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My Name Is Desire: The Bad Baker Boys: Mark's Story

Page 22

by Tonya Brooks

  “How so?” her husband asked curiously.

  “All he has to do is marry Desi and everything will be fine,” she pointed out.

  He was shocked and it showed. “You're kidding, right?” Matt couldn't imagine any other reason why his wife would have made such a ridiculous statement. Hell, she knew better than anyone that Mark was not the marrying type. It was obvious that he was in love with Desi, but getting his playboy brother to give up his freedom would be a phenomenal task and nothing short of a miracle.

  “It's the only solution,” she assured him and lifted her head from his chest to stare at his handsome face in the moonlight. “If they get married then it proves there's nothing scandalous about their relationship and Kyle's blackmail scheme falls apart. Desi has the security of a marriage and Kylie has a father who adores her. What judge in his right mind could find fault with that? Luke even agreed it would work in their favor.”

  Ah, hell. She'd discussed it with Luke. Matt could only imagine his brother’s reaction to this crazy idea. Luke would have laughed himself silly. “You're forgetting one very important thing, Baby,” he pointed out.



  “What about him?” she frowned in confusion.

  “He has absolutely no idea that he's in love with Desi. What makes you think he'd even consider marrying her?”

  “He will when I suggest it,” she said reasonably.

  “Like hell,” he bluntly refused. “You are not getting tangled up in the middle of this.”

  “But, Matthew, I can't just sit by and watch the two of them make a huge mistake,” Harley insisted. “They're perfect for each other and you know it.”

  He did. The problem was that his brother hadn't come to that realization yet. “I mean it, Harley. You stay out of this.” When that mutinous expression covered her face and he knew she was about to argue, Matt hauled her closer and kissed her until they were both breathless. “Are you going to obey your husband, Mrs. Baker?” he queried huskily and reminded her of their wedding vows.

  There was no way in hell that Harley could argue with him when he was holding her against his big, strong body and she was still tingling all over from his kiss. “Yes, Matthew,” she sighed in resignation and laid her head back on his chest, a devilish smile curving her lips. “You could talk to Mark,” Harley suggested hopefully.

  “Oh, hell no,” he flatly refused. “I'm not stupid enough to suggest Mark get married. He'd think I'd lost my damn mind.”

  “Well, it’s not like he's never considered it before,” she reasoned.

  “Considered what?” he asked with a frown.


  “What?” Matt asked in disbelief as he tilted her face up so he could look at her. His wife returned the look evenly and he knew she wasn't kidding. “You're serious,” Matt was stunned that his brother had ever been serious enough about a woman to consider marrying her. Which brought to mind yet another question, “Who the hell was she?”

  “Me,” she replied and saw his incredulous expression before his eyes narrowed dangerously. Uh oh. Harley knew she'd better start explaining before he got the wrong idea about her relationship with his brother. Again. “It was after you refused to marry me until you had proof that Jed was yours,” she hastily explained. “Mark only did it to protect me and give the baby a name, just like I knew he would.”

  “You knew he'd propose?” Matt asked in disbelief. Hell, he knew how close the two of them had been, but he'd had no idea that his brother had been willing to marry Harley.

  “That's why I told you about the baby first,” she confessed. “I couldn't let Mark drop out of school to support us, which is exactly what he would have done, and then he would have never played professionally.” Harley sighed and snuggled closer. “But if Mark was willing to sacrifice so much just to help a friend, I can't imagine him refusing to marry the woman he obviously loves instead of protecting her.”

  Matt was still reeling from the knowledge that his brother had proposed to his wife. My God. If Harley had told Mark first, he might have convinced her to marry him and then he would have lost her forever. It was a chilling thought and his arms closed around her possessively. Thank God she'd come to him first. “I love you, Harley,” he said hoarsely.

  “I love you,” she smiled contentedly and placed a tender kiss on his lips. “So, you'll talk to Mark?” she asked hopefully.

  “No,” he flatly refused. “We're staying out of it. Mark and Desi will work through this on their own. The puppy will figure it out. Just give him time.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wednesday, August 21, 2013

  Mark woke sometime during the night and walked outside to sit on the patio and stare sightlessly out at the moonlight shining on the lake. He knew he had to find a way to reverse the damage that he had done and his mind worked feverishly to formulate a plan. Kyle had gone too far this time and now he'd opened himself up to retribution.

  Mark wasn't beyond getting his hands dirty, especially since the other man had already taken his gloves off. This meant all out war and he had pissed off the wrong man. Mark knew exactly what he needed to do and he planned it right down to the last detail. There would be no room for error in his plan. He only had one shot and there was no way in hell he was going to leave anything to chance.

  He was still sitting there long after the sun came up and he realized that Kylie should have been awake by now, but there were no sounds coming from inside the apartment. Concerned by that, he rose and looked inside the open drapes covering the Arcadia doors and discovered the apartment was empty. Terrified that Desi had run as she had threatened to do, he unlocked the door and let himself inside.

  His hands weren't quite steady as he opened the closet and discovered her clothes were still there and breathed a sigh of relief. Harley must have taken her back to the house, he realized and lifted the sleeve of Desi's bathrobe to his face. Mark closed his eyes and inhaled her scent greedily. God, he loved the way she smelled. The way she tasted. The way she felt in his arms. The way she made him feel. Everything about her was perfect, dammit.

  The worst part was that he knew she deserved so much better than what he had given her. His Desiree deserved a man who could love her as much as she loved him. A man who would buy the house that she had wanted and provide a home for her and Kylie. He'd known all along that he was not that man and still gotten involved with her anyway. The guilt pierced him deeply, especially since it was an emotion that he was not used to dealing with.

  Mark walked over to the kitchen counter and picked up the photos of them together. The pictures were damming as hell and he was furious that Kyle had managed to reduce their relationship to a sordid liaison. When he had come home that night he’d been so anxious to get to his woman that he’d sped all the way across town. Then he’d found her standing in a pool of moonlight on the patio, waiting for him like she’d promised, in that damn sexy gown he’d bought. He had known in that moment that Desi was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her.

  If Kyle thought he could use him to hurt her, the man obviously had no idea who he was dealing with. Mark fully intended to exact retribution on the bastard who had tried to ruin something so special, and make damn sure he never interfered with Desi or Kylie again. Taking the pictures with him so Desi wouldn't have to see them again, he left the apartment and went next door to take a shower and change. He had a busy day ahead of him and the sooner he got started, the better.


  Desi was in a much better frame of mind after she talked to Luke and he assured her that while the pictures were damaging, all they really proved was how desperate Kylie's father was to win. She still had an excellent case against him and he was confident that she wouldn't lose her daughter. But he did caution her not to give him any more ammunition that he could use against her, like running away again, and she had reluctantly agreed. It was just as well that she had
already severed her relationship with Mark, she realized. The hard part would be staying away from him.

  To never know the heat of his passion again or feel the gentleness of his touch was devastating, but the knowledge that she couldn't even hold him in her arms or touch his handsome face was too painful to bear. She didn't just want to make love to Mark, she loved just being near him. At least she'd still be able to spend time with him when they got the business going, but Desi knew that being near him, knowing how wonderful it could be and not being able to be that close again, would be a living hell.

  Giving him up was the hardest thing she'd ever had to do, but there hadn't been any other option, dammit. When it came right down to it, she'd had no choice but to choose between her daughter and the man she loved and even though it hurt like hell, losing Kylie wasn't even an option.

  How she wished Kyle had never found her. Not just because of Kylie, but because of his actions forcing her to leave Mark as well. Then again, if he hadn't shown up, she never would have had this time with the man she loved and in spite of everything; Desi didn't regret a single moment they had shared. Their time together had been so precious and rare and she knew she'd never get over him.

  The entire Baker family had rallied around her and was offering all the support and encouragement that she could want or need. As a thank you, she had volunteered to cook a veritable feast and anxious to try her cooking, Jedidiah had magnanimously offered the use of his kitchen. She and Harley went to the grocery store and stopped by the apartment to get her car and a few other things. She opened the front door and closed her eyes against the memories that assailed her. She could barely make herself walk inside the place where the two of them had been so happy together. Everywhere she looked, she saw him. Hell, even the scent of his cologne lingered in the confined space.

  She walked into the bathroom to grab a few toiletries and saw Mark's toothbrush alone in the holder. Desi took it next door and placed it on the kitchen counter along with the key that he had given her. She was surprised to find the pictures of them on his bar and fought tears when she realized that Mark had taken them so she wouldn't have to see them again. The caring gesture finished breaking what was left of her heart because even now, Mark was still trying to protect her the only way he could. God, she loved him so much. The thought of living without him was sheer torture. She removed the boxes from his closet, carried them over to her apartment and stuffed them inside the closet.

  “Are you sure you want to do this, Desi?” Harley asked doubtfully as she helped remove her things.

  “I don't have a choice,” Desi sighed and locked his door before closing it firmly behind her. She had to cut all ties with Mark, as far as a personal relationship went, if she wanted to keep her daughter. She had known from the beginning that this day would eventually come; but she hadn't had a clue how hard it really would be or how bad it would hurt. The pain she had felt when Kyle had dumped her was nothing compared to this. Desi felt as if her heart had been ripped completely out of her chest and only the pain assured her that she was still alive.


  Mark came home that afternoon and saw his toothbrush and apartment key lying on the counter beside the pictures of them. The absolute finality of that gesture sent him to his knees and he knelt there gasping for air. Desi had shut him out of her life for good. The sense of loss and desolation he felt should have killed him, but somehow he kept on breathing. What the hell was he going to do without her? Now that he'd found such happiness, how could he just let it go? How could he let her go, he wondered in despair.

  But they had both known from the beginning that they had no hope of a future together and even though it hurt like hell, Mark knew that letting her go was the right thing to do. Hell, it was the only decent thing he could do. Their attempt at a relationship had almost cost her Kylie and he couldn’t live with himself if she lost her child because of him. There was no way he could ever risk hurting her again. She meant too damn much to him. The only thing he could do now was make sure that bastard never got his hands on her daughter.

  Grim determination filled him and his eyes blazed with anger as he rose to his feet. He took out the disposable cell phone he'd bought at the mall so the call couldn't be traced back to him, called information and got the number for Kyle's office. When his secretary answered, Mark requested to speak to the Senator and was informed that he was in a meeting and she'd have to take a message.

  “Tell him it’s the call from South Carolina that he’s been waiting for,” he commanded and wasn't surprised when the woman came back a minute later to assure him the senator would take the call if he could hold for a moment. When the other man came on the line, Mark said carefully, “I believe you and I have a mutual interest, Senator.”

  Surprised to hear a man’s voice when he had been expecting Desi, he asked warily, “What might that be?”

  “I'm in a position to help you obtain a certain item that you've expressed an interest in,” he offered evenly.

  Kyle sat forward alertly. “Call me on my private line,” he said quickly and gave the other man his mobile number. The calls on his official government issued phone were always recorded for security purposes and enough had been said already. Never one to take anything at face value, when his mobile phone rang, he quickly answered to ask bluntly, “Why would you be willing to help me obtain... the item?”

  More than pleased that the other man had taken the bait, Mark smiled unpleasantly and replied, “It's obvious that you want it and I don't. I think we might be able to come to some kind of mutual agreement that will benefit us both.”

  This man was obviously Mark Baker and it seemed Desi's lover didn't want the kid around. That fit the playboy profile that his investigator had put together, so he had no reason to doubt that he might be useful. “What did you have in mind?” Kyle asked curiously.

  “I have considerable influence with... the owner, and find myself in a position to make sure that both of us get what we want,” he said evenly and had to fight the anger that threatened to consume him. Mark was sickened at even making such an offer, but he assured himself the outcome would be worth the effort. “I'm sure you'd rather not have to deal with legal proceedings when a much more amicable arrangement can be made.”

  “And you can ensure this amicable arrangement?” he asked shrewdly.

  “I can and will,” he assured the other man. “How soon can you get here?”

  Kyle frowned at that. “Why would I need to go there?” he asked suspiciously.

  “To take possession, of course,” he explained.

  “Legally?” Kyle questioned with a frown and hoped like the hell the other man wasn't suggesting he snatch the kid. He had already considered the possibility and ruled it out as being too risky since Desi could have him charged with kidnapping. Problems like that he couldn't afford.

  “I'm having a document drawn up as we speak, that relinquishes all rights to the item in question,” he pointed out. “The attorney is a Harvard Law graduate and I can assure you it will be airtight with no loopholes that can be wiggled out of in the future.”

  Kyle laughed softly and decided he liked the way the other man thought. “It sounds too good to be true,” he said jovially. “How do I know I can trust you?”

  “You don't,” Mark informed him. “The question is how much do you want it?”

  Kyle checked his calendar and said, “I can be there tomorrow around noon.”

  Mark smiled in satisfaction and had anyone seen it, the look would have chilled them to the bone. He gave him the address of his bar and said, “Make sure you come alone. I'd prefer we kept this a private arrangement.”

  He hung up and resisted the urge to put his fist through the wall. The slimy son of a bitch fell for it. Now, to put the rest of his plan into action. He had already called Luke and told him to get the document drawn up, made a trip to the hardware store, the pet shop and the lingerie store. Now it was time to stop by the police station and talk to th
e chief.

  “You want to borrow what?” Brett asked, doubtful that he had heard correctly.

  “Two pair of handcuffs and a key,” he repeated evenly.

  “Should I ask why?” the police chief asked a bit warily at the unusual request.

  “No,” he assured him.

  The chief frowned because his friend was so serious and asked, “Mark, is there anything I should know about?”

  “Not a thing,” he denied. The last thing Brett needed was to know why he wanted to borrow the cuffs.

  “You're not planning anything illegal, are you?” he asked warily and couldn't figure out why he'd need two sets of handcuffs.

  Mark forced the bad boy smile onto stiff lips and replied, “Illicit is more like it.”

  Realization dawned and Brett shook his head in amusement. He handed over the items that had been requested and flashed his own bad boy grin when he suggested, “Just make sure you sanitize them before you bring them back.”

  He and Mark had become good friends since he'd moved to town and he'd known the other man had an overactive sex life, but he'd had no idea that he was into bondage as well. Then again, there were some things that people just didn't need to know about their neighbors, especially in a town like Lakeside where everyone knew everyone else's business and broadcast it indiscriminately.


  Mark went back to his apartment and got to work. He found the studs in the wall, screwed two i-bolts into them and attached a length of chain to each of them. He hooked the handcuffs to the chains, stretched out on the bed and placed them around his wrists to make sure it would work. No matter how hard he yanked and pulled, he couldn't break free. Pleased with his handiwork, he unlocked the cuffs and put the key on his key ring.

  He called Mindy on the disposable phone and asked if she and Angel could meet him, and she agreed to come right over. When they arrived at the apartment, Mark poured the women a drink and asked if they would be willing to do him a favor, at double their usual rate, of course. Both of them were shocked at his request, but when he explained that he was playing a joke on an old college friend, they were more than willing to help.


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