene raised herself to a sitting position, staring at her reflection in the dressing-table mirror. If he had had feelings for her in the past, he must surely despise her now. The thought was as painful as a knife in the heart. He had tried to tell her in his own reserved way, but she had rejected him out of hand. She had thrown away her chance of happiness and now, she told herself sternly, she must live with the consequences. She must not allow her own feelings to get in the way of seeking justice for Pa and all the others who had suffered at the hands of the Sykes gang.

  Success would be bittersweet, but her reward would be to see her parents reunited.

  Theirs, despite everything, was a true love story. No matter how badly Billy behaved, Ma had been devoted and loyal, and as far as Irene knew, Pa had never looked twice at another woman. Gambling was his vice, but perhaps his time in prison might have cured him of his guilty obsession. Irene rose from the bed and went to the washstand where she poured cold water from the jug into the willow-pattern basin. She splashed her face with water and patted it dry with a towel before going downstairs to check that the rooms were ready for the evening’s entertainment. She must carry on as normal. No one, least of all Jim, must suspect that anything was amiss.

  On Monday morning the sun was high in a cloudless azure sky. A warm spring breeze ruffled the feathers on Irene’s new bonnet as she walked briskly in the direction of Robin Hood Court. She had dressed in her best and she knew from the appreciative glances she received from passers-by that she was looking very fine indeed. Tucked away in her reticule was the reply she had been waiting for from Miss Maude, and as she had hoped the good lady was only too happy to give Alice shelter until such time as it was safe for her to return to London. Maude went on to say that she had been to visit her sister in Navestock and they had patched up their differences. Arthur was well and he and Betty were planning a June wedding. Young Arnold spent as much time as he could in the smithy and Arthur had taken him in hand so that he was a much happier and better-behaved boy. Martha, Miss Maude said, was her usual crabby self, but she sent her love to Irene and was looking forward to seeing her again. Irene smiled. So far so good; now all that remained was to persuade Alice to make the journey into Essex.

  A quick glance over her shoulder revealed Constable Burton, who stopped immediately and pretended to gaze into a shop window which just happened to be a milliner’s establishment. Irene stifled a giggle. Poor Burton, he would never be considered for promotion at this rate. She dodged into a doorway and to her relief he hurried past without spotting her. She waited for a few moments before leaving, and then she crossed the street to take a back alley which led into Cheapside. Satisfied that she had shaken him off, she went on her way.

  The front door of the Kents’ house was unlocked and Irene let herself into the hall. ‘Alice,’ she called. ‘Alice, it’s me.’ The parlour door was open and Irene entered the room, but she came to a sudden halt at the sight of Edward, seated on the sofa. There was no sign of Alice.

  He rose to his feet. ‘I’ve been expecting you.’

  ‘How? I mean why? Where is Alice?’

  ‘I took her to the country yesterday. She is safe with Miss Greenwood.’

  ‘You took her to Havering after all that you said?’

  ‘I admit that I was in the wrong. When I thought it over I realised that you were right and that by keeping her here I was exposing her to danger.’

  Irene sank down on the nearest chair. His words had taken her breath away. ‘I’m glad you did so, but I didn’t think you were acquainted with Miss Maude.’

  ‘My mother and Dora were friends and as a small boy I was often taken to the Round House. I remember it well and I knew what you said was true, and that Alice would be welcome to stay there with Miss Maude and Martha. I hired a carriage and we journeyed into Essex.’

  ‘You might have told me,’ Irene said indignantly. ‘I’ve been worried sick about Alice and racking my brains trying to think how I would smuggle her out of London.’

  A tender smile hovered around his lips. ‘I know. Miss Maude showed me your letter. She said it was just like you to put others before yourself.’

  Irene felt a blush rising to her cheeks and she jumped to her feet, taking an agitated turn around the room. ‘I don’t understand. How did you know what I planned, and why are you here now? You couldn’t have known that I was coming today, unless …’ Her voice tailed off as she thought of Danny.

  ‘That’s right. But don’t blame the boy. I happened to overhear him giving Alice your message. It was then that I decided I must act, so you see I have only done what you intended to do.’

  She stopped in her tracks. ‘Am I hearing things, or have you just admitted that I was right about something?’

  He smiled, taking her hands in his. ‘I did as you wished, but now I need you to do something for me. I want you to promise that you will abandon whatever scheme you are hatching with regard to the Sykes gang.’

  ‘I can’t do that. I have gone too far to stop now.’

  He drew her closer to him. ‘No, you have not. You must allow the courts to settle the matter of your father’s appeal. Leave Vic and Wally to me, Irene. I beg of you.’

  His face was so close to hers that she could feel his warm breath on her cheek. For the first time in her life Irene was tempted to give in, but a small insistent voice in her head warned her that all would be lost if she allowed herself to be swayed from her purpose. ‘I would do anything for you, Edward,’ she murmured as she leaned towards him as if drawn by a magnetic force far stronger than her own will. She drew back just as their lips were about to meet. ‘But not that.’

  His hold on her tightened and his eyes hardened. ‘I’m warning you, Irene – no, I’m begging you to stop this folly.’

  She shook her head. ‘I can’t, Edward. Please—’

  He stopped her lips with a kiss that robbed her of thought and of the will to protest. In the safe haven of his arms Irene felt that she was entering the gates of heaven. She slid her arms around his neck, allowing herself to float away on a tide of emotions that were at once strange and wonderful. Her knees were weak and never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined the sweetness of such an embrace, but then suddenly it was over and he held her at arm’s length, looking deeply into her eyes. ‘I love you, Irene Angel. You are the most maddening, infuriating creature I have ever come across, but I love you with all my heart and soul.’

  ‘You love me?’ She was shaken to the core and yet inwardly rejoicing at the obvious sincerity of his words. ‘I’ve always thought that you hated me.’

  His lips twisted into a parody of a smile. ‘At times I must admit that I could have quite cheerfully strangled you, and I tried to put my feelings for you aside because they were at odds with my professional judgement, but I failed miserably. I can’t get you out of my head, Irene, and my heart won’t let you go.’

  Even as she struggled to absorb the full meaning of his words, a small voice in her head warned her not to listen. If she weakened now and admitted that she returned his love she would be forced to abandon the plan which was so close to fruition. She laid a finger on his lips, meeting his tender gaze with a long look as she battled against her inclination to melt into his arms and tell him she adored him to the exclusion of everything else. In the end she could not lie to him. ‘I love you too,’ she said simply, and her heart sang at the undisguised joy in his eyes, but she withdrew gently from his embrace. ‘But you must let me do this my way, Edward. I have gone too far to give in now. Can we not work together to bring about the destruction of the Sykes gang?’

  He dropped his arms to his side with a groan of dismay. ‘Irene, hasn’t anything I have said sunk into your beautiful head?’

  This made her smile and she raised her hand to caress his cheek. ‘Your words and your kiss are imprinted on my heart and mind forever, my dearest Edward. I love you body and soul but I could not
live with myself if I gave up now. Please don’t try to stop me.’

  He ran his hand through his dark hair, causing it to stand on end and giving him the appearance of a baffled schoolboy. ‘If you love me, don’t do this.’

  ‘You have no idea what my plan is,’ Irene said softly. ‘Won’t you at least hear what I have to say before you forbid me to meddle in police business? Don’t you think you owe me that?’

  ‘I will listen, but if this scheme involves you placing yourself in danger from the Sykes brothers …’

  ‘It does, but they won’t lay a finger on me,’ Irene said earnestly. ‘They don’t make war on women.’

  ‘Then why were you so frightened for Alice? Answer me that.’

  ‘Alice is your sister and you are their sworn enemy. I am Billy Angel’s daughter; they would not touch me. It’s against their code.’

  ‘Their code? Irene, they are gangsters – evil men without a conscience.’ He turned away from her, and now it was his turn to pace the room with long agitated strides.

  ‘You must not stop me,’ she cried in desperation. ‘Hear me out, please. If you still disagree then I promise you that I won’t go ahead.’

  ‘Very well,’ he said at last. ‘Tell me your plan, but don’t expect me to condone some wild scheme that would endanger your life.’

  An hour later, having persuaded Edward to allow her one last chance to draw the Sykes brothers out into the open, Irene gained access to the gaming house in Blue Boar Court and was shown up the rickety staircase by a reluctant Blackie. Warning her that Vic was not in the best of moods he left her to announce herself, and with knees shaking Irene entered the gaming room. It was dark, with just a single oil lamp set on one of the card tables where Vic sat with his back to her. She could tell by the clink of coins that he was counting the previous night’s takings. She cleared her throat as she approached his chair. ‘Mr Sykes, I want a word with you, sir.’

  He spun round with a savage expletive and his hand went automatically to the cudgel at his side. ‘What the bloody hell d’you think you’re doing creeping up on a fellow like that?’

  Somehow, with an inner strength she had not previously known she possessed, Irene maintained her calm. ‘Do you know me, Mr Sykes?’

  He peered at her beneath lowered brows. ‘We don’t get many of your sort paying social calls. Who are you and what d’you want with me? Be quick, because I ain’t a patient man and I’m busy.’

  ‘I’m Irene Angel, Billy’s daughter. You put my pa behind bars, and I’ve come to tell you that me and me brother are going to put you and Wally out of business.’

  He glared at her for a moment as if he couldn’t believe his ears, and then he threw back his head and guffawed with laughter. ‘That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in years.’ The smile died on his lips and he thumped the table with his cudgel, sending silver and copper coins showering to the ground. ‘Get out of here, girl, afore I smash that pretty skull in with me stick. It would be a shame to spoil that fine bonnet.’

  Irene’s heart was thudding against her ribs and she clasped her hands tightly behind her back so that he wouldn’t see how they shook. ‘I’m going, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Our establishment is doing well – far better than yours by the look of those paltry takings. And don’t even think of sending your men round to break the place up, because we’re prepared for that. If you want a fight then you’ll get one. Jim and me ain’t afraid of you. You’re finished, Vic Sykes.’

  She left him gaping open-mouthed and she walked from the room with her head held high. He was not to know that her knees were trembling and her hands sweating. Somehow she managed to reach the door, and she let herself out just as Vic leapt to his feet, sending his chair crashing to the ground. His shouts followed her as she raced down the stairs. Barging past Blackie, she wrenched the door open and fled out into the court. She ran and did not stop until she collapsed into Edward’s arms. He lifted her off her feet and threw her into a waiting hackney carriage. ‘The corner of Old Fish Street Hill and Five Foot Lane, cabby,’ he shouted, leaping in after her and slamming the door. He enveloped her in his arms, holding her so close that she could feel his heart beating against her breast. ‘Never put me through anything like that again,’ he breathed into her hair. ‘I must have been out of my mind to let you take such a risk.’

  Irene nestled against his shoulder, inhaling the now achingly familiar scent of the man she adored. ‘It is done,’ she said simply. ‘Now all you have to do is to set the trap.’

  ‘Are you so sure that they will attack your brother’s establishment?’

  ‘I am. I know the way they work. They will want to teach us a lesson that we won’t forget. They’ll turn up with their gang and smash everything in sight.’

  ‘My men will be waiting for them, my darling, but I want you safely out of the way. You must go and stay with your sister in Love Lane. I insist upon that.’

  Irene was about to argue. She wanted desperately to be there when the Sykes brothers were arrested, but she could see that his suggestion made sense. ‘All right,’ she said reluctantly. ‘I will go to Emmie’s, but first I have to put Jim in the picture. He knows nothing of my plans.’

  ‘My God!’ Edward drew away from her, staring into her face with wonder. ‘You were taking a terrible risk. I thought that your father was the only gambler in your family, but I can see that I was mistaken.’

  She stifled a gurgle of laughter. ‘It’s in us all, Edward. Jim has gambled everything on the success or failure of the gaming house, and Emmie took a chance by marrying a much older man. Luckily it has turned out well, but if it had not then she would have ruined her life. As for me, I know now where my heart truly lies. I would never gamble on love.’

  His answer was to sweep her into a fervent embrace, and Irene gave herself up wholeheartedly to this newfound delight.

  That evening, Irene stood by one of the tall windows in Emmie’s drawing room, staring out into the empty street. A misty twilight had descended upon the city although it would not be completely dark for another half-hour at least. The lamplighter was on his rounds and Irene watched the gas flames wriggle into life inside the glass shades. Everything looked so absurdly normal, and yet only a couple of miles away a drama was about to be played out and a battle to be fought against one of the most notorious gangs in London. It seemed so unfair that she, who had planned and instigated the whole thing, was forced to play a subordinate part. Edward and Jim had been as one in their decision to banish her to the safety of Love Lane. In fact they seemed to relish the prospect of a fight. Although Jim had been shocked at first when he discovered that she had been planning to entrap the Sykes brothers, he had rapidly come round to her way of thinking and had applauded her courage. He had slapped Edward on the back, and as they settled down to discuss tactics Irene had found herself excluded from their male domain.


  Emmie’s shrill voice caused Irene to turn her head. ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘You were miles away. I asked you to draw the curtains. Come and sit down. You’re making me nervous.’

  ‘Leave her be,’ Clara said softly. ‘If it helps her to watch the street, then please allow her to do so.’

  ‘How can you be so calm, Ma?’ Irene demanded, turning her head to give her mother a searching look. ‘Everything depends on what happens tonight. Once the Sykes brothers are in custody and safely out of the way, the witnesses won’t be afraid to testify on Pa’s behalf. If all goes well he might soon be released from jail.’

  ‘I know, ducks, but it don’t do to dwell on what might be. It’s what I pray for every night, but I’ll only believe my Billy is a free man when he walks through that door.’

  Emmie looked up from the baby’s dress that she was embroidering and she frowned. ‘I hope everything is all right, Renie. You know what a vicious lot the Sykes brother are. They won’t give up without a fight.’

  ‘I’m well aware of that, but Inspector Kent a
nd his constables are fully prepared,’ Irene said, hoping that she sounded more confident than she was feeling.

  Clara shook her head. ‘They’ve managed to evade arrest for a very long time. Let’s hope your man knows what he’s doing.’

  Irene turned back to the window. She did not want them to see the fear that she knew must show in her face. Her fingers were drumming relentlessly on the windowsill as if of their own volition. Waiting was the worst part. She was regretting her meek acquiescence when she was ordered to wait in safety with Ma and Emmie. She might not have been able to do much, but at least she would have known what was happening. She stiffened as she saw a hackney carriage turn into the street. She held her breath, watching silently and praying that it would be Edward come to tell her that everything was all right. The vehicle drew to a halt outside the house and she leaned forward, pressing her forehead against the glass in order to get a better view. But her hopes were dashed when the occupants alighted and Josiah walked up the steps to the front door, followed by Ephraim. ‘Oh, damnation! I thought for a moment it might be Edward.’

  ‘Is it Josiah?’ Emmie cried anxiously. ‘He knows nothing of all this. I’d better be the one to tell him. I’m afraid he will be very displeased if any of his business acquaintances have been caught up in the police raid.’

  Irene spun round to face her. ‘If that’s all he has to worry about then he should be thankful. Edward and Jim are in the thick of things. You ought to spare a thought for your brother.’

  ‘Of course I worry for Jim, but you seem very keen on that copper all of a sudden. You’ve changed your tune, Renie.’

  ‘Now, now, girls,’ Clara reprimanded in much the same tone that she had used when they were children. ‘Don’t quarrel. Emmie, keep calm; I’d advise you to keep your mouth shut until we know exactly what has gone on tonight. We don’t know for certain that the Sykes gang have even shown up, and it would be a shame to worry Josiah unnecessarily.’


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