Wilde Ride

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Wilde Ride Page 13

by Maegan Lynn Moores

  Night On The Town

  I was so excited to have Payton visiting for the weekend. I’ve really missed having my best friend around. Ryder drove me to the airport this morning to pick her up. She hugged and kissed me when she first got off the airplane and then she set her sights on Ryder.

  His back was facing me as she said, “Ryder, it’s so good to finally meet your hunky self.” Her hands immediately slid down and squeezed his ass. He jumped away from her and turned to me with a shocked look on his face.

  I laughed and said, “It’s Payton; that’s what she does.” I shrugged my shoulders. If I wasn’t so certain of the way both Ryder and Payton felt towards me, I would be concerned. I know that they would never do anything to hurt me.

  Which brings us to the here and now.

  “So where’s Mr. Hot Ass Ryder tonight?” Payton inquires.

  “He’s actually working tonight,” I pout, wishing his hot ass was here right now.

  “Well, we’re not staying in. We’re hitting the town, Ms. Scott.” She gives me a devilish grin.

  “Do you want to go see a movie or something?” I ask.

  “Hell no. I was thinking we should get all sexed up, go to the Wilde Ride for a drink and then head out to a dance club and get our drink and dance on. Sound like fun?” She bumps my hip with hers.

  “Yeah Payton, sounds like fun.”

  “Let’s get ready, babe,” she says, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  An hour later, I’m studying myself in the mirror and I’m thinking there’s not a chance in hell that I’m going out looking like this. A knock at the door startles me.

  “Are you going to come out anytime this century?” she asks, clearly irritated with me.

  “Payton, you cannot be serious about this dress. I can’t go out looking like this.”

  “Sure you can. You are a seriously hot looking chick. When are you going to realize that?”

  I appraise myself one more time in the mirror before heading to the door and turning the doorknob. I walk out of the bathroom into the living room. My hair is falling down to my shoulders in loose curls. My makeup is a little heavy, with smoky eyes and dark lips. I’m wearing a black tight-fitting halter top dress with no back and the length is so short it should be illegal. My accessories are a red sequined clutch and a couple of silver bangles and chandelier earrings.

  I don’t own clothing like this, so Payton forced me to borrow one of her dresses. Thankfully, I have no scars on my back and the dress doesn’t reveal any on the front of my torso. The dress, combined with my strappy silver stiletto sandals, looks pretty passable for a night on the town. I stand there fidgeting and try to haul down the hem of the dress. I’m so not used to wearing clothes like this.

  Looking at Payton I say, “Are you sure about this? I’m not sure I can pull this kind of look off.”

  I hear a whistle and then Payton says, “Hot Damn Girl, you look smokin’ hot. Ryder is gonna eat you up when he sees you!”

  I sigh. A girl can dream.

  “You look pretty sexy yourself, Payton.”

  She also has heavy makeup on (a bit sluttier looking than mine). Her blonde hair is piled on top of her head and messy curls trail down. She has a red strapless tube style dress that just barely covers her breasts and ass. Her footwear consists of black thigh high leather boots. Only Payton can pull a look like that off.

  “Ready to go, chickie?” she asks. I nod, even though I still feel pretty self- conscious about my choice of clothing this evening.

  I get my cell from my purse and call Ryder. “Babe, you ready?”

  “Yes,” I smile at the sound of his sexy voice.

  “I’ll get one of the boys to pick you up.”

  “Okay, thanks,” I say sweetly.

  “See you later, baby.”

  “See you in a bit, handsome.” He disconnects.

  “So are then any other hot biker guys in Ryder’s group thingy?” Payton asks.

  “It’s a motorcycle club Payton, not a group thingy,” I frown at her.

  “Whatever,” she snorts.

  “Sure, some of them are pretty good looking, but not nearly as hot as Ryder.”

  “I’m not as picky as you are, Ella.” She puts her arm around me and we both laugh.

  I grab my trench coat and go to put it on, when Payton says, “Not happening, Ella. You look gorgeous and you’re not going to cover it up.”

  “Okay,” I say on a sigh, hanging my trench coat back up in the closet.

  Exactly twenty minutes later, another one of Ryder’s guys pulls in the driveway in a big black SUV. I met him already at the party Ryder had at the house, but I can’t seem to remember his name. As far as good looking guys go, he has definitely got it going on. He is definitely older than us, I’d say by at least ten years. But he’s got this super macho and sexy vibe happening with all of his tattoos and dirty blonde hair pulled back in a messy man bun. And, good Lord, does that man look unbelievable in a pair of jeans. Looking over at Payton, I see a wide smile form on her lips as we make our way over to the man.

  “Well, hello there sexy,” she purrs, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. I roll my eyes at her and laugh. He nods and motions for us get in the SUV. I guess he’s a man of few words. “And you are?” she adds.

  “Why do you need to know my name?” he asks.

  “Well for starters, my mother always taught me never to get into cars with strangers. But I’m also curious as to what name I’ll be screaming out later tonight.” God that girl has no shame. The corners of the man’s mouth turn up into the most devilish grin.

  “The name’s Diesel,” he says, quickly adding, “Now get in the SUV.”

  We get in and head towards the Wilde Ride. I’m pretty nervous because Ryder has never seen me dressed up for a night of clubbing; then again neither have I, this is a first for me too. About fifteen minutes later, we are pulling in to the parking lot at Ryder’s bar. We step out of the vehicle and without thinking, thank Diesel for the ride.

  He grins and says, “Ladies, it was my pleasure.”

  Payton winks at him and then turns to me asking, “Do you think that bitch will be here tonight?”

  “No. I think she knows not to show her face around here.”

  “I’m throwin’ down with her at some point. You do realize that, right?”

  “Payton, come on. It’s over with now. I don’t think she’ll be bothering with me anymore. Let’s just forget about it and have a good time tonight. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she says, linking our arms together, heading towards the bar’s entrance.

  We go into the bar, but I don’t see Ryder anywhere. It is crazy busy on Friday nights. There are people everywhere, mostly women, nothing unusual there. We go to the bar and each get a Budweiser and head to an available table.

  We’re sipping on our Buds when I spot Ryder coming from the back with a case of beer in his hands. He spots me at the same time and it looks like he almost drops the case of beer. His gaze looks so heated, that I might spontaneously combust on the spot. I turn back to face Payton.

  Payton is taking a sip of her beer when I see her look over my shoulder. “Holy shit! Ryder is totally eye fucking you right now!” she blurts out, almost spewing beer out of her nose. “Damn girl, you’re so lucky. You should thank God every day for putting that light pole in your way.”

  Don’t I know it.

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” I say to Payton.

  “You better not leave me here by myself, to have your dirty way with your man in the backroom on a pallet of beer crates.” She glares at me accusingly.

  “As if,” I say.

  Thanks for the idea Payton. Now that’s what I totally plan on doing. Standing up, I strut over to the bar. Ryder watches me with hooded eyes. Clearly he likes what he sees.

  “Hey handsome, how’s it going?”

  “A lot better since I’ve laid eyes on your sexy ass,” he replies, his eyes roaming down my body.

>   “You wanna go out back to your office, baby?” I purr.

  Ryder puts his head back, rubbing his face with his hands and groans out, “As much as that idea fuckin’ appeals to me, baby, we’re swamped here.”

  “Oh,” I say, my voice laced with disappointment. I stick my lip out in a pout.

  Ryder comes around to my side of the bar and cages me in against it and I can feel his body heat from head to toe. His teeth capture my bottom lip and then he sucks it into his mouth. Releasing my lip his mouth slams into mine giving me the most toe-curling kiss.

  When his warm lips part from mine, he grabs the sides of my face with his hands and says, “When you’re ready to leave the club tonight, call me. Diesel will drop your drunken ass off at home and he’ll take Payton back to his place. As hot as you are right fuckin’ now, it’s gonna get a whole lot hotter later on tonight and we don’t need Payton as an audience.”

  “Why do I have to call you before I leave?” I ask him curiously.

  “So I can be ready for you,” he answers.

  He licks my lips and kisses me again. Can we please fast forward to the end of the night? Ryder then turns me around and palms my ass. “Now get your fine ass back to your girl and I’ll bring you two more beers.” He softly swats me.

  “Okay,” I say.

  I walk back to the table with an extra sway to my hips, hoping that just maybe Ryder will change his mind about taking me up on my offer of office sex. Pulling my chair out and sitting down, Payton says, “How Ryder could turn your sexy ass down looking like that, I’ll never know. That man must have some serious willpower. You look so hot I almost want to take you out back myself. Lucky for you I don’t swing that way.” Payton wiggles her eyebrows at me.

  “Oh my God! You totally didn’t just say that to me. You’re such a skank!” I shriek, but then laugh so hard my stomach hurts.

  Ryder comes over with our beers and looks at us like we have two heads.

  “What’s so funny?” he asks with a grin.

  “I was just telling the lovely Ms. Scott here how I might take her up on that offer of a little office romp, since you’re not interested,” she explains.

  Ryder’s smile suddenly drops. “Not gonna happen.” OMG! He can’t seriously be jealous of Payton, can he?

  “Ryder, knock it off. She’s just kidding,” I say before I take a sip of my beer.

  “Yeah, chill the fuck out Ryder. I’m not interested in Ella. She’s missing one vital piece of equipment that’s a must for me. A penis,” she explains to him. Ryder and I look at each other and burst out laughing.

  “Fuck, she’s funny,” he says to me still laughing. He plants another kiss on my mouth and heads back over towards the bar. We finish our drinks and decide that we’re going to have one more before we head out to the dance club. Payton tells me she’s getting them this time and walks over to the bar.

  Seconds after she leaves, this smelly, stringy haired guy with a goatee pulls a chair over next to me. He puts his beefy tattooed arm around my waist, pulling me into his body. “Gonna take you out in the alley. You can either fuck me or blow me. Ladies choice,” he grunts into my ear.

  “I don’t think so. I’m Ryder’s woman. I’m not going anywhere with you,” I say, trying to get out of his grip, but his hands tighten around my waist.

  “You tellin’ me you think you’re somethin’ special to that prick. You’re just a whore like the rest of the bitches he brings around here. Now you’re gonna get yourself up outta that chair, walk outside to the alley and get me off either with your mouth or your pussy. You get me?” he orders.

  Panic doesn’t even get a chance to sink in when suddenly, Ryder is there looking murderous. His hand reaches out and grips the dirt bag’s hair and yanks the guy from his chair, making him release me. He literally drags the guy across the floor while he struggles and curses, taking him outside. I look around the bar and it’s like no one even noticed what just happened, like it’s a common occurrence or something. Payton is still standing at the bar looking shocked, mouthing “Holy Fuck.”

  I stand up and make my way to the front entrance. Once I’m outside I can hear Ryder’s voice echoing from the alley beside the bar. Nervously, I move closer and peek around the corner of the building. Next to a dumpster, Ryder has the guy pinned by the neck with one of his arms against the brick wall. His other hand is holding a switchblade, which is currently stuck to the side of the guy’s throat. A small amount of blood trickles down where the blade is pressing in.

  “She is not some fuckin’ club whore you can stick your dick in. She’s my fuckin’ woman and if I see you breathe even one fuckin’ word to her again, I will cut your tongue out. And if you ever get it in that sick head of yours to touch her again, I will cut your dick off. Now, are you gettin’ me?” Ryder threatens.

  “Yeah, I get you,” the dirt bag croaks out.

  “You fuckin’ better. Get the fuck outta here. Don’t wanna see your mug around here again because if I do, it’s gonna get really fuckin’ ugly,” Ryder hisses, sounding seriously pissed off. Ryder removes the blade from his neck and releases him. I watch as the guy almost knocks me over as he runs past me to get away. When I look back up, Ryder’s eyes are locked on mine.

  “Get back in the bar, babe,” he orders sternly.

  I don’t even question him. I simply turn around and do exactly what he’s told me to do, with him following close behind. So close, I can feel the heat of his body behind me. Once inside he grabs my elbow and brings me into his office. He looks super pissed and I’m kind of afraid of what he’s going to say.

  “You okay, baby?” His voice suddenly soft, pulling me into his arms. My face is against his chest and I can feel his heart beating rapidly.

  “I’m fine, handsome,” I say, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms.

  “Christ. I just about lost my fuckin’ mind when I saw that asshole with his arms around you. And then I heard what he was sayin’, I just reacted. Piece of shit is lucky he got outta here alive.” Holy shit!

  “Baby, really I’m okay,” I say trying to reassure him. And when I say this, I am speaking the truth. Oddly, I am really okay with it. Actually, it’s kind of a turn on that he feels so protective and possessive over me.

  “You saw me out there. That’s who I am. You’re tellin’ me you’re okay with that?”

  “Yeah, baby. I’m telling you I’m okay with that. Yeah, sometimes you scare the living crap out of me, but I love you and nothing you do will change that,” I say, leaning up and laying a soft kiss on his lips.

  “Still feel like goin’ out to the club with Payton after everything that just happened?”

  “I’m fine Ryder. Payton and I really need this time together tonight. Diesel will be with us tonight, so it’s all good.”

  “Okay, babe. Be careful.”

  “I’ll be very careful, handsome. Don’t worry.”

  “When you’re not near me, I fuckin’ worry.”

  We head back out into the bar. Payton is still standing there, waiting for me with two more beer. We down them pretty quickly, standing at the bar. When we’re finished, I lean over the counter kissing Ryder goodbye and we head for the door. Diesel is waiting for us and drives us to this new dance club called Pulse.


  When we arrive at Pulse, I notice there is a long line to get into the club and I nudge Payton with my shoulder and point it out to her.

  “Shit, that’s going to be a long wait in these heels,” she says, pointing down to her feet.

  “No kidding,” I reply.

  Diesel walks up to the bouncer, exchanges a few words with him and hands him what looks like three one hundred dollar bills. Holy shit!

  The bouncer opens the door and says, “Ladies.”

  Payton kisses Diesel square on the lips and says seductively, “You totally deserve some cock suckage for that.”

  Wow! I totally did not see that one coming. Who am I kidding? It’s totally something Payton would

  “Works for me,” Diesel replies, grabbing Payton by the back of the neck and planting another soul sucking kiss on her lips before we head into the club’s entrance.

  We’re sitting on these plush velvet chairs sipping our third apple martini, nodding our heads and shaking our asses to the music, when Payton suddenly jumps up and screams, “OMG, I love this song. Let’s dance, babe!”

  She grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor. Okay, maybe drag is an exaggeration because I’m getting really drunk and I’m pretty sure I’d dance to the alphabet at this point.

  We’re tearing up the dance floor, bumping and grinding to this song “Gangnam Style” by Psy, when I glance over at the bar and notice an intense pair of eyes staring in Payton’s direction. Holy shit! It’s Diesel; he’s sitting at the bar and he looks like he’s got it real bad for my best friend.

  “Don’t look now, but I think you have an admirer at the bar.”

  “Oh, I’ve noticed,” she says, swaying her hips seductively.

  “You little slut,” I taunt.

  “Yes, yes I am,” she replies, grinning.

  Suddenly a pair of masculine hands snake around Payton’s waist. This extremely tall and drunk douche bag pulls her against him and starts to grind against her. She tries to pull out of his grasp, shrieking, “Listen asshole, get your fucking hands off of me!”

  “Or what?” he hisses. I can smell the stale scent of cigarettes and alcohol off of his breath from here. Gross!

  “Or I’ll rip your balls off and shove them down your fuckin’ throat. Let her go, NOW!” Diesel’s voice booms through the club. This guy better let her go because I don’t want to see what happens if he doesn’t. Actually, I take that back. I totally want to see what happens.

  Of course the stupid idiot says, “Come on man. We can share if you want. She looks like she’s into that shit.” Uh-oh, by the look on Diesel’s face, that was definitely the wrong thing to say.

  Diesel’s fist flies through the air and strikes with a sickening crack against the slime ball’s face and blood sprays out of his mouth. There’s a short scuffle and then Diesel carries the guy out of the bar. This joke of a man doesn’t have a chance against a fine specimen of a man like Diesel.


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