Science Friction: 15 Book MEGA Sci-Fi Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Science Friction: 15 Book MEGA Sci-Fi Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 83

by Selena Kitt

  “It’s warm!” she squealed around the ball of chocolate in her mouth. “Holy... I feel like I’m melting.”

  I hoped that the sensation was a good one. I had another vibrator, which I had covered with warming gel. I placed it at her back entrance and slowly slid it in, keeping an eye on her face. Some of the research said that it would be painful, while other sources said that I simply had to be careful. I hadn’t paid much attention to anal play when I focused on getting nano-bots in and out of women during my initial extractions, but I’d needed to learn today in order to get my nano-bots out of this particular human.

  I pushed her thighs as far apart as I could get them while her feet would bound in place, and I licked the whole length of her slit before pushing two fingers inside of her wet hole. My tongue went to play with her clit, which was still being stimulated by a vibrator. She tasted sweet, probably sweeter than the chocolate candy that she was still eating.

  I only stopped eating her to give her more chocolate. Then I unbound her hands so that she could eat the candy without any intervention from me. She was happy enough laying on her back next to a large pile of chocolate. I got the impression that she was enjoying herself, getting sexually stimulated while filling up on candy. If the expression on her face was anything to go by, she was close to an orgasm.

  I guided my stiff rod into her soft opening, and she moaned around the chocolate in her mouth, her eyes closing while her mouth opened slightly.


  Her hips rotated as I plunged inside of her again. But she still wasn’t climaxing. I was frustrated by my inability to get my nano-bots back. I needed to try something else.

  I could see chocolate at the corner of her mouth. I hadn’t tried that Terran food, so I went and licked it up. Then, while I was close to her mouth, I engaged in the human mating ritual of checking tonsils with the tip of my tongue.

  I had to admit that the taste of the chocolate in her mouth was very pleasurable, but she bit my tongue as her head thrashed from side to side. She drew blood, but somehow the rest of her body was clenching around mine in an enormous orgasm.

  Then she was done, and she released my tongue. I stood up and surveyed her body. She was flushed with the intensity of the orgasm. I felt the nano-bots making their way back into my body.

  “That was incredible,” she said in a breathy voice.

  I was glad that I’d induced an orgasm, but I was even more glad to get my nano-bots back. I walked over to a terminal. My nano-bots told me that she was a good candidate to be a Bride. Good thing that she was already strapped to a surgical table.

  “Are you ready for the adventure of your life?” I asked her. “If you want, I can return you to your normal life, but I think that you might have a brave soul.”

  “If you want to take me away from Earth, I’m up for it.” She was grinning. “Will there be more chocolate involved?”

  “If you want there to be.”

  “Then yes.”

  “You’ll be taken to a new planet in a new environment. Are you ready?”

  “Never more ready than this moment.”

  I considered the idea that the alcohol and endorphins from her orgasm might be affecting her judgment, but it wasn’t my responsibility to ensure that she was completely sober when she agreed to be a Bride. Other Brides weren’t asked before they were stolen.

  “Then you’ll be sent to a new planet.”

  “I can’t wait,” she said, a grin spreading on her face.

  I might have turned her into a nymphomaniac, but a taste for orgasms would serve her well as a Bride.

  The End


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  Mated to the Alien by Orion Blaze

  Chapter One

  - Aithan -

  “I wonder what they look like,” Deliah says. “If they’re really gross, I’ll just go home. Or run, probably.” She’s very excited.

  “Yeah,” I agree. “Mating with an alien is cool and all, but if they’re all slimy and cold and reptilian and smelly, I think I’ll just run right along with you.” I’m pretty excited myself, truth be told.

  The huge throng of people goes “ooooh!” as the alien spaceship becomes visible as an intensely white light in the night sky. They will be landing in just a few minutes, and I can feel the tension build in the pit of my stomach. Soon we will know.

  “At least they have males and females,” Deliah continues, blabbering on in excitement. “And royals and everything. So I guess they can’t be that different from us.”

  I smile at her. “You going to gun for that prince of theirs? If he’s not too gross?”

  She bites her lower lip. “Oh, Aithan, I don’t know. I’m not picky. I could go for a duke or a baron, I guess. Or even just a hot and strong warrior. If they have those. Oh, I hope they have those! How about you? Hoping to score a cute little princess or something?”

  I frown. “Do they have princesses? I only heard about a prince. But sure, yeah, if the opportunity presents itself, who knows? I don’t really care about the rank or whatever. If she’s hot and willing, sure. Or even if she’s not so hot, I guess. It’ll just be a cool experience. You know, because aliens.”

  “Something to tell the grandkids about? Your half-alien grandkids, I mean? With green scales and little antennas sticking out of their heads?” Deliah’s eyes are shining like a kid on her birthday.

  I chuckle. Sure, it would probably be cool to mate with an alien if she wasn’t too weird. But I don’t rate my chances that highly. There are many people here, and many of the guys are more attractive than me, taller and more muscular. There might not be any alien females that want to mate with me.

  I glance over at Deliah. She has better chances. Curvy and cheerful and with an angelic face, she will probably be in the running for scoring a mating with the alien prince. If his tastes are anything like those of the average male here on Earth, of course. She has no trouble attracting those.

  The throng goes “oooh” again as the light that is the alien spaceship flashes and sparkles in every color of the rainbow. It’s probably a greeting of some kind, their version of a fireworks display.

  I see the President hurriedly running up onto the dais that has been constructed in the middle of the square. He’ll have to get a move on, because the aliens are getting closer fast.

  “This is the greatest thing that has ever happened in all of human history,” the President says quickly while still trying to be solemn, and his voice reverberates across the square from many giant speakers.

  “Aliens are visiting us for the first time. They have agreed to share their awesome technology with us. And they want some lucky humans to mate with them! Let’s all keep in mind that these intergalactic visitors were undoubtedly attracted to Earth mainly because of my fiscal policies-”

  I tune out the speech. In any other context, I’d be stoked to just lay eyes on the President of the US, but here, he just seems boring. And I don’t care much one way or the other about alien technology. I’m just curious to see the aliens.

  No one knows what they look like. They contacted the Earth in a friendly manner, asking for friendship and contact, but stating that they don’t use pictures or film, so they couldn’t send images of themselves. They only said that they’re called the Itherians and that they come in peace.

  This is the first time the aliens come to Earth, and they have insisted that they don’t just want to meet dignitaries and politicians, but real and ordinary individuals from all walks of life. So a huge mass of all kinds of people have assembled in the giant area
that is designated as the landing spot. They’re mostly young people, curious and open-minded. And most are probably more than willing to be considered as a mate for an attractive alien.

  Scientists have warned everyone that the aliens probably are completely different from humans in every way and that a mating will almost certainly not be possible, and that any attempt might be risky or even fatal. But I’m not so sure. The aliens would probably not have offered to mate with humans if they didn’t think it would work.

  The alien spaceship is clearly visible now, looking most of all like an old-fashioned, pointy light bulb with thousands of little points of colorful lights running inside it and along the sides. It has no exhaust flames like a rocket would, and it’s hard to tell how it can fly. It’s an impressive display of alien technology.

  The throng falls silent, and even the President hurriedly ends his speech when he realizes that no one is listening to him.

  “Ohmigod, I’m so excited!” Deliah unnecessarily confesses. “Just minutes from now we’ll know! Oh, please let them be stunning and not creepy!”

  I’m less worried. If the aliens don’t appeal to me, I’ll just go home.

  Thousands of blue little cellphone screens light up as their owners film the Itherian spaceship slowly touching down and coming to a stop on the asphalt. There’s not a sound from it, but the square and the masses of curious people are brightly illuminated by the lights it still sends out, like a disco ball hundreds of feet across.

  Everyone seems to be holding their breath, and I can feel my heart beat faster. I’ve fantasized about this moment, seeing all kinds of hot alien chicks flow out of the ship in huge numbers, all willing to mate with me.

  There’s a sharp hiss as a the bright white outline of a large hatch appears far down on the alien ship. It widens fast, and within seconds it has become a wide arch with white light streaming out of it.

  “Any second now!” Deliah gasps and goes up on tiptoe in her high heels. “Ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod...”

  And suddenly there’s movement in the light, shadows moving around. One of them comes closer to the opening, and the giant screens all around the square only show the opening as the cameras zoom in.

  Someone is coming out of the light. The silhouette moves in a very non-alien way, and it seems to have legs and arms... and a head...

  Then he’s out, and the crowd goes completely wild, jumping and screaming and squealing and cheering. That’s a human!

  And, I have to confess to myself, not without envy, he’s spectacular. The alien is tall and clearly muscular, with exotic clothes and a face that would not be out of place in a high-class fashion catalog. If that’s the Itherian prince, Deliah might be in for a treat.

  I glance sideways at her. Yeah, her jaw has dropped, her eyes are bulging and she’s squealing like a teen at a Bieber concert, jumping up and down along with every other woman in the crows. The word ‘delirious’ doesn’t quite capture the mood here.

  She grabs me by the sleeve of my shirt, unable to take her eyes off the alien. “Are you seeing this?! It’s insane how hot he is!”

  The alien stands there and just grins and waves once with his right hand, and then there are more shadows that become clearer and are revealed to be more human aliens, both men and women. The men are all tall and athletic looking and have unusually handsome faces, while the women look most of all like underwear models. And they’re wearing about as much.

  Every new alien that appears in the arch is greeted with a deafening roar of approval from the Earthling crowd, and the camera images on the giant screens show that the Itherians are smiling and waving and bowing slightly in gratitude of the warm welcome they’re receiving.

  I find myself enthusiastically joining in the welcoming cheers. Yes, they aliens look fantastic. If there are just more of them, maybe I’ll have a chance, too...

  It’s looking promising. The aliens keep coming, and soon they’re walking into the crowd of Earthlings, greeting and smiling and touching hundreds of outstretched hands and various other body parts.

  Deliah grabs my hand. “Come on, let’s get closer!”

  She pulls me along as she skilfully ducks and weaves her way through the crowd of happy people, and I do my best to keep up. The jubilant throng is still cheering for every alien that comes out of the spaceship.

  And then the crowd goes even wilder and completely explodes in joy as the first Earthling walks up the ramp to the spaceship in the company of an alien male. She’s a curvy and cute woman, and she turns to wave happily at the crowd as she walks in through the arch hand in hand with the first alien who had showed himself.

  “Oh god, did she get the prince?” Deliah yells over the din. “Dammit! Hey, it’s okay. Plenty more where he came from.”

  More aliens are still appearing from inside the ship and going out into the crowd, and they’re all just as attractive as the first ones. It seems that the variety of the Itherians is just as wide as for Earthlings, with both light-skinned and dark-skinned aliens being cheered wildly as they exit their ship. Their hair colors vary from almost snow white to pitch black, with every shade in between. They all move with a certainty and confidence that’s somehow reassuring – they’re friendly, and they know exactly what they’re doing.

  Deliah masterfully maneuvers us to the front of the crowd, right where the aliens enter the adulating mass of Earthlings. More happy candidates are being taken inside the spaceship by aliens, both men and women, and they are all cheered on. Still the aliens keep coming.

  Seeing them up close is something else than from a distance. Here, their otherworldly beauty and graceful movements are just that much more obvious and mesmerizing. The men are confident and walk with easy movements, their tight clothes showing off their muscular arms and legs and torsos to their best advantage. The women are just as confident, and their flawless bodies make me catch my breath when they move.

  I notice that there are some same-sex couples walking into the spaceship, both male and female. Well, maybe that doesn’t mean much. A male can’t mate with another male, and two women can’t produce a baby. Maybe there’s a party going on inside, and the aliens are just getting people they feel might be suitable party goers.

  Suddenly I see that Deliah is looking up into the face of a male alien. He’s big and powerful, and his skin is like milky cocoa. He takes up so much space, people have to draw away from him. He has a friendly look on his handsome face, but Deliah is smiling so brightly up at him I think she might sprain her face.

  The alien takes Deliah’s hand. “Would you do me the honor, gorgeous Earthling?” he says, and his voice rumbles deeply to suit his powerful appearance. His English is perfect, but that doesn’t surprise me. Nothing about these remarkable aliens will surprise me.

  Deliah giggles happily. “I will, handsome Itherian,” she says. She winks once at me and then follows the alien inside the ship, waving at the crowd and then doing a funny little curtsy before she disappears inside. She gets a huge laugh and a loud cheer, and becomes an instant celebrity as the cameras film her full, graceful figure beside the hulking and handsome alien in his exotic apparel. She already stands out among all the people that have gone inside.

  “I think that was the prince,” someone whispers. “So confident and powerful!”

  Huh. I did fully expected my friend to find an alien to attract, but I’m strangely jealous. I find myself wanting to go inside that spaceship more than ever, even if in the company of a male alien...

  I feel a tug at my sleeve and turn around. Then my jaw drops.

  It’s one of the aliens, and she’s just as beautiful as all the other ones. She has a lighter skin tone than the one that Deliah got, and her eyes are the most stunning green I’ve ever seen. She wears a translucent robe that fits loosely over her shoulders, and underneath she has strange garments that hide her charms effectively, but at the same time emphasize her femininity in a way that no earthly bikini can ever match.

  “Hi,” she say
s. “I think you should come inside with me, if you want.” Her voice is bright and clear, and she takes my hand before I can reply. She squeezes it and pull me along with her. I follow, hearing jealous whispers from the other men around us.

  “Lucky bastard...”

  “She’s a knockout...”

  “Sure you don’t want me instead, honey?”

  The alien woman doesn’t react, just keeps walking, and I follow along, feeling my excitement rise. This is pretty much exactly what I’d wished for – a chance to mate with an alien woman as gorgeous as this.

  We walk up the ramp to the arch, and I wave briefly to the crowd. I get much fewer cheers than Deliah did. Probably everyone is jealous because of the stunning alien who has picked me.


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