Science Friction: 15 Book MEGA Sci-Fi Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Science Friction: 15 Book MEGA Sci-Fi Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 82

by Selena Kitt

  I had settled here for the time being in order to draw on the incredible diversity in the area. There were human women from every corner of the globe. Oh, they may have all called themselves “Americans,” but the genetic diversity was just fantastic. I knew that I could have my pick.

  The probing would tell me whether the tiny human was a good fit to be a Bride or not. I licked my lips as I got hard thinking about inserting the nano-bots into her waiting body. I could hardly wait.

  I watched as the front door of the apartment building opened, highlighting her curvy silhouette. She had that extremely pleasing shape that many Terrans seemed to have, curves up top and curves down below. It had to do with the abundance of food in a water-rich environment, and perhaps with the chemicals that they placed in their food supply. They squandered the wealth of their planet, but far be it from me to stop them. We surgically enhanced any Brides we stole from Terra 5, and it didn’t matter too much what they looked like, only that they were passably attractive to begin with.

  She got back into my car, fastening her seatbelt. I didn’t tell her not to bother; human laws required that they were restrained when they were inside of cars. Tesla cars had self-driving features, and of course this modified car was driving itself. It was necessary to pretend, though, so I had my hands on the wheel. My eyes weren’t on the road, though; they were soaking in that fresh human beauty beside me.


  She didn’t protest as I made my way back to the executive apartment that I had rented while following human customs. Brandon Sanderson, the name that I went by, would have gotten an executive apartment, so that’s what I did.

  “What’s your name?”


  “Amelia, tell me if you want to go home or to my apartment.”

  She was quiet for a moment, not yet so inebriated that she’d easily fall into my hands.

  “I’ll leave you if that’s what you want.” I could smell her arousal, of course, but humans often denied their own desires. It was important for her to agree to come to my bed.

  “I want to sleep with you,” she whispered, as if confessing her sins to what humans called a priest, a spiritual leader.

  “Good.” The car took me back to the apartment, and her door opened automatically when the car parked itself. I gritted my teeth. I’d have to fix the software settings when I cared; Tesla cars didn’t open themselves yet. If I wasn’t sufficiently careful, a human camera would catch sight of something that they wouldn’t be able to explain.

  The two of us walked up to my apartment, and I breathed a big sigh of relief when we were inside. Finally, we were in a safe place. The apartment was rigged with as much surveillance technology as we could unobtrusively install. Human surveillance technology was the equivalent of candle to the sun when compared to ours, but there were still things that we couldn’t do without attracting attention.

  I picked the human woman easily up in my hands and carried to my bedroom, where I threw her on the bed. She squeaked as I undressed her, quickly discarding all of her garments until I threw them in a heap on the ground.

  Her naked body made me even harder. I felt my body heat with pure pleasure because I had the assignment to probe her. She was very curvy, and I bent to take the tip of one breast in my mouth. Her back arched as I sucked a little harder, and she began to pant as I increased her pleasure. My hand found its way between her thighs to touch her clit, pinching it and rubbing it in the way that our scientists had said would maximize her pleasure. She was beginning to scream next to me, which meant that I was doing my job right. I glanced at her face. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, which was a good sign. She was at the verge of an orgasm, which would soften her up for my initial probe.

  I quickly inserted two fingers inside of her core, stroking the spot on the front wall of her genitals, which increased the volume of her cries. Her whole body writhed beneath me, soaking my hand in her juices.

  Very good.

  She was near climax, so I turned her onto her stomach, parted her legs, and touched the tip of my cock to her entrance. I penetrated her just a little bit, then I grunted as I felt her clench around me. I finished the job and thrust my entire length inside of her body.

  “So big.”

  I didn’t respond to her. I went to stimulate her clitoris again. According to our research, most human women couldn’t climax from inner stimulation; they needed to have outside stimulation, so I wanted to be sure to induce an orgasm by rubbing her clit again.

  She was moaning beneath me, which was enough for me to release the nano-bots inside of her body. She’d only feel the fluid coming out of my rod, but the nano-bots would search her body for the information that I needed.

  “Come,” I commanded a second later, after the nano-bots had time to collect information.

  “I can’t,” she protested, her voice a little by being face down on the bed.


  She was trembling in front of me, on the edge of orgasm. I waited patiently for her orgasm to begin and the nano-bots to return, but nothing happened.

  Did she need more stimulation on her clitoris? I flipped her body over and parted her luscious thighs so that they were on either side of my face. I sucked her clitoris into my mouth, even though an orgasm induced this way wouldn’t immediately bring the nano-bots back to me. I’d have to penetrate her after they were sent back to her vulva.

  Her thighs were clutching my head, holding me in place, and her hands were in my hair. But she still didn’t come.

  I was worried now. I’d been trained on pleasure bots just like every other KSM employee; I’d taken other human women, and I’d never had this problem. What could be going wrong? Did she had certain kinks that needed to be fulfilled in order for her to orgasm from penetration? If I couldn’t figure it out on my own, I needed to ask.

  “You need to climax. What do you need?”

  “Nothing. I can’t climax from penetration or getting oral.”

  “What?” Could she be defective?

  “I enjoy sex, but I can’t come.”

  “Impossible,” I blurted. My nano-bots were inside of her. Was she telling me that I couldn’t get them back?

  “Sorry about that. I had a great time tonight, though.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” She wasn’t keeping my KSM nano-bots. I thought about what KSM would do to me if I lost their proprietary technology; they made a fortune from it. I couldn’t let it just float around on Terra 5 without any protection.

  I’d need to bring her back to my spaceship.


  I got off of the bed and went to a drawer in my nightstand. It would only open if I pressed my thumb in a certain place on the handle; it had simple thumbprint recognition technology. Somewhat primitive, but it would do.

  I brought out a hypodermic needle. Before the human could do anything, I jabbed her in her upper deltoid.

  “What?” she began to ask before she was unconscious.

  I took her into my arms; it was easy, since there was barely anything of her. Human women were much smaller than most alien females; maybe their size helped them survive and retain their fertility. I’d have to ask the scientists about it.

  I pulled out my portable terminal and told the small spaceship to come to me. My ground team would stay in place; their primary function was security, and anything to do with probing was left to me. I also couldn’t imagine the embarrassment of confessing to the other KSM soldiers that I couldn’t do what we’d all been trained to do in our first week as KSM employees. It was too humiliating. I felt my cheeks flush. No, I needed to keep it a secret.

  Probe inconclusive. Need more tools. I told the security team, typing with one hand while I carried the human woman in the other with her weight placed on my hip.


  I was satisfied that they’d stay in place. Our computers went through the treasure trove of information that the humans put onto their Internet, and we had a long list of women th
at might be eligible to be Brides. A lot of them were drawn to urban centers, which is why we kept our stations in or near urban centers. And with the long list of women available around DC, they could occupy themselves with research while I got my nano-bots back.

  “Let’s go into space, sweetheart.” She couldn’t hear me, but a smile passed her lips. Maybe she’d dreamed of being an astronaut when she was younger. I had belly laughed when we’d watched videos of the humans that they’d been able to send into space. Their technology, while effective, was laughably primitive. We definitely needed to stay unnoticed, or they’d suddenly leapfrog into a new era with all the technology that was normal in the Intergalactic Federation.

  I brought her to the roof of my complex. My small ship was cloaked; it was a ferry to bring me to our larger ship, the one that had the tools that I needed.

  The ship uncloaked itself quickly when I came near it. I stepped into it hastily, the human in my arms.

  I lay her down on an examination table, the kind that we used for the comprehensive surgeries that we did on human women that we turned into Brides. It automatically locked her hands and legs into the proper position for a surgery. While I’d done the initial probe, I left a few marks on her delicate skin. I couldn’t stop myself from grinning at the signs of my possession. It was temporary, but I couldn’t suppress the pure masculine satisfaction from what I’d done.

  Time to wake up the sleeping human.


  The first thing that I’d injected into her was something that our scientists had cooked up to immediately knock humans unconscious. It was harmless enough. With another needle, I could counteract the effects. I jabbed her other deltoid. The needle marks would be unobtrusive as long as I remembered to put on the healing gel that was far beyond anything that they’d yet discovered. Her skin would be unblemished at the end of all of this.

  Her beautiful eyes opened. She turned her head as much as she could while lying on the table.

  “Where am I?”

  “You’re on an alien spaceship.”

  She began to struggle against the bonds.

  “Let me off!” I didn’t know if she believed my explanation, but I found that truth was the best policy. It seemed that she’d quickly understood her situation.

  To make sure that she did, I dropped my illusion.

  She screamed.

  “I have to say, I prefer your cries of passion. Your screams of fear are extremely shrill.”

  Her face was flushing red with pure anger, which turned me on.

  “Let me out,” she hissed. “Or so help me, you will regret it.”

  “What are you going to do, human?” I laughed. She was totally immobilized on the table. Her weak human muscles wouldn’t be able to break her bonds.

  “As soon as you let me go, I’ll tell everyone.”

  “Not possible. When this is done, you’ll either leave Earth completely or be replaced with your memory wiped. You’ll think that you had a very nasty bout of flu, and that’ll be it.”

  “But I... impossible.”

  “No, just beyond the reach of current human medicine.”

  “What are you?”

  “Someone who is interested in gauging your fertility and current medical condition.”

  I could see her brow furrow.


  “I needed to probe you, but you haven’t been all that cooperative.”

  “Cooperative? We banged! On the first night! I’m getting too old for that kind of thing.”

  “Yes, we did. But you didn’t give my nano-bots back.”

  “What are you even talking about?”

  “I needed to induce your orgasm after mine in order to get my nano-bots back and complete my probe. They have all the information that I need to assess your readiness to become a KSM Bride. Like I said, you haven’t been cooperative. You didn’t orgasm.”

  “That’s because I can’t.”

  I snorted. “There’s nothing wrong with your genitals. Believe me, I did a thorough examination when my tongue was between your thighs.”

  Her face was flushing for another reason now. She was adorable when she was flustered.

  “I haven’t ever come.”

  I blinked a couple of times. “Ever?”

  “I just... I’m not built that way.”

  “Nonsense. Human women are all built that way.”

  “Shut up,” she growled. “Don’t you think that I’d like to orgasm and be normal? But sex has always been painful and awkward for me.”

  “Don’t tell me that our coupling was painful and awkward, because I won’t believe you.” I’d been trained by the KSM master probers, and I knew that my bedroom skills were up to par. I’d worked my way through the ranks to get this position after extensive training on different ways to pleasure different species. I knew how to do everything, press every button that could be pressed.

  “It wasn’t, but I still can’t come.”

  “Not even when you stimulate yourself?”

  Her face, if it was possible, grew even redder.

  “I grew up in a very strict household. It was called ringing the devil’s doorbell.”

  “What does that even mean?” Idiomatic English was sometimes beyond me. The major religion on their planet had concepts that my own didn’t.

  “It means that it’s sinful to pleasure yourself.”

  I felt my eyebrows drift up. “Pleasure is sinful? It’s divine.” My religion was centered on the exchange of sexual energy between consenting adults.

  “It’s wrong.”

  “It’s not.”

  “Listen, I know that I’m supposed to be a modern woman, but I’m uncomfortable with the idea of sex.”

  “We slept together. Figuratively.”

  “I’m aware of that. I’m not a virgin. But I can’t come.”

  I ground my teeth. “We’ll see about that.”

  I got another hypodermic needle of the soporific cocktail and jabbed her again.

  “Hey!” she protested before her eyes closed.


  After four hours, I had researched everything pleasurable that humans could even do. I hadn’t bothered to get back into my uniform after sleeping with the human and releasing my nano-bots inside of her body, so I’d done my research naked. They were very inventive in their sexual habits, which was interesting. I’d made a list of things that human women had found arousing. I also had my ground crew send a drone up with some of the things that were aphrodisiacs for human women, different kinds of chocolate among them. My research indicated that some human women were obsessed with the sweet confection, and I hoped that she was one of them. It would make my own job a lot easier.

  I woke her up with another needle jab. Her eyes flew open, her eyes narrowing into a glare with an intensity that could put a laser cutter to shame.

  “You still haven’t let me go.”

  “I’ve decided to play a game with you.”

  “A game?”

  “You get all the chocolate you want as I try to induce an orgasm from your body and get my nano-bots back.”

  “I don’t want your nano-bots.”

  “Good. They’re calibrated for my use, anyway.”

  “How do you get them back, again?”

  Humans weren’t very smart. “I need to induce your orgasm.”

  “And you’ll feed me chocolate while you do that?”

  “Yes.” No need to tell her that the chocolate had two purposes. She seemed happy enough at the prospect of eating candy.

  “Feed me, then. I know that you’re determined to get an orgasm from me, and you’re welcome to try, especially if you’re going to fill me up with chocolate as you fill me up with something else.”

  “Open your mouth.”

  I unwrapped a piece of chocolate. The wrapper said Godiva on it. I hoped that the ground crew had gotten high-quality food, which was something hard to find on Terra 5, polluted as it was.

  She moaned in
front of me when she ate the chocolate.

  “Time to use what I learned.”

  I used a small vibrator and placed it directly on her clitoris. Then I pressed the button that would bring it to life.


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