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SHIFT: Five Complete Novellas (Bear Bites Book 5)

Page 14

by Ruby Dixon

  “You don’t have to.” She tugs on my hair.

  “I know I don’t, but I want to. And, Caroline, your panties are soaking wet, so don’t tell me you haven’t been thinking and fantasizing about my head between your legs.”

  She turns cherry red. “I, ah, I, I know guys don’t like doing it though.”

  “That’s it,” I declare, and turn her over so she’s ass up. Sweet little ass, I think, and then slap her hard.

  She yelps. “What’s that for?”

  “You broke rule number one, baby.” I rub a hand over her ass to soothe the sting. “Jesus, your ass is fine. These panties need to come off so I can see your pussy. I bet your pussy is prettier than a flower.”

  “I don’t think—”

  My hand comes down immediately.

  “I didn’t break rule number one,” she pouts.

  “New rule, Caroline. No talking bad about your body.” I pull her panties down and then lift the soaked fabric to my nose. I take a big breath, and nearly come in my pants. She smells like fucking nectar of the gods.

  “Ass up, baby.” I tuck her knees closer to her chest, and then shoulder her legs apart so I can get a good look at her cunt.

  Her lips are swollen and the little clit is puffed out like a berry. “You look delicious. Can’t wait to see what you taste like.”

  I’d like to be able to take my time, lick her really leisurely until she comes about five times and is so weak she can’t hold herself up, but I’m too jacked up.

  This first time I’m going to devour her. I attack her pussy like I’m a starving man at his first buffet.

  “Damn,” I groan after I take my first lick. “I’m going to need this every morning and about three times during the day and a half-dozen times before bedtime.”

  She might have said something, but the blood is roaring so loudly in my ears, all I can hear is the thud of my heartbeat. On my tongue and sliding down my throat is the tastiest damn juice I’ve ever had the pleasure of imbibing.

  I lick her from her cunt to her clit to the tiny puckered opening between her ass cheeks. She shudders and tries to pull away, but I clamp my hands on her hips and drag her back. With both hands, I hold her against my marauding mouth so I can suck and lick her tender, swollen skin until her thighs shake like jelly next to my cheeks.

  Her moans turn to pants, which turn to pleas for me to never stop. Oh, I won’t, baby, I will not stop until I’ve sucked you dry. The tremors in her body increase, and she’s soon flooding me with her come.

  I drink her down, not wanting even one drop to escape. I could live off her body. It’s all the sustenance I’d ever need.

  But now that she has come, the dull roar of need becomes a tsunami threatening to overwhelm me. I’ve got to get inside her tight channel. I am desperate for my cock to be engulfed by her hot, juicy cunt.

  I push to my knees and turn her over again. Her face is flushed and red from her orgasm.

  “Baby, I need to be inside you.” I cup myself through my jeans. “My cock is hard and aching, and you are the only relief for my pain. You ready?”

  Chapter Six


  This is…the most glorious misunderstanding ever.

  I pant and stare up at Leo, dazed as he shoves his jeans down around his hips. His enormous, thick cock springs free. And a new moan escapes me.

  I hadn’t intended for this to happen. Not really. My offer for him to join me in my tent was platonic. I thought we’d both snuggle up in our sleeping bags, and I’d maybe rub up against him in my sleep, and that’d be the end of things. I’d spend the next few months tormented about how I didn’t make the extra leap to let him know how attracted I was to him. That was how I thought it’d all go down, but the moment I made the suggestion he join me in my tent, I could see that he thought it was something more.

  And my mouth had gone dry. He wanted me, too.

  Then there was no more thinking about things. There was just licking. Lots of licking, and caressing, and the best orgasm I’d ever had. My brain feels wrung out as I gaze up at him in a total daze as this gorgeous, sexy man strips the rest of his clothing off so we can have sex.

  Oh, God, I hope he doesn’t regret this in the morning. Is he drunk? Is that why he wants to sleep with me? “How…” I lick my lips, still breathless from my orgasm, and then try again. “How many beers did you have, Leo?”

  He frowns down at me, his brows pulling together in a scowl. “You think I’m drunk?”

  “I just…don’t want you to regret things. That’s all.” I lick my lips and point out, “I mean, you haven’t even kissed me.”

  “Is that what I need to do to convince you? Kiss you? I thought my tonguing of your pussy was commitment enough, but I’m more than happy to lick other places.” His cocky grin returns, sending my heart fluttering.

  “Well…it’d help.”

  “Then allow me to kiss you, Caroline…” He pauses. “What’s your last name, baby?”

  My eyes widen in horror. He doesn’t know my last name, and I don’t know his. I struggle to sit up. “Maybe we should stop—”

  His hand goes between my breasts, and his gaze is intense. “I’m not stopping just because I don’t know one tiny thing about you. This is how we get to know each other.”

  “By asking basic questions?”

  “In between fucking, yes.”

  A shocked giggle escapes me. “You’re serious?”

  “Dead serious. Now.” He leans in and his nose brushes against mine. “Wanna tell me your last name, or do I need to get between your legs and give you some more convincing?”

  My body feels all flushed with excitement. I’d actually like that…but I want a kiss more. “Abbott,” I tell him, breathless. His lips are so close to mine I can see the wet gleam of them in the moonlight. They’re wet from licking me…all over. Oh, mercy. “Caroline Abbott.”

  “That’s a pretty name,” he says, and then his lips brush over mine in the lightest of kisses. “How do you do, Miss Abbott?”

  My nipples prickle. “Really good,” I breathe.

  His lips brush against mine again, and this time I feel the tip of his tongue graze my mouth. “I’m Leo Prufuchs. But you can call me ‘Yours’.”

  I snort-giggle. “That is the corniest thing I have ever heard.”

  He looks a little wounded, and I realize he was serious about being mine. Oh. I’m ruining the moment with my low self-esteem, and that’s the last thing I want to do. So I fling my arms around his neck and press my mouth to his.

  It’s the right thing to do. Leo groans, and his big body presses me down into the mess of blankets again. His skin feels delicious against mine, incredibly warm. His chest has a sprinkling of crisp hair across his pectorals, and I shiver when it grazes my nipples. But mostly, I’m lost in the kiss.

  Because holy hell, Leo can kiss.

  His tongue strokes between my parted lips, and the faint taste of beer and my own musky come flickers into my mouth. His kiss is slow, but utterly possessive, his mouth claiming mine as if he’s determined to watch me melt into a puddle right before him. And each questing, delicious slide of his tongue against mine makes my pussy clench with need, until I’m rocking up against him, my mouth locked to his as the kisses go on forever.

  When he finally pulls away, I stare at him, utterly dazed.

  “Fuck, you’re so pretty like this.” He leans in and nips at my lower lip again.

  “Like how?” I murmur. My brain isn’t functioning at high speed at the moment.

  “In my arms, drowsy from my kisses. Weak from the orgasm I gave you.” His hand knots in the tangled hair at the back of my head, and he slowly tilts my head back so he can give me another slow, lingering kiss. “Never thought a good tongue-fucking would be so satisfying.”

  A little moan escapes me at that. It’s exactly what he’s doing—he’s fucking my mouth with his tongue. No wonder it makes me so achy and needy between my legs.

  “I want you, Le
o,” I breathe against his lips.

  His nose nudges against mine. “I’ve got a small problem, baby, and I don’t know if you’ll believe me when I say you need to trust me.”

  “Trust you?”

  “I don’t have condoms on me, but I promise I’m clean.” He leans down and tongues the seam of my mouth again, sending shivers through my body. “Didn’t think this would happen tonight.”

  Oh. I’m on the pill, but I’m also not dumb. Every girl in the world has heard “baby, I don’t have a condom on me” before. “I’ve got a condom with me.”

  He stiffens, and his arms get tight around me. “For Bill?” He practically growls the words out.

  “Um, no. I always carry a condom on me. It might be expired, though. It’s been in my change purse for a long time.” I tap his arm with my fingers. “And you need to get over the Bill thing. I promise that the moment we ran into each other again, it was a mistake. You need to trust me on that.”

  Leo’s gaze searches mine, and I see a lot of possessiveness there—which startles me—and a little vulnerability. It’s almost like he worries that he’s not enough for me…

  …Which is a joke, right? He’s the most perfect man I’ve ever seen, and I’ve already come harder than I ever have before.

  I lean in and give him a quick kiss. “Let me up long enough to grab my purse?”

  He sits up and I crawl over him toward the corner of the tent, where I’ve left my purse. The moment I dig out my coin purse, though, Leo grabs me by the hips and settles me down into his lap. His cock presses up against me and one hand roams to my breasts.

  I moan, leaning back against him. His fingers flick at my nipples, and he bites at the side of my neck as I writhe against him.

  “You find that condom yet?”

  “Distracted,” I say breathlessly, and try to concentrate on opening my change purse while he teases my nipples into aching points. “You’re a beast.”

  He stiffens against me. “Oh?”

  I’m not falling for his distractions again. My searching fingers locate the foil square and I hold it aloft. “Got a flashlight? I need to check the expiration.”

  “I don’t care if it’s expired,” he says, and nips at the side of my throat again. “That condom is going on.”

  He’s got a point. And I’m on birth control, so it’s not like it matters, right? I hand it to him, fling my coin purse aside, and then turn my face for another deep, searchingly wet kiss.

  “On your back, Caroline,” Leo murmurs against my mouth. “Or I might lose control very soon.” His cock presses against my hip, evidence of just what he’s referring to.

  I nod, biting my lip. I’m eager for him, and waiting any longer seems torturous. I wiggle out of his grasp and slide down onto the blankets. His big body immediately covers me again, and he kisses me before rearing up on his knees to slide the condom on. Even though it’s dark inside the tent, I admire the outline of his form. He’s just so…delicious to look at. I want to run my mouth over every inch of him.

  In the morning, maybe, when I can admire him by daylight. Right now, I just want him back on top of me.

  As if he can read my mind, Leo leans back over me, and I feel one of his big thighs nudge between my legs. He leans in to kiss me, and as I wrap my arms around his neck, he puts a hand to my knee and parts my legs. His cock presses against my pussy, and then he rubs the head of it through my slick folds.

  I moan against his mouth because that feels amazing. Each time the head of his cock grazes my clit, I nearly jump out of my skin with pleasure.

  Then he pushes inside me, and I gasp at how big he feels. “Leo!”

  “I’m right here, Caro,” he murmurs, nipping at my jaw with tiny kisses. “I’ve got you, baby.” He continues to whisper sweet things even as he begins a slow, delicious rhythm, stroking in and out.

  I raise one leg and lock it around his waist as he pushes deep into me. The force of his thrust shoves us over the blankets, and I gasp.

  “Too much?” He asks, freezing over me.

  “No! Keep going!” I slap a palm against one thick, sweat-dewed arm.

  He growls low in his throat, almost animalistic, and then the fucking goes up a notch. If I thought Leo was fierce in the sack before, I’ve seen nothing before now. His every stroke makes my entire body jiggle with the force of his thrusts, and I’m clinging to him for dear life, soft cries escaping my throat. An orgasm begins, low in my belly, and I’m startled because I’ve never come without a bit of clit stimulation from a boyfriend, which means I usually don’t get to come. But Leo’s cock is hitting me in all the right places, and each thrust seems to wreck me, inside and out. I dig my nails into his skin and scream, head thrown back as the orgasm blasts through me, my entire body clenching and stiffening with the force of sensation.

  He growls again, and his thrusts become wild as he anchors me against him and fucks me harder. “Mine,” he snarls low in his throat. I want to agree with him that I’m all his, but all I can do is choke out a gasping response, still locked in the throes of my orgasm.

  When he comes, he snarls my name, and I feel a curious sort of possessive pleasure to hear that. His weight pins me down to the blankets as he catches his breath, and I slide a hand up and down his sweaty back. I just like touching him. He feels so…solid. Physical. I love it.

  He leans forward and captures my mouth in a fierce, quick kiss. “I’m going to get rid of this condom and then I’ll be back.”

  “Okay.” The moment he leaves the tent, I contemplate getting a towel out of my bag, wetting it, and cleaning myself up. I’m sticky between my thighs, and I really hope the condom didn’t break.

  But Leo returns quicker than I anticipated, and the moment he does, he pounces on me, all kisses.

  “I should clean up,” I say breathlessly, even as he pulls me against him, his big arms locking around me.

  “Nope,” Leo says. His hand goes between my legs, sending aftershocks of pleasure skittering through me, and I gasp when he pushes two fingers inside my swollen tissues and strokes them. “I like you covered in my scent.”

  “You’re a strange man,” I say with a chuckle.

  “You have no idea.” He kisses my temple and snuggles me against him, but I notice that his hand stays between my legs in a possessive gesture, as if he’s guarding what belongs to him. “I want you to come stay with me for a while. You said you can work from home, right? Come work from my home.”

  Oh, wow. “You don’t think we’re going too fast?”

  He snorts. “Not at all. I’m not about to let you get away.”

  Strange, indeed.

  Chapter Seven


  I’m poleaxed. Caroline waltzed in and shook up my life like it was a snow globe. It was the kick in the ass I needed. I’d been cruising along thinking that sex was how I was going to find my mate, but that wasn’t it at all.

  Sure, mate sex is amazing and once we bond, we’ll probably release enough pheromones into the wild to trigger half the county into procreating, but it’s way more than that.

  She gets to me on a real elemental basis. Her spirit speaks to mine without either of us saying a word. As she snuggles next to me I wonder if she understands that or, as a human, she feels like it’s a passing euphoric feeling.

  The problem with humans is that they look at life through only one lens, and a short one at that. I worry that she’s going to leave Pine Falls and look back at this as a nice memory of fucking a guide while she went on a little vacation.

  I’m going to have to put a stop to that way of thinking right away. Going too fast. Hell, if it were up to me, we’d be at the Lodge right now, asking for Eli’s blessing. He doesn’t really relish the position as our leader, but someone’s got to keep our bear asses in check.

  In fact, it’d be great to parade her around in front of the other shifter males while she was smothered in my scent so that they’d know who she belonged to. I don’t want anyone touching my mate.
  I might have to fight a few of my packmates once they get a whiff of how sweet she smells. My arms tighten around her. I’m not known for being a fighter, but for Caroline? Yeah, no one is taking her from me.

  We just gotta work out all the details. I grew up in Pine Falls, and all my den mates are around here or up in Canada across the border. Caroline says she works from home, but it doesn’t seem real fair for me to ask her to move, particularly after I drop the oh-by-the-way-I-shift-into-a-bear-whenever-I-want-hope-you-don’t-mind bomb on her.

  “Where do you live?” I ask.

  “In Plymouth,” she says groggily.

  “Is that out in the country?” I’m not real familiar with the area. Hopefully it’s near some woods.

  She rubs her cheek against my arm and scoots backward, her ass coming up against my cock.

  “No, it’s in the city. There is a park near my townhouse, though. I walk around it before I go to bed.”

  Her ass twitches again, and my interest in her living conditions wanes. I find the sweet spot on her neck and give it a lick.

  “You tired, baby?”

  “Mmm, what were you thinking?”

  I rock my hips against her ass, appreciating the way her fine curves hug my hardening cock. “That we should have round two.”

  The hitch in her breath is the only answer I need. I lift one of her legs and fit it over my thigh. “You don’t have to do a thing but lie there and enjoy this.”

  My fingers delve into her wet cunt to gather some juice for my cock. I spread her honey all over my shaft. With no condom, I’ve got to be innovative. One of these days soon, I’m going to take her bareback with nothing between my cock and her wet, hot pussy.

  She reaches back to hook her arm around my neck, and I hold her taut and stretched while I stroke my cock in the crevice of her ass.

  “You ever have someone here?” I nudge the tip against that puckered entrance during my next slide forward.

  “No.” It’s a breathy, gasping sound. “Never.”


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