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Sun & Shyne: Growing Pains

Page 4

by Sa'id Salaam

  “Leave him alone!” Sun growled. He was ready to take it wherever the bully wanted it to go.

  “Sun Forrest, would you like to come up to the board and solve the problem?” the teacher dared since she saw he wasn’t paying attention.

  “Okay,” he shrugged. He walked to the chalkboard and easily solved the math problem. Shyne snickered since they had been taught math by their big sister. He saw the new kid watching when he returned and introduced himself.

  “I’m Sun,” he said, extending his hand like his father had taught him to do. The other boy scrutinized it for a second before he took it.

  “I’m Asad, nice to meet you,” he replied and turned back to the lesson.

  They liked each other immediately and a life-long friendship was instantly formed. Sun tried to introduce his new friend to his sister but it didn’t go well.

  “This is Asad,” Sun announced to Shyne once class ended.

  Asad smiled and stuck out his hand, but Shyne wouldn’t take it.

  “Un uh! You not getting me pregnant!” Shyne shouted and took off. The two friends shared a WTF look before shrugging it off and hitting the playground.

  Sun hit the monkey bars where he was king. He spun and flipped while Asad stared in amazement. Shyne was too busy playing in her hair to watch, but she could still hear.

  “That boy is artistic! Artistic!” Antron teased.

  “That’s autistic, stupid!” Shyne fumed. The new word was just as confusing as the name Picasso to the little dummy.

  Autism is a brain condition characterized by having difficulties with social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communications, and repetitive behaviors. That explains autism but what the fuck is wrong with bullies?

  Asad was on the low end of the spectrum, which allowed him to not only attend regular classes, but to excel in them. He kept to himself and followed all the rules, making him a target for bullies like Antron. Only now, he had a new friend who hated bullies.

  “Who you calling stupid?” Antron demanded, balling up his fists for a fight. Sun saw the impending show down and flipped off the monkey bars. He did a perfect double backflip with a half twist that caused him to miss the whole fight.

  “Ha-ya!” Shyne shouted before kicking the bully between his legs. The force of the kick lifted him off his feet. When he landed, he had a beating waiting for him. Luckily for the bully, a teacher rushed over to break it up before Sun could get a lick.

  “To the principal’s office!” the teacher shouted to Shyne and before turning to Sun. “Both of you! Now!”

  “Me? But I didn’t even touch him!” he protested.

  “Snitches get stitches!” Shyne grumbled and marched back into the school.


  “You two again!” the principal said when she saw the twins. She decided to try her luck and asked, “I’m going to need to speak with your father!”

  “He’s home now, call him,” Sun dared. He wanted to go home anyway so he could spend time with him. Miss Hunter huffed and dialed their home number.

  “I need to speak with Mr. Forrest,” she insisted when the call was answered.

  “Mr. Forrest,” Christi announced as she extended the phone to Killa. Yolo frowned up, wondering who would be calling there for him.

  “Who was that?” she demanded in a whisper so that she could still listen to Killa as well.

  “The school,” Christi said and shrugged before turning back to her laptop.

  “Mr. Forrest, this is Principal Hunter. I need you…to…cum…down to the school to discuss your children’s behavior,” she said, amused by her wordplay.

  “Is that right?” Killa replied with a chuckle. He was amused as well, but for a different reason. He knew that Yolo was hot about her flirting and hoped she had up-to-date dental records because she was going to need them. Unable to take another second of it, Yolo snatched the phone from Killa.

  “Hello! Sup? Huh? Sup?” Yolo spat.

  “Oh, it’s you. Well, your children jumped on another student…”

  “No, we didn’t! I got him myself!” Shyne corrected in the background.

  “I’m on my way!” Yolo shouted and hung up. Killa was next to get barked at when he stood to go with her. “Un uh, you stay here!”

  “Uh oh,” Christi laughed at Killa and the kids.

  “What I do?” Killa whined.


  “I’m sick of this bitch flirting with my man! It’s bad enough I gotta share him with his other baby mama. Glad his first baby mama dead,” Yolo grumbled as she drove to the school. “I’m tryna be patient and mature about the shit, but I really wanna cut the bitch’s head off!”

  Yolo pulled into the same spot she always pulled into when her kids got in trouble. The school really needed to reserve her a spot of her own. She passed by the lumped up child sitting in the office and shook her head.

  “She did it this time,” Sun said when his irate mother entered the principal’s office.

  “Snitches get stitches,” Yolo reminded and turned to her daughter as if the principal was invisible. “What happened?”

  “He was picking on our friend Asad,” she said, sticking her chest out proudly. “You fu-…um, mess with him, you mess with me!”

  “Us!” Sun corrected, causing Miss Hunter to delete the report she was entering into the computer.

  “Good job!” Yolo agreed and high fived her daughter. She took their hands and marched them out of the building without saying a word to the principal.

  “She who laughs last,” the educator laughed as Yolo stormed out. She loved frustrating baby mamas before fucking their baby daddies.

  “Can Daddy cook out for us?” Shyne pleaded as they left the school. She tried to play the sweet little girl role, but Yolo saw right through it.

  “Damn pyromaniac!” she laughed, knowing her daughter loved fire. She loved her boo’s jerk chicken, though, so she agreed. “Sure, let’s stop by the store.”

  Chapter 7

  “Let me do it, Daddy! Please, pluh-leeeze! Come on, Daddy, let me! Let me!” Shyne pleaded, hopping from foot to foot like she had to pee. She dropped down and clasped her hands together like she was praying.

  “You’re scaring Daddy,” Killa admitted, but still gave in and gave his daughter the box of wooden matches. “All you have to do is… Damn!”

  Shyne didn’t hear one word her father said once she got the matches in her hands. She struck one and put it in with the rest. Once the box flared up, she tossed it into the grill. The charcoal, soaked in liquid fluid, made a loud ‘woomf’ as it exploded.

  The little girl stand frozen in place, mesmerized by the dancing orange flames. A crooked smile turned up one side of her mouth as she watched the fire.

  “Yolo! Yolo, come get her!” Killa shouted in bemusement.

  “Don’t cheat!” Yolo demanded as she paused the video game she and her son were playing.

  “Who, me?” Sun exclaimed as if the notion was preposterous. As an afterthought, he dug into his pocket and pulled out a card and extended it towards his mother. “Give this to Daddy.”

  “What is it?” Yolo growled, despite the fact that she could read the principal’s name embossed on the card.

  “Miss Hunter said to give it to Daddy,” he said with a shrug.

  “Sweet boy,” she cooed and kissed her son’s forehead.

  The sweet boy resumed the game the second she left the room. He scored a quick touchdown to even the score before putting the game back on pause.

  “What’s the emergency?” Yolo asked, but saw it for herself as she noticed Shyne standing fixated on the fire. “Oh my!”

  “’Oh my,’ is right! Look at this!” Killa replied as he passed his hand in front of their daughter’s face and she didn’t blink. “This is going to be a problem!”

  “For somebody,” Yolo shrugged. “Oh, Bae, can I use your phone? Mine is...”

  “Sure,” Killa said, and handed it over without hesitation. The killer kept several p
hones in rotation, including one for each baby mama’s house. It kept his women from spying, which kept the drama and confusion down.

  Yolo cupped the phone in both hands and laughed wickedly as she rushed inside and up the stairs to her room. Sun took the opportunity to score another touchdown. His team was now in the lead.

  Yolo was already hot about the principal flirting with her man, so the woman trying to use her son to get to his father only served to make matters worse. The handwritten note on the back of the card she’d given Sun only served to add fuel to the fire. ‘Call or text me,’ it read.

  “This is Mr. Forrest; how can I help you?” Yolo texted, saying each word aloud as she typed them. The reply came back within seconds.

  “Really! Are you serious?” Yolo shouted when the principal sent a picture of her vagina. It was quickly followed by a picture of her nipples then one of her smiling face. “Grrr!”

  “Looks nice,” she texted back, gritting her teeth while steam came out her ears.

  “Taste nice too, lol,” came her reply.

  “Would you like to be eaten alive?” Yolo texted and giggled. This was definitely one of life’s ‘be careful what you wish for’ moments.

  “I would love to be eaten! But what about your crazy baby mama?”

  “What about her?” Yolo said aloud as she typed the words.

  “Just hoping I won’t have to slap her!” the educator replied.

  “How about I come over once she’s asleep?” Yolo texted and a date was set.


  Sun and Shyne often waited until their mom went to sleep and got back up to sneak back down and watch cartoons. Yolo usually went to bed early when Killa was away, but he was home. The twins met in the hallway like always but were met by strange noises coming from their mother’s room. It sounded like people were jumping up and down on the bed while clapping their hands. They both shrugged it off and headed down the stairs.

  “I said, whose…is…it?” the aggressive lover on the top growled.

  “Yours! It’s yours!” Killa shouted as the rodeo girl rode him hard and fast. Technically, she shared the dick with Sincerity, but at the moment, it was all hers.

  “You…damn…right…it’s mine!” she said as she bounced up and down. She saw Killa’s face contort into a fuck face and threw her hips into overdrive. She bounced, rocked, wiggled, and squeezed until he exploded inside of her.

  “That’s right, baby,” she cooed as she milked him dry with her vaginal muscles.

  “Mm, that was goo-,” Killa moaned but was cut off by a deep yawn. He blinked, yawned again, and then fell into a deep sleep. Yolo waited until he was snoring peacefully before she got off of him.

  “Works every time,” she laughed at the sedative power of good pussy. On a whim, she used his phone to snap a picture of his deflating dick.

  “I’m on my way,” she texted under the picture before sending it to Principal Hunter.

  “Mm, I can’t wait,” Miss Hunter texted back.

  Yolo crept quietly around the room as she got ready for her mission. She blew her baby daddy a kiss from the doorway before creeping down the hall so that she wouldn’t wake the kids.

  “What the…” Yolo grunted when she came down and found the twins in front of the T.V.

  They had popped popcorn and helped themselves to juice boxes.

  “Run!” Sun shouted as hopped up.

  Shyne tripped him and hopped over him to escape. He jumped back up and hit the steps right behind her.

  “That’s okay, I know where y’all stay,” Yolo said and turned to leave.


  “I’m here,” Yolo texted as she pulled onto the woman’s street. She was driving by slowly, looking for any potential witnesses when the reply came in.

  “It’s open,” she texted back, referring to both the front door and her firm brown thighs. She’d already began playing in her box so it would be good and juicy when he arrived. It was meant to be a surprise, but it was she who was actually in for a surprise.

  Yolo parked backwards in the driveway before popping her trunk. She left the motor humming quietly as she went up to the door. It was slightly cracked so she rushed inside. There was the principal, eyes closed, legs spread wide on the sofa. Yolo raised the gun and aimed it between her legs.

  “Ouch! What the hell!” she groaned at the combination of pain and the sight of a dart in her vagina. She opened her mouth to say something else, but the tranquilizer had other ideas.

  “Told you to leave my man alone,” Yolo shrugged and got to work.

  She pulled the sleeping woman off the couch by her pretty feet. She dragged her to the door and checked again for witnesses. Seeing none, she continued out to her car and put the unconscious woman in her trunk.

  “It’s a long ride, so here’s a pillow,” Yolo said, throwing a pillow at her. She was still sleep so she didn’t catch it.

  The ride out to Coram, New York was pretty long. The sleepy town way out on Long Island was where she kept her pets. The principal was still sleeping soundly when they arrived. Yolo dragged her out of the car and into the center of the pen before dousing her with a bucket of cold water.

  “Huh? What? Where am I?” the principal shouted when she was abruptly awakened. “What’s that smell? Why am I here?”

  “That smell is my pigs,” Yolo replied as she exited the pen and locked the gate behind her. She hit a switch that opened the doors of the pigs’ cages. “You said you wanted to get eaten, so…”

  “Nooo!” the principal screamed as the ravenous beasts rushed out and toward her.

  She stuck her hand out to ward off the first hog and it bit her fingers off for an appetizer. It was soon joined by the rest of them and together they made a noisy, bloody meal of the woman. Yolo stood watching to make sure that they didn’t leave anything behind. Once they finished their meal, it was time for her to go.

  “Okay, bye-bye!” she said as she waved and headed back to her car.

  Chapter 8

  “Can we go camping, Daddy? Please! Please!” Sun asked as he began chanting. His sister quickly joined in and made it a duet.

  “Please, please!”

  “Camping? You mean like…in the woods?” Killa asked with trepidation. He wasn’t scared per se, he just didn’t fuck with the woods, wild animals, the dark, etc.

  “Yeah. Please! Please!” the kids chanted again.

  “Looks like you’re outvoted,” Yolo teased. “I’m sure you guys will have a great time. Meanwhile, I can relax, run a bath, sip some wine, and read a book.”

  “We want you to come, too, Mommy!” Sun demanded. “Please! Please!”

  “Looks like you’ve been outvoted,” Killa laughed. “I’m sure we’ll have a great time.”

  “Oh, okay. Just make sure you get a tent with A/C, and Wi-Fi, and…” Yolo said, naming off a long list of wants as she relented.

  “We may as well camp out in the den, then, for that matter,” Killa cut in. “Come on, kids, let’s go shopping.”

  “Guess I’ll do a little shopping myself,” Yolo said to herself once they were gone. She had no idea what kind of dangers awaited them at the campgrounds so she went to the basement to select some weapons.

  “Let’s see…” she said, scratching her head as she looked around the virtual armory. She began with his and her sniper rifles complete with night vision scopes and silencers. Matching Magnums and machetes filled the bill. Her shopping spree went a lot easier than Killa’s and the kids’.


  “Mm hmm,” Sincerity hummed, making her ‘yeah right’ face when Killa called to say that he would be a few days late on his return to Georgia.

  “I’ll make it up to you when I get home,” he vowed and hung up.

  “You can’t make up lost time,” Sincerity sighed into the dead line. She was right, too, because once a second is gone, it’s gone for good.

  “Ooh, look at this one!” Sun cheered about huge tent that could sleep ten people. That wa
s eight too many because he had his heart set on some camp-side coochie, vacation vagina, backwoods back shots.

  “Too big. Your mom and I will share a tent and you two can…”

  “No!” Shyne cut in with her ‘something stinks’ face. “I need my own tent cuz he pees the bed!”

  “Well, you’ll be in sleeping bags, so it’ll soak it up, like a sponge.”

  “A pee sponge!” Shyne cracked, cracking up and taking her father with her. Sun twisted up his lips as they yucked it up at his expense.

  Killa let them pick out their own sleeping bags while he found a two-person bag for him and Yolo. Unwilling to sleep directly on the lumpy ground, he bought air mattresses for them all.

  “Ooh, Daddy, look!” Shyne said as her eyes lit up with excitement.

  “No! No fire. You won’t have Smokey the Bear messing with me,” Killa protested.

  “Actually, you will need a fire. It will be pitch black out there and you’ll need it for heat or to cook your food,” the salesman added. He, too, was a little disturbed by the look in the little girl’s eyes so he offered a solution. “You can put your tent in between the fire and theirs.”

  “I guess,” the dad sighed. “Guess we’ll also take a couple fire extinguishers as well. And one of those helicopters that drops water.”


  The Suffolk County Park campgrounds were out on the east end of Long Island, not too far from where Yolo kept her pigs. She saw the exit that led to them and smiled warmly at the fond memories of the principal being eaten alive.

  “What?” Killa asked when he saw the devious smirk on her face.

  “Huh? Nothing,” she replied, fighting the giggles. She looked back at her kids and asked, “How’s the new principal working out?”

  “He’s mean!” the twins replied in unison. Both twisted up their little faces as if the very mention of the man left a sour taste in their mouths.

  “Good!” the parents responded back in unison.

  Killa finally processed all the information and shook his head. A missing principal, a lost cell phone, and Yolo could only mean one thing. “You are too much!” he said.


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