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[Adventures of Anabel Axelrod 01.0] A Date With Fate

Page 30

by Tracy Ellen

  I looked up to offer Luke a piece.

  He quickly gave me a neutral, inquiring look, but he wasn’t in time. I pretended I hadn’t noticed the quick exchange of smirking grins and self-satisfied nods between Luke and Reg. Throwing him the gum, I shook my head at their conspiring together over their covert protection plans.

  ‘Did it seem like I wanted to die? Did they ever think to tell me straight out what the plan was and why? Men can be such idiots.’

  I really wished now I’d taken a minute to string Reggie along and make him work up a sweat to get me to follow their plan. I shrugged it off with my own private smirk. One thing I could count on; there would never be a loss of opportunities to terrorize the men in my life for my own viewing pleasure.

  Luke announced he had things to do today and needed to get going. I felt relief he was leaving, and relief he didn’t seem mad at my avoiding any talks. It was nice he’d shown me his medical report weeks ago, and nice that he trusted me, but my head was still spinning. I could not believe that I’d forgotten myself enough to let a naked Lawrence of Mylabia anywhere near Vicky. Or that Luke had forgotten himself.

  Snagging his leather jacket off the hall tree, Luke shrugged into it while I walked him to the front door. We were alone again. Everyone was busy in the bathroom or kitchen. I heard the welcome gurgling of a coffee maker.

  I gave in to curiosity. “Do you think Candy will still be at your house with your guest, John?”

  He snorted. “Candy being on Pluto has a greater chance of happening.”

  I liked that answer.

  He gave me a lingering cinnamon kiss and then stuck his hands in his jacket pockets. He regarded me a moment before asking, “You’re cool staying with Reggie today? You feel safe enough?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it will be fine, but thanks for asking.” I was a little surprised he hadn’t offered to spend the day with me, but it was probably better this way. It sounded like we both had things to do.

  I didn’t tell Luke, but I had toyed with the idea of closing the store for today. I was nervous as hell with The Hammer running around out there plotting my demise. Last night before we’d left The Rock’s parking lot, Jack had said two plainclothes cops would guard the doors inside Bel’s for the Sunday store hours. Even with the police presence, I still thought I’d be doing my employees and customers a disservice by opening today versus closing the store. I could always cite a broken water pipe needing repairs.

  The problem with that line of thought was what if it took days to catch Hammerschmidt? I couldn’t stay closed for more than today, even one day would impact my profit line unfavorably. Not that an employee, or customer, or yours truly getting killed wouldn’t have a somewhat negative impact on the business, as well.

  I need to man up, go on the offensive, and be bait to help facilitate The Hammer’s capture. Closing up shop and hiding was tempting, but it wasn’t the answer. It didn’t mean I would parade around town with a big target on my back. I figured since he was out of jail only recently and had immediately tried to attempt a kidnapping and murder, brains weren’t his long suit. For some reason, Gustav Hammerschmidt had set his psycho mind on me last night. He knew where I lived and worked. If I didn’t make myself publically available as an easier target, he’d come to me at my home instead, in my territory.

  I reminded Luke dinner was at five. I grinned and invited John to tag along. Luke smiled at that and said he’d pass on the invite, but wasn’t sure of John’s plans.

  He didn’t leave, but stood staring down at the floor. When he raised his eyes and I saw his implacable expression it made me uneasy at what was coming.

  “Listen, Anabel. We are going to talk.”

  ‘I knew it! Damn.’

  He tilted my chin up and stroked a thumb along my cheek. “Tonight after everyone leaves your apartment, I plan on staying over for second and third shift guard duty, alright? We’ll talk then. I promise it won’t hurt,” he nipped my bottom lip, “much.”

  I tried to smile while keeping my eyes closed, waiting for another kiss and less talk.

  Luke’s voice was amused. “Anabel, Anabel, my strange and different woman. I want you to think about two things today for me, okay?”

  I opened my eyes, curiosity winning out.

  He softly tapped my chin. “One, I know you. I’ve recognized you since the minute I first laid eyes on you in your store last spring.” He paused, smiling faintly. “Why do you think I stayed away for months?”

  His steady gaze held mine while his surprising declarations whirled through my head. I turned my cheek into his hand while nodding again without answering. I didn’t know what to say. I admit to experiencing a romantic thrill at his unshakeable tone of confidence.

  What woman wouldn’t want to be told they were known in such a way, by such a man, and only moments after returning from subspace at his touch? I hadn’t given much thought as to why I hadn’t seen him from my first glimpse last April in Bel’s until late September at my brother’s house. I was speechless he’d stayed away deliberately. I couldn’t help but wonder why he had, and then what made him change his mind. Maybe talking later could be interesting, but I felt too confused to say anything now.

  His words did send a longing through me. Maybe he can want and accept me as I truly am. Maybe he has been showing me all along how he knows me, and I’m only now starting to be able to see. Maybe he is the one man that does know me.

  It would be nice to be known.

  Luke pulled his other hand from his pocket. It held a sealed envelope with my first name scrawled across the front in a black, bold script. The envelope was the size of a small birthday card. I was only the teeniest bit curious about what was on the inside.

  “This is the second thing I want you to think about today.” His eyes were gleaming dark with secret promise. I was struck anew by how attractive I found Luke, even though I know many men much better looking. He slowly waved the envelope to and fro. “This is my turn.”

  I sighed with the boredom of it all. With careless unconcern, I reached for the envelope.

  Luke held it aloft out of my reach. The tricky man effortlessly held it higher when I unashamedly climbed his body quicker than a spider monkey and jumped for the card. Twice.

  White teeth flashed while he laughingly shook his head. “Not so fast. In order to receive this envelope, you have to agree to some basic conditions.”

  Standing back with my hands on my hips, I felt my own smile blossoming wider. “I can’t believe you had that in your pocket all evening. I can see you may need frisking in the future. Okay, I’m listening.”

  “Anabel, to accept this card, you must first give me your word that you will follow these rules.” He tapped his finger on the envelope in emphasis. “You will not open the card until I tell you to open it. You will do precisely what it says to do, and follow any and all instructions. No exceptions.” Luke eyes were intent on mine. “Will you do this?”

  My eyes widened in return. I realized I was a little apprehensive what his fantasy might be about from the terms he listed. I licked my lips nervously, as visions of Torquemada’s dungeons danced through my head- and not like sugarplums. There was no way I was getting racked, or branded, or hung up on a hook somewhere like a side of beef. I had images of tools, knives, and Makita drills. If my tough brother cried like a woman over a finishing nail, I didn’t stand a chance against a scalpel or an electric cattle prod. Luke had seemed a little too casual over the subject of spankings yesterday. If he thought he could smack my ass until it chafed, and me with no petroleum products, he has another thing coming. Those sorts of tortuous fantasies did not put me in a positive frame of mind for fun and frolics, or oath swearing.

  As I thought, I gathered my hair and twisted it on top of my head. I desperately wanted to ask for my caveats, get my reassurances nothing would hurt, or be told of a safety zone. I wanted to rip the envelope in half to end my fears, and then I wanted to grab it and rip it open to begin His Turn. />
  Then I remembered the first thing Luke wanted me to think about today.

  He claims to know me.

  I believe I know him, too.

  If you know somebody, in certain circumstances, you put their motives, needs, and desires ahead of your own. You let go and trust them a little bit not to be a torturing psychopath.

  This was Luke’s turn. This was his secret fantasy I was going to find out. For him, the fantasy had already begun in the way he was delivering the envelope.

  I let my hair fall. I stepped closer into his arms, sliding mine around his neck. I looked up into the challenging gaze of his green eyes. I knew mine were glittering with promise back at him when I solemnly answered, “Yes, Luke, to everything. I give my word.”

  Chapter XVII

  “A Man’s World” by Joss Stone

  Sunday, 11/18/12

  7:20 AM

  Sipping coffee at Reggie’s dining room table, I stared warily at the square envelope with my first name on the front. I probably was imagining things, but the card seemed to be staring back and taunting me. It appeared Luke was also an experienced expert at taunting. Thinking of his level of experience made me vaguely uneasy. Were these the sort of games he played with every woman? I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know.

  I was alone. Everybody had left within minutes of drinking a cup of coffee. Reg was taking a “quick shower” before we left to go to my house. I had been sitting here waiting for the slowpoke for over twenty minutes. That was after he’d sat and browsed the paper while he drank three cups of coffee before ambling off to his upstairs bathroom.

  Jazy and Tre were taking their guard duties seriously. They had decided to pick up the groceries on my hastily written list rather than allow me go shopping in a public store. After their horse chores and errands, they were meeting us at the apartment to drop off the food.

  I could tell this day off was going to be much more relaxing than yesterday. The lovely way it had started guaranteed it couldn’t be worse, that was for sure. I frowned, though, recalling how it had ended on the sofa with Luke and I.

  Ultimately, I take full responsibility for my own body. Having unprotected sex comes down to having complete faith in another human being. You were betting your health, and maybe your life, your partner was one hundred percent trustworthy and honest. Not only right then, but every time you have unprotected sex going forward in your relationship. Even if they were honest, they could have a disease and not know it. Any way you looked at it, I didn’t like the odds.

  Luke had made the bad judgment call to enter me unprotected. He’d done so without my express permission, or even reassurances that I was safe. I should have stopped him. I was very troubled over his actions, and mine. I was actually extremely dismayed at the reality of exposure I was now subjected to from our risky behavior.

  While it was true I was safe, it seemed way out of character for a pragmatic man such as Luke to say he trusted me with no basis in fact. While I believe he was safe, having unquestioning faith that a man won’t lie or cheat was not an attitude I would probably ever possess again. I was okay with that.

  My phone buzzed, surprising me out of my brooding reverie.

  Picking it up, I read Crookie’s name on the screen.

  “Morning, Crook.”

  “Anabel, can you talk?

  His tone of voice had me sitting up straight. “Sure. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I am, but Cheryl’s body was found last night. She is dead. She was murdered.”

  “Holy freakin’ buckets! Oh, Crookie, I’m so sorry!”

  “I know. Thank you..ah...thanks,” Crookie stuttered nervously. “I was leaving to go work out and the police pulled up. They informed me of the news she had been found and was dead. They did not have any answers to most of my questions.” He cleared his throat. “The Edina cop I mentioned married to my friend at work? He is going to be calling me sometime this morning with more details. At this time, I only know she was found in her car in an abandoned barn somewhere outside Northfield by two teenagers. She must have been dead for some time because I do not have to identify her body, or whatever the police procedures would be in the situation of a,” he paused, looking for the right words, “recognizable corpse.”

  “Ah man, how awful it must have been for those poor kids that found her body. Crookie, I’m shocked here. I mean, I know she’s been gone two months, but I only found out yesterday about your married life with her. Now, she’s dead. Murdered! It’s one thing to talk about it, but the reality is…” I trailed off. Seeing a positive light in the gruesome news I asked, “Since your cop friend is willing to share details, does this mean they don’t think you’re a suspect?”

  “It was nothing really, but I helped this couple out of a personal bind and we all became friends.” I smiled at his humble attitude. Crookie is a good friend to have in your corner. “Even so, I would not expect him to tell me anything if I was under suspicion for murder. My friend implied they did not consider me a suspect. I was with many people that entire Saturday and Sunday after I saw Cheryl last, so maybe that lets me off the hook. I think I told you yesterday the locksmith was over early on that Saturday, and then I was at Ecolab.” Crookie’s voice turned contemplative. “Although, I am curious what proof exists to indicate she died that day, or that weekend. That was the only weekend I gave the police a detailed alibi for my whereabouts when I reported her missing. I had gone over the details so many times, it was easy to recall specific times and dates. I cannot believe they have had time to perform an autopsy and report the findings this fast. Can I call you back after he contacts me with more details?”

  “Sure. Would you prefer I keep quiet about her death until then?”

  “No, I do not mind if you tell people. As far as any details learned from my friend later, I will have to let you know. I would not want him to have any repercussions on the job for confiding in me. Umm, Anabel, do you still want me to come over later?” Crookie sounded tentative and lost. He’s another only child, and has no family close by. I know how the shock of death makes you want to be with people who care. You may not want to talk, but you want the warmth and the reassurance of normalness.

  “Yes, I absolutely insist you come here. I’ll be holed up at home all day, so please come down whenever you’re ready.”

  Crookie didn’t pretend he wasn’t relieved and eager. “Thank you, I will then.”

  “Were your plans to stay in town for Thanksgiving or go to Florida?”

  “No, no, I have no plans to leave town.” Crookie sounded bemused. “Is Thanksgiving soon?”

  I laughed softly. “This Thursday, Crooks.” I thought quickly for a second and then suggested, “If you’d like, why don’t you pack a bag and stay with me for a few days? I have a guest bedroom with your name on it. We’ll be helping each other out like in the old days.”

  Crookie jumped at the idea. “Oh, Bel, if you are sure, I would be really happy to stay. I have been dreading the thought of doing this alone with no moral support. I will be taking off several days from work to deal with all the formalities.” He sighed loudly. “I guess there will have to be some kind of funeral service. I am still legally next of kin. I will have to call Tina next and meet with her this week in Northfield.” He groaned. “Anabel, this is surreal. Cheryl is dead.”

  “I know, and I can hardly believe it. I’m trying real hard to not be a hypocrite here, but we never seriously wanted her dead, just gone from your life.” An anxious feeling was stirring in my guts again. There were now two murderous people out there running around connected to my life. Surreal was right. Sunday morning was going downhill fast. “I don’t mean right this minute, but are you going to be okay, Crooks?”

  “You know, I think I am,” He replied slowly in his thoughtful, serious manner. “Yesterday, when you said the Cheryl that I fell in love with never actually existed, you were correct. I think I always knew this at some level. I no longer loved her, but I never wished her harm.” Crookie blew
out a deep breath. “Once the anger dissipated over all the lies, pity was all I had. It must have been terrible for her going through life endlessly using people and lying constantly.” I murmured something noncommittal in agreement. “She was a broken human being, Bel, and I cannot hate her for that.” Crookie laughed ruefully. “The thought of the publicity I can expect due to Cheryl’s sexual proclivities and murder fills me with anxiety. I have hives, Bel.”

  I exclaimed in sincere, laughing sympathy over the hives. “Try not to stress over things out of your control. It might not have anything to do with an affair. It’s possible she was the victim of a random act of violence by some passing weird-o.” I offered that up not really believing it myself, but you never know. “You sound like you have your shit together, Crookie, and you’re a generous man. I’m glad for you. Cheryl was a pathetic woman, and what a terrible epitaph that is to sum up a life. No matter what happens, you can count on me to help you, okay?”

  “That means a lot, thank you. Wait a minute, Bel, explain how my staying over is helping you out?”

  I laughed a little at my forgetfulness. It was becoming harder to keep track of who knew what about all the crazy stuff happening in the last day. “Oh yeah, I guess you haven’t heard the latest. Before you decide to stay, you should know a serial rapist tried to kill me and the girls last night. He’s still on the loose. If that makes you too nervous to come here, I’ll understand.”

  Crookie exclaimed incredulously, “What? A serial rapist! I received your text about your employee’s ex-husband, but there was more?”

  “Yep, it was the ex-husband’s jail partner. He tried to run us off the highway last night. Nobody knows why. I guess I pissed him off. Imagine that, huh?”

  He demanded, “He tried to kill you all and he is still on the loose? How did you get away?”

  I recapped the bare bones details of last evening to catch Crookie up on events.

  He was freaked over our narrow escape and adamant he was coming down. “Thanks for the warning, but it does sound like I definitely would be helping you out by staying. We will be each other’s keepers.” He added dejectedly, “Although, I should be nervous. The way my life has been going, if anyone ends up getting raped and killed by this man I am sure it will be me.”


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