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Jake:Book 4 (The Justice Brothers Series)

Page 18

by Taylor Lee

  Ignoring her wild protests and grasping his engorged staff at the base, he bent over her. “Tell me you want this! Say it, Sam. Tell me you want me to fuck you!” He was gratified that within seconds, her angry cries became deep, whimpering moans. Confirming that she was as aroused as he was, Jake pushed the end of his burgeoning cock against her weeping cunt. He almost didn’t recognize his voice. It was raspy, deep, harsh with need. “Damn you, Sam, I want you. I have to have you. Like this! Tell me you want it! That you want me. Say it, goddammit!”

  Sam’s voice was as frantic as his. “Yes, yes! Oh God, yes, Jake. Don’t…please don’t stop!”

  Pushing his prick past her engorged entrance, he groaned. “Jesus God, as if I could!” Inching into her slick channel, he couldn’t hold back a savage cry. “Oh, my sweet baby, you’re so fucking tight. I can’t get enough of you. I need you, Sam! Deep, hard. Like this!”

  Jake didn’t know whose moaning cries were more impassioned, his or Sam’s. Beginning to thrust deeper and harder into her receptive cunt, he gloried in her passionate pleas, begging him not to stop. When he couldn’t hold back another second, he grasped her ass cheeks in his big hands and pulled her up hard against him. With a loud groan that came from deep in his chest, he gave in to a climax so powerful it almost brought him to his knees.

  He laid over her for several long moments, reveling in the shuddering aftershocks raking her body. Beginning to regain his senses, Jake acknowledged that someone could come in at any moment. Knowing how vulnerable she was, Jake rose and quickly fastened his pants. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her into his private bathroom. He held her tight against him until her tremors lightened and she gave him a shaky nod when he asked if she was okay.

  “Here, princess, let me help you.” Standing her beside the lavatory sink, he pushed her trousers to her knees then dampened a washcloth. Dropping to a crouch in front of her, he carefully cleaned her swollen lips, delighting in her surprised whimpers. Glad when she didn’t resist, rather held on to his shoulders to steady herself, he washed the remaining juices from the inside of her thighs. Not wanting to let her go, he leaned forward and buried his face against her fragrant cunt. She groaned and ran her hands through his hair holding him next to her bare thighs. After a long moment Jake rose to his feet. He pulled up her panties and then her trousers, taking care to smooth the wrinkled fabric. Holding her close to him he murmured, “Almost as good as new, princess.” He didn’t add that if anything she was more lushly beautiful than she’d ever been. He also didn’t tell her that for the first time in the days since they’d left his cabin after the glorious night they’d spent together he was able to draw a deep, almost normal breath.

  Looking down at her flushed face, he said, “Honey, we’re gonna have to meet up with the guys. Can I get you anything? A comb, a brush?”

  Sam blushed and shook her head. “No. I…I’m okay.” Glancing in the mirror, she startled at her ravished appearance. “I guess I do need a comb.”

  He held her close to him and then tipped up her chin and stared into her stormy blue eyes. “Listen to me, Sam. I’ve never seen you look more beautiful. Do you hear me?”

  When she nodded, he said, “Take your time. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll have Marjorie summon the guys.”


  Walking into his office, Jake was mildly horrified at the disorder but couldn’t suppress a satisfied grin. After instructing Marjorie over the intercom to reconvene the team, he hastily began picking up the papers and other items that he’d swept to the floor in his amorous rampage. He was straightening the disarray on the top of the desk when Jude rapped on the door and poked his head inside.

  Apparently seeing that Jake was alone, he cocked a brow and asked with a grin, “All quiet on the western front, bro?”

  At Jake’s affirmative nod, Jude added as he and Jared and Solly filed in. “No need for our flak jackets?”

  Knowing that Sam would be out any minute and not wanting anything to cloud the extraordinary experience they’d had, he laughed and said, “No defensive weapons or armor required, gentlemen.” He added nodding at the closed door to his private room, “Sam’s taking a bathroom break. Solly, how about you grab that bottle of Maker’s Mark and five glasses. My sense is that we have some important decisions to make. Nothing like good booze to facilitate the discussion. I’ve also asked Marjorie to order some real food for us. You know, vegetables, fruit, sandwiches, no pizza, and absolutely no doughnuts. Don’t know if you guys are as famished as I am…” Seeing his brothers exchange a brow-rising glance, Jake let the question go unanswered.

  As they were taking their places around the conference table, Jake asked Jared, “I presume Jude filled you and Solly in on our interrogations?”

  Jared’s lip quirked. “Ah, yes. He did indeed. Seems as though I missed all the excitement. Tell me, bro, did our feisty tribal police chief really beat the crap out of our prime suspect?” At Jake’s frowning nod, Jared shook his head. “Hmm, well that explains this.” He reached down and picked up a small replica of Jake’s Mochi Craft Dolphin Cruiser which Jake realized he hadn’t seen in his hasty attempt to straighten his desk. Jared confirmed he knew what had happened when he said, “Here, you missed this, Jake.” He added with an appreciative grin, “Right on, brother. You can’t let insubordination like that go unanswered or unpunished.”

  Before Jake could respond, the bathroom door opened and Sam stood hesitantly in the doorway. Jake quickly moved to her side and protectively ushered her into the room. He said in a nonchalant tone, “Good timing, Sam, the guys just arrived and Solly is in the process of making sure our discussion is well-lubricated. Plus Marjorie ordered food for us all.”

  Apparently Sam hadn’t looked in the mirror except to repair her wildly mussed hair. If she had she might have tried to mask her flushed cheeks and dampen her shining eyes. Jake knew explanations weren’t necessary for his knowledgeable brothers. Like him, they were intimately familiar with the body language of a well-fucked woman. Exchanging a knowing nod with his siblings, Jake confirmed that his brothers were astute enough to know that sly comments on his appearance or hers were verboten. Suffice it to say that neither Jude nor Jared looked surprised. In fact, they looked relieved and pleased as hell.

  Chapter 24

  “Sam, sit here by me.” Jake was gratified that Sam didn’t resist when he offered her his hand, instead leaning against him as he pulled out her chair for her. As he turned back to the others, he let his hand rest on her hip. He had to stifle the urge to put his arms around her and hold her next to him. The fact that she hadn’t pushed him away confirmed that, like him, she needed his physical closeness. When Sam sat down in her chair, Jake took his seat at the head of the table, pressing his knee against hers to create the connection both of them obviously wanted.

  “I’m expecting Mark and Henry to join us. We’re also waiting for Skylar. She and Doc Evans are working on the preliminary autopsy and toxicology reports. Sky will brief us on those when they are finished.”

  As they settled in their seats around the table, Marjorie poked her head in the door to announce that Deputy Jones and Deputy Staples had arrived. Jake rose and went to the door to welcome them. Pointing to two chairs at the table he said, “I’m glad you could join us, Henry, Mark. Solly said you’ve been instrumental in piecing together who was where and when on the night before the murder.” He added, “Developing an accurate timeline is essential if we’re going to be able to determine who the likely murderers are.”

  Henry Jones glanced across the table at Sam and didn’t hide his concern. “Are you okay, Sheriff Delgado?”

  Sam shrugged and asked, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Mark’s pointed frown confirmed that he was also concerned about his boss. He looked at Sam and then at Jake, as if uncertain whether or not he should follow his partner’s lead. After a moment’s hesitation he said quietly, “It’s just that the rez is on fire with all the news, and it won’t surprise you w
ho’s stoking the flames.”

  Jake broke in. “I’m assuming you’re talking about Mingan and his flunkies. I imagine they weren’t happy with their interrogation. We rode them hard. Which should be expected given that they are our prime suspects and the last people we know to see Isabella alive.”

  Both Mark and Henry nodded in agreement, then Mark added tentatively, “I don’t have to tell you, Commander, how Mingan feels about you.”

  “No you don’t, Mark. I’ve been riding his ass for some time. If I had my way, he would be residing in a four by eight cell at St. Cloud State Prison as a guest of the state for the next twenty-five years. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make a strong enough case three years ago, and he managed to escape prison for a crime we’re ninety-nine percent certain he committed. As my brother Jorden Justice, the ADA, and I learned, we can’t convict a guy for rape when the supposed victim—and her parents, I might add—insist that Mingan didn’t do it. But I’ve had him in my crosshairs since then, and he knows it. I might add that he returns the favor.”

  Mark snorted in agreement. “Yeah, Jake, he does that. Only now, it seems that our chief is rivaling you as the object of his hatred.” Mark focused a hard gaze on Sam. “I know you’re tough, Chief Delgado, but if you could hear the things Mingan is saying, not only about Commander Justice, but you personally—”

  Sam broke in crisply, “It isn’t necessary to repeat Mingan’s insulting tirades, Mark. We heard quite enough from him when we interrogated him today. As Jake said, he knows we’re on his ass, and of course, he will put up a fight.”

  Mark’s frown deepened, and his sigh was audible. He hesitated as if considering, then spoke more to Jake than to Sam. “I know you’re both, Commander, but Mingan is getting personal and downright graphic about what he and his asshole buddies have in mind for the chief.”

  Before Sam could stop him, Henry added, “Mark ain’t shittin’ you, Sam. I ain’t heard half of the slurs he’s calling you, but he’s doing his damnedest to remind anyone within hearing distance that you aren’t a ‘real’ Indian, and that you’re shacking up with…I mean that you and Commander Justice have a rela—”

  Sam cut him off. “That’s enough, Henry, and you too, Mark. We don’t need to detail the tribe’s dirty laundry here. All of us are aware of how intemperate Mingan is. Needless to say, I’ll be dealing with him and his ne’er-do-well sycophants when I get back to the rez tonight.”

  Jake’s gut plunged at the thought of Sam blithely heading back to the reservation as if she weren’t in imminent danger from a group of incensed radicals who also were the prime suspects in Isabella Harper’s murder. Exchanging a glance with Jude, Jake forced himself to speak calmly.

  “Don’t want to disagree, Sam, but it’s important that we call a spade a spade. Just to be clear, deputies, your concern is not misplaced. Sam, Jude and I got an earful from Mingan, Pete, and Charlie as to how they view all of us, particularly me and Chief Delgado. Before we leave today I want to ensure that we have a steel-hard band of protection around the chief.” When Sam started to interrupt, Jake held up his hand. “Understand, Sam, if, as it now looks likely, Mingan and his buddies are responsible for Isabella’s death, and we can get enough evidence to arrest them, that’s one thing. Obviously, once we get them in jail, we’re in charge. Our challenge until then is how to protect you, and yes, me, until we get those sons of bitches locked up.”

  “One important question, Commander. How certain are you that Mingan and his rats are the perps?”

  Jake nodded to Jared, grateful that his astute brother had moved in to circumvent a possible standoff on what was sure to be a divisive issue between him and Samhow much physical danger Sam was in and who was responsible for her safety. Without question he and Sam would not see eye-to-eye on either the level of danger or who would protect her. Jake knew, as did his brothers, that if it took the whole goddamn DPD he would ensure her safety.

  Grabbing the life raft that Jared had shoved his way, Jake looked first to Sam and then to Jude. “I’ll let Sam and Jude address that issue before I weigh in. How about it, Jude, Chief Delgado, what’s your read? Are they guilty?”

  Jude glanced at Sam and at her shrug he answered Jake. “Given that I’m a betting man, I’m betting that they likely are the perps, and no, we don’t have enough evidence at the moment to arrest them.”

  Sam concurred. “As much as I’d like to put all three of them in jail and throw away the keys, I agree with Jude. Unfortunately, they are each other’s alibis. Until we can break one or more of them, we’re in a holding pattern.” She pressed her lips together and frowned. Looking to Jake, she said, “In addition, I don’t think we have all the pieces yet. We’re missing some important clues. I need more information about what actually happened to Isabella. Was she drugged out of her mind and didn’t know the hideous things that were done to her? Or was she conscious? The answers to those questions and others will help me decide who actually killed her.”

  Jake was impressed and gave her an encouraging nod. “I agree, Sam. We need to know how she died before we can decide if Mingan and his scurvy partners are to blame.”

  Sam added with a shrug, “Or, if they were merely accomplices. Knowing or unknowing.”

  Jake shot her a surprised glance. “Phew, that’s a provocative suggestion, Chief Delgado. You can be sure we won’t let you off the hook on that one.” Seeing Skylar Hughes in the doorway, Jake rose to his feet and went to the door to welcome her. As he walked Skylar over to the conference table Jake said, “It’s a good thing that you’re here, Sky. We need information that I hope you have. Please, sit down, and as usual, wow us with your brilliance.”

  Skylar laughed, then quickly became solemn. “I will first qualify by saying that both the toxicology screens and the autopsy report are preliminary but they definitely provide answers to the questions I heard you raise, Chief Delgado.” She opened her computer then connected to the monitors in front of the room. “This first screen lists the drugs and other substances we found in Isabella’s body. As you can see, the young girl had a virtual pharmacy of illegal drugs in her system, everything from cocaine to heroin, to crystal, and finally, MDMA. In addition she had been drinking heavily. Her blood, alcohol concentration was well above point oh eight percent, and that was after we allowed for her time of death and other constraints. Clearly, Isabella was intoxicated and high on illegal substances at the time of her death.”

  Pursing her lips together, Skylar glanced around the table. Holding Jude’s gaze, she sighed audibly. “Please don’t think that I’m being cavalier when I say this, but as one relatively small woman regarding the fate of another, I am personally glad that Isabella was as drug and alcohol impaired as she was. It gives me a small amount of comfort to know that this teenage girl didn’t feel all the hideous things that were done to her before she bled to death.”

  Skylar allowed the silence to stand for a long moment then began to describe the assault on Isabella. “First, know that this was a gang rape. We are processing four DNA samples that we found on Isabella confirming that at least four men were involved. Isabella was repeatedly penetrated vaginally, anally, and orally. In addition, several inanimate objects were used to penetrate her various orifices.” After a long recitation of the specific injuries to Isabella’s tortured body, Skylar concluded, “What we can’t tell is if this this young girl could have survived her extensive injuries if she’d been taken to a hospital in time. As it was, she ultimately bled to death. We place her time of death at approximately two hours before she was found.”

  Jude asked the obvious question, “Are you saying that if one or more of the perpetrators had been courageous enough to take her to the hospital she might have survived?”

  Sky nodded. “Yes, Doctor Evans and I agree that is likely.”

  For several long moments the room was quiet. Jake let the silence stand so that each of the trained observers could come to their own conclusions before they worked through the findings as
a group. Glancing at Sam, he was struck by the distant look in her eyes. He was more surprised and concerned when she spoke, particularly because she sounded as though she were talking to herself, essentially thinking out loud.

  “It’s almost as though she was being ‘seasoned.’ ”

  To Jake’s and everyone else’s surprise, Skylar slammed her small hand on the tabletop with a bang and said triumphantly, “Precisely, Sam. I agree. I think that you’re exactly right.”

  Jude broke the astonished silence. “As in prostitution?”

  Sam and Skylar shared an excited glance. Skylar raised her hands and showered Sam with a congratulatory smile. “It’s one thing for a forensic analyst like myself to see this but it borders on brilliance for a non-analyst to see the difference. I’m impressed, Sam.”

  Sam’s cheeks flushed and she looked uncertainly at Jake. Surprised at her uncharacteristic reticence, he encouraged her. “That is an unusual conclusion, Chief Delgado. Please elucidate us.”

  Hesitating, Sam shrugged and smiled at Skylar. “I wish it was brilliance, Sky.” She added with a hard sigh, “Unfortunately, my insights were earned in the trenches. Our statistics show that an astonishing number of Native girls are sucked into prostitution at a young age. On many reservations there’s a virtual prostitution pipeline from the rez to the big cities manned by the ever-present pimps. As you know, one of the overriding issues we face on the rez is poverty, which especially affects young people’s sense of the future. Teenage girls who face a bleak future are first tempted by gangs and drugs. Once they’ve had a taste of the ‘good life’, and I say that ironically, then they are easy marks for the pimps’ promises of easy cash and the excitement of the big city. From the time I arrived at the Crow Lake, my primary concern about Mingan and his gang was the number of teenage girls they were attracting.” She glanced at Jake with a pained frown. “Frankly, when you and your team warned me about the possible cartel infiltration, my biggest concern was not methamphetamine. It was the ‘big boys’ other cash crop, prostitution—essentially, human trafficking.”


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