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Tales of the Darkworld 2: Hot Water

Page 3

by Lex Valentine

  Tilting his head back, he sucked her labia into his mouth, and she rewarded him with little mewling sounds from her throat. When he flicked his tongue over her clit, her hips jerked. He slid a finger deep inside her, angling it so that he could hit her most sensitive spot. She shuddered and he knew he’d found it. He slipped another finger into her, using both fingers to press the spot. Meanwhile, his tongue flicked over her clit.

  When Eden’s hips began to undulate, pressing her pussy into his face, he knew her control had shattered. He licked faster as her juices flowed. The feel of her slick flesh gripping his fingers and teasing his tongue had his own arousal spiking upward again. His cock started to thicken. Gods, he loved how she tasted! Licking and sucking her flesh as his fingers thrust into her, he pushed his face up against her.

  Eden’s little moans grew louder and he stepped up the pace. His tongue kept going back to tease her clit, making her body shiver. He saw little goosebumps prickling across her satiny skin. She ground her pussy against his face now, and Colin could sense her imminent orgasm. He rubbed his stubbly chin against her and she squeaked. Determined to push her over the edge, he sucked on her clit while pressing on her G-spot with one hand. The other hand rubbed her clan mark.

  Shudders rippled through her. “Colin!” she cried out, as she pressed herself against his mouth.

  Colin’s hands tightened on her, absorbing the orgasmic ripples that tore through her. Her whole body shook with its force and her breath caught audibly in her throat. He just kept on licking, pressing the flat of his tongue against her clit over and over. On the heels of the first orgasm came a second one, forced out by the pressure of his tongue on her engorged flesh.

  She gripped the headboard with her head flung back, her long hair cascading down her slender back. As Colin slipped out from under her, he marveled at how incredibly beautiful she looked with little tremors still rocking her. He took her in his arms and kissed her. She melted against him and he took them both down to the mattress, his hips pressing against hers.

  Eden cradled him between her thighs, her hands stroking up over his back. She closed her eyes, struggling to catch her breath. Colin stared down at her. She had an exotic beauty that captured him and wouldn’t let go. He could look at her for hours, he thought. Then he realized that he didn’t have that option.

  He kissed the tip of her nose and grinned. “This place got a Jacuzzi tub?” he asked.

  She nodded without opening her eyes. Colin got up and went into bathroom. He turned on the water, filling the huge tub. Hearing a sound behind him, he turned to find Eden standing there smiling at him.

  “I love fucking in water,” she said as she got in.

  Her golden eyes glittered with erotic invitation. Colin turned off the water and turned on the jets. When he slid into the tub, Eden straddled his thighs, settling herself on her knees, her ass on his legs. He cupped her taut buttocks and leaned in to nuzzle her throat.

  “I wanna fuck your ass,” he growled, licking her neck.

  She pulled back and looked at him. “That’s not vanilla.”

  His brows shot together. “Yes, it is. Anal sex is not kinky.”

  “I disagree.” She leaned back a little and Colin’s eyes locked onto to her luscious breasts, drawn there by the way the hot water swirled around them. He reached up and cupped them, noting how his fingers looked pale on her tanned flesh.

  “What is this thing you have about not doing anything kinky?” he asked, sensing that something was going with the whole vanilla issue. She seemed to have a no holds barred kind of personality, yet tonight she’d been adamant about sticking to really basic sex.

  For a moment she tensed, her eyes searching his. Finally, she sighed and relaxed against him, her breasts rubbing his chest. “Someone told me I couldn’t get off unless I had kinky sex,” she said in a voice devoid of emotion.

  That carefully flat tone told Colin that this issue had stirred up a hornet’s nest inside her. Tilting his head to one side, he caressed her nipples absently as he chose his words carefully. “So you feared they were right? That you had lost the ability to be turned on by a person rather than an act?”

  She nodded stiffly. “You didn’t seem like the kind of guy who does kinky,” she muttered, her eyes falling from his.

  Colin stared at her, unsure how he should feel about this new development. First, she had pegged him as a Beta, now she thought he didn’t do kinky. He wondered if he should be insulted. He decided to just be honest with her.

  “Baby, I’ve done kinky. I still do kinky. It just depends on your definition,” he said cautiously. “Am I gonna get off on you striping my ass? No. I’m a tad too much the Alpha to enjoy that. Will I let you spank me a little when you’re all worked up? As a prelude to other things and if it excites you to do it, sure. I’ve cuffed and been cuffed. I like anal sex. Yes, you can stimulate my ass too. Nipple clamps? I don’t think so. My nipples are already pierced.”

  A reluctant smile curved her lips and Colin grinned back at her. “You wanna blindfold me and feed me different foods? Go for it. You wanna order me around? I can play that a little too. It’s not the games, darlin’. It’s all about the person I’m with. The bottom line is always gonna be fucking your pretty pink pussy in some way, shape or form. There might be all kinds of stuff we do to get to that point, but in the end it’s my cock in your pussy that will get me off.”

  “Not a blowjob?” Her fingers trailed over his chest and pulled at his nipple rings.

  He leaned in and kissed her hard. “Baby, that was the best blowjob of my life, but I still wouldn’t trade it for fucking you.”

  Seeing the uncertainty in her eyes, Colin wondered who the hell had made her question her sexuality, because it seemed such a cruel thing to do to such a passionate woman.

  “Eden.” She looked up, and he cupped her head in his hands. “You don’t need the kink to get turned on or enjoy sex. Have we done anything kinky tonight?”

  She was silent a long moment, her golden eyes clouded with emotion. “I don’t know you. Stranger sex is exciting,” she whispered.

  So someone had told her she got off on sex with nameless, faceless people. What an asshat! Anger speared through him.

  “I don’t think that’s something you need to worry about, Eden. If you want to get to know me, just ask. If you want to see me again, I’m here for a few more days. If you want to see me when I go home, I’ll give you my cell number and address,” he told her with a little shrug. “I’m open to taking this to another level if you want to. I don’t have a problem exploring the possibilities of relationships.”

  Eden looked at him thoughtfully. Her hands came up and framed his face, stroking his damp skin. “You’re a really nice guy, Colin. Dangerous, but nice.”

  She leaned forward and her breasts pressed against his chest. She kissed him leisurely, without heat or passion. When she pulled away, he quirked a brow at her.

  “Dangerous, but nice,” he repeated. “What does that mean?”

  She began to caress him, her fingers stroking over his shoulders and neck, a particularly sensitive area. He shivered a little and she smiled.

  “You’re Alpha, but you don’t really act it. It fooled me. It probably fools a lot of people. That makes you dangerous.”

  She circled one of his nipples with her fingertip as she trailed her tongue over the side of his neck. Colin couldn’t suppress the shiver that time. Her smile widened.

  “You’re smart, and you don’t intimidate easily. That makes you dangerous.” Eden reached down and wrapped her fingers around his thick cock. “You’re a lot bigger than I would expect a man of your stature to be. That can be considered dangerous.”

  He stilled her fingers with his own. She looked up at him. “But not to you?” he asked, holding her gaze intently.

  Eden smiled at him in a way that made his stomach flutter. “I like a challenge, and I don’t scare easily,” she said.

  Colin let go of her hand and she resumed s
troking his cock. He leaned back against the side of the tub and watched her explore his body. “Would you spend this much time on a stranger’s pleasure just to get off on fucking someone whose name you didn’t know?” he asked.

  Her head shot up and she blinked at him in surprise. “You have a way of putting things that brings the logic right to the fore. Did anyone ever tell you that before?”

  He shook his head. “Nah. Usually, it’s my brother who is considered the cool logical one in the family. I’m just a playboy looking for fun,” he replied, his gaze dropping to her breasts.

  She caught his chin in her hand and twisted his face so he had to look at her. “I don’t believe that,” she whispered and kissed him again.

  This time, Colin took control of the kiss. His tongue parted her lips, stroking over them before entering her mouth. As his tongue slid against hers, she pressed up against him, winding her arms around his shoulders, her hips rubbing against his thighs in the steamy water. He didn’t know why, but being in the water with her kicked up his desire a few notches. His senses seemed on overdrive. Sight, sound, taste, and touch, all intensified. The silky hot water felt erotic against his skin. When she stroked her hands over his wet flesh, his eyes wanted to roll back into his head with unadulterated bliss.

  Colin sucked on her tongue and she moaned a little. He cupped her ass with one hand, his fingertips teasing the flesh between the taut globes. His other hand slipped between her thighs to tease her slippery pussy. He stroked his fingers over her swollen lips and she shuddered.

  Gasping for air, she broke the kiss. He nipped at the side of her neck and she arched it, tilting her head back to give him a view of her honey colored throat. The scent of her blood filled his nostrils. He could hear the pounding of her heart. When he bent to kiss her throat, he could feel the rush of blood in her veins beneath his lips. Until this moment, he’d had no urge to bite her, but now it rose within him. He’d fed earlier, a baggie from the blood bank. Without hunger, there was no reason for his uncontrollable urge to bite her.

  Unable to stop himself, his fangs unsheathed. As he licked her throat, they scraped against her flesh. He tensed a little, waiting for her to jerk away from him in fright. It didn’t happen. Instead, she pressed herself against him tightly, her hips rotating to accommodate his stroking fingers.

  “Do you want to bite me?” she asked breathlessly.

  Fuck! How the hell did he answer that? She would toss him out of her suite on his ear, if he said the wrong thing.

  “Yes,” he admitted honestly. “But I won’t.”

  Her head tilted forward so that their eyes met. “Why not?”

  For a brief moment he wondered if she could be one of those thrill seekers who sought out vampires just to get bit. Then he realized that genuine curiosity shone in her eyes. His fingers stilled.

  “Biting someone during the sex act is something reserved for bloodmates,” he explained slowly. “Some vampires do it with everyone they fuck, as a sort of thrill seeking act. If the person they happen to bite really is their bloodmate, they become bonded to the person.”

  “Bonded? What does that mean for a vampire?” Eden eyed him coolly, but her fingers did dangerously hot things to his hard cock, rubbing the head and stroking ever closer to the spot beneath the crown that drove him insane with pleasure.

  “It means they can never drink from another person again. Bonded bloodmates can only drink from their mate. If the mate dies, the vampire dies of starvation.”

  Profound silence followed Colin’s words. He tamped down a little rush of anger with himself. He’d let the conversation turn far too serious.

  “Look, it’s a complicated mating thing. It doesn’t have anything to do with you and me and this moment,” he said, trying to backpedal his way out of the situation.

  Eden frowned at him a little. “I asked. I didn’t expect the answer to be some sugar coated platitude,” she told him. “I just wanted to understand.”

  “Well, now you do,” he said gruffly, feeling really uncomfortable.

  Eden kissed him again. “It’s okay, Colin. I still want to fuck you.”

  His good humor returned with a rush. “Good,” he murmured. “Cause I think it’s time.”

  Colin slid both hands under her ass, lifting her and guiding her over his erection. Her golden eyes held his steadily as she slid down, her pussy stretching to accommodate his girth. She whimpered a little as she rocked her hips, taking the last of his length inside her. He flexed his cock and her eyes went wide with shock.

  “Oh gods. That feels so…”

  Colin did it again and she shuddered. He grinned.

  “It’s j-just that it’s h-hitting…”

  He did it a third time and she jerked in his arms, her skin rippling as she came. She moaned, her fingers digging into his shoulders. He held her as her orgasm subsided to little shivers. Remaining still while her slick pussy clutched his cock was torture, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. Watching her fly apart in his arms made him even hotter.

  She drew a shuddering breath and opened her eyes. Desire flared in their amber irises. Her hips rotated, grinding against him. Heat flooded Colin’s groin and he groaned out loud. Eden smiled and did it again. This time, she squeezed him with her inner muscles.

  “Shit!” he hissed between clenched teeth.

  She braced her hands on his shoulders and began to ride him with a twisting movement that made every thrust feel like wet velvet wound tighter and tighter around his cock.

  Eden leaned close to him and nipped the side of his neck. Colin went rigid as intense pleasure washed over him. He barely hung onto his control by a thread. Any of her thrusts could push him over now. His balls tightened painfully. His entire body burned. Every nerve ending he had seemed to be centered in his groin.

  Her stiff nipples poked his chest and he twisted one, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. She tossed her head, moaning a little. He noticed a slight flush on her honey colored skin and gooseflesh along her arms. Her breath came in swift pants.

  Eden’s hips undulated against his and Colin passed the point of no return. She ground against him and her swollen clit pressed against his pubic bone. She shivered and her pussy clamped down on him. With a cry, Colin lost control. His cock throbbed, expanding in the tight space of her channel. His ejaculation burst from the head of his cock to bathe her insides as she cried out and came once more.

  One oddly lucid thought speared his lust soaked brain. Dragons could only get pregnant after mating. He’d sure as hell shot his seed deep inside her, enough to knock her up if he had been her mate. A quick vision of Eden, her belly round with his child made Colin’s eyes snap open in shock. He had to get a grip on himself. His wild ideas had no place in a purely sexual encounter.

  Eden lay sated on his chest, her breathing rapid. He wrapped his arms around her, stroking her long naked back.

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” he said softly. “You don’t need the kink to get off. Whoever told you that obviously doesn’t know you very well.”

  She stirred slightly, but remained draped over his chest, her head nestled in the crook of his neck. “It was my brother,” she replied, her voice muffled.

  Chapter Three

  Lying boneless on Colin’s chest in the aftermath of her orgasms, the two of them still sunk deep into the hot water of the tub, Eden’s icy bitch resurfaced. His thighs bore her full weight yet he hadn’t protested at all. He was far too nice a man for her, the bitch thought. As the black sheep of the family, the decades old ideas of honor, home, and hearth were pure bullshit to a dragon like her. And her oldest brother used that bullshit against her every chance he got. She knew Sean’s tactics well. He used words to push her buttons and hopefully sour her on her lifestyle. Calling her the Queen of Kink and telling her that she didn’t know how to have meaningful sex, definitely set her off. Her younger brother told her that Sean would never give up trying to get her to come home and work in the famil
y business.

  Antaeus International was a huge company with offices around the world. Her brothers bought up funeral homes and cemeteries and repackaged them for the masses, turning out cookie cutter products at low cost. The Antaeus men were the darlings of the death care industry because of their success. Her whole family worked for AI and once upon a time Eden had too. But working for her family didn’t interest her any longer. She liked being a photographer and traveling the world. Sure, it got lonely sometimes and hotel suites got old after awhile, but she could never give up her camera for a desk job. It just wasn’t in her to lock away her creative side. She needed it like she needed air to breathe.

  “Your brother doesn’t know jack.”

  Colin’s voice rumbled in his chest, vibrating against her naked breasts and rousing her from her unpleasant thoughts. Despite the fact that the cold bitch had been the only face she’d shown Colin, he seemed to instinctively know that there was more to her than that. His words about Sean not knowing jack proved it. The pain of recalling Sean’s words had the bitch coming out to protect Eden’s emotions. But as soon as Colin made his crack about her brother, the bitch slinked off, leaving Eden lying vulnerable on her lover’s hard body.

  Dear gods, she had never been as comfortable in a man’s arms as she was in Colin’s. He managed to be amusing, sweet, and Alpha without being an asshole. In her eyes, he was an unbeatable combination. Her curiosity about vampire biting habits had seemed to make him a little uncomfortable, but she chalked it up to biting being an intensely personal thing for him.

  She sighed, snuggling her face into his neck more. “My brother doesn’t know me. He only thinks he does.”

  “Siblings, especially older ones, can be like that,” Colin agreed.

  “Spoken like a man with an older sibling,” she chuckled.



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