Wilde Ride

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Wilde Ride Page 14

by Maegan Lynn Moores

  “Oh. My. God. No one’s ever gotten into a fight over me before. That was so freakin’ hot! I want him!” Payton squeals into my ear, still dancing. The whole scene didn’t seem to bother her at all.

  After a while we get overheated from dancing and Payton wants us to go to the bar and get some more drinks. As we are walking over, we see Diesel come back in, looking just as good as he did when he left.

  “Did anyone ever tell you how insanely hot you are?” she asks him, taking a sip of her drink.

  “Once or twice.” He gives Payton a sexy smirk.

  “I’m thirsty. Wanna do shots?” she asks, changing the subject. I nod at her.

  She turns to the bartender holding up three fingers, “Three tequila shots please.”

  Diesel refuses to drink his because he wants to stay focused and alert. After all, he is there to protect us and be our designated driver. That’s okay. I grab his shot and drink that one too.


  It’s now three o’clock in the morning, Diesel dropped me off at home. I totally forgot to call Ryder to tell him we were leaving the club, but good ol’ Diesel called him when we were in the SUV heading home. Payton is on her way to Diesel’s place for a little action. I think she really likes him and the feeling is definitely mutual.

  I stumble to the front door barefoot, with my shoes dangling from my fingers, trying to use my key to get into the house. My fingers just don’t seem to want to cooperate. I’m giggling to myself and go to try the key in the door again, but before I can actually put the key in the lock the door is pulled open.

  The sight before me is simply mouth-watering. Ryder leaning against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest, wearing nothing but his tattoos and a smile. I guess that’s what he meant when he said he wanted to get ready for when I came home. Yum!

  Damn! I want to lick every inch of his delectable body with my tongue.

  “If you wanna do that, babe, you gotta come inside,” he smiles wider.

  “Did I just say that out loud?”

  He nods, looking me up and down like he wants to eat me. Sign me up for that, please! I walk past him, dragging my hand across his groin. Ryder groans and quickly closes and locks the front door.

  “You wasted?” he asks.

  “Yup,” I answer.

  “Let’s rephrase. Are you too wasted to fuck?”

  “Nope. I’ve been wanting this all night,” I say.

  “You wet for me, gorgeous?”

  “Beyond wet,” I purr, licking my lips as he advances on me.

  Over the next few hours, Ryder proceeds to show me just how hot it can get between us.

  Scorching hot!

  Chapter 19

  Party at Wilde Ride

  It’s Payton’s last night here in Del Mar and Ryder decided to shut the bar down to throw a private party for us and Mayhem. I think it is a perfect idea.

  “That is an awesome idea Ryder! What do you think, Payton?” I ask.

  “Party on, baby,” she says.

  “Okay ladies, I’m goin’ to let the club know and leave you to get ready. Diesel or I will be back later to get you,” he says, walking over to kiss me.

  “Sounds good, handsome,” I say, leaning up on my tip toes to kiss him back.

  “Hey, why don’t we go shopping for another new outfit?” Payton asks.

  “Mmm, I probably shouldn’t,” I say, looking away.

  “Oh, come on,” Payton whines.

  “I really shouldn’t. I need to save a bit of money.”

  “Here babe, buy whatever you want. Nothin’ too sexy though, I don’t want to have to take you on the bar,” he says, while putting a couple bills in my jeans pocket.

  “Ryder I can’t,” I tell him, reaching into my pocket to give the money back.

  “You are though,” he whispers in my ear. “Buy somethin’ for when we get home too.” That sends shivers through my body.

  “I like that,” I say.

  “Me too! Can I join?” Payton jokes.

  “What about Diesel?” I laugh and wink at her.

  “Not a bad idea, Ella. He sure did teach me a few things that I won’t forget,” she says, with a naughty smirk.

  “Eww. Don’t want to know. Okay, let’s go shopping,” I say. “Thank you handsome,” I tell Ryder.

  “Anytime babe. I would give you anything and I mean anything, Ella,” he states, as his gaze bores into my eyes.

  “Okay.” I didn’t know what else to say when he says things like that to me.

  “Call when you’re ready. I’ll have one of the boys go with you,” he states.

  “Fine,” I say as Ryder goes through the door with his sexy grin.

  “Okay, where do you want to go, Miss Ella?” Payton asks.

  “Well we could go to this awesome store in the mall that sells sexy dresses and then we can go to a naughty little sex shop. I want to pick something up for later on tonight,” I say. Heat rushes through me with the thought of Ryder seeing me in something sexy and knowing what he would be thinking of doing to me.


  We return to the house and Payton goes to get in the shower so we can start getting ready for tonight. My phone starts ringing in my purse. I run to catch it before it goes to voicemail.


  “You are mine,” someone says in a raspy voice.

  “Hello? Who is this? What do you want?” I ask shaking.

  “YOU ARE MINE!” he yells.

  “Brent, I already told you, I’m Ryder’s. Why can’t you just leave me alone?” I ask in a shaky voice, trying to sound brave, but failing. I know it has to be Brent. Why can’t this guy clue in to the fact that I don’t want to have anything to do with him. “Why won’t you just leave me alone?”

  Payton snatches the phone from me and puts it to her ear. “Who is this?” Payton demands.

  She takes the phone away from her ear, looking over my scared facial expression. “They hung up. I’m going to call Ryder,” she informs me, but I barely hear her. The fear is consuming me. Why is Brent doing this? Why won’t he leave me alone?

  “Ryder,” she greets. “It’s Payton.”

  There’s a silent pause, then, “Someone just called Ella’s phone and started saying stuff to her. I think it was that asshole Brent.”

  Another pause.

  “She is really freaking out at whatever he said, Ryder.”

  Yet another pause.

  “I don’t know, but it did spook her big time.”

  One final pause.

  “Okay. See you in a few.” She disconnects.

  “Everything will be okay, Ella. Ryder will be here shortly,” she assures me.

  “I’m okay really…it just took me by surprise. That’s all,” I say.

  “Okay honey. Let’s take a shot or two, to take some of the edge off,” Payton suggests.


  We walk out to the kitchen with me being half dressed. Payton goes to the cupboard look for the tequila. I get this feeling like someone is watching us. It is weird. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. God, I get one phone call and now I am freaking out. If there is one place that I know I am safe, it would be at our house. Payton takes out the bottle and put two shot glasses on the counter, filling them to the max.

  “Bottoms up, baby,” she says with a smirk.

  Knowing if we keep doing this, it won’t take long for me to be drunk and having a good time. We hear footsteps on the deck out front and I jump with a start. Oh God. Someone is going to break in. Oh God. Taking another shot, Ryder walks through the door.

  “Jesus fuck, Ella, you okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah, it just gave me a fright. I’m ok,” I say taking another shot, telling him what happened and what he said. He pulls me in for a tight hug, placing my head on his chest feeling his heart beat a mile a minute.

  “You might need one of those too, handsome,” I say, encouraging him to take a shot.

  “I agree.” He places a kiss on the
top of my head and Payton pours another round of shots for the three of us.

  “Bottoms up ladies,” he says.

  Taking the shot, I feel the burning liquid run down my throat and make my body tingle. I feel I will be okay and I need to enjoy my last night with my best friend. God only knows when I will get to see her again.

  Ryder cups my face in his hands and asks, “Babe, did you recognize the voice on the phone? Was it Brent?”

  “The voice sounded familiar, but I don’t know for sure. I mean who else could it be, right?” Looking at Payton then back to Ryder, I want to forget all about what just happened and enjoy our last night.

  “What did he say, Ella?” Ryder inquires.

  “Oh, the usual, you know. I’m his and all that stuff,” I answer. I instantly see the tension coil in his body. Not good. I have to diffuse this situation.

  “Okay, let’s finish getting ready before I get too drunk,” I say, changing the subject and turning to go to the bedroom. A strong hand wraps around my arm pulling my body back into his.

  “We can stay home if you want. I can tell everyone something came up,” he offers.

  “No, I want to go. I don’t want to live in fear Ryder, I can’t,” I tell him.

  Studying my face, he looks for any signs that he should keep me home. “Okay babe, you two go get ready and then we’ll head out,” he says, as me and Payton take off down the hall to get ready to go out.

  “Shit!” I hear from the living room. I run out to see what is wrong and Ryder is there with his cell phone looking pissed as could be.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Nothin’ babe, I have to run. Diesel will bring you to the bar. You okay with that?”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, got some shit to take care of before we hit the bar.”

  “Okay, be careful,” I say, thinking the worst.

  He wraps his arms tightly around my body, pulling me to him, taking my mouth in a heart throbbing, pressure building kiss that leaves me weak in the knees when he pulls away.

  “Love you babe,” he says.

  “Love you too.”

  He lets me go and walks out the door heading for his bike, leaving his SUV for Diesel to bring us to the Wilde Ride. I go back in the room to put on the finishing touches before heading out.


  After me and Payton are finished with our ritual of singing and dancing to the Spice Girl’s “Wannabe” while getting ready we call Diesel to come and pick us up. When he arrives, Payton and I are pretty well three sheets to the wind because of consuming almost the full bottle of tequila. He takes one look at the two of us and grins saying, “Fuck me. Am I in heaven?” he asks.

  “What?” I ask him back.

  “We look hot Ella. That was a compliment,” Payton says, walking over to Diesel and cupping his manhood in her hand. “You keep that up sexy, and we might not make it to the bar.” Diesel lets out a low growl and grabs her face and devours it.

  “Remember what I did to you last night?” he asks.

  “How could I forget? I think you ruined me for other men,” Payton replies in a sultry voice I have never heard before.

  “Well you keep lookin’ and touchin’ me like that and it will be ten times better tonight.”

  “Promise,” she purrs.

  “That’s no promise, it’s a threat. After tonight you will be ruined for other men.”

  Payton looks like she is going to fall to the floor if he lets her go. It was so different seeing her like this. She isn’t the type of girl to go all crazy about a guy, but it looks to me like that might all change now.

  “Ella, are you trying to get me killed tonight?” Diesel asks.

  “What are you talking about?” I return with my own question.

  “Ryder is goin’ to go bat shit crazy with you out looking like that,” he explains.

  “Well it is all for him and that is the point.”

  I take a look in the mirror and I think I look pretty damn good. I’m wearing a killer leather mini skirt with a little slit up the side, a small purple tank top that is low cut showing off my cleavage and a pair of sexy black stiletto heels. I look fucking hot. Ryder is definitely going to go crazy.

  “He sure got his hands full with this one,” he says, chuckling.

  We head out to the SUV and go to the Wilde Ride. On the way there, I grill Diesel about what Ryder had to leave for, but he won’t tell me anything.

  We pull up in front of the bar and there are no vehicles in the parking lot, just Harleys, including Ryder’s. I am very much looking forward to Payton meeting everyone. I know her and Diesel hit it off right away, but I don’t think he is the one for her, but he will do until she gets bored. Although, I think it might take a little longer than usual, she seems to really like him.

  We walk through the door and the place is packed. I think it is going to be a good night.

  “Bar. Drink,” Payton says over the music.

  I tilt my head towards the bar where I see Ryder sitting next to a pretty blonde. Who in the fuck is that? She reaches her hand over and tries to rub his leg, but Ryder swats it away, gets up and turns to walk away. As soon as he turns his, eyes land on mine and he sees me smiling at him. He starts towards me with a predatory motion. When Ryder finally reaches me, he engulfs me in his strong arms.

  “Sorry about that, babe.”

  “For what, handsome? I saw you push her away. How could I get mad at that?” I ask.

  “God, you are amazing.” He takes my mouth in a demanding kiss.

  When we break apart, his eyes scan my body and he asks, “Why in the fuck are you wearing this in public, when you know what it does to me?”

  Mmmm, he sure knows how to get me going.

  “Why do you think?” I ask teasing.

  “To drive me fuckin’ crazy. You know I’m gonna be hard the whole fuckin’ night wanting to stick my dick in your tight, wet pussy,” he whispers into my ear, sending a splash of wetness down my core.

  “That was the plan,” I say, blushing.

  “Yeah well, we might not make it home if you keep this up.”

  “That sounds mighty fine to me.” Shit! Did I just say that out loud? Oh well, I don’t mind. Ryder grabs my hand pulling me towards his office, when Payton steps in front of us.

  “I don’t think so,” she says, handing us each a shot. “No taking off on me tonight.” What a twat blocker.

  “What did you think I was gonna do? Do you see what she’s wearin’? She is tryin’ to kill me,” Ryder groans. Payton and I burst out laughing at the sight of Ryder pouting like a little boy.

  “Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. She’s mine tonight, so forget it,” Payton says.

  Ryder introduces Payton to the club members that I met at Ryder’s house party and then he takes us over and introduces both of us to a few of the members that weren’t at the last party because they were on a run for the club. He starts with Bishop, Len, Dread, Rooster, Roach, Dex, Cutter, Kean and some of their old ladies Kerri, Chloe and Mia.

  He then introduces us to the two prospects. They look younger than most of the members of Mayhem. I’d say they are about nineteen or twenty years old; they seem really sweet. He tells us their names, Mack and Jizz the Kid. When Payton and I ask where the name came from, the guy’s face goes bright red and he laughs, looking a little embarrassed. According to Ryder, he had a couple of strippers come to the Wilde Ride from the strip club Climax to entertain the boys. Jizz the Kid, whose real name is Cade, and Mack were seated and getting a lap dance and he got a little too excited, if you know what I mean. When Ryder finishes telling the story, Payton and I look at each other and burst out laughing.

  After the novelty wears off, I look out and notice the guys have some tables pushed out of the way and there are several couples writhing together to the beat of the music. I want Ryder out there with me. “I’m all yours tonight Payton, but first I want Ryder to dance with me,” I say, pulling Ryder o
ver to where everyone else is dancing.

  “Don’t dance, babe,” he points out.

  “Come on Ryder, just once. For me,” I whine. I really want to get close to him on that dance floor. He doesn’t say anything, just looks at me and nods. He walks over with me hand in hand.

  The song “Word Up” by Korn starts to blare through the bar and I can feel it vibrate through my whole body. Ryder’s fingers grip my hips, placing me in front of him with my back to his chest. One of his hands moves from my hips to the edge of my shirt. I can feel his fingertips slide just inside the edge of my shirt and rub the bare skin of my belly. I place my hand on top of his and my other arm goes up around his neck, my fingers tangling in his hair.

  My breath catches as I feel his erection rub against my ass, as he grinds his pelvis into me to the beat of the music. His tongue swipes from the base of my neck to my ear and then I hear his breath hitch. The hand on my hip moves lower and his fingers tickle the inside of my thigh, making a moan release from the back of my throat.

  “Jesus babe, we gotta stop or I’m gonna take you right here and make you come in front of everyone,” he groans into my ear.

  I turn around into his arms, his hands going to the small of my back. His fingers once again are rubbing the skin under my shirt. “Mmmmmm,” I purr into his ear.

  “Come on, I need a fuckin’ drink,” he says against my neck. He gently pushes me away from him, breaking the Ryder spell I’m under. He snags my fingers, hauling me back towards the bar and Payton.

  “I think we could all do a few shots and cool down. Damn, guys. You are seriously hot together,” Payton says, fanning her flushed face. She has a row of shots already lined up.

  We all throw the shots back and Payton takes my hand and drags me to the dance floor. For the majority of the night Payton and I dance; if we weren’t dancing, we were taking shots.

  We are dancing to “We Found Love” by Rhianna and Calvin Harris when my worst nightmare walks in the bar. Double-fucking-Ds strolls in through the door in nothing but what looks like a bra and an ultra, short mini jean skirt. I’m not even sure if it covers all her bits and bobs. That stupid fucking bitch. I take Payton’s hand and head over to Ryder.


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