Book Read Free

Wilde Ride

Page 12

by Maegan Lynn Moores

  Home 2Nite Babe. Remember Naked Bed. Love U. C U Later.

  I immediately text him back.

  Can’t wait. Love you too. ;) XOXO

  I start my car and blast the radio as I start my drive home. After a couple of minutes the song “One More Night” by Maroon 5 comes on and I sing away to it. My thoughts stray to the sexy tattooed lead singer, which makes me think of my very own sexy tattooed biker. I’ve missed him so much. I can hardly wait to get my hands on his smokin’ hot body tonight. I think I’m in Ryder withdrawal right now and I need my fix.

  Pulling into the driveway and shutting off the engine, all I can think about is soaking in a hot bubble bath and relaxing. I’m going to need all the rest I can get because when Ryder comes home tonight, watch out. I start taking my top off as I’m entering our bedroom door, so my shirt is over my head and keeps me from seeing what is waiting for me.

  “What the fuck are those hideous things?!”

  “Holy Shit!” I scream, tugging my shirt back down over my torso.

  When I look over towards the bed where I hear the familiar voice coming from, I freeze. There lies Macie along with her fake Double Ds, buck ass naked and spread eagle on our bed.

  “You are such a freak,” she says, taunting and laughing.

  Ignoring her comment, I ask her, “What the hell are you doing in my house? And most importantly, why are you naked?”

  I’m not entirely sure I want to hear her answers to my questions.

  Macie tilts her head back and laughs again, making me want to go over there and punch her in her stupid fake boobs. Who just shows up at someone else’s house naked? Oh, I know. A skanky, whore like Macie.

  “Listen to what I have to say to you, Frankenstein. Ryder sent me a text to meet him here. He wants to fuck me tonight.” I cringe at the name she calls me; it takes me back to high school and how people used to tease me back then.

  “I don’t believe that. He texted me that he was back tonight and I live with him now. Why would he invite you here?” I fight back the tears because I don’t want to give her the satisfaction of knowing she’s getting to me.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe he wants a three-way, but that ain’t gonna happen. I don’t do scarred freaks,” she taunts.

  “There’s no way Ryder would do that! Get the fuck out of our house now!”

  Macie gets off of the bed and stomps her naked ass over to me. I instantly back up, not wanting her close to me.

  “Listen, you prissy little bitch! Ryder is my man. You’re cute and sweet, I’ll give you that. That’s probably why he’s drawn to you. It would be a challenge to see if someone pure as fuckin’ snow, like you, would be with him, but you’re not really what he wants. Guys like Ryder love it downright nasty in bed, the dirtier the better. You just don’t got what that man needs. And really, I don’t know how he can even stomach to see you naked. You’re fuckin’ disgusting!”

  “Ryder’s not like that. He loves me!” I spit out at her, slapping her across her smug face.

  She just stands there laughing at me, then she turns around and heads over to the foot of the bed. She bends down and picks up a pair of jeans off of the floor. Putting her hand in the pocket, she hauls out a cell phone and walks back over to me.

  “All the men in the club are like it, Ryder is no exception. When are you gonna get that through your thick fuckin’ skull?”

  “You are a lying bitch. I want you out of my house, now!” I scream.

  “Look at the texts yourself, if you don’t believe me,” she sneers. Pressing a couple of buttons she shows me the display.

  Mac, wanna fuck U 2nite.

  OK babe. Where?

  My place. B prepared not 2 walk right for a week.

  Fuck yeah!

  I don’t even finish reading the raunchy texts that keep getting dirtier as I go because I feel the bile come up in my throat. I rush to the bathroom and vomit in the toilet. The tears start running from my eyes and I try to catch my breath. I can’t believe Ryder would do this to me. I thought he loved me, but I guess Macie is right. He doesn’t. He just wants someone to fuck and I was so eager to let him in my pants.

  I’ve got to get out of here, NOW!

  I grab whatever I can and pack it into my overnight bag. Macie is still in the room and I can’t stomach to look at her. I’m a fucking joke! How did I ever think this was going to work out? As I walk out of the bedroom, Macie yells out, “See ya! I’ll think of you when I’m fuckin’ Ryder tonight!” She laughs.

  I run out of the house and get into my car. Trying to calm myself down enough so I can drive and not get into an accident and kill myself, I pick up my cell phone and text Ryder.


  Where am I going to go? I don’t have my apartment anymore and if I stay in a hotel, Ryder will find me like he did last time. First person I think of is Sandra, the mathematics teacher. She and I have gotten to know each other over the past couple of weeks and have even gone out for lunch a couple of times. I dial her number and she picks up on the second ring, “Hello.”

  “Hi, Sandra. This is Ella,” I say, sniffling.

  “Hi, Ella. Are you okay? You sound like you’re crying.”

  “Yeah. Listen, I need a favour. Something has happened between me and Ryder and I need a place to stay for a couple of days. Do you think I could stay at your place?”

  “Sure, honey. No problem.”

  “Great. Thanks,” I sigh with relief.

  She gives me the directions to her house and then we disconnect. I quickly text Payton, letting her know what’s happening and power off my phone. I don’t want Ryder trying to contact me, not that I think he will bother to call me, but just in case.

  I turn the key in the ignition and start to back out of the driveway. Looking up I see Macie standing in the open doorway, wearing what looks like one of Ryder’s t-shirts. She gives me the finger, smiles and then heads back into the house shutting the door.

  I look at Ryder’s house and can’t help but think of the future we could have had. I drive away with a broken heart.


  I stayed at Sandra’s house all weekend. Without having Payton here, Sandra is the next best thing. She provides a great shoulder to cry on and she doesn’t judge me. Once I cried myself out, I attempt to prepare some tests for my upcoming classes.

  Monday finally rears its ugly head again. For each of my classes, they complete the test, so I don’t have to actually do any teaching that day. I’m a complete mess, but I vow to myself to try to get it together for tomorrow. I‘ve got a class to teach, and I can’t let this affect my job.

  I’m still reeling from the whole Macie/Ryder situation. I can’t believe how easily I was played. Ryder doesn’t have different sides: Sexy Ryder, Sweet Ryder, Scary Ryder or whatever Ryder he is for that moment. Nope, there’s only one Ryder. Asshole Ryder!

  I make it through the day without crying. As the final student files out of the classroom, there is a light tapping at my door. Looking up, I notice it is Sandra.

  “Did you hear anything from Ryder?” she asks.

  I shake my head no. “I turned off my phone Friday evening and haven’t turned it back on since. He won’t call me, but I’m not taking that chance.”

  “It just doesn’t make any sense,” she says, shrugging her shoulders.

  “What doesn’t?” I ask.

  “Why Ryder would invite her back to your house knowing you’d be there?”

  “He’s a fucking asshole, that’s why. It doesn’t have to make sense.”

  “I’m not convinced.”

  “Look, I read the texts myself, Sandra. I know what I saw.”

  “Okay, if you say so. Are you going to be spending a few more nights at my place?”

  “Yes, if you don’t mind. I can book a hotel room, if I’m over-staying my welcome. Really it’s not a problem, just let me know,” I say.

  “No, no. I kind of like the company. It
’s nice having a friend around to talk to.”

  “Other than Payton, you’re my only friend. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me. It’s been really nice to have someone to talk to. Thanks.”

  “Anytime sweetie,” she says, hugging me.

  “Do you want to get Chinese tonight for dinner?”

  “Sure,” I answer, laughing.

  “I’ll meet you back at the house in about an hour.”

  “Okay. See you then.”

  Sandra leaves and I get my things together and head out into the hallway. I hear a clanging sound echo in the dark hallway. Looking around I don’t see anyone, but I get this eerie feeling like someone is watching me. Goose bumps break out over my skin. Okay, I freaked the fuck out.

  “Hello?” My voice nervously echoes down the hallway. No response. Maybe it was the janitor going into one of the washrooms. He always has his iPod on listening to music as he cleans, so he probably can’t hear me when I call out.

  I quickly walk out of the school and head towards my parked car. Looking up I come to an abrupt stop. Ryder has his arms crossed over his chest and is leaning against my car.

  Oh boy, does he ever look pissed. I don’t know what he’s got to be pissed about.

  He stalks over towards me, grabbing me firmly by the arms.

  “Where the fuck have you been? What the fuck was that text?!” he shouts in my face.

  “Why do you care, Ryder?” I spit out.

  “I’ve been goin’ out of my fuckin’ mind, not knowin’ where you were or what’s goin’ on!”

  “Like I said, why do you care?” I hiss at him.

  “Babe, what the fuck? Why are you bein’ such a bitch?”

  “Seriously, you have to ask that question? Go to hell! I’ve got nothing to say to you. Now get out of my way!” I shout, trying to push away from him.

  “Well I sure as shit got somethin’ to say to you,” he shouts back, maintaining his grip.

  “Fuck you Ryder! Why are you even here? Go back to your whore, Macie. I’m sure the two of you will be really happy fucking each-others brains out!” I try to shove past him to get to my car, but he pulls me back.

  “What the fuck did you just say to me, woman?!” he asks, clenching his jaw.

  “I saw your text messages, Ryder.”

  “What fuckin’ text messages?”

  I tell him about what was waiting for me when I got home from work and about reading the messages on Macie’s phone.

  “Why would you ask her to come to the house? I fucking live with you Ryder, you knew I would be there. Is it like she said? You wanted us to do some kind of kinky three-way? Because I’m telling you right now, that will never happen. Actually, nothing is ever happening between us again. Ever. I can’t believe I gave my virginity to you. What a fucking mistake!”

  When I say this, his eyes darken and he growls, “Baby, do not fuckin’ say that. Giving me your virginity was fuckin’ beautiful. It’s somethin’ I will never forget. I love you so much. But honest to God, I never sent that whore any fuckin’ text messages. If she said I did, bitch is lyin’.”

  “Like I told you, I read the texts. She didn’t tell me you asked her to come over to our house to fuck, because if she did I wouldn’t have believed her. I saw the proof with my own eyes, asshole!”

  Struggling to get out of Ryder’s grasp, he says, “Gonna say this one more fuckin’ time. I didn’t send Macie any fuckin’ texts!”

  “You told me you slept with her before, but I didn’t think you’ve been with her since we’ve been together. Have you been fucking her the whole time you’ve been with me? And please tell me you’ve been using protection because we haven’t.”

  Ryder rubs his hands up over his face into his hair. “Jesus fucking Christ, the one and only time Macie and I fucked was the week before you walked into my bar.”

  His facial expression changes, as soon as the words escape his mouth. Looking like he’s remembered something, he reaches into the front pocket of his jeans. Pulling out his cell phone, he opens it and presses a few buttons.

  “Are these the messages you read?” he asks me, handing me the phone.

  “Ryder, I really don’t want to read them again. I remember what they said. Doesn’t change a thing between us,” I say, trying to push the phone away.

  “I disagree, babe. Look at the messages,” he orders, handing it to me again.

  I take the phone from him and read the messages. Once again, I can feel the tears build up in my eyes. Do not let him see you cry, Ella. Hold it together girl.

  “Yeah, Ryder, they still say the same thing. Nothing has changed. You’re still a cheating, womanizing asshole!”

  “Babe, look at the goddamn dates on the messages.”

  I glance at the tiny print in the corner of one of the messages. I gasp. It’s dated exactly eight days before I walked into the Wilde Ride. Fuck! I was so upset with a naked Macie and her Double Ds and the text messages that I never even looked at the dates. The messages were in her text message history. That fucking bitch!

  “Holy Shit! I’m so sorry Ryder. I just saw Macie naked in your bed and the texts, and it all kind of made sense to me. I just thought that there was no way a guy like you could ever love a girl like me. Like she said, how can you even stomach to look at me and my body? I’m nothing but a freak.”

  “I don’t know what’s goin’ on in the pretty little head of yours, because I know you’re not serious. You’re fuckin’ gorgeous. You have a smokin’ hot little body. Your sense of humour cracks me up. Our sex is off the fucking charts. But most importantly, babe, you get me mind, body and soul. What’s not to love about you? Babe, you gotta know, I don’t even see your scars. I just see you. And you are beautiful. You’re mine and I’m yours. Forever.”




  “So do you forgive me, for the hell I put you through?”

  “Yeah, baby. You and I are forever, remember?”

  “You and I are forever,” I repeat, trying to believe his words.

  “One day in the future, I can see me puttin’ my ring on your finger.”

  I smile wide, liking the sound of that. I suddenly have visions of us married, living in the suburbs in a house with a white picket fence and two point five kids and a golden retriever. Oh yeah, and a Harley.

  Ryder pulls me into his arms and his lips brush against mine. “Let’s get you home, baby. We’ve got some makeup sex to look forward to.”

  His mouth takes mine in the possessive kiss that I love so much. His tongue parts my lips and begins searching for my tongue. I moan into Ryder’s mouth, as our tongues finally meet after so long. God, I missed the way he tastes.

  “Yup, definitely gotta get you home. Now,” he says, dipping his head and trailing kisses down my neck.

  “Stop that or I just might let you take me here in the parking lot,” I gasp.

  “Christ, don’t tempt me,” he groans, against my ear.

  We make it to our house in record time. It’s a wonder we didn’t get hauled over for speeding.

  And for the record, make up sex is freaking fantastic!


  I wake up the next morning and turn on my cell phone. Checking my messages, I notice that there are about a gazillion from Payton. No joke. I immediately go to my contact list and select her name. I realize that I should have called her back, but I’ve been a little distracted.

  The phone only rings once when Payton answers with, “Holy shit, Ella! I’ve been worried sick about you. Don’t ever turn your phone off again, or I seriously will beat the shit out of you. Got it?”

  “Got it,” I return, laughing.

  “Wait, did I miss something? How come you’re laughing, like you’re happy or something? The last time we talked, you were all heartbroken and shit.”

  I sigh into the phone and squeeze the bridge of my nose, “It was a misunderstanding.”

  “Wait. Hold up. How the fu
ck can you misunderstand that your man wants to fuck another woman?” she questions, sounding irritated with me.

  “Ryder did sleep with Macie, but it was about a week before I met him again at his bar. The messages she showed me were old ones stored in her cell’s history.”

  “Oh, I’m going in bitch smack down mode when I see her,” she hisses.

  “I guess she’s lucky that you live on the other side of the country then. Maybe you can come for a visit,” I say.

  “Well, now that you mention it, mom was so worried about you that she booked an airplane ticket for me. My flight arrives there at seven fifteen Friday morning.”

  I’m squealing into the phone, when I feel Ryder’s arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards his chest.

  “What’s happenin’, babe?” he asks.

  I pull the phone away from my ear, covering it with my hand. “Payton is flying in for a visit on Friday, is it okay if she stays here?

  “Babe, don’t have to ask. This is your house too. She’ll have to sleep on the sofa though.”

  “How about she can sleep with me in the bed and you can sleep on the sofa.”

  “Not gonna happen,” he states.

  I smile and put the phone back to my ear, “I can’t wait to see you Payton. I’ll pick you up at the airport.”

  “Right on. See you Friday. Love you, chickie.”

  “See you. Love you too.”

  I disconnect our phone call and turn around in Ryder’s arms, wrapping my arms around his waist. His grip on me tightens.

  “I take it you’re happy your girl is comin’,” he says teasingly.

  “Happy? No, I’m not happy; I’m freaking ecstatic!”

  “I’m glad, babe,” he whispers into my ear.

  “Just a warning, Payton is going in bitch smack down mode when she gets here. She’s not the biggest fan of Macie,” I mutter against his neck.

  “Babe, the bitch got it comin’ and I’m sure Payton is just the one to fuckin’ give it to her too,” he says, moving his lips over mine.

  “Now shut up and kiss me,” he orders.


  So I kiss him.

  Chapter 18


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