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SHIFT: Five Complete Novellas (Bear Bites Book 5)

Page 9

by Ruby Dixon

“I think it likes me,” she coos.

  “Less talking and more licking,” I command harshly.

  She colors beautifully, and then her tongue darts out to lick off the come. I nearly spend right then and there, spraying my come all over her belly and mine. It’s not going to take much for her to get me off, which is why I need her to come a few dozen times before I stick my cock in her.

  I won’t last. Not even a minute.

  She makes a slight smacking noise. “I didn’t get enough,” she says coyly, and reaches between us to take my entire shaft between her palms. She pumps me once and then twice. I groan and arch into her hands, praying for control.

  My vision blurs, but I fight it back. She comes first, in all things.

  “Hold your tit and put it in my mouth right now.” My voice is rough and needy.

  She responds with alacrity. Her breast is like a perfect piece of fruit resting on her come-coated fingers. There can’t be a more gorgeous sight in this world.

  “When I start sucking on your tit, you’re going to ride my fingers until you come. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Fuck. I shouldn’t like that, but I do. It’s coming from her mouth. She could call me ‘horse manure’ at this point and I’d think it was sexy as hell. I give her another sharp slap on the ass. “You having a hard time hearing me, baby doll? Because I don’t feel any action on my fingers.”

  She flashes a look of challenge at me. Her breasts bounce in a lewd rhythm as she rolls and bucks her hips against my hand. She holds one breast, and I squeeze the other with my free hand, tormenting the nipples with my tongue and fingers.

  I slip one more finger inside her cunt, and it’s a tight, tight fit. I wonder briefly how I’m going to fit inside this tiny channel and how I’m going to last when she’s squeezing my cock like she’s squeezing my fingers.

  I grind the heel of my hand against her pubic bone. She’s so close. I can feel her walls fluttering against my fingers. Her little feet curl up, and her back arches as she reaches for that next plateau.

  “Come on, baby girl, you can do it. Let go. I got you.”

  Her hands find my shoulders again, pushing and pulling against me, using and grinding, rocking and rubbing until her whole body tenses and her mouth drops open. A low keening moan escapes her. I take over then. I thrust my fingers upward, maintaining the rhythm she can’t.

  She shakes and shudders against my embrace, and I hold her as she floats on her little orgasmic cloud. When she comes down, it’ll be round two.

  Chapter Six


  I lie sprawled on top of Mal, utterly content. There’s nothing quite like coming until you can’t see straight, and Mal’s big fingers and brawny body do a lot more for me than my vibrator ever has. I place my cheek against his chest and sigh in happiness. “Wow.”

  “Let me know when you catch your breath,” he murmurs in my ear, and his hand strokes down my back. “Because I’m not nearly done with you.”

  “Promises, promises.” My thighs clench at the thought, and I tangle my fingers in his chest hair. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Laying you out on the couch and making you put your ankles to your ears so I can lick that sweet cunt until you scream my name. Then feeding my cock into you and fucking you so hard you can’t see straight.”

  My entire body quivers at the thought. “I…think I just caught my breath.”

  Mal chuckles and then starts to push me down onto the couch cushions. I cling to him and shake my head. “Wait, what about your ankle? Should we be careful?”

  He frowns down at me. “It’s not broken.”

  “But it’s bruised. What if it swells—”

  “All I need right now are my knees, Ryann,” he murmurs in a husky voice. “And my cock’s just fine.”

  “I knew that,” I tell him in a coy voice. Still, I’m a little worried about him hurting himself. I’d hate to be mid-my-first-time-for-sex and have him bail out on me. “But I’m just wondering if we should wait…”

  He growls and gets to his feet. Before I can protest about him putting weight on his ankle, he swings me into his arms and carries me up the stairs.

  I squeal. “Wait! Your leg!”

  “Shifters heal fast, and you’re light. Let it go.”

  I frown up at him as he goes up the stairs, but he’s not even limping. I relax a little at that and decide to run my hands all over his chest. “Thanks for carrying me, Daddy.”

  He groans. “That should not be nearly as hot as it is.”

  He’s right, it shouldn’t, but it’s all in play and in fun, so it’s incredibly sexy. Plus, it makes a big, grown man squirm and gets his dick hard, so it’s all good.

  “You can spank me for being naughty when we get upstairs.”

  If anything, that makes the man move faster. I swallow a laugh as he bounds up the last few steps into my small bedroom. My condo isn’t much, and I’m a little embarrassed at my tiny twin bed. Nothing screams ‘incredibly single’ quite like a bed that only fits one person.

  Mal stops at the sight of my bed. “Jesus.”

  “I know.”

  “Maybe we should have stayed on the couch.”

  “It’s fine,” I tell him. “It just means a lot of snuggling.”

  He nods slowly and then puts me down ever-so-carefully on the bed. “After tonight, we’re going to my place.”

  My heart gives a thrilled little thump. “We are?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got a king bed.”

  I feel a little crestfallen to hear that. Does he have such a big bed because he always has company over? “For the ladies?” I can’t help but ask.

  Mal gazes down at me like I’ve grown another head. “What?”

  “Nothing,” I sigh. “I’m just being a jealous beast.”

  “Jealous?” He looks incredulous. His fingers tip my chin up and force me to meet his gaze. “Are you serious? Ryann, my dick hasn’t gotten hard for anyone since I’ve met you.”

  I squirm with pleasure at this statement. “Really?”

  “Really. You’re my mate. There’s no one for me but you. Only you. And I knew you were mine when you were seventeen. That was hell, knowing you belonged to me and that I couldn’t touch you.”

  Oh. I’m melting at his sweet words. “You can touch me now—”

  “I can,” he growls, and suddenly flips me onto my belly. “And I believe someone was promised a spanking.”

  I squeal and mock-try to get away as he grabs my hips and hoists my ass into the air. “No, no!”

  “Oh, yes.” He rips my panties down to my thighs, exposing my bottom. I still as his hand roams over my flesh, because the last thing I want is him to stop touching me. A moan escapes my throat as he rubs one ass cheek and then gives it a stinging slap. “Fuck, you have a sexy little ass.”

  I wiggle it at him and then shriek when he spanks me again, hard. His spankings seem to be aimed right over my pussy rather than the thicker flesh of my ass, and it’s a mixture of sharp pleasure and erotic pain all at once.

  And it makes me so damn wet. My fingers dig into the blankets. “I need you, Mal. Please.”

  He spanks me again, and his fingers slide through my folds. I’m soaking wet, and I can feel my juices coating the insides of my thighs. I’ve never been this turned on before, and as his fingers move over me, I try to push back against them, wanting more than he’s willing to give me right now.

  “Greedy, aren’t you?” he murmurs, and his voice flows over me like liquid heat. I shudder with need, unable to respond. “You want what your mate can give you?”

  “Take me,” I insist. “Make me yours.” I push my ass against him, insistent.

  He groans, and I feel his hot skin press against mine. It feels as if he’s covering my entire body, and I feel the scorching bar of his cock press between my legs, resting against my pussy.

  “You want this deep inside you, Ryann?” He takes the length of his cock and drags it through m
y folds.

  I nearly come off the bed, it feels so good. “Please,” I pant. “Please, yes.”

  “Or you want me to lick that sweet pussy of yours until you scream?” His cock slides through my folds again.

  Oh God, that’s the devil’s choice if there ever was one. Lick me out or fuck me senseless? Was ever a girl presented with such a difficult decision? But I’m aching deep inside in a way I’ve never felt before. It’s like I physically need him in me. So I spread my legs a little wider, give my ass a bit more of a wiggle, and push back against him. “I want you inside me.”

  Mal’s breath is ragged. “Sweet girl.” He puts a hand on my hips, and then I feel the head of his cock press against my opening.

  This is really happening. “Wait,” I cry out. “Do we need protection? If you’re a were-bear?”

  He freezes, and I nearly choke on the sensations pushing through me. His cock-head is wedged right at my core. Just one tiny push and he’d be inside me. “You on the pill?”

  “I’m on the shot,” I confess. “Keeps me regular. But what about you? Were-bears don’t have super sperm, do they? I don’t know that I’m ready to start a family just yet.”

  He chuckles, and his hands palm my ass again. “No, baby, we don’t have super sperm. I want you round with my child, but I’m going to be selfish and keep you all to myself for a while. I’m clean, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  I can’t think of any other reason to pause and get a condom then, so I nod and push back against him. “Then what are we waiting for?”

  “You sure you want this with my old, ugly ass?”

  “So help me God, if you don’t get that dick inside me in the next two seconds—”

  Mal laughs, and that’s the only warning I get before he thrusts into me. Or rather, I don’t know that he thrusts as much as just pushes forward, but he’s got a monster of a cock, and I’ve never had sex before, so it feels enormous.

  I gasp and freeze in place.

  He stills over me. “You weren’t…that wasn’t part of the game?” His hand caresses my ass. “Did I hurt you?”

  “I’m okay,” I tell him, and I’m glad there’s no wobble in my voice. “Keep going, please, Mal. Nothing’s changed. I still want you more than anything.”

  “I love you, Ryann,” he says in a ragged voice. “Have since the moment I saw you.” And he pushes in a little further.

  Little twinges shoot up and down my body as I try to accommodate him. I’m no wide-eyed innocent, and I know my body can handle everything; it just needs a bit of time to adjust. Mal seems to know this too, and he’s waiting for me to give him the signal to go ahead. When nothing else twinges or aches, I give my hips a little bit of a test shimmy.

  Mal groans.

  There’s no pain, and I shimmy again. “I think I’m all good.”

  He thrusts and then pauses. “Now?”

  Now I just feel incredibly full and achy. “Keep going.” He pushes in again, and I moan. “Oh yeah, just like that.”

  His big hand smacks my ass cheek. “Bossy little brat.”

  “You know it, Daddy. I—”My words die in a gasp when he thrusts hard into me. It doesn’t hurt, but it makes every nerve ending in my body light up as if he flipped a switch.

  “You gonna keep being sassy to me?” He rocks into me again. “Or do I need to fuck you harder?”

  A rough moan escapes my throat. I don’t know if he can fuck me any harder without my brains coming out of my ears. Already I’m overloading with pleasure, my toes curling. Every time he pushes into me, it feels like he’s stuffing me full of intensity, until I can’t bear it.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” Mal says, and he starts to pump into me harder and faster. And, oh God, it’s so good. My body starts to clench, everything locking up as if it can’t stand another ounce of delicious pleasure. My reaction only makes Mal growl harder, though, and when I start to come, he sounds feral as he pounds into me. I’m crying out with each thrust, oblivious to anything but our bodies melding together. Everything feels overwhelming, ripples of pleasure moving through me. And then it’s like everything goes supernova. I cry out and go limp on the bed as Mal pounds into me, lost in orgasm.

  It’s clear to me that sex with Mal is way, way better than any masturbation or toys. I gasp and pant, trying to recover from the tidal wave of sexual pleasure. I’m positively reeling.

  “Mine,” Mal snarls as he comes inside me. He jerks against me, hands gripping my hips tight. He strokes into me a few more times, slowly, and then collapses on the bed next to me…

  …And promptly rolls off the side because my twin’s not big enough to hold both of us.

  I gasp in shock. “Mal!”

  His snarl of anger reverberates from the floor. “Get your shit.”

  I clutch the blankets to my chest. “Why?”

  “Because we’re going to my place.” He rubs his head and sits up.

  Half an hour later, we’re cleaned up, dressed, and I’ve packed an overnight bag. Actually, it’s several overnights, according to Mal. He’s proclaimed that he doesn’t want to let me out of his sight, and I’m all too happy to be claimed by him. I cram an enormous amount of clothing into my one bag, along with a few bathroom necessities. Mal wants to walk, but I insist on driving because I still worry about his ankle.

  It takes all of five minutes to get to Mal’s place from mine. I park my car behind his big pick-up truck, and he grabs my bag and slings it over his shoulder. I hold his hand as we go up to the porch, and I gaze around me. He doesn’t live in the main part of the town like I do. He doesn’t have a dozen neighbors crowded into townhouses. Instead, he owns a cabin out here in the woods and the only noise are the crickets, the rustle of the pine branches, and the scratches of woodland animals as they forage for food.

  I like it already.

  Mal swings the door open, but instead of letting me in, he grabs me and swings me into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” I cling to his neck.

  “Taking my mate across the threshold.”

  And really, how can a girl not melt at that? I give him a quick, smacking kiss, and he sets me down. I get a good look at the inside of Mal’s place. It’s a cabin, of course, with rustic furniture and masculine trappings. But more than that, every inch of the place is covered with Mal’s gorgeous wood carvings. There’s a soaring eagle over the fireplace. One corner of the room has a half-carved bear. The nearby table is littered with smaller figures—badgers, beavers, bear cubs, otters, whatever’s popular with the shops. I know he supplies the local tourist places with carvings, and it’s amazing to me how he can manage to squeeze that much art and talent into a bit of wood.

  “The place is a mess,” Mal grumbles and swipes a coffee mug off a nearby table. “Wasn’t expecting anyone.”

  “It’s perfect,” I tell him. And it is. From ceiling to floor, this place is all Mal, and I love it.

  For the first time in forever, I feel like I’m home.

  Chapter Seven


  I drive Ryann into work the next day. I’d really like her to quit her job and stay in my cabin. She can putter around the house or go for walks in the woods while I work on the carvings.

  It would be perfect if she’d take on all the customer shit, dealing with the stores, keeping track of stuff, ordering lumber. I hate all that stuff. All I want to do is carve, but I’m not going to ask that of her.

  She’s got her own life.

  I’m going to be happy with the fact that she doesn’t think I’m a dirty old man. She let me touch her everywhere last night.

  My jeans feel tight just thinking about it.

  “You need me to pick you up after work?” I ask as I pull into the Wolf Rescue Center’s parking lot. The place is getting full, and is that a…bus I see pulling in behind me?

  My palms start sweating as I think of being crowded here with all these people.

  “Yes, but do you mind parking and coming in for a minute
? I’d like you to meet my Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill.”

  I tear my eyes away from the bus to Ryann, who’s innocently looking at me from behind a fringe of fine eyelashes. Her skin is a little ruddy around her chin where my stubble might have rubbed against her too aggressively.

  I stroke my jaw. I’m clean-shaven now, but come winter, I usually let it grow. Seeing her porcelain skin, though, I don’t think I want to mar that lovely surface. I’ll start shaving twice a day.

  “Mal? You want to come in?” she asks, repeating her invitation.

  Not really, but I’ll do it for you, sweetheart. “Sure. Let’s go.”

  “My aunt and uncle are really kind and won’t care at all that you’re a shifter,” Ryann explains as she slips her hand into mine after I help her out of the truck.

  “Great.” I try to muster up a smile for her. The effort is worth it when she leans her head against my arm. She leads me in toward the back and away from the crowd forming at the front door.

  “What do you do here?” I ask. I’ve only ever watched Ryann go into the building. The closed nature of it, along with the crowds, have kept me away.

  “I take tickets. Some days I might give tours, but that doesn’t really interest me.” She crinkles her nose. “It pays better though.”

  “Do you need the money?” Maybe she doesn’t realize it yet, but as my mate, she has access to my bank account, which, the last time I looked, had a hefty number of commas and digits on the plus side. I sell a lot, and I don’t spend a lot.

  “I’ve got rent to pay, and I’d like to buy a car. I’m borrowing Aunt Mary’s right now but I want my own. It’s hard to get around, and I hate relying on other people to take me places.”

  I make a mental note to ask Eli about buying a new car for Ryann. Something with big tires because I want her to be safe. Eli bought my truck for me about ten years ago, and it’s running well.

  I trust him to find something good for her. Although, I mentally pause. Maybe she wants to pick out her own?

  “We’ll stop by the Lodge after work then,” I tell her.


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