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Saving Shadows

Page 3

by Kathleen Brooks

  “You’re welcome. I’m relieved you’re doing as well as you are. But now, the not so fun part. Paperwork.”

  He held up a clipboard, and Ellery smiled when she really wanted to groan.

  “Full name?” Gavin asked.

  “Ellery,” Ellery said before stopping suddenly. Pain shot through her head, and she raised a hand to rub her temple.

  “Ellery what?” Gavin asked.

  “It’s floating right there, but I can’t think of it.”

  She closed her eyes as her head hurt more. Then she felt his hand on her leg, right above her knee. “Ellery, it’s okay. Some memory loss is expected after the trauma you’ve been through. Let’s just answer what you can, okay?” The heat from his hand and the way he gently squeezed her leg calmed her.

  “Okay. What’s next?” she asked, taking a deep breath.

  “Do you know where you live?”

  “Charleston,” Ellery said quickly. But then she frowned. She could see the inside of her home, except it was blurred so much she couldn’t pick out details.

  “Do you know what you do for a living?” Gavin asked as he continued to gently hold her leg.

  “It’s like everything is blurry. I see colors. Lots of colors.” Ellery was growing irritated, and her heart felt as if it was going to burst.


  “Dead. I know that much.”

  “You’re doing very well, Ellery. Things will come back to you as the swelling goes down. You were hit on the back of the head.”

  The image of a car window reflection of something menacing arcing through the air raced through her mind. Her body shivered, and she didn’t realize she’d reached for Gavin until he was by her side holding her. “What do you remember?”

  “I was reaching for a car door, and I saw something in the window swing at me. I feel fear when I think of it.”

  “Was it nighttime or daytime?” Gavin asked as his arm wrapped around her shoulder, holding her other shoulder against his chest. She felt warm and safe when she was close to him. She didn’t know if it was because he’d rescued her or because she knew he wasn’t involved with whatever it was in Charleston that sent panic racing through her at the thought of going back.

  “Night. It was raining.”

  “You’re doing well, Ellery. Let’s continue. Are you married?”

  Ellery looked down at her hands. No ring or indention on her left hand. Her right hand bore a blue topaz ring encircled with a halo of small diamonds. “I can’t remember, but I don’t think so. This ring. It was my great-grandmother’s. Her name was Ellery too. I’m named after her.” She looked up and smiled at Gavin. She could remember some things, and that made her feel hopeful.

  “Do you remember anything about your medical history? What’s your birthdate?”

  “November 7th.” Ellery’s heart sped up as she remembered. “I’m twenty-eight years old. I broke my arm four-wheeling when I was fifteen. I’m allergic to sunflower seeds.”

  She watched as Gavin wrote everything down. “I have no doubt you’ll get your full memory back. Don’t push it, though. Just let it happen.” He set the clipboard down and ran his hand over her arm to grasp her hands. “Can you think of anyone you’d like me to call?”

  “Tibbie,” Ellery said on a rush as the name burst from her mind.

  “Who’s Tibbie?” Gavin asked.

  The pain shot into her head as she became frustrated again. “Ugh. I can’t remember.”

  “I can call the sheriff—”

  “No!” Ellery said, the pain stabbing her head now as her heart raced. “I don’t know why, but no one can know where I am. I think my life depends on it.”

  Gavin nodded as he began the calming rub of his hand on her back. “Sheriff Granger Fox is one of my good friends. But I won’t say anything to him if you don’t want me to. I do have another option if you’d allow it.”

  “What’s that?” Ellery asked suspiciously.

  “I have family in Kentucky who could find out your identity, address, and such.”

  “Do they know anyone in Charleston?” Ellery asked. Kentucky was pretty far away. Maybe far enough that whatever darkness had tried to hurt her couldn’t reach.

  “I don’t know, but they have no ties to the city. The only ties I know about are to my family.”

  She looked at Gavin. He hadn’t given her any reason not to trust him. “Okay. If they promise to not tell anyone anything about me.”

  “Would you feel better if you talked to them too?” Gavin asked.

  “Yes,” she said instantly. She desperately wanted the missing puzzle pieces of her memory back.

  Gavin pulled out his phone, and a minute later a handsome man holding an infant in his arms showed up on his screen. “Hey cuz, what’s up?”

  “I need your help,” Gavin told the attractive man with hazel eyes.

  “You got it. Sweetheart, can you take Ash? Gavin needs my help.”

  A woman with auburn hair appeared and bent down to slide the baby into her arms. “Does he need help finding a girlfriend? Nora at the Fluff and Buff has been asking about . . .” The woman then turned to the screen and smiled after a quick flash of surprise. Ellery had leaned over to see the baby and the woman caught sight of her. “I guess Gavin doesn’t need my help after all. Hi, I’m Sienna Parker.”

  “Um, Ellery,” she said, smiling back at the woman.

  “How long have you known Gavin?” Sienna asked, taking a seat next to her husband and taking over the conversation.

  “A couple hours,” Ellery said, looking to Gavin for help. She wasn’t his girlfriend, and she expected Gavin to inform them of that. But when he didn’t, she continued, “Gavin rescued me from flood waters during the hurricane.”

  “That’s so romantic.” Sienna sighed.

  “And it’s why I need to talk to Ryan. Love to you and the family, but it’s official business.”

  Sienna rolled her eyes and went to get up, but Ellery stopped her. She didn’t know why, but the woman exuded caring and understanding, even over the phone. “It’s okay if she stays.”

  “I knew I liked you,” Sienna said with a wink as she sat back down. “But what do you need the FBI for?”

  “FBI!” Ellery practically shrieked. “I told you no one could know about me.”

  “It’s okay, Ellery. Ryan won’t say a word, will you?”

  “I can’t say anything unless you tell me what’s going on,” Ryan said patiently. But Ellery was already moving to stand up.

  “Ellery,” Sienna said calmly. “Please sit down. What can we do to help you?”

  Ellery took a seat. They wanted to help. They weren’t going to turn her over to whoever hurt her. They were offering help to a complete stranger, and soon Ellery found herself telling Sienna all that she could remember.

  “You poor thing!” Sienna cried. “I want to give you a hug so badly right now.”

  “Sweetheart,” Ryan said, shaking his head, “can I offer Ellery my help or do you two want to go ahead and plan your girls’ trip now and call me when you’re done?” Ellery laughed at the loving teases the two tossed at each other. It was clear they were deeply in love and blissfully happy in their marriage.

  “Have Gavin give you my number. I expect to hear from you soon. Now, I’ll let y’all get down to business while I change Ash.”

  When Sienna disappeared from view, Ryan leaned forward. “So, you think the person who hurt you has enough power to find you if you go to the local police?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t even know where I was when I got hit and can’t guess at who would want to kill me. I don’t know anything right now except I’m scared,” Ellery admitted. Gavin put his arm around her again. She leaned into him, unconsciously seeking his protection.

  “I’m going to snap your picture and run it and your information through an untraceable search. It won’t be on the FBI network so there’s no way anyone will be able to trace it,” Ryan reassured her.

�Nash?” Gavin asked, and Ryan nodded.

  “He’s a friend who can operate in the shadows of the law because he’s security for a foreign prince and has the lovely ability to claim diplomatic immunity. Does that meet with your approval?” Ryan asked her.

  “If Gavin trusts you both, I do too.”

  “Smile,” Ryan said. “I’ll call you as soon as I have something. Feel better, Ellery, and Gavin, let us know if you need any help.”

  “Thanks, cuz.”

  Gavin ended the video call right as there was a knock on the door. He stood and called for the person to enter. A young woman around twenty-five with sun-kissed blonde hair and scrubs with a low V-neck poked her head in. “Doctor, room one is waiting.”

  “Thank you, Sadie.”

  Sadie looked at Ellery with curiosity before closing the door. “You have other patients, and here I am taking up all your time. If you could tell me where the nearest hotel—”

  “You’re not staying at a hotel. If I can’t get you to a hospital, you’re staying here so I can watch you.” Gavin turned off the IV and unhooked it from her hand. “Do you think you can walk a bit?” Gavin held out his hand to help her from the table.

  Ellery grimaced when she put pressure on her legs. It was as if her whole body was bruised and beaten. Gavin put his arm around her waist and led her through a second door into his office then out into a hallway. “This is my house. I’m going to set you here on the couch. Bathroom is there. Kitchen is through there. Make yourself at home. If you need anything, just shout. I’ll be able to hear you. I shouldn’t be too long. Are you sure you’re okay to be left alone? Sadie can come sit with you if you’d like.”

  “No,” Ellery said quickly. She didn’t want the perky nurse to stare at her or ask too many questions. “I’ll be fine. Thank you, Gavin.”

  Ellery sat on the couch and watched the doctor stride from the room. She looked around and felt herself relax. It was a comfortable room with pictures on the bookcase, large windows, and a fluffy blanket. It may be hot outside, but the air conditioner was keeping it nice and cool. Ellery managed to get up and walk around, taking in the beautiful artwork hanging on the walls. They were splendid. She looked closely and saw them signed by “Tinsley.”

  After a turn around the living room and a trip to the bathroom where she stood under the hot water of the shower for what felt like forever, Ellery was exhausted. She curled up on the couch, pulled the blanket to her chin, and turned on the television. She fell asleep listening to a daytime talk show and dreamed of Gavin pulling her from the water, and of his lips on hers. Even if it was just CPR, she’d still felt his lips. And then the dream changed to a happy future where she and Gavin walked through downtown Charleston hand in hand. Until a dark shadow approached from behind and swung. Her head exploded in pain, and on a gasp, Ellery’s eyes shot open.


  “Ellery St. John is her name,” Ryan told Gavin two hours later. Gavin had finished giving a round of tetanus shots and sewing up a couple cuts for people injured while cleaning up debris. “She lives in a condo on Rutledge Avenue. I emailed pictures of her condo that Nash pulled off social media. Also, Tibbie is Mrs. Elijah F. Cummings.”

  “Elijah Cummings’s wife. How does she know someone as powerful as her? She’s one of the grand dames of society here.”

  “They have the penthouse in her condo building. Or I should say, their building, as they own it all and turned it into condos ten years ago. They downsized, giving their mansion to their eldest son when he and his wife had their second child and moved into the penthouse in their building,” Ryan told him. Nash never left a stone unturned. “Ellery works as the art director at the Mimi Hollis Art Gallery. Last night she was in charge of an exhibit for a Mark Vosslinger. So far, she has not been reported missing.”

  “So, she doesn’t live with anyone then?” Gavin asked.

  “Stop holding your breath. She’s single. At least on her social media account it appears to be so. Her last boyfriend was two months ago. Some society guy named Atherton Hawthorne. Looks like they dated for a little under a year. After the break-up, Nash noted there was an increase of Ellery’s name in the papers for her job. She’s been working nonstop. Today’s paper had rave reviews for the exhibit she put on last night. She’s launched this Mark guy to artistic stardom.”

  Gavin thought about all Ryan had told him, but it didn’t add up. “Then who would want to kill her? No angry boyfriend, she’s well liked, and she’s good at her job.”

  “I wouldn’t say the boyfriend was angry, but he wanted her back. Ellery had deleted all his pictures from social media, but he left them on his profile with her tagged. That’s how I found him. He’s also been actively commenting on her pictures and posts. Further, he was at the gallery exhibit. He says he was there to support Ellery. Nash did find some one-star reviews of the gallery aimed at Ellery. Mostly from men who didn’t appreciate not receiving Ellery’s full attention and a couple of artists upset Ellery didn’t select their work to show. I sent those to you as well.”

  “Thanks a lot. And thank Nash for me too.”

  “No problem. Call anytime.”

  Gavin hung up with his cousin and opened his email. He printed off the information and then locked it in the desk. He wanted to give Ellery time to remember things on her own. He’d slowly leave clues for her to remember if she’d not regained more memories by the morning. Maybe leave the picture of her apartment on his kitchen table among pictures of other apartments for rent just to see if she remembered her home.


  Gavin looked up from his desk as Sadie walked in. “Yes?”

  “Sheriff Fox just called. A big alligator was spotted in the alley between the Daughters of Shadows Landing and Gil’s Grub ‘n’ Gas. Gator’s coming in from the marsh to try to catch it, but apparently one of Lydia’s kids is trapped on top of a dumpster and is bleeding. Don’t know if the kid was bit or if it was from climbing up to safety,” Sadie told him. “The sheriff asked if you could meet him there in fifteen minutes. He’s afraid there’s going to be injuries when Gator tries to remove the alligator.”

  “Thanks, Sadie. I know it’s your time to leave for the day, but would you mind staying long enough to see if I’ll need help in surgery?”

  “Sure thing. Um, where did that woman go? She’s not in the patient rooms and she never came out to the lobby to pay.”

  “She’s not a paying patient. She’s a friend of mine.”

  A smile bloomed on Sadie’s pretty face. “A girlfriend?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows. “About time!”

  Gavin just chuckled and shook his head. “Yes, she is a girl and she is a friend, but she’s nothing more.” He grabbed his bag and ignored the crestfallen look on Sadie’s face.

  “We’ll just see about that.” She grinned as she closed the door.

  Gavin hurried, gathering supplies, and strode into the living room. Ellery was up watching some talk show before the local news came on. “I have to go out. There’s an alligator incident in town. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Ellery’s stomach rumbled, and she laughed. “Sorry, I do love fried gator, and I’m starving.”

  Gavin pursed his lips in thought. “Do you think you’re up for an outing? You can wait in the car while we handle the alligator, and then we can grab dinner at Stomping Grounds after. But only if you’re up for it.”

  Ellery’s stomach rumbled even louder. “I am feeling much better after the nap. I’d like to try at least, but I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “I can help with that. He walked over to the wall in the hallway and pressed a button. “Sadie, can you come to the living room, please?”

  “Oh, no,” Ellery said, shaking her head. “I don’t want—”

  “Yes, Gavin?” Sadie said as if she’d run through the office as fast as possible. She took in Ellery sitting on the couch and smiled even wider.

  “Sadie, this is my friend, Ellery. Ellery, this is my nurse an
d receptionist, Sadie.”

  Sadie pushed past him and took a seat on the couch next to a very skeptical looking Ellery and shook her hand. “It is so great to meet you. Don’t you think we have the hunkiest doctor around?”

  “Sadie,” Gavin groaned, but it didn’t stop her.

  “We all think he’s so wonderful, but he never takes the time to date much. But now you’re here! He needs a good woman to take care of him, and I can tell you’re just that woman!”

  * * *

  Ellery blinked rapidly as Sadie talked a mile a minute. She looked as if she belonged in a bikini shoot on the beach with her blonde hair and tanned skin, and Ellery was ashamed to admit she might have thought badly about her when she first saw her because she was jealous of the girl’s looks. She didn’t quite know how she could become jealous over the possibility of Gavin being with Sadie after only a couple of conversations, but she was. And instead of giving Sadie a chance, she’d written her off. But now she sat there nice as could be, hoping Gavin and she were a couple.

  “Sadie.” Gavin groaned as Sadie began to talk of all the things they could do for a date night.

  “Well, we are going to someplace called Stomping Grounds,” Ellery said, her energy being buoyed by this bundle of happiness sitting next to her.

  “Oh my gosh! Date night after some alligator wrangling. How romantic!”

  “Sadie.” Gavin sounded as if he were dying. “Please, take a breath. I asked you here to help Ellery. Do you have any clothes she could borrow until I can take her to Bless Your Scarf for something new?”

  “Of course!” Sadie jumped up, but then paused. “Where are your clothes?”

  Ellery’s heart began to pound as she looked frantically to Gavin. She didn’t know what to say.

  “Ellery wasn’t expecting to spend the night and with the flooded roads she only has this one outfit that is still drying after being caught in the storm, which is where she was hurt. Took a nasty fall.”


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