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Her Fake Island Wedding

Page 6

by Caitlyn Lynch

  “I’m here, and I’m staying,” Bryce promised, gazing into her eyes. He was sorely tempted to kiss her right then, but it would have been an utterly dick move. Instead, he hugged her closer, pressed his cheek against the top of her head. “Whatever you need, Lucy. I’m right here.”

  She didn’t say anything, but her arm slipped around him and he felt her snuggle closer, turning her cheek against his head. After a few minutes, her breathing slowed, and he realized she’d fallen asleep. Carefully, he tried to disengage, leave her to rest, but even in her sleep she clung close, made a discontented sound.

  Smiling, Bryce relaxed. If what Lucy needed was to sleep peacefully in his arms, that was what he would give her.

  For as long as she needed, even if that was long after Justine had left the island, he’d give Lucy whatever she wanted.

  Silently, as Lucy slept in his arms, Bryce admitted to himself that his feelings had gone far beyond a mere crush. While he’d admired Lucy before, spending all this time with her had only caused him to fall utterly, head over heels in love with the beautiful, brilliant, but above all kind and loving woman she was. Seeing her with Justine, the incredible contrast between two women so similar in looks but poles apart in personality, had only cemented his feelings.

  Lucy Manning was the most incredible woman he’d ever met, and he was way, way in over his head.

  Chapter Ten

  Waking in Bryce’s arms felt utterly natural and right. There was no surprise at finding the steady thump beneath her ear was his heartbeat, no concern at the warmth of his body against hers, the strength of his arms cradling her. Lucy sighed and stretched, humming a little with contentment.

  “Feeling better?” Bryce asked, his voice rich with amusement.

  “Nana naps are literally magic,” Lucy sighed in response, looking up and grinning at him. “Thanks for not waking me.”

  “You needed the rest.” Bryce took his sweet time letting go of her, but Lucy wished he hadn’t bothered. Though the cabin was warm enough, her air con set to a warm twenty-four degrees Centigrade, she felt suddenly chilled with the loss of Bryce’s heat. She rolled to her side and hugged a pillow, watching as he hesitated in front of the wardrobe doors.

  “I should get changed before we go to meet your mum for dinner.” Gesturing down at his board shorts and T-shirt, he smiled self-deprecatingly. “This might have been okay to meet her at the airport, but she won’t think much of me if I don’t bother to change. Would you mind if I wash up and change?”

  Lucy’s brow furrowed until she realised he was asking if he could use her bathroom. “Of course,” she said at once. “Yes. If we’re going to share the room, Bryce, you don’t even have to ask!”

  “Unless you need to use it first?”

  “Nah, I’m good here for a few minutes. I like to wake up slowly and stretch a bit.”

  “Noted.” He smiled at her before gathering some clean clothes and heading into the bathroom. The door closed, but she didn’t hear the lock snick.

  The fact of the unlocked door held Lucy’s eyes riveted to the handle. She could hear the water running, could imagine Bryce’s tall, strong form slicked with water as he took a shower, the droplets running over the contours of his muscles. Following a path she couldn’t help thinking about tracing with her tongue.

  Why hadn’t he locked the door? Her hands twitched with holding them back; she wanted desperately to go and turn the handle, ease the door open just a tiny way. See if she could spy his reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall, if it hadn’t fogged from the heat of the water.

  Oh my God. I’m turning into a voyeur. With a tiny shriek, Lucy forced herself off the bed and over to the wardrobe, grabbing randomly for a dress to wear. She’d bought a dozen or so lightweight cotton dresses since arriving and spent most of her off-duty hours in one. Selecting a navy-blue one with bright fuchsia and gold tropical flowers printed on it, she hesitated, looking at Bryce's clothes hanging alongside hers.

  I should feel like my space is being invaded… shouldn’t I? Instead, there was a feeling of comfort and domesticity about the scene. Reaching out, she lightly touched the sleeve of one of his few formal shirts, feeling the crisp fabric under her fingertips.

  “Bathroom’s free,” Bryce said behind her, and she jumped about a foot in the air, letting out a startled shriek. “Hell, I’m sorry! I wasn’t trying to be quiet — I assumed you heard the bathroom door open!”

  Closing her eyes, Lucy pressed one hand against the wall to steady herself. “I was miles away,” she admitted, unable to look at him and confess she’d been fantasising about the two of them living in cosy domesticity forever and ever.


  She heard his footsteps, even though he was barefoot, as he crossed the tile floor, coming to stand right in front of her. Opening her eyes, she peeked up at him.

  God, he’s beautiful.

  Blond hair darkened with water, tawny stubble just beginning to coarsen his chiselled jaw, Bryce looked down at her with a slight frown. “Are you feeling okay, Lucy?”

  No. My eyes feel gritty from sleep and my hair is all over the place, and I desperately need a shower… Out loud, she said “I’m fine. Or I will be, once I’ve had a shower.”

  “All right.” He didn’t step aside, though, to clear her path to the bathroom, just stood there looking down at her.

  Is he looking at my mouth? Unconsciously, Lucy licked her lips, and saw, to her fascination, Bryce’s pupils flare wide.

  “We didn’t talk about that kiss earlier,” Bryce said, his voice lower and huskier than it had been a moment earlier.

  “Which one?”

  “Any of them, frankly. They were all…” he seemed to be searching for the right word. “Unexpected.”

  Not the worst choice of word, she supposed. She knew he didn’t mean he hadn’t been expecting the kisses, only that he’d been surprised by his own reaction to them. Which at least answered the burning question of whether he’d been as affected as she.

  “It’s kind of difficult to talk about,” Lucy admitted, “because all I can think about it how much I want to kiss you again.”

  “Yeah?” He didn’t miss a beat, just took a step closer. “I haven’t stopped thinking about it either.”

  The dress she was still holding slithered to the floor unnoticed as Lucy reached out, and Bryce met her halfway. In a moment they were clinging tightly to each other, mouths fused together, the kisses almost frantic as they both released the emotions they’d been bottling up all afternoon.

  Lucy jumped up and hooked her legs around Bryce’s waist, unable to get close enough with the height difference between them. He groaned against her mouth, one hand sliding under her butt to support her, and then turned to carry her over to the bed.

  He was hard, she discovered with delight as he came down on top of her, knees between hers. Lucy ground against him with a low moan in her throat, her groin tilted against his, the heat and pressure of his arousal blissful through the thin layers of their clothes.

  “Lucy.” His growl of her name as he temporarily abandoned her mouth to start kissing down her neck brought her back to reality, much though she’d have preferred to stay floating in her blissfully sensual haze. It took every bit of willpower she could muster to push feebly against his shoulders and say,

  “Bryce, stop.”

  Bryce groaned against her throat, his rocking hips stilling. “Please tell me you didn’t just say that.”

  “We gotta.”

  “Ugh!” Rolling off her and collapsing to his back, he flung a forearm up to cover his eyes.

  “Bryce, I’m sorry,” Lucy said desperately. “But we’re supposed to meet Justine in fifteen minutes, and if we don’t show she’s totally going to come looking for us.”

  “It wouldn’t reinforce our story if she happened to catch us going at it, then?” He cracked a smile, though he didn’t uncover his eyes to look at her. “Go take a shower, Luce. I’m just gonna lie here and
think about ice water baths for a while.”

  He needed to. She couldn’t resist a look as she rolled off the bed and headed for the bathroom; his erection was tenting the lightweight fabric of his khakis.

  If only we had time… “Then what?” Lucy asked herself aloud as she stepped under the shower spray. She deliberately hadn’t waited for it to warm back up. Her overheated body needed cooling down as well.

  Were we really on the verge of having sex? It wasn’t as though Bryce could fake his body’s reaction. He’d most definitely been up for it, and considering the way he’d groaned her name, very much aware of where he was and who with.

  Oh God, I need to stop thinking about it. She was wet between her legs, and thinking about how hard and hot Bryce had felt against her, the delicious friction she’d found rocking against his thick erection, really wasn’t helping the situation. Grabbing the mixer tap, she turned the temperature lower again and reached for the soap. She just wished she could wash her dirty mind as easily as her body.


  Bryce wasn’t in the room when she left the bathroom. Stepping into her shoes, Lucy opened the sliding door, guessing she might find him in his hammock outside. She’d walked past his cabin many times and seen him relaxing there.

  He looked up at her as she stepped outside. One foot on the floor pushed him back and forth in an idle swinging motion, the hammock creaking quietly.


  “Hey,” Lucy said in return, feeling suddenly awkward. Unsure exactly what to say to him now, she stood nibbling on a hangnail.

  “Hungry?” Bryce stilled, before pushing to his feet in a single graceful movement. “Because I’m starved.” He reached for her hand as though it was the most natural thing in the world, and Lucy let him take it.

  “Yeah, I’m hungry,” she agreed. “I was too nervous to eat at lunch.”

  “I noticed,” Bryce said, with a gentle squeeze to her fingers. “Probably why two cocktails put you right to sleep.”

  “That, and the fact that I haven’t slept much the last three nights,” Lucy said dryly as they made their way to the main resort building.

  “Don’t let her get under your skin, Lucy,” Bryce told her. “Listen to me. You’re a beautiful, brilliant woman. You’ve got a good job in an idyllic location and,” he slid her a cheeky grin, “a hot younger man just dying to fulfil your every sexual fantasy.”

  Lucy chuckled, as he’d obviously meant her to. “I guess, when you put it that way.”

  “You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. Quite the opposite. So lift your head up and own it, girl. Justine ain’t got nothin’ on you.”

  “When you look at me like that,” Lucy said softly, “I almost believe it.”

  He stopped walking right outside the restaurant entrance, framed her face between his big hands, and kissed her.

  “Believe it.”

  Lips still tingling from the kiss, Lucy let Bryce lead her inside. Justine wasn’t there yet, which didn’t surprise her. Justine always loved to make an entrance.

  One of seven restaurants on the island, this was one of the largest, with an Italian-themed buffet every night. She didn’t know the waitress who came up to them with a cheerful smile, but Bryce obviously did.

  “Hey, Nina.”

  “Hi, Bryce! Eating here instead of the staff dining room?” She gave him a puzzled look. Though they received a discount, staff had to pay to eat in the resort’s public restaurants, whereas the staff dining room was always free.

  “Lucy’s mother arrived today,” Bryce said.

  “Ahh.” Nina’s tone made it clear she knew all about their wedding deception. She gave Lucy a slightly disparaging look up and down, though her tone was friendly enough. “I’ll give you one of the booths and bring her over when she arrives.”

  “Thanks, hon.”

  “Anything to drink?” Nina checked as she seated them.

  “Not for me, I’m heading out for the night dive in an hour,” Bryce said.

  “Justine will probably want wine, so I’ll share a bottle with her, but I’ll wait and let her choose it,” Lucy said.

  “Well, wave me down if you change your mind, or if there’s anything else you want.” Nina’s smile at Bryce was boldly inviting, and Lucy found herself clenching her fists under the table. The other girl was perfectly entitled to flirt, she tried to tell herself. After all, as far as Nina knew, Bryce was just helping her out while her mother was visiting. He was single, and therefore fair game.

  Lucy still wanted to scratch her eyes out.

  Chapter Eleven

  Justine certainly knew how to make an entrance, Bryce thought. She timed it perfectly, waiting until the sauce between the buffet and the door was clear before stepping forward and pausing, looking around as though she couldn’t find them even though they were almost directly opposite her.

  One poor guy at the buffet dropped his plate, which shattered into a thousand pieces and broke the sudden startled silence which had fallen. Nina and another waitress at once hurried over to clean up, the man hastily retreating, tripping over a chair as he gazed open-mouthed at Justine.

  All around the restaurant men — and not a few women — were staring. Justine had dressed to kill in a slinky dress of pale silver satin, cut diagonally off one shoulder and slit well up her thigh on the opposite side.

  “Holy shit, that’s Justine Manning,” a man said in the booth beside them, his tone awed, and Bryce saw Lucy wince.

  It was at that moment he realised he’d never asked what her mother did for a living.

  “She’s an actress,” Lucy muttered, when he leaned across to quietly murmur the question in her ear. “She plays a femme fatale on one of the longest-running British soaps.”

  That explained quite a lot, including why Justine looked so impeccably groomed. Her black hair shone, falling just past her shoulders in glossy waves, pinned up on one side with a deep red flower. Lips painted the same colour as the flower, she smiled as several people approached her to ask if they might have autographs or selfies.

  “I’m here visiting my daughter,” Justine said loudly as one fan asked eagerly why she was on the island. “She’s one of the resident marine biologists. Come over here, Lucy darling!”

  Bryce followed as Lucy got up, the look on her face making it clear she was reluctant to enter the limelight.

  “I had no idea you had a daughter!” the woman talking to Justine gushed as Lucy approached. “No — this can’t possibly be your daughter! You’re not old enough!”

  “You’re so sweet.” Justine’s laugh was like little silver bells… or tinkling razor shards, Bryce thought. Lucy seemed to shrink into herself as Justine wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “I’m very proud of Lucy. She’s terribly smart… and she’s getting married next week, which is why I’m here, of course!”

  “Of course, they had to get married during a break in filming,” the woman nodded, looking from Lucy to Bryce with a smile. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” Lucy muttered.

  Somehow, Justine had managed to make a wedding she hadn’t even known about that morning all about her, Bryce thought with an exasperated shake of his head. She was certainly comfortable in the limelight, expertly handling the fans who came up, excusing herself after a few minutes with a tinkling little laugh.

  “I’m starving, my dears! I’m staying for two weeks, no doubt you’ll see me around.”

  As though by magic, the little crowd of British tourists who’d gathered around her dissipated, and Justine sashayed over to the booth where Lucy and Bryce had retreated.

  “Sorry about that, darling.” She glanced at the empty seat opposite them with a little pout of her lips, but then seemed to accept she couldn’t really ask Lucy to move so she could sit beside Bryce. Taking her seat, she looked at their water glasses.

  “Not drinking?”

  “I’ve got to take out a night dive,” Bryce explained. “I’ll have a quick dinner with you, but then
I’m afraid I’ll have to excuse myself.”

  “Oh, what a shame. What about you, Lucy?”

  “I was waiting for you. Thought you’d like to choose some wine,” Lucy explained, and Justine seemed pleased by her thoughtfulness.

  Dinner passed pleasantly enough. Justine, like Lucy, had a healthy appetite, though Bryce noted she watched Lucy’s plate and made sure to eat just a little less. Even in this, she was competing with her daughter.

  To Bryce, despite Justine’s show-stopping appearance, there was no comparison. One was all show, and the other had the substance. This close, he could see how Justine’s artfully applied makeup enhanced her features… and it occurred to him that at least some of her incredibly youthful appearance might be due to Botox or plastic surgery. She looked too smooth, almost plastic, especially compared to Lucy’s fresh, natural appearance. He’d never seen Lucy wear any other makeup than lip gloss. She really didn’t need it, her lightly tanned skin flawlessly smooth, her lashes long and dark, soft lips kissably pink, drawing his gaze inevitably and making him think about their earlier kisses again.

  He could see Lucy didn’t feel she came off well in comparisons to her mother, though, and vowed to do his best to reassure her later. He hated to leave the two of them alone, certain Justine would be much more bitchy to Lucy once she had her on her own than she would in front of him.

  So he was very grateful when Luke entered the restaurant about five minutes before Bryce would have to leave, coming up to their table with a broad smile.

  “Hey Lucy, Bryce. And this must be our newest celebrity guest.”

  Justine preened as Luke turned his considerable charm on her. Standing up, she let him take her hand, bowing over it gallantly.

  “Lucy didn’t mention you were the Justine Manning. I just found out from the resort’s Instagram feed going crazy,” Luke said wryly, and Bryce was suddenly quite certain Luke hadn’t a clue who she was. He’d probably Googled her hastily before coming to the restaurant.


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