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I Dream of Dragons

Page 27

by Ashlyn Chase

  Mother Nature laughed. “No, but she certainly has a big one.”

  “So does Finn. I think their love will win out over fear.”

  Gaia sat at the table again. “You believe—you think… How can you be sure? He’s going to learn he’s in love with a fire-breathing dragon.”

  “As did I.”

  “I’ve looked into his soul, and he is indeed a trustworthy young man. I just worry about a human’s initial reaction.”

  Amber thought hard. “What if the vampires were right there to wipe the information from his mind if he freaks out? He’ll need a few minutes to absorb the information, of course.”

  Mother Nature rested her elbow on the table and cupped her cheek. “Again with the vampires… You’re lucky the managers are the friendly sort. You realize there are less altruistic types. Right?”

  Amber shrugged. “I’ll take your word for it. The managers are the only vampires I know. Oh—and the wizard’s wife. She seems less friendly, so I wouldn’t ask her.”

  Mother Nature smiled, as if she knew a little more than Amber did about the situation—which, of course, she must.

  “Ruxandra has her moments. It was touch and go for a while, but eventually she proved herself in a most unusual way.”

  “Dare I ask her about it?”

  Mother Nature laughed. “Probably not.”

  Her laugh was a welcome change. She was still grinning when Amber realized she actually liked the Goddess of All… But using Gaia’s own words, “It was touch and go for a while.”

  “Muse, I will grant your wish.”

  Amber didn’t know whether to hug her or bow or kiss her hand.

  “A simple ‘thank you’ will do,” Gaia said.

  “Thank you—so much.” Amber realized the goddess must have read her mind again.

  “No, I read your facial expression that time.”

  “Jeez, I wish I knew when you were in my mind instead of just in my apartment.”

  Gaia rose. “Well, I’ll be neither place in a moment. Go gather your new friends. It sounds like you have a lot to do.”

  * * *

  Rory returned to the cottage from an evening at O’Malley’s Pub. As soon as he walked in the door, he was nearly tackled by his ladylove and plied with kisses. He lifted her off her feet, welcoming her passion.

  When they finally managed to tear their lips off each other, Rory grinned. “Ah, lass. It’s glad I am to see you. But me sisters will be watchin’ a porno unless we take this upstairs to me bedroom.”

  “Not to worry,” Amber said breathlessly. “Your sisters are back in Boston.”

  “How? Does this mean you got your powers back?”

  “Yes. Mother Nature forgave me, and I have more good news.”

  Rory scooped her up in his arms and headed for the stairs. “Tell me quick. By the time we reach me bed I won’t be talkin’ anymore.”

  Amber giggled. “I got Gaia’s permission for Finn and Shannon to marry.”

  Rory almost dropped her. “Are you serious? You wouldn’t be speakin’ prematurely, would you?”

  “Not at all. She said Finn will need to be told the truth in the presence of the vampires, who can mesmerize him if he can’t handle it. Then, if need be, they can erase all knowledge of paranormals from his mind.”

  Rory frowned. “So, there is a catch.”

  “Think about it, Rory. Finn has already accepted the existence of leprechauns. He loves Shannon so much he went after her and didn’t give up until he found her. I really believe he’ll decide to risk being married to a dragon—as long as that dragon is Shannon.”

  Rory began ascending the stairs while mulling it all over. He was certainly relieved that he didn’t have to tell Shannon the engagement was off. He had no idea how he’d manage that without breaking both her hearts.

  “How did you get Gaia to agree to that?”

  Amber smiled. “Let’s just say she grants one special wish when her modern muses agree to work for her. Think of it as a retention bonus.”

  He was surprised that Amber’s special wish had been for Shannon and Finn—not herself.

  “What made you waste your wish on me sister and her happiness instead of your own?”

  Amber’s eyes glowed softly. “It wasn’t wasted. I already have everything I want, and making someone else so happy will just add to my own happiness.”

  “Oh, luv…” He didn’t know what to say. They had reached the bed, so he laid her on it gently and followed her down. Cupping her cheek, he gazed at her. “You’re a wonder. And I wonder what I ever did to deserve you.”

  “Well, for starters you protected and raised your sisters for… Oh man, it boggles my mind to think about how long you’ve done that.”

  He chuckled. “It’s had its challenges and rewards.”

  She brushed the reddish strands of hair out of his eyes. “Maybe Shannon’s happiness is one of your rewards.”

  “Ah, luv. You’re my best reward.”

  He captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Their tongues sought each other and swirled as he heated up from the inside. She squirmed closer to him, so he cupped her buttocks and pulled her against his hard erection.

  They were just beginning to sweat when he noticed a cool breeze across his skin. Glancing down, he saw their intertwined bare bodies and their clothing neatly folded at the foot of the bed.

  “Now there’s a grand power to have. When did you discover you could do that?”

  She giggled. “Just now. I was wishing we didn’t have to stop to get undressed, and well…”

  He grinned. “Ah, luv. You amaze me, and not just because of your powers. The passion you have for—”

  He didn’t have a chance to finish his speech. Not only did she cut him off with a hard kiss, but she had also neatly rolled him onto his back and straddled him. He couldn’t help the laugh that burst from his lungs.

  She leaned away. “Are you all right with me on top?”

  “On top, beneath, or on the side. I’m happy to have you anywhere on me, darlin’.”

  She grinned and backed down his body, kissing his neck, collarbone, and pecs along the way. She paused to suckle his flat nipple, and the pleasure that zinged through him made him gasp. She moved to the other one and did the same until her ministrations elicited an amorous groan.

  She didn’t stop there. She kissed her way down his ribs and laved his belly button. As soon as he chuckled, she took his member in her mouth, completely changing the sensation. A deep blissful pressure radiated through him, and his stiff cock grew even further. He hadn’t thought it possible.

  She had him arching and undulating until he was afraid he’d come too soon. He reached down and pulled her away, albeit reluctantly.

  “Ah, lass. You’re about to get a surprise if you keep goin’ the way you’re goin’.”

  “I like surprises,” she said and tried to capture his staff with her mouth again.

  “Let’s be fair. You need some attention too, don’t you?”

  She smiled slyly. Instead of answering, she rose above him and sank down on his erection. “Ah… You’re right. I needed this.”

  The sensation of her wet heat enveloping him like a velvet glove elicited another moan. They fell into a mutually pleasurable rhythm, and his fingers found her sensitive bundle of nerves.

  Her reaction was instantaneous. She bucked and keened with each rub. Arching her back, she locked her elbows and braced her hands on the sheets behind her.

  He reveled in her sensual ride. His own pleasure built to a shattering peak, and he climaxed as never before. Ecstasy shot through his body, over and over. When he gazed at her, she appeared to be screaming, but silently.

  He briefly wondered if that was another power, but it didn’t matter either way. He was simply happy that she was finding her release,
which allowed him to ride his own pleasure right to the end.

  Finally, when she seemed to have reached the last aftershock, she stilled and collapsed on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her gently, treating her like the precious treasure she was.

  He didn’t care if his castle’s caves were full and his cousins wanted every bit of it. He’d have traded every golden chalice for this moment.

  * * *

  Now, back in Boston it was time to talk to Finn. First Amber and Rory had to warn the managers of a possible human overreaction, complete with screaming and an attempt to warn the world about the paranormals among them. The ulterior motive was enlisting Sly and Morgaine’s help in case the information needed to be erased from the young man’s mind.

  With trepidation, Amber knocked on the door of apartment 3B. She’d barely knocked once when the door opened and Morgaine gave them a welcoming smile.

  “I’ve been expecting you two,” she said.

  Rory and Amber glanced at each other.

  “You have?”

  “Come in.” As Morgaine stepped to the side she chuckled. “I guess you don’t know I’m psychic.”

  “Ah, that’s it then,” Rory said.

  Sly stepped out of the kitchen with two glasses of red wine. Meanwhile, Amber was trying to put into words what she wanted to say.

  “I’d ask if I could get you anything, but I’m sorry, Rory, we don’t have any Guinness.”

  “I don’t need a beverage, thank you.”

  “Have a seat.” Morgaine gestured to the perpendicular love seat. “Sly, I think Amber would like a glass of wine.”

  “Thank you.”

  When he returned, Sly placed the glass of wine on the coffee table and sat beside Morgaine on the couch.

  Amber took a fortifying sip. “Do you know what we want to talk to you about?” she asked Morgaine.

  The psychic vampire-witch smiled. “No. I just got the sense that you were coming with some kind of request.”

  So much for having an ulterior motive. Amber cleared her throat, but before she could give her well-thought-out speech, Rory cut to the chase.

  “We need to tell Shannon’s human lover about her paranormal status before they enter into marriage. We’re hopin’ you’ll be present in case he needs mesmerizin’ to take the information out of his head.”

  Sly leaned back. “Are you expecting a negative reaction?”

  “Not a’tall. He loves her so much that I believe he’ll accept her and all her quirks.”

  Sly and Morgaine smiled at each other.

  “We can relate to that,” Sly said.

  “Good. Then you’ll help us?”

  They stared at each other again, but this time the couple seemed to be having one of their telepathic conversations. At last Morgaine nodded. “We’ll stay nearby. We don’t want to intrude, so we won’t be in the room—but that’s because we know you can easily stop him from running down Beacon Street, screaming the truth.”

  Rory chuckled. “You can rest assured I won’t let that happen.”

  “I can pop in and tell you if you’re needed immediately,” Amber added.

  Morgaine nodded. “When are you thinking of doing this?”

  “Right now, if you’re able to stick around.”

  “Now is good,” Sly said. “Morgaine has to go to Boston Uncommon to read tea leaves late this afternoon, but neither of us have anywhere to be before then.”

  “Perfect,” Amber said. She turned toward Rory and took a deep breath. “Are you ready for this?”

  “As ready as ever I’ll be.”

  Amber took another big sip of the vampires’ wine and hoped that’s all it was. Just wine. She didn’t detect a hint of anything else, so she tipped back her glass and finished it.

  “Ah, lass. You drink like you’re Irish already.”

  She smirked. “I am Irish already. Always have been.”

  He laughed. “You’re right and not. But don’t worry. I’ll make a real Irish lass of you before long.”

  “That brings up a question of our own,” Sly said. “Where are you two planning to live after your own wedding?”

  Amber’s brows shot up. “We haven’t told anyone yet. How did you… Oh.” Remembering in whose presence they sat, she said, “Never mind.”

  The other couple laughed. “We won’t tell anyone unless you want us to.”

  “You’re workin’ at the tearoom?” Rory asked.

  Morgaine nodded.

  “I may see you. Bliss’s friend Claudia has been wantin’ me sisters and me to play a session there. We talked about tryin’ to arrange it for tomorrow.”

  “You can be ready that soon?” Amber asked.

  “Ah, luv. We’re always ready to share our music.”

  “It sounds great,” Sly said. “But we’ve gotten a bit sidetracked. We’d still like an answer to our question about where you two plan to live.”

  “Ah. We haven’t quite finished discussin’ that ourselves. Best I can gather is perhaps we’ll keep a foot in both places.”

  Morgaine and Sly stared at each other again.

  At last, Morgaine spoke. “I happen to know the building next door is going up for sale soon. I don’t suppose you can afford it, but if you could, it might make a nice ‘overflow hotel’ for paranormal travelers.”

  Amber gasped. “What a cool idea!” Then her hope immediately faded. “But you’re right, we probably can’t afford it. These places go for millions.”

  Rory took her hand. “Mayhaps we can. If you want it, I’d be glad to look into the price and such.”

  She leaned away and stared at him. “Seriously?”

  He shrugged. “I can’t promise anythin’.”

  The only thing Amber could think of was, How? In what world was an Irish folksinger able to afford a down payment and mortgage for a million-dollar brownstone in Boston’s Back Bay?

  To the shock of everyone in the room, Mother Nature appeared and pointed straight at Amber. “Aha! I knew you’d want something.”

  Amber glanced at the others. Rory recovered quickly, having met the goddess once before. Morgaine’s mouth was hanging open, and she grabbed Sly’s hand.

  Sly’s expression quickly changed to a scowl. “And who might you be, besides an uninvited guest?”

  Gaia rested her fist on her hip and sized him up. “You obviously don’t have a clue who I am, vampire, so I’ll forgive the unwelcome and introduce myself. I am Mother Nature.” She focused on Morgaine and smiled. “The Goddess you worship.”

  Morgaine’s hand flew to her chest as if holding her heart inside. She didn’t speak or make a sound. Amber suspected she wouldn’t be able to for a while.

  “So, muse of air travel, it seems I’ve discovered the incentive you needed. But before I make all the arrangements—which I can do instantly of course—you and your dragon ought to see it. I’m afraid it’s in need of a little attention.”

  “Oh? What kind of attention?”

  “Mostly cosmetic. The decor is—let’s say, ‘taste specific.’ The eccentric owner made his fortune from a few nightclubs in the seventies and eighties. Unless you like the idea of having a disco ball in your living room…”

  Rory choked. Amber could tell he was trying not to say something that might insult the goddess’s generous gift. Finally, he said, “I would enjoy remodeling it. Such a project would keep me occupied between sessions at the tearoom.”

  Morgaine finally found her voice. “And you could live here until the place is ready.”

  Amber chuckled. “We kind of have to. I signed a year’s lease.”

  “And I paid for it—in cash.” Rory grinned at her and she couldn’t help grinning back. Suddenly, she remembered something.

  “Wait! This doesn’t mean you’re taking back your permission fo
r Finn to marry Shannon, does it?”

  Gaia straightened. “Of course not. I’d never break a promise—well, unless I couldn’t keep it.”

  Amber was both reassured and unsettled by that remark.

  Rory stroked her back with reassuring caresses. “I guess it’s time to tell Finn what he needs to know so he can marry me sister.”

  They both rose and bade the managers a good day.

  * * *

  Finn and Shannon sat on the sofa, holding hands. To the lad’s credit, he hadn’t run away, screaming, when Rory explained the special nature of his clan.

  “So, you’re tellin’ me that Shannon will never age while we’re together?”

  “That’s right, Finn,” Rory said gravely.

  “An’ she’ll outlive me by hundreds o’ years.”

  “If not thousands. We’re very hard to kill.”

  The young man hesitated only a second, then jumped up and pumped his fist. “Wahoo! I get to have a young wife until I die.”

  Rory was taken aback. Is that the kind of man Finn is? Have I made a mistake by giving him permission to marry me precious sister?

  Gaia rose. “I know what you’re thinking, dragon. And I know what the man you call Finn is thinking too. Before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusions, he’s simply excited that he won’t have to watch her grow infirm and die.”

  Finn looked confused as he sat down and took Shannon’s hand again. “Well, o’ course. What else would you think?”

  Shannon stiffened. “Oh, I don’t know. Mayhaps that your young, beautiful wife will make you look like some kind of hot man in your old age.”

  Shock registered on his face, and then he burst out laughing. “I hadn’t thought of that, but you bring up a good point.” Before Shannon could get angry, Finn cleared his throat and turned a serious face to Mother Nature. “I don’t know how we’ll explain it to the villagers. Have you any advice on that, Goddess?”

  Gaia tipped her head and appeared to think. Finally she said, “You have two choices. I can make her appear to age, or you can move from place to place as people get suspicious. All I ask is that you never reveal the existence of paranormal beings to any human—without my permission.”

  “I won’t. I swear it.” Finn turned to Shannon. “Which do you wish to do, luv? After all, it’s your body and your home.”


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