Book Read Free

Tiara- Part Two

Page 14

by Robin Roseau

  * * * *

  “I can’t move,” Shalendra groaned. She turned her head to look at me. “And you, Princess Darfelsa, are quite mussed.” She grinned. “And I’m fairly certain you smell like me.”

  “I’m quite certain you’re right,” I replied. I returned her grin. “Too worn out to come to dinner?”

  “Never,” she replied. “But I think we both need a little time to get ready.” She lifted a leg and began pushing me from the bed. “You need to go.”

  “Hey!” I complained. She added a hand, and I scrambled to avoid falling out of the bed, but failed. “Hey!” I complained again, landing on the floor.

  Shalendra’s head appeared over the edge. She looked down at me, laughing. “Did I hurt you?”

  “That was mean,” I complained.

  “From past experience, it takes you a half hour to climb out of a bed after good sex, and we don’t have that kind of time.”

  “That was mean,” I complained again. Then I reached up and grabbed her. She gave a screech, but I managed to pull her from the bed, which might have been a mistake, but she slid more slowly than I did, and I pulled her atop me.

  We kissed deeply, both of us giggling now, and then we crushed ourselves together, lying on the floor.

  But then she gathered my hands together, shifting around atop me, and I didn’t realize what she was doing in time to offer an effective defense. “No!” I screeched.

  Shalendra sat on my hips and then pinned my hands to the floor. I struggled with her, and I was stronger than she was, but she had the leverage, and I wasn’t willing to do anything that risked one of us getting hurt.

  But as long as it took two of her hands to manage both of mine, there was little she could do from her position of advantage. And so we both giggled, but I said, “Not much you can do to me like this.”

  “Are you sure?” She looked down at my naked body. “I think there’s quite a lot I can do.”

  “Nothing we haven’t spent the last several hours doing,” I clarified.

  “So you’re saying I probably can’t successfully tickle you.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Besides, I thought you said we didn’t have that kind of time.”

  “I didn’t actually think pushing you from the bed was going to work,” she replied. “I can spare another minute or two.” She eyed me. I squirmed halfheartedly, but honestly, I thought the situation was deeply sexy, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to get away. I was willing to let her try.

  “I bet little princesses don’t roughhouse with their male cousins,” she observed.

  “I bet you didn’t, either.”

  “Well, not with your male cousins,” she laughed. “But with mine? Totally.”

  “Well, you’re right. I didn’t roughhouse with my male cousins.” I grinned up at her. “I do, however, work every morning with Sergeant Felist. The only reason you’re still on top is because I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “And because you haven’t stopped grinning,” she said.

  “And because so far, this is really sexy, but that could change if you actually figured out how to tickle me.”

  “Maybe it’s not tickling I want after all.” And then she bent over, shifting down as she did it, and wrapped her mouth around one of my breasts. I gave a moan and entirely stopped my resisting as she suckled at me.

  I guess I wasn’t entirely worn out.

  She lavished me with attention, and I let myself relax into it. I didn’t realize until it was too late that she was only lulling me. I didn’t notice when she shifted her grip. Above my head, she pushed my hands together, and then with her left hand, she wrapped around one finger from each hand and held tightly.

  And with her right, she began tickling my side.

  “No!” I screeched. I tried pulling my hands from her grip, but that hurt, and I was fairly certain I could break my fingers more readily than pull them free from her hold.

  “Don’t hurt yourself,” she whispered. She froze, shifting to look into my eyes. “Are you getting mad?”


  “Good.” And then her hand stroked my side, searching for the tickles.

  * * * *

  If anyone was surprised Shalendra accompanied me to dinner, they didn’t show it. I imagine the extra place at the table was a clue, of course. We greeted my family before I handed her into her seat.

  It was, at the beginning, an easy meal, with casual conversation. It was halfway through that Shalendra said to Mother, “I understand I have real competition.”

  “I guess we’ll see,” Mother replied. “Are you concerned?”

  “You were in my position once.”

  “I was,” Mother agreed. “And I didn’t begin ahead of the competition.”

  “Should I consider recent developments a hint?”

  “I presume my daughter has already told you that your presence is required, three weeks from this past Friday.”

  “She has, but she also indicated it was actually your decision whether it was my attendance, or someone else’s.”

  “This month, at least, it is yours,” Mother confirmed. “And so, yes, you should consider recent events a hint. You and I will share a meal, several days prior to Open Court.”

  “I’d like that,” Shalendra replied.

  “I suggested she and I should attend Ahlianna’s Open Court,” I added, “But probably not on the dais. Sister, would you like me to assist your staff?”

  “Yes,” Ahlianna said. “I would, if Father agrees.”

  “An excellent plan,” Father confirmed. “And I believe, Darfelsa, your staff should also assist.” Ahlianna nodded her own confirmation.

  “Father, would it be wrong if my staff chooses the order somewhat differently from how you do it?”

  “That would be fine. Ahlianna, what is your plan?”

  “I hadn’t considered that question, but I think I should follow your example, unless you made changes from Grandfather.”

  “I did, actually. Grandfather’s staff took social position into consideration. That was the first thing I changed.”

  “Your way is better,” Mother inserted.

  “I am going to follow your example,” Ahlianna declared.

  Ten minutes later, just as dinner was finishing, Mother said, “Darfelsa, I am not trimming your list at this time.”

  “I didn’t think you were.”

  “However, if you share your time evenly between Ms. Robella and Ms. Olarora, then I will only invite one of the gentlemen occasionally. It is up to you if you wish to offer your own invitations to them, but if you do not, I will not nudge you.”

  “Thank you, Mother.” Beside me, Shalendra sat quietly, her hands in her lap. Mother glanced at her, but said nothing further.

  * * * *

  Later, we cuddled in my bed, me on my back, Shalendra pressed against my side, her hand cupping one breast, my hand atop hers. We were both quiet, but when I looked at her, she was clearly watching me.

  “Are you staying the night?”


  “Good. One of us needs to turn down the lamps.”

  “Was that a hint?”

  “Yes, it’s a hint you should stay right where you are.” I rolled away from her, pulling my arm out from under her neck, then padded around my quarters, seeing to the lights. She rolled onto her other side, watching me, and so when I returned, I crawled up the bed from the foot, sliding under the covers and nestling against her back. I rubbed her bottom and then whispered, “I’m so happy you’re here, Shalendra.”

  “Me, too,” she whispered. “Me, too.”

  But I could tell she was worried.

  * * * *

  After that, I divided my time. I saw Lyndis and Shalendra twice a week or so, each. It was Wednesday before Ahlianna’s Open Court that Lyndis attended her first palace event with me.

  She was stunning, truly stunning, and she spent the entire evening with me, charming anyone who came near. That was typically my
role, but I had fun watching her.

  Halfway through the evening, I realized something, and I whispered it to her. “You remind me of Mother.”

  “I shall take that as a compliment. How do I do that?”

  “You are socially graceful and charming,” I explained.

  “You find me charming, do you?”

  “I do.”

  “Good, because I’m scared out of my mind.”

  “Clearly without cause.”

  I had a very nice time, and it appeared Lyndis felt the same way. And so, eventually, I whispered to her, “Will you come with me?”

  “Anywhere,” she replied.

  And so we strode from the room, her hand in my arm, and it wasn’t until we were in the corridor outside my room that she hesitated, only a step, but I decided to ignore that. I brought her to my quarters and showed her inside, closing the door then setting my back to it. Lyndis stepped into the room then looked around for a minute before turning to me.

  “Do you bring all your suitors here?”


  She looked around. “Does anyone live in here with you?”


  “There are times I forget our differences, and then there are reminders. I share a bedroom, and you have these quarters to yourself.” I couldn’t tell if she was offended. But when she turned away and stepped into the bedroom, I followed her. She nosed around for a minute. I leaned against the wall beside the inner door, suddenly wondering if I had made a terrible mistake bringing her here.

  She wasn’t Shalendra, after all, much less a woman of Ressaline. I had no idea what she was thinking.

  Finally, she turned to me then walked directly to me. She came to a stop, not quite touching. She searched my eyes then lifted fingers and set them on my cheek. Without a word, she kissed me, a sweet, gentle kiss. My hands found her hips, but I didn’t pressure for more. So, we kissed, and then she hugged me, her lips near my ear. “Walk me to my carriage.”

  I didn’t say a word, but I offered my arm, and together, we strode from my room.

  At the carriage, she turned to me. Again, her fingers lifted to my cheek. “If I’m ever ready, I’ll invite myself.”

  I nodded. And then I handed her into the carriage and watched it drive away.

  An hour later, there was a knock at my door, and then Ahlianna let herself in. One of my maids was brushing my hair, but I was otherwise ready for bed.

  “That’s enough tonight,” I said. “Thank you.” The maid slipped from the door, and I turned to my sister.

  “Your bed doesn’t look rumpled.”

  “I bet if I go look, yours doesn’t, either.”

  “Was she mad?”

  “If she was, I couldn’t tell,” I replied. “I think I might be a little more Ressaline than Lyndis.”

  Ahlianna laughed, rather loudly at that. “Oh, you poor thing. I haven’t had someone to my bed in a year and a half. However will you survive?”

  “Mother always said you were the bratty one.”

  “Should I have someone bring Shalendra to you?”

  “I’m going to tell all your petitioners that you prefer to tell them to rise three times before they really do.”

  She laughed again. “You can’t come up with a threat I might believe?”

  “I’m going to… put a toad in your bed.”

  “And Beccara will find it and probably make a pet of it.” Beccara was one of her maids. She was a lovely, wholesome girl from the country, and so far that I’d seen, utterly unshakeable. “If she heard you even making that threat, she’d probably be in there right now, changing the sheets.”

  “The preemptive changing of the sheets,” I said. “Very efficient.”

  “Quite.” She picked up the brush from the dressing table and stepped behind me. I said nothing as she began brushing my hair. It didn’t need it, but it was something she used to do for me, and so I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy it.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what are you doing here?”

  “Brushing your hair.”


  “Waiting to see if you wanted to talk.”

  I sat quietly for a while before I said, “I think I scared her.”

  “If you want to really scare her, tell her about the customs in Ressaline.”

  “Surely everyone knows by now.”

  “I don’t think they do,” she replied. “She’s very lovely.”

  “She is.”

  “She charmed everyone tonight.”

  “She reminds me of Mother.”

  “You know, I was thinking the same thing.” She set the brush down and put her hands on my shoulders. I opened my eyes, and our gazes met in the mirror. “I want to ask you something.”

  “I’m not talking about sex with you.”

  She ignored that. “Fifty years from now, when I’m finally the queen.”


  “And there’s a problem… somewhere.”

  “Somewhere that isn’t Barrish.”


  “You’ll be sending me to deal with it.”

  She nodded. “Are you sure that’s the life you want?”

  “Well it was, until you asked that question. Do you and I have a different expectation? I don’t want to be gone all the time.”

  “In my mind, I’m thinking of you as my problem-solver.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “You would send me when asses need kicking. But are you thinking you’d, say, send me to Gandeet for a few years at a time?”

  “No. I want you closer than that. Well, not closer.”

  “More readily available as your problem-solver.”

  “Yes. That.”

  I nodded. “And in between…”

  “In between, I want you here,” she said. “But if you spent some time in Ressaline, I wouldn’t begrudge that at all.”

  “I think that was my past.”

  “I don’t,” she said. “I think Lady Olivia is working very hard to improve trade, and as long as it’s with us, Father and I are both all for it, and that means that you and Allium are both going to be working on that, too.”

  “That’s all right.”

  “Good. I think we’re aligned, Darfelsa. But you could just…”

  “Be the pretty princess, and lead a life of casual leisure?”

  “Yes, I suppose.”

  “No. Is that what you need from me?”

  “No, but if it was what you wanted…”

  “Problem-solver sounds perfect to me.”

  “Then there’s something else I need from you, Sister.”

  “Anything, Ahlianna. You know that.”

  “Your consort needs to support you,” she said. “And that almost certainly means a great deal of flexibility.”

  “I know.”

  “More flexibility than Mother could ever have handled.”

  I looked at her reflection then admitted, “I don’t think I know what you’re saying.”

  “Gretchena was the wrong one.”

  “She’s long gone.”

  “Flame would have been good.”

  “She’s not here, and I don’t think she’s coming.”

  “Shalendra might be good, but we’ll see.”

  “We’ll see,” I agreed.

  “Lyndis might make a good Mother.” I understood what she meant. “But that’s not what you need.”

  “Are you telling me you want me to remove her from the list?”

  “No, because she should have a chance to prove me wrong. Do you think she’s going to?”

  “She’s not some pretty flower,” I said. “She’s a sword maker, after all. And I think she did quite well tonight.”

  “Especially for a sword maker,” Ahlianna agreed. “Yes. She did quite well if you needed someone like Mother.”


  “I’m not coming to conclusions, and I don’t think you should, either, but I just wanted to make sure that you’re looking
at this from all sides.”

  “You think I need someone who doesn’t run away from the sight of my bed?”

  “Well, yes, but that’s not what I’m saying. What do you think she would say if you told her you need her to go to Ressaline with you?”

  I laughed but then said, “She just needs time.”

  “Maybe so.”

  “If you don’t like her, tell Mother to let me focus on Shalendra.”

  “Oh, no,” Ahlianna said. “Besides, if she drops Lyndis, she’ll just add two more.”

  I snorted. “Probably.”

  “Give her a chance, but I need you to pick someone who can say, ‘Sounds like fun’ to any adventure I send you on. The life you’re taking on is going to be hard enough with that support, so I don’t want you to go without it.”

  “I hear you,” I replied. “And what about children?”

  “We’ll figure that out when the time comes,” she replied. “You may foster them to me when I send you away. Would that be terrible?”

  “I’d miss them,” I said.

  “Pick the right consort first.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “I know you will.” She kissed the top of my head. “I can send for Shalendra.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of seeing to my own needs.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you are.” She made a crude gesture.

  “That’s not what I meant!” I yelled.

  Laughing, she slipped from me and headed for the door. I would have thrown something at her, if only there was something soft ready at hand.

  * * * *

  Shalendra and I didn’t wear gowns. I wore what I called my “ambassador’s assistant’s” attire, dressed much like I had when working for Allium. Shalendra wore a dress, but it was understated.

  We had an abundance of staff. Ahlianna’s was there; mine was there. Two of Father’s were there, but they were directed to be available for questions, but to otherwise let us handle it.

  Ahlianna was letting us manage. I gathered everyone together. “Princess Ahlianna wants us to handle this in a fashion similar to King Leander. Do we have the list?”

  “There are more arriving,” said Mr. Grovish, Ahlianna’s chief of staff. “Ms. Messen is greeting them and collecting names.” Sureeza Messen was Ahlianna’s secretary.

  “All right,” I said. “I imagine you know what the princess wants.” He nodded. “I am not taking over from you. I need my staff to learn what they can, so I want you to assign us as necessary. Consider Ms. Robella and I additional staff, but I want her inside, so she can observe, and I want to bring the petitioners forward. Does that disturb your plans?”


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