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Page 6

by Shameek Speight

  “Baby what’s wrong you look as stressed as me.” Sasha said while sitting down next to him and rubbing his leg.

  ‘P’ looks her in the eyes and all Sasha could see was anger.

  ‘Smack!’ ‘Smack!’

  ‘P’ back hand slaps her twice, knocking her off the couch and busting her lip.

  “Baby, why are you hitting me?” Sasha said while tears ran down her face.

  “Yuh likkle bloodclot, yuh tink mi wouldn’t find out!” ‘P’ jumps up and kicks her in the thigh.

  “Ahhhh!” Sasha screams in pain. Her mind raced to think why ‘P’ was flipping out on her and only one thing came to mind, ‘he must’ve found out he got Aids and he got it from me.’

  “Baby I’m sorry I was going to tell you, I swear!” Sasha pleaded.

  “Yuh was a guh tell mi!” ‘P’ said while kicking her again and again. “Mi loved yuh an yuh cross mi, an yuh seh yuh was a guh tell mi! When were yuh a guh tell mi?” he said while bending down and punching her repeatedly.

  “Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!” Sasha screams and cries out in pain as she tries to crawl up into a ball to block the blows, but that did little to nothing. “I was going to tell you, I swear I love you ‘P’.

  ‘P’ stops hitting her, “Wah did yuh say! Ow yuh love mi when yuh brethren dem is robbing me?”

  “What!” Sasha said looking up confused at him in between her arms that were covering her face.

  “Doan ramp fool-fool now, yuh know dat yuh brethren have been robbing me!”

  “What is a brethren?” Sasha asked not understanding his strong Jamaican accent.

  Yuh family, yuh bredda! Yuh knew who mi was when mi picked yuh up at di bus stop!”

  “Yea right I didn’t know who you were ‘P’, you told me who you were. I don’t know what you’re talking about with my brother, and how you know him?”

  ‘P’ looked down at her, ‘she must be a really good liar or she doesn’t have a clue.’ ‘P’ looks in her eyes and realized she didn’t really know, “Mi Pistol, di boss of di Junkyard Crew, mi head of di Shottas.”

  Sasha laid there with her mouth open. All this time she’s been fucking one of the richest and evil Jamaican’s alive.

  “Mi see yuh doan know, but yuh haffi pay di price fah yuh brethren,” Pistol said and began to beat her again, then pulls his dick out and rapes her until she blacks out, even as she lay unconscious he punches her in the face as he pounds away on her pussy.

  Chapter 15

  Nina exits the building of the nursing home she works at and looks up at the stars shining in the night sky. She walks over to her truck in the parking lot and hops in. ‘Damn I’m tired. I’m glad I don’t have to go to school tonight, but I do need to stop and get something to wash my hair with,’ she said out loud to herself.

  She drove the Range Rover towards Mott Avenue. Nina looked in her rearview mirror to see a black Jaguar following her. She couldn’t tell how many people were in the car because of its dark tinted windows. A bad feeling ran through her body. Nina pulls over on Beach 20th and Mott Avenue; she checks her purse to make sure the 3.80 was there. She felt her stomach bubbling, she hits the hazards and the CD player and the stash box opens. Nina grabs the baby 9mm. ‘I’m probably being paranoid, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.’ In the past few months she had worked on four people with gunshot wounds and lost one and counted so much money that she prayed she will never see a money counting machine again in her life. Unlike Sasha, Nina knew what was going on in the streets and the reason why Muscles moved them from Rockaway Blvd. and didn’t tell anyone where they lived, not even his friends. Nina placed the nine in her purse next to the 3.80, she wanted to place it on her waist, but she still had on her work clothes, green scrubs with matching sneakers. She hops out and looks up and down the block. The black Jaguar that seemed to be following her was gone. ‘I was probably tripping. Shit I need a break, between school and work this shit is taking a toll on me, I’ll go home and wash my hair and read,’ Nina thought to herself as she made her way into the hair supply store. She couldn’t wait to get home to relax and finish the book she had been reading called, ‘For the Love of My Sisters,’ by Shameek Speight. If it wasn’t for work she would’ve never put the book down.

  Twenty minutes later Nina exits the hair supply store with a small bag in her hand and was about to cross the street to go to her truck when she sees two Jamaican men with dreads coming down to their shoulder looking in the window of her truck with something in their hand that looked like a piece of paper or a picture. She was about to say something, but noticed the same black Jaguar, now parked behind her truck. She back pedals away and turns off walking in the other direction. One of the Jamaican men sees her walking away. Nina looked back to see him look down at what looked like a picture in his hand then at her.

  “Ah har!” The man yelled.

  Nina looked back and sees two more men exiting the black Jaguar. All hell broke loose as the men began to pick up speed chasing her. Nina powerwalks, picking up her pace, but the four men was gaining in on her fast. She drops the bag from the hair supply store she just bought, ‘God of God, what to do? What to do?’ she prayed.

  She knew she couldn’t out run the men. She digs in her purse and pulls out the 3.80 and the baby 9mm simultaneously and turns around and drops to her knee and fires.

  ‘Boom!’ ‘Boc!’ ‘Boom!’ ‘Boc!’

  The Jamaican men had no time to react as bullets rip through two of the men’s faces, causing chunks of flesh to fly in the air dropping them dead.

  “Mon dis bitch has burners,” one of the gunmen said while pulling out his 45 handgun and his partner did the same.

  They return fire.


  Nina stood up and takes off hauling ass, trying to get as far away from the two men as she could. She could feel bullets fly passed her head. She looked while running and could see the men running after her and firing at the same time. Nina knew she had to think of something quick. There was no way in the world she could out run them. She quit smoking weed to go to school to be a nurse, but still smoked a pack of Newport every two days and it started to show as she ran out of breath. Nina sees three Spanish men ahead and knocks one of the Spanish men in the chest and the next one in the head killing him instantly, the last Spanish man took off running. Nina turned the corner and stops to look around for a place to hide. She couldn’t run anymore from being out of breath, she ran to the first house on the left and opens their gate then ran into the backyard. There were garbage cans and bags full of garbage on the ground, she went behind them hiding. The gunmen were right on her every step she made. They see her run into the backyard and picked up speed, they knew she was tired of running by how she was slowing down.

  “Wi got har mon, mi a guh blow off dat bitch head!” one of the gunmen yelled as he run down the side of the house with his partner by his side.

  “Weh did she guh mon!” one of the gunmen said out loud.

  “Shhhh be quiet, she cyan be far,” they looked around the yard then looked at the fence and a tree next to it.

  “She’s hiding behine di tree mon,” one of the gunmen whispered.

  Nina held her breath as her heart raced, she stood as still as she could and was scared to move, ‘I can’t out run them,’ she thought as tears ran down her face. She peeps through a crack from the garbage bags that were covering her, it was now or never. She knew they would find her sooner or later. She watched them ease away from her towards the fence with their back facing her. In one swift movement she pops up busting off shots from the 3.80 and baby 9mm.

  ‘Boom!’ ‘Boc!’ ‘Boom!’ ‘Boc!’

  Bullets ripped and tore through the gunmen’s back making them tumble forward. One of them turned around and raised his gun, letting off three shots. As soon as Nina sees him raise his gun she side steps repeatedly while firing. The orange blast from Nina’s guns lit up the night sky in the backyard as hails of bullets
rip through the gunmen, making them fall face first dead.

  ‘Click’ ‘Click’ ‘Click’ ‘Click’

  Nina kept squeezing the trigger of the guns, as tears stream down her cheek.

  ‘Click’ ‘Click’

  A bright light came on in the backyard that snapped her out of the trance she was in. Nina took off running as someone peeps through the curtain of the window in the backyard. She ran two blocks over and turned the corner, she was now in the bus station parking lot and could see her truck over on the next block and cops blocking off the scene where she killed the first two gunmen. Nina quickly changed directions. She looked at the two guns in her hand and felt the weight of her purse still on her shoulder. She was surprise she didn’t drop it or lose it. She removed the purse from her shoulder and placed the two burning hot guns in the bag and walks with a fast pace. She was now next to the train station on Mott Avenue.

  “Ivan! Ivan!” Nina yelled and ran up to a brown Crown Victoria with a Spanish man sitting inside the driver seat.

  “Nina what’s good?”

  “Ivan, I need a ride.”

  “Sure I got you.”

  Nina jumps into the backseat, “Take me to Beach 110th, Nina said trying to hide her nervousness.

  “Alright,” Ivan said and pulls off.

  Nina knew Ivan threw her brother. Before they could afford a car when they were younger, they would only call a cab at the Seven Base where Ivan worked. The Seven cab stand had nothing but hood drivers. You could even smoke a blunt in their cabs as long as you were willing to share.

  Ivan used to drive Muscles and Nina back and forth to work until they got their own wheels. Nina sat in silence looking out the window, replaying what just happened to her and fearing she might go to jail for life, for killing those men, ‘But they were trying to kill me, I had too, I had too,’ Nina kept telling herself until she was sure she believed it.

  Ivan would look in the rearview mirror to look at her every now and then. He knew something was wrong, but Queens had a saying, if you ask no questions, I will tell you no lies, and he was sure if he asked Nina what was going on she would tell him a lie. So it was best not to ask at all.

  Half an hour later the cab pulls up to Beach 110th.

  “Nina, where is it that you want me to drop you off?” Ivan asked now realizing she didn’t give him a house address.

  “Right here by Rite Aid, how much do I owe you?” Nina said digging into her purse, making sure not to open it all the way so Ivan couldn’t see the guns.

  “Nina your money is no good with me, but next time you see me the haze is on you.”

  “Thank you Ivan,” Nina said while hopping out of the car and shutting the door.

  “Yo tell your brother I said what’s up!” Ivan yelled while doing a U-turn and heading back down the road.

  Nina made sure he was long gone and then flags down another cab, “Take me to Beach 120th please,” she said to the cab driver while hopping in the backseat. She didn’t want anyone from the hood to know where she lived, not even Ivan. Even though he was peoples, after tonight Nina now understood why Muscles kept it that way.

  Chapter 16

  The cab pulls up to the house and Nina paid the driver and hops out and went inside to find Amber on the couch crying. Nina looked around the place and feared that the Junkyard Crew had found where they lived. She went to grab the guns in her purse, when she remembered that they were empty. If they were here they would be shooting by now, her conscious told her.

  “Amber what’s wrong?”

  Amber removes her hands from her face and looks at Nina, “The Junkyard Crew grabbed Bones and we think he’s dead and Muscles thinks Essence is setting us up and we can’t find Sasha.”

  “What!” Nina’s mind raced as she thought about the Junkyard Crew grabbing Sasha up like she almost had been.

  One thing was for sure the Junkyard Crew knew who they were.

  “Where is Muscles?” Nina shouted.

  “He’s out looking for Sasha.”

  “So what are we doing here, let’s go help look.”

  “Muscles told me to wait for Luscious. I called her and she should be here any minute now.”

  Nina wanted to leave now and search the streets for her sister and brother but knew it was best to wait for Luscious. She knew more about the streets than her and Amber put together. As soon as the thought ran across her mind, the doorbell rings.

  Nina peeps out the living room window to see Luscious standing there. Nina opens the door and Luscious walks in. The three women sat and talk while Amber broke down the story Muscles told her about Essence setting up Bones. Nina and Luscious couldn’t believe their ears, they both grew up with Essence, but Luscious was hurt the most because Essence was supposed to be her best friend.

  “That bitch been acting funny ever since we started getting money, she was pissed off the last few days because we didn’t give her a cut of the jux, but all she did was fuck that Shottas Bulltec,” Luscious said angrily.

  “I can’t sit around and do nothing while my brother and sister are out there!” Nina shouted.

  “I want to do something too,” Amber said.

  “Me too, but we don’t have any guns to be running around them streets. All the guns were blown up in that house.”

  Amber looked up and smiled, “That’s where you’re wrong,” she got off the couch, “Follow me!”

  The two women follow Amber into the master bedroom, that her and Muscles shared. They walk into the walk-in closet. Amber removed a floor board to reveal an arsenal of guns and silencers. Amber picks up twin forty caliber handguns that were already in a holster, she screwed silencers onto them and checks the clips making sure they were loaded. Then she cocks the guns back putting a bullet in the chamber.

  Luscious and Nina look on with amazement at the white woman, handling the guns like a pro from the hood. Amber looks up as if she knew what they were thinking, “I’m Sicilian remember, I have family in the mob,” she said sarcastically, like they should already know this.

  Nina and Luscious look at each other and they were still amazed by her. Luscious and Nina bent down and both grab a Kel-Tec 9mm with a silencer already on them. It was the new Tec 9mm, lighter and smaller and holds sixty four bullets in a clip.

  “Let’s go,” Luscious said.

  “We’re taking my truck.”

  Nina and Amber followed Luscious to her cream Cadillac Escalade and hop in. Luscious starts it up and took off.

  “Where are we going?” Nina asked.

  “You said you want to find your sister and brother, so we’re going to pay Essence a visit, along with her new man.”

  Chapter 17

  Muscles pulled up in front of the Baisley Projects and turned the bike off, removing his helmet. He could see S.B. and Homicide talking while leaning on Homicide’s gray Dodge Magnum sitting on 20” chrome rims. Muscles made his way over to them with the duffle bag over his shoulder.

  “Yo Muscles, I haven’t seen your truck around here and I have niggaz in the hood looking out for it. S.B. was just telling me that he saw Essence car fly pass here earlier with that dude Bulltec driving and her in the passenger seat. Yo Muscles I’m down to ride for you my dude, just let me know what you need, I can get a few dudes from my crew that will ride. We all been tired of the Junkyard Crew, killing us left and right and not letting anyone else sell weed in the hood.”

  Muscles barely heard what S.B. was saying, he was too busy worrying about Sasha.

  ‘Ring, ring, ring’

  Muscles took the phone off his waist and looks at the screen, it was a number Sasha had called him from before in the past, letting him know that she was out. “Sasha where are you? I’ve been worried sick!” Muscles shouted.

  “Hahahaha!” a male voice could be heard laughing on the other end of the line. “Yuh wan to bloodclot wid mi an kill mi soldiers and mi cousin, now mi will kill yuh sister,” the voice yelled in his strong Jamaican accent.

“No! Don’t hurt my sister, I’ll give you back the money I took and the weed,” Muscles said in a pressing tone.

  S.B. and Homicide stood by watching, feeling helpless as they watch the pain on Muscles face.

  “Mi doan want di daggering money, mi want yuh life yuh likkle bloodclot. Ef yuh want yuh sista to live yuh betta come to di Junkyard on 134th and Linden Blvd. Come alone or she’s a dead bitch mon, yuh ave twenty minutes to get here or mi will chop she head off.”

  The phone went dead and all Muscles could hear was the dial tone, as tears ran down his face for his sister.

  “Muscles I’m riding with you, what we have to do?” Homicide asked with his face balled up in anger. Muscles being his best friend, when he hurt someone will die, was Homicide’s motto.

  “He said I have twenty minutes to get to the Junkyard on Linden or he’s going to kill Sasha.”

  “Then let’s roll and put some holes in this Shottas and get back your sister.”

  “Homicide you don’t have to come.”

  “Fuck out of here, your my boy, we roll together, you would have come with me if it was Lil Homicide, so let’s go!”


  “I’m coming too!” S.B. yelled.

  “Yo S.B., this isn’t your beef,” Muscles replied.

  “Listen we can sit here and argue and waste more time, or we can handle our business, anyway you put it I’m rolling,” S.B. stated.

  “Alright!” Muscles replied as they jump into Homicide’s Dodge Magnum and pull off.

  Pistol looks at Sasha, she was laid out on the floor of his office in the small warehouse that was part of the Junkyard. He couldn’t believe what he had done to her. She lay on the floor badly beaten only wearing a ripped thong. Pistol had let the last of his seven men take turns fucking her. His heart went out to her, he did love her, ‘but yuh caused dis on yuh self,’ he told himself as he left the office to see if his men were in position. He only had seven left not counting Bulltec.


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