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The Gift

Page 19

by Kim Pritekel

  Ally slowed down and pulled away from the kiss as she reached up and pushed the heavy jacket off Catania’s shoulders, gathering the garment into her hands and tossing it over to land on the towel. She met Catania’s eyes and gave her the most loving smile before she left a lingering kiss on her lips, then took her into a tight hug.

  Catania understood her need for that closeness, to reconnect after their horrible misunderstanding right when things were beginning to progress. She held Ally to her, their bodies flush. She tried to ignore the cold wetness of the front of Ally’s dress, which was beginning to make her shiver.

  “We need to get you out of these wet clothes,” she said softly, not even thinking about how absurd that sounded considering where things seemed to be headed. Her tone suggested Ally should change out of the uniform and into some dry, warm fluffy pajamas. She grinned when she heard and felt Ally’s chuckle.

  Ally pulled out of the hug and took Catania in a quick but heated kiss before she grabbed her hand and led her toward the stairs and down. She led them over to her bed, which had not been made that morning. She gave Catania a sheepish grin.

  “I ran out of time this morning and wasn’t expecting company.”

  “Hey, you should see my place,” Catania said with a grin.

  Ally gave her a sexy little smile. “I have.”

  “Oh. Right.”

  Ally made it clear talking was over. She initiated a deep, breath-stealing kiss as her hands slid down Catania’s sides to her hips, bringing their bodies even closer together. Once again, that fuse was alive and burning.

  Catania gently maneuvered Ally to the bed until the smaller woman fell backward onto her behind. She quickly scooted farther onto the bed until she could lay down with her head on the pillow, her hands reaching for Catania, who followed her. She quickly moved over to Ally, resuming their kiss as her body adjusted itself partially atop the petite woman, leaving her hand a whole landscape to explore.

  Slowing the kiss down to maintain some level of control, Catania’s hand ran down Ally’s side, her thumb just barely grazing the side of her breast. She had noticed upstairs that Ally’s nipples were hard and pressing against the material of her bra and uniform dress, likely from the cold rain initially. Now, her eyes so badly wanted to see those breasts bare, her mouth watering to taste them.

  Leaving Ally’s lips, Catania focused on her neck, licking, nipping, and kissing her way along the soft, warm flesh. Her hand moved back up, fully covering Ally’s left breast, which brought a quiet sigh from her which quickly turned to a groan when Catania dragged her fingernails over the hard nipple.

  Using her nose, she nudged aside the open collar of her dress, swiping her tongue over a bit of collarbone. She used her thumb and forefinger to lightly pinch the hardened nipple, which seemed to grow even more rigid under touch. Ally’s hips began to move with a sensual restlessness, which pleased Catania greatly and let her know the woman beneath her wanted more.

  Dragging her hand from Ally’s breast to the buttons on her uniform, she moved back to waiting lips as she unbuttoned one button at a time, their kiss slow and sensuous. Once all the buttons were released, she ended the kiss and lifted her head, watching as her bandaged hand spread the light gray material apart, revealing Ally’s gorgeous and absolutely perfect breasts clad in dark green satin.

  “Jesus, you’re so beautiful,” she whispered, fingertips brushing over the soft flesh of her cleavage. “Happy day,” she exclaimed, grinning at Ally when she noticed the bra clasp was in front.

  Moments later Ally’s breasts were fully revealed, light pink nipples turned dusky rose in their excited state. Ally let out a loud groan as Catania slowly ran her tongue over the one closest to her, her hand finding the other breast again. She answered with a groan of her own as she took in as much of the firm breast into her mouth as she could, sucking hard a few times before releasing it to again focus on the nipple.

  Ally’s entire body began to squirm, and Catania loved it. She continued with her mouth on her breast as her hand glided its way down over a flat tummy, fingers gathering the skirt of the uniform dress a little bit at a time until she felt the warmth of Ally’s thigh. She trailed her fingernails up the inside of Ally’s thigh as her legs spread slightly until she reached saturated panties.

  “Oh god,” Ally breathed, her legs opening a bit wider as Catania’s fingers pressed and rubbed a bit against her hardened clit.

  Catania growled, her level of excitement growing when she felt how wet Ally was, how ready she was. She left her breast and watched Ally’s face as her fingers made their way inside the waistband of the silky material, the volcanic wetness within nearly singing her flesh.

  Catania felt as though she’d be able to orgasm simply from the wonderful whimpers and noises Ally was making as she began to run two fingertips over that slick, hard clit. Normally she’d take her time before she got right down to it, but with Ally, she just couldn’t help herself. To her surprise, within a couple minutes Ally cried out, her back arching as Catania’s hand was covered by soothing warmth.

  She smiled down at her as Ally began to calm. “Hey, you. Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “You’re sorry?” Ally laughed, covering her face for a moment. “God, I’m sorry. I can’t believe that happened so quick.”

  “It’s magic,” Catania said, wiggling her fingers, making Ally blush. She grinned and leaned down to leave an encouraging kiss on her lips, her own body feeling as though it was about to explode.

  Seeming to understand that, Ally placed her palms on Catania’s upper chest and pushed her to her back. She moved on top of her, straddling her hips. She reached down and, one by one, released the buttons on Catania’s blouse until she could pull it open, revealing bra-clad breasts.

  Catania was nervous, watching Ally’s reactions to her body. It had been a long time, and she certainly hadn’t been expecting this to happen. She rested her hands lightly on Ally’s hips as soft hands roamed up over her stomach to cover her breasts, dark blue eyes meeting and holding her own.

  “You’re so beautiful, Nia,” Ally murmured.

  Catania caught one of her hands and brought it to her lips, kissing her palm before releasing it. “Thank you.”

  Ally removed her hands from Catania’s body only to bring them to the open dress she wore. She shrugged out of the garment, which sagged at her waist, then tossed the unclasped bra to the floor. Rolling off Catania’s body, she quickly kicked the dress completely off and removed the rest of her clothing before returning to Catania, who stared wide-eyed at the beauty she was presented with.

  With very little fanfare, Ally made quick work of Catania’s blouse and slacks, then nearly tore the rest of her clothing off of her. Both naked, Ally reached down and tugged the blankets up with her as she stretched out on top of Catania, using her thigh to nudge Catania’s open for her to settle in between.

  “It’s a cold night,” she purred against the warmth of Catania’s neck.

  Catania hummed her agreement as she ran her fingertips down Ally’s back, ending with firm buttocks filling her hands. She tilted her head back as Ally explored her neck, soft sighs escaping her lips. She was loving the feel of Ally’s weight on top of her, their breasts pressed together. She moaned softly when Ally pressed their hips more firmly together, Ally’s exquisite wetness mingling with her own.

  Ally left Catania’s neck and returned to her mouth. As they kissed, slow and sensual, she rested part of her upper body weight on a forearm as she continued to move her hips. Catania opened her legs wider, both gasping as their clits made full contact. It was like lightning in a bottle, the intensity of the jolt of pleasure that shot through her.

  Ally’s head fell, her hair brushing against Catania’s cheek as they moved together. She placed both palms against the mattress and pushed up, using the strength and power of her body to propel them both toward immense and unexpected pleasure.

  Catania wrapped her hands up around Ally’s sh
oulders, holding on for dear life as her release gripped her hard. Her eyes squeezed shut and her fingers became like talons as her body exploded, her hips thrusting up into Ally as she pressed down into her, both jolted by a second spasm.

  After a long moment, Ally lowered herself, her breasts heaving with her rapid breathing and soft whimpers. Catania wrapped her arms around her, holding them together even as her legs fell open fully, exhaustion flowing over her. She turned her head and kissed the side of Ally’s neck.

  “Can we sleep?” she whispered, her body and mind about to give out. She smiled at the little nod she felt in response.

  Ally finally lifted her head and left a quick kiss. “I’m going to go turn off the lamp upstairs and lock up. Be right back.”

  Catania watched her go, unable to take her eyes off an extremely shapely behind, womanly hips dipping sensually with each step. Once Ally had disappeared up the staircase, Catania slipped out of the bed and bent down to flip on the bedside lamp so she could turn off the overhead light to make it easier for Ally.

  She walked over to the shelves with the snow globes on them, smiling when she saw the carved wood cat nestled between two of them. She reached up and gave the top of the cat’s head a little love tap when something caught her eye. She noticed in the drywall behind the snow globes was a nail hole. A brief thought of what a strange place to put a nail or hang something was quickly interrupted by the sound of Ally returning. She hurried over to the wall and flipped the wall switch then scurried to the bed, goosebumps erupting all over her naked body as the temperatures plummeted in the early morning hours.

  “Holy cow, it’s cold,” Ally exclaimed, appearing with Catania’s jacket and the bath towel left upstairs. She hung the jacket on the mounted wall hooks next to her own and tossed the towel into the bathroom before she hopped into bed, Catania helping to tuck her in under the heavy blankets and comforter.

  Catania smiled, pulling her in close. It felt absolutely amazing to feel Ally’s naked skin against her own, to feel her body heat, to just see her joy in the beautiful smile she was gracing her with. They lay on their sides, facing each other, only the minimal glow of the bedside lamp bathing them in a bit of light.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Ally said softly, bringing up a hand to brush some dark hair out of Catania’s eyes. “I thought I was just fooling myself that someone like you would ever want someone like me.”

  Seeing the uncertainty and wonder in Ally’s eyes, Catania felt her heart break. “No, see you have that backward.” She smiled at her and scooted the scant bit forward until their bodies were flush. As exhausted as she’d been from a week of long days and the emotional exhaustion of the situation with Ally, she suddenly found herself wide awake again.

  Catania gently pushed Ally to her back. Deciding she needed to show her everything she felt but just wasn’t in a place to verbalize yet, Catania used mouth, fingers, tongue, and teeth to explore every hill and valley. She wanted to find all the spots and places that made Ally gasp and moan.

  As she made her way down Ally’s beautiful body, she felt fingers in her hair, guiding her to where she was needed. The first taste of Ally’s passion was incredible. The only things she was enjoying more were the sounds Ally was making, her hips moving in tandem with Catania’s mouth. She brought two fingers up and slowly pushed them inside as her tongue batted ruthlessly at Ally’s clit. She sucked it into her mouth and suckled it in rhythm with her fingers thrusting inside of her.

  It wasn’t long before Ally’s back arched and her hips bucked upward as a loud cry filled the air. Her fingers held Catania’s head like a vise. She pressed the flat of her tongue against the hard bundle in her mouth, fingers stilling as they were clenched by the spamming muscles of Ally’s intense orgasm.

  Finally, head and fingers released, Catania gently pulled out and left a soft kiss between Ally’s legs before she climbed her way back up, covering them both with the comforter and pulling Ally’s trembling body into her arms.

  Chapter Seventeen

  There was no sound, just the black-and-white images of a deluge of water flowing down the windshield and windows as the rain poured beyond. A rearview mirror came into frame as did a hand, which tilted the mirror down, slightly. Revealed in the reflection was a figure wearing a black baseball cap, the bill pulled low. Just barely able to be seen was a pair of thick, black-framed glasses, the tiniest of cameras mounted to the right corner where the arm met the frame. Dark eyes could barely be made out behind the clear lenses, though the rest of the face dipped below the boundaries of the mirror.

  The hand reached up again to readjust the mirror before the view became the driver’s side window. The camera zoomed across to the front passenger seat, denim-covered thighs flashed in the frame until the shot paused on a bucket seat. The fabric was a light-and-dark checkered pattern with dark leather or vinyl bordering the fabric.

  On the seat was a small black bag, about the size of a fanny pack. A hand grabbed it by the strap and set it on the thighs. The hand unzipped it and reached inside, pulling out a flashlight, which was set out of frame. A moment later a hunting knife was produced from the bag, the glare from a streetlight outside glinting off the blade as it, too, was set aside. Reaching inside for a third time, the hand brought out a small black box, about the size of a Zippo lighter with twice the thickness. A coiled wad of wires was attached to it. The hand put the gadget down before it returned to the bag a final time, a moment later removing a pair of pliers and a screwdriver.

  The knife was replaced in the bag, which was then zipped and placed on the seat. The flashlight, gadget, and tools were gathered in one large hand before the sudden blinding brightness of the dome light flooded the car as the driver’s side door was opened. The left hand reached down into the pocket on the inside of the door and pulled out a small, white manual: Trek Geek Gear Car Tracker. A picture of the gadget was featured below the title.

  The view rose as the person wearing the glasses stepped out of the car. A quick glance at it as the hand pushed the door shut revealed white paint on the car before the cameral quickly zoomed past the empty, rain-swept street to a tall brick building with the architectural details of a day gone by when a master mason would leave their mark.

  The camera focused on a faded painted sign on the brick, Samson Bros. Textile, before it moved back to the sidewalk. A stray cat jetted out from a recessed doorway, disappearing into the night. The shot switched down a perpendicular sidewalk as the camera wearer turned left. The scene got darker, streetlights more random, shadows deeper. The pace of the person quickened, scenery passing by faster and a bit jostled as the quick movements rocked the glasses.

  Finally, the lens spotted an open space, a small courtyard of sorts that had a single overhead light to watch over the parking spaces, likely meant for those who lived in the building.

  Off to the right was a weathered chain-link fence lined with barrel trash cans. To the left was the building and a heavy-looking metal door. A small economy car and an old, beat-up pickup truck sat in the lot. A glaring space sat empty on the end, in front of the handful of steps that led to the metal door.

  The view whirled around, taking in a dark, rainy night, empty streets, and saturated weeds. A booted foot lashed out, kicking one of the trashcans in an eerie, silent explosion of rage, trash flying into the air.

  The camera view whirled back the way the person had come from, the harried pace obvious as the grout in the bricks ticked by in a blur. Finally, the street opened up and a white wagon came into view. The hand that held the screwdriver and pliers appeared in the frame and tugged the door handle to open the driver’s side door.

  Once inside and settled, the tools and GPS system were tossed onto the passenger seat on top of the black bag, followed by the black baseball cap. The hands, balled into fists, pounded on the steering wheel once before reaching up toward the camera.

  The screen went blank.


  A smile spread across C
atania’s lips as she felt soft kisses make their way along the side of her jaw. She let out a little groan of contentment as she moved her head to the side, allowing more access. Her smile grew at the little chuckle that earned her.

  “Good morning, beautiful girl,” a soft voice murmured against the side of her neck.

  “Mmm. Good morning.” Catania frowned when she realized Ally’s warm nakedness was no longer under the covers with her own. She peeked an eye open and turned to see that a fully dressed Ally lay atop the covers next to her, her head cradled in the palm of her hand. “Why are you up and why are you dressed?”

  “Had to get breakfast started,” Ally said, leaving a few more kisses. “I brought you some coffee,” she explained against the corner of Catania’s mouth.

  Catania moved her head just enough to get a full-on kiss. She smiled against Ally’s lips afterward. “Why do you have to be so damned responsible? Do I have to adult today?”

  Ally returned the smile and nodded. “Yes, you do. You have to go out and save the world.”

  “Shit, you’re right,” Catania said with a sigh. She absently ran her fingers through Ally’s hair as she stared up at the ceiling, not seeing the white paint but her busy schedule for the day.

  “Come on, baby. Sit up so I can give you your coffee,” Ally said, turning away from her to reach for the bedside table and the steaming mug that sat there.

  Catania did as asked, the blanket falling away from her naked breasts as she sat up. Normally the morning after was filled with awkward smiles, a few muttered words, and dressing as quickly as humanly possible. Not that she’d had many “morning afters,” but the ones she’d had were certainly left back in the memory banks. With Ally, she felt surprisingly comfortable and at ease. Even with Ally sitting there in jeans and a sweater, Catania didn’t feel the need to hide herself.


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