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The Forgotten (Demons Book 2)

Page 19

by Marina Simcoe

  But it wasn’t all I needed him for, was it? The urgency to do something nagged at me, dulling my arousal with anxiety.

  The clouds in the sky turned grey and gathered together, shrouding us in semi-darkness. The warm pool chilled. And the lazy stream sped up to a treacherous torrent.

  “What is it, Katherine? What is bothering you?” Worry vibrated through Ivarr’s voice.

  I clung to his shoulders, as the strong current carried us through churning rapids, fear colder than the water around us spread through me.

  “What is going to happen to us, Ivarr?”

  “Anything you want, sweetheart.” He brushed my lips with his and smoothed my hair, seemingly unconcerned about the dangerous waters around us. “You are my Mistress in both worlds, here and there. You have the power to make it all happen, my queen.”

  “You’re going to leave me.” The certainty of this realization increased my anxiety. “That’s what always happens, doesn’t it?” Panic rose in me, as I already sensed the power that was ripping Ivarr out of my arms. “Don’t go!” I grasped for him, but instead of his shoulders my hands gripped a cold, hard rock sticking from the torrent.

  “Ivarr!” My scream, caught by the wind, was lost in the roar of the raging water.

  “Ask me the question.” His voice came from the distance, and I glimpsed him being hurled over the edge and down the vertical drop of a waterfall.

  “No!” I let go of the rock just to be immediately swept into the current after him.

  Question. Question. Question . . .

  The word bounced inside my head as I went over the rocky edge as well and now floated in free fall surrounded by water and mist.

  “Where do you go when you leave me?” I whispered, just as I was yanked out of danger and into the safety of a familiar place—my bedroom.

  ‘Vegas,’ echoed in my brain, less as a spoken word and more as a transmitted thought.


  The awakening was brutal in its swiftness. The terror of free fall disappeared instantly, along with the cold water and . . . Ivarr.

  The feeling of loss crushed me, hollowing my insides. I stifled a sob and curled in bed, tucking my forehead into my knees.

  “I can’t,” I whispered, clutching the bed sheets in my fists. “Please.”

  This couldn’t go on. The rollercoaster of the hazy bliss of the dream—even when it turned into a nightmare—replaced by the acute feeling of loneliness in reality was emotionally devastating. The craving to have him near was crushing.

  “I need you here, Ivarr. With me.”


  I had a specific location and the means to be there in two weeks. I needed to find out for sure if there was something strong and lasting between us.

  And if I couldn’t have him, he had to let me be. Even if I called him in the moment of weakness, he had to leave me alone in my dreams. There was no other way.

  Chapter 35

  “OH, KI-ITTY, YOU’RE so pre-etty!” Pam sang, giggling. Leaning against the wall of the hotel bathroom where I was brushing my hair, she gave me another appraising look. “Love this dress.”

  “You do? Thank you.” I put the hairbrush on the counter and smoothed my palms over the silk of my flared skirt.

  The vivid colour of burnt orange, the flirty skirt, and the off-shoulder cut were a daring step out of my usual style of understated elegance, but I absolutely loved the way this dress made me feel when I put it on.

  Pretty, just like Pam said.

  My Aunt Sue used to say, ‘Pretty is not a look but a feeling.’ And I never understood her more than right now.

  I needed to feel this sunny, giddy confidence inside of me to deal with the nervous anticipation that buzzed though me ever since I boarded our flight to Vegas that morning.

  Tonight was the night of the show. If my assumptions were right, I might see Ivarr again. And this time it wouldn’t be a dream.

  It’d be real.

  “WHO DID MINDY’S BOYFRIEND have to sleep with to get these tickets?” Pam gasped under her breath when we took our seats at the table next to the stage.

  My heart sped up even faster, threatening to jump out of my throat.

  Too close.

  I would prefer to sit at the back, somewhere in the shadows. But then it would be too easy to chicken out and sneak away at the first sight of Ivarr. I couldn’t afford to miss a chance to talk to him. If he was truly on stage tonight, he needed to see me to know I was here.

  With a deep breath, I took my seat.

  From the moment the lights dimmed, and the first beat of epic music filled the room, I was drawn into the show.

  A group of men dressed in golden armour over their bare torsos entered the stage. Enthralled, I stared at their hard bodies awash in a kaleidoscope of pulsing lights as they moved to the music. Then several more joined, these wore a pair of white feather wings each.

  The more I watched the dancers’ flawless execution of the complex mix of dance and athletic choreography, the more I became convinced they were not humans.

  Pam’s words ‘so freaking perfect’ came to mind again.

  Next, a group dressed as fantasy archers were replaced by a lone figure in black standing with his back to us as he appeared to emerge from the silvery mist spreading over the stage.

  Slowly, he turned around. The ends of his open black coat swept the ankles of his boots. Light slid along his bare chest and hard abs as he sauntered to the edge of the stage. Seductive music lured me and undoubtedly anyone else in the audience to him.

  Tossing the ends of his coat back, he jumped off the stage and stalked along the first row of tables, scanning the women in their seats.

  His ink-black hair was neatly cut and the stylish facial hair trimmed to perfection. Certain I’d never met the man before, I couldn’t take my eyes off him, entranced by the penetrating stare of his dark eyes.

  The lights turned to deep shades of red and purple. Dancing along the pale skin of his face and chest, they gave an even more enticingly dangerous air to his appearance.

  Silent, he stopped at our table, and I heard a choked gasp from Pam when he offered his gloved hand to her.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God,” she kept repeating in a startled whisper on a loop, even as she accepted his hand and rose from her seat. “Me?”

  Still without saying a word, he bowed to her and briefly pressed her hand to his lips.

  In the ever-changing show of flashing multi-coloured lights, it would’ve been easy to miss the tiny blue sparks rushing through his eyes at that moment, had I not been that close to him and had I not expected them to appear.

  I went to grab Pam’s arm, but with a reassuring smile flashed my way, the demon led her away from our table.

  Her eyes wide, Pam’s face froze in an expression of wonder. She didn’t protest when he grabbed her around her waist and easily lifted her onto the stage. The way she gazed at him at that moment, I suspected she would’ve let him take her to the Moon without questioning it.

  The music increased in intensity. A powerful instrumental stream joined the sensual tones of the violin, as the demon turned Pam to face the audience and took a spot behind her.

  Slowly, he traced the tips of his gloved fingers up her arms, making her tremble. With one hand running along her throat, he gently tipped her head to the side and bared his teeth, licking his lips.

  His vampire fangs glistening in the dark violet light might have been fake, however, the feral hunger that raged in his eyes seemed absolutely real.

  Pam’s chest heaved when the demon lowered his mouth to the side of her neck. Her gaze glossed over, and she swayed under the kisses he trailed along the side of her neck, from her ear to her collarbone.

  At first, he gripped her upper arms to hold her in place. But as her eyes fluttered closed, and her knees buckled, he wrapped her in his arms, pressing her back to his chest.

  The music broke into a passionate crescendo. The lights turned to blood red, masking the
scarlet glow in his eyes. The demon spun Pam in his embrace, turning her to face him then led her to the music, in a slow dance along the stage.

  With a loud moan, barely masked by the music, Pam dropped her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her body flush with his.

  Without skipping a step, the demon continued to devour her neck, her collarbone, and her bare shoulder in a trail of sensual kisses.

  Afraid to breathe, I pressed my clasped hands to my chest. Deep in my mind, I knew that Pam was safe. This was not the first time it must have happened. I knew Incubi could learn to control themselves around humans. After all, the demon wouldn’t be wearing gloves if his intentions were to harm her.

  Yet the eerie atmosphere created by the lights, the music, and the thin wisps of mist trailing through the air all around us filled me with excitement and dread as I sat on the edge of my seat.

  The Incubus took Pam through a few more steps of his sensual dance as the music slowed, gradually fading into the background. He made an attempt to release her from his arms, but visibly boneless, her legs refused to support her right away, and he swept her into his arms instead.

  Pressing her to his chest, he jumped off the stage with ease and headed our way.

  The mist cleared as if by magic, the lights brightened as another demon took the stage. I didn’t spare a glance for him at first, all my attention on Pam being returned to her seat.

  The Incubus gently lowered her into the chair then kneeled in front of her, kissing her hand again. She swayed after him when he got up to leave then slumped back in her chair when he moved away.

  “Zander,” MC announced, as Pam’s Incubus took a bow before exiting the room.

  “Holy cow,” Pam exhaled. Her hand pressed to her chest, she followed Zander with her gaze.

  “Are you okay?”

  “How was it?” Coco and Mindy leaned in across the table. “That looked . . . intense.”

  “It was . . .” Pam blinked, as if still coming back from being put into trance. “Fuuuck,” she suddenly hissed in a loud whisper. “It’s crazy. Another minute of that.” She tipped her head at the stage. “And I swear I would’ve come. Just from a neck kiss! Really?” She huffed a deep breath. “How am I supposed to go on living my life now? Tell me,” she demanded, sweeping all of us with a glare. “I’m ruined for all the men who ever come after him.”

  With another heavy sigh, she leaned back in her seat again.

  “. . . it is his last performance today.” The MC’s announcement brought all our attention back to the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for Lucius please.”

  The demon, who took the stage after Zander, dipped his head in a bow.

  His luminous gold hair that curled past his shoulders reminded me of Ivarr. However, he was leaner. The armour he was wearing had a kind of barbarian flair—crudely ornamental and trimmed with fur. He held a helmet under his arm as he stepped to the front of the stage to give everyone a wave.

  “Baby, you’re the best!” A girly voice shouted from a table across the room from us. Everyone, including myself turned to see where the voice came from.

  A young woman with skin the colour of dark caramel rose in her seat, blowing kisses towards Lucius with her both hands.

  ‘Love you,’ she mouthed between the kisses, jumping to her feet and bouncing with joy.

  The corners of his mouth twitched up when Lucius gave a small discreet wave in her direction. A moment later, seemingly unable to hold back, he beamed at her with a wide smile and blew a kiss in return.

  “Awww,” the crowd crooned as one. I myself smiled so wide, my mouth hurt.

  The music grew louder again, slowly filling the room with a raw, powerful beat. Lucius put his helmet on quickly, as more demons joined him on the stage.

  There were at least a dozen of them, taking a wide stance in two rows. And my attention was immediately drawn to the tall figure in the back.

  Like all of them, he wore dark pants and boots in addition to the uniform gloves. Two wide, golden armlets circled his biceps, and a fur-trimmed belt sat low on his hips.

  He sported a full beard. The helmet concealed the upper part of his face, but I still would’ve recognized him anywhere.

  This time, I was only half-aware of the actual choreography of the number performed. I knew it was just as breathtaking as the rest of the show, with its ever-changing lights, fine clouds of mist and epic music.

  The mix of graceful dance moves and fluid athletic jumps, handstands and flips that defied the laws of physics was mind-blowing. However, all my focus narrowed on Ivarr.

  During the whole time he was on stage, he did not make any eye contact with me, leaving me fairly certain that he hadn’t spotted me. However, as soon as the music slowed down to a more lyrical melody, he immediately turned my way and headed to me.

  My heart jumped to my throat. The whole world fell apart, as he held me pinned to my chair with his vivid blue gaze.

  He offered his hand to me as he approached our table.

  “Kitty!” Pam hissed in a sharp half-whisper and nudged me with an elbow.

  From the corner of my eye, I noticed the other demons jumping off the stage too and inviting women from the audience. Some couples where already swaying in a slow dance on the stage and in the space around the tables.

  “Kitty doesn’t dance,” Coco offered helpfully, as I froze in place and silence.

  With both hands, Ivarr took his helmet off and set it on the table, giving his golden mane a shake.

  “But Katherine does,” he replied confidently in a low, raspy voice then extended his arm my way again.

  The past couple of months disappeared as if they never happened—I was in the hotel restaurant again, with Ivarr asking me for a dance.

  Excitement bloomed inside me as I took his hand.

  And just like that, it was only he and I again.

  No one else existed.

  Hands on my waist, he spun me around then lifted me onto the stage, jumping effortlessly after me.

  This time, he didn’t attempt any spins or fancy steps. Holding me in his arms, he slowly led me in a wide circle along the stage.

  I spotted the familiar blue-white twinkle in his eyes a moment before he closed them and inhaled deeply.

  “God, I missed you,” he whispered so softly, I could barely hear him, his arms tightened around my waist.

  I slid my hands up his bare chest. Glistening faintly with a thin sheen of sweat from the performance he’d just gave, his skin was warm and smooth just the way I remembered it, with little give over the hard muscles underneath. I leaned in closer, unable to stop myself from inhaling a lungful of the spice of his skin.

  It was just like my dream and so, so much better than any dream could ever be. All sensations were sharper, the images clearer—real. His presence took over my senses—the scent of him, the sensation of his naked skin under my palms, the feeling of safety and comfort brought on by his large body next to me.

  Clinging to him, I followed his lead and hoped that my feet could continue to move on their own somehow since my brain couldn’t focus on anything but Ivarr at the moment.

  I felt the small icy prickle under my palms on his chest—he never claimed to have good self-control. My impatient demon was greedily skimming every drop of my emotions off me, dipping in a little too deep. The sensation was not lasting. It didn’t alarm me—I knew he would never harm me. The frosty nibbles disappeared as soon as they started, melting like snowflakes under sunrays.

  The music softened to a background volume. The lights grew brighter. I blinked, realizing that this signaled the end of the show.

  Everyone rose from their seats around the tables, cheering and clapping as the demons returned their dance partners to their seats. Soon, it was just the two of us left on the stage.

  “Don’t leave.” He flexed his arms around me, holding me in a firm grip.

  “That’s my line.” I smiled, referring to
my begging him at the end of each dream.

  “Wait for me in the lobby,” he whispered hurriedly as more Incubi entered the stage from behind the curtains.

  Dressed in whatever costumes they performed in last, the demons carried armfuls of bright red roses that they began to hand out to departing women. With a gracious bow and sometimes with a kiss on a woman’s hand, each Incubus moved through the receding crowd, saying goodbyes and giving out roses.

  “Kitty!” Coco waved our way. And I noted blushing Pam, who accepted a rose from the pale demon who kissed her neck as a stage vampire, Zander.

  “Wait for me, please,” Ivarr begged, helping me off the stage.

  I nodded, not trusting my voice at this moment, and reluctantly let go of his hand.

  “Oh, my God,” Pam sighed and pressed the rose to her chest, seemingly oblivious to the prickly stem. “He is so dreamy.”

  “They all are,” giggled Coco, taking a rose from an Incubus dressed like an angel with golden wings.

  “Dreamy,” I echoed. “More than you know . . .”

  Someone handed me a rose, too, just before Mindy ushered us all to the exit. Moving along with the noisy crowd, I craned my neck, straining to catch another glimpse of my Viking, but all performers seemed to have been directed backstage at this point. As hard as I tried, I could no longer see him.

  Chapter 36

  IT WAS NOT AN EASY feat to convince Pam and Coco that I was fine being left behind in the lobby on my own. In the end, I had to confess that I met Ivarr once before and trusted him. I also promised to call Pam in an hour to prove I was still alive, before they finally agreed to leave me there.

  After the three of them left and most of the show spectators had departed the lobby, a male employee approached me as I leaned against one of the several wide stone pillars in the venue.

  “Are you Katherine?”

  “Yes.” I nodded, nervously clutching my ridiculously tiny evening purse to my chest.

  “Follow me, please.”

  Without questioning, I did as he said, following him along a wide hallway behind a set of double doors and then along a corridor that seemed to be backstage.


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