Page 10
What had it been?
He glanced down, his mate and two of his concubines,Tanusri and Kitana, lay beside him as well. They adjusted to his movement and fell into each others embrace, sighing at remembered pleasures. Sharr got out of bed, pulled on a burgundy robe, and turned to look at the soft female forms tangled together in the malleable burnt rust colored cushions of his nest. He permitted himself a moment of masculine pride that he had made love to three very beautiful women this night.
“Where are you going?” groggily asked one of the females.
“For a walk, Kitana,” Sharr murmured and touched her chin.
Kitana nodded sleepily, to then return to her place near Nadia, drowsily watching her Shotar leave the lair to walk his palace.
This had not been the place Sharr had set out for. He had considered that he might rummage the kitchens, but he found himself in his nodor instead. Sharr Khan went to the area set-aside for the dancers apart from the Imperial Concubines who had rooms reserved all for themselves. He entered the complex of suites, still early in the night. A murmur of female chatter could be made out as the dancers entertained themselves with the holoviewer or any of the many amusements here for them to find, including a number of games and movies.
When Sharr Khan entered the common area, a silence fell over the females. It never failed - the same thing always occurred when he appeared before any of these exotic dancers. They would suddenly become hushed and shy as if they had come to be in the presence of a living god. He wondered if any of these girls would be surprised to learn he hardly considered himself to be such? In truth Sharr Khan thought of himself as very much a different person, one that many of these women would have paid hardly a care for many years ago.
Yes, that would surprise them indeed! Sharr thought.
Mia noticed the Shotar and quickly went to find Frederika who quietly meditated off in a corner. She had told Mia that she had a slight headache and needed to re-center herself after the exhilaration of the evening.
“Rika?” Mia prompted with no wish to shock her friend out of her deep trance. She took hold of Frederika's arm as she sat cross-legged, arms folded before her as if in prayer. It was a rather yogic posture. Slowly, the woman's eyes opened. “I'm sorry, Rika,” Mia said. Frederika did not appear very pleased to have been disturbed. “I didn't mean to interrupt you, but he's here! The Shotar.”
Which proved to be enough to get Frederika up and about. “Let us go greet him.”
She would later return to her meditations. After Nadia had entered her mind a strange thing had begun, echoes, voices reverberated in her brain. Frederika could hear the women all around her, not their words exactly, but inner voices, the deep and passing thoughts they had. Prominently Sabina's jealousy of her, at being picked by the Shotar during this evening echoed still in Frederika's head. Meditation helped ease the odd echoes.
Sharr glanced around the room. He searched for her, the blonde Frederika. The Shotar did not understand why he felt compelled to be close to her, to smell the vanilla-apple scent of her perfume. But he had to see her.
“My Lord Sharr.” Frederika came over to the Shotar with Mia close.
“Frederika.” He now realized he didn't know what to say to her. It had been a longtime since Sharr Khan had felt unnerved around any female, least of all an exotic dancer. He had taught himself to be confident when in the company of beautiful women. They were a privilege of his position that he very much enjoyed.
“Do you need something, my Lord?” Frederika prompted.
“I just wanted to see you.”
He took her wrist in his hand. Frederika beamed at his contact and the Shotar rather liked that.
Frederika unabashedly smiled. “My lord, there's a request Mia has to ask of you.” It seemed the perfect time for it. “Might we go out to the garden to talk?”
“If you like,” Sharr said. He attempted to respond in a formal manner but he only found himself color crimson at her request. I want her, the Shotar realized.
They went out into the garden and stood near the pond. Long and elegant, an avian creature swam in the clear water. At first glance, it looked like a mallard. But a closer study would show it to be very different, for it had a long lizard tail with lengthy feathers that swept off it and the creature’s body was more reptile-like in shape then duck. With its sharp raptor beak the creature dunked its head into the water to pull out a tiny yellow fish which contrasted with its dark red plumage. In one gulp it swallowed the tiny sprite. The creature fluttered its wings and flew to the top of a tree.
“What kind of bird is that?” Frederika asked as she noticed the creature now at rest on a branch of a small Japanese maple. It very much resembled the Falcanian Phoenix emblem.
“It's not a bird at all. It's a Draklin, the tiny hunter from which we get our word for lady.” the Shotar appreciated the irony of comparing the female of his species to that of a lithe, efficient hunter as was this elegant reptile-bird.
“If that is a Draklin what then is a Drak?” Frederika asked, reasoning that another animal like the small hunting creature would be where the Falcanians got their word for Lord as well.
He held her close, enjoying her warmth. She let her hand play with the perfect triangle of feathers on his pectoral area. “A Drak is a fearsome beast, my dear. The Ascendant One claimed his family name, becoming the 'Ruling Drak', the name which my aerie now carries when he slew their leader and became their lord. When you see a Drak, you shall know without question why we call it Lord of Beasts.”
She stared pointedly at Mia, prompted the girl to speak. Frederika began to circle the Shotar, lightly caressing him to keep him off guard. She realized she had the power of sex to hold over him, and Sharr was easily entranced by it. A personality flaw which could be exploited for her own ends.
Sharr Khan noticed Frederika circling him. She smiled, her emerald eyes heavy with lust as she touched his shoulder. It dawned on him she moved like a hunter.
“My brother Philip,” Mia said hesitantly. “He was born blind.”
She couldn't hold Sharr’s gaze so he reached out to make her look at him. “Don’t look away child.”
“Your genetic engineers… as my payment.” Mia blushed and felt awkward. “Could they... would you... give my brother his eyesight?”
The Shotar recalled his speech earlier, about how the maimed and flawed received the benefits random nature, and dangerous mutation had denied them by genetic manipulation. This moment presented him with a favorable gesture and would cost him little, but gain him much.
Frederika still walked around him. Sharr followed her emerald eyes and their sultry glance. Oh, how he wanted her!
“I will do this thing freely,” the Shotar said. “Your brother shall have his sight.”
“Thank you!” the girl jumped up and hugged the Falcanian ruler.
Frederika followed in her friend's embrace of the Shotar, but added a kiss and whispered, “I am very proud of you. Danke.”
Sitara giggled and dodged Kulcarin's grasp, throwing a tasseled pillow at him. They had chased each other for hours since they'd left the hall, and their love play created one big mess in her apartments. He had pursued her like an animal, taking her over and over again without exhaustion.
Krürashi sat and silently watched his mistress play with her male friend. The Kheigra had given Kulcarin an inquisitive sniff and growled at the Drakorian upon his return. Sitara had sent him away, scolding the cat for acting so odd with Kulcarin.
The cat continued to watch, it came closer, green eyes peered through the golden fabric of the bed curtain at Kulcarin. For a moment the Drakorian turned toward the large biorobotic feline, and then decided that he should ignore it. Sitara waved the animal away. It reluctantly obeyed and found its own cushion to sleep on.
She pulled the opaque curtain down around her nest. Sitara gazed at the Drakorian Colonel. In one leap, she pushed him onto the soft nest to straddle his chest. Their tails twisted together in love
. Her translucent rosy airfoil canopied them as she leaned over and kissed Kulcarin on the lips. She wasn't through with him yet.
At last, after much intercourse the couple fell asleep.
Urksa, you hate him? Asked the voice.
Yes. Kulcarin agreed with the other, the one Kranix who shared his body. He lusts after Sitara, threatens my Shotar with his politicking. He wants to gain control of the Khanate and make a worker's paradise of it.
Ah! Kranix was most pleased, how easy to find Kulcarin's weakness. He was but a loyal follower of the Falcanian ruler – prepared to sacrifice himself in his service. A leverage that could be exploited. When the time is right we shall deal with Urksa! His blood shall bathe our hands. You will be a hero, a champion of the Falcanian way.
Startled he sat up. Krürashi near, the cat's breath in his face. “Hello boy.” Kulcarin reached out to pat the Kheigra. It rumbled at him. He couldn't understand it. The Kheigra had been a gift to Sitara when she had come forth from out of her shell. The beast acted this way around strangers, never to him. Why was it doing this now? “Krürashi, we've known one another since our hatchings,” said the Drakorian. “Why treat me like a stranger in Sitara's nest?” He turned away from the pet and looked at his female. Aranskrai ran a hand over Sitara's bare form beside him and lay alongside her. The Kheigra promptly inserted itself onto the nest looking at the couple as if guarding the female, its mistress.
The Shotar walked the arched corridors of his palace. The curved dark wooden beams were decorated with rich green, yellow, and red banners. Light emitted from pyramid crystals set into tri-claw torches on the walls and threw shadows into alcoves behind golden embroidered tapestries. The floor was tiled in gold triangles which were broken up by large oval ox-blood colored rugs.
Sharr's thoughts lingered upon Frederika. He was intoxicated by her, drunk on her beauty. Sharr knew tomorrow he would be without her because Frederika would accompany his daughter into the market. But when she touched him, his whole world stopped. He felt an overwhelming need to be with her. Sabina however would be there to bring him his tea. That also pleased Sharr for she reminded him of another female he loved long ago…
A wave of pain seized Sharr Khan. He clutched at his chest and fell to his knees. Inside his chest his heart ripped. The extent of Falcanian mortality had yet to be tested, estimated at 300 years without incident. Certainly violence could take the life of a Falcanian. Generally what killed humans could kill Falcanians. But old age and disease did not wreak themselves on the resplendent species, not yet anyway, even though there were new afflictions they endured and still had to combat.
Genetic tinkering had its price. Fix one series of problems and a new category would arise to be dealt with.
He felt himself pulled into The Phoenix Heart. The voices of the departed called out to him. His sight tunneled into a pinpoint of light, a ring of fire, the portal rotated before him to open up into Char. He knew death awaited him. In the ring of flame, Sharr beheld a silhouette, the outline of Ishbol, The Blue Guardian. Among the chaos of sound and light an unexpected, yet familiar voice spoke his name. Not his assumed name, but his human birth name. Its sweet trill spoke the identifier that few would now dare call him by. That alone made the pain he felt endurable.
“Roderik!” said the waves of sound in Aria's voice.
Even while the pain overtook him, an image formed of Aria in the Shotar's mind. She wore a gray sweater with a long black wool skirt. It was one of the outfits that he had liked to see on her.
She welcomed him with outstretched arms. She was still beautiful.
“You've changed, Roderik –”
Aria never had a chance to continue.
Go back! Thundered the vibration. It is not yet time for you to die!
A thunderclap sent the Falcanian ruler back into his body. In the corridor he righted himself. Sharr Khan opened and closed his eyes. Had he perhaps over extended himself? Stress had weakened his heart, an imperfection that he kept to himself. His personal physician had warned him not to overtax his body. This night Sharr had engaged in sexual Olympics that even the most prolific of Falcanian tierkel would have been most surprised to witness. And Falcanian males were sturdy in such things.
At the edge of his mind, Sharr felt a familiar prickle. Nadia knew he had gone from his nest and she sought him out. His mate, a very powerful telepath had found that the network of Char doubled her abilities and link to him. But he as master of the Phoenix Heart could conceal himself and his pain from her. He sensed she could tell things were not entirely right.
Sharr centered his focus on the far end of the hallway.
Donned in a black duster cloak, the lanky figure walked forward. It held a scythe shaped blade at a sling on its hip. The face of the man remained hidden under the enfolding hood of his cloak, though its head could be seen to turn from side to side as it spoke. Behind the dark one, the figure of Atar Kran followed, arms folded across his chest as he escorted the scythe wielding man toward his Shotar. The two carried on a pleasant conversation. Both Atar and the cloaked figure noticed Sharr Khan.
“T'Saar, Sharr Khan!” Hailed the cloaked one. “And happy birthday, sir!”
They came over to the stunned Falcanian leader. The cloaked man removed his hood to reveal a head of long, spiked metallic purple hair. His ears were drawn-out ellipses, much longer then the average Falcanians as well as thin, that came to fine ends which reached a few inches from his head. His long ears twitched cat like. The man's sharp face and cleft chin were covered in a rough, closely shaved beard and he smiled pleasantly at his friend and Shotar. Kvaltar Vron a founding member of the Phoenix Project and a legend among the Falcanian people, but more importantly he was one of the Shotar's nearest friends had at last returned to Vorkrür. Kvaltar was the keeper of the Phoenix Flame. Even when Sharr himself wavered in its light, the Raven kept the fire steadfastly burning. It remained a beacon that called childhood compatriots back to what had once been a lost cause.
“Kvaltar, welcome home,” greeted the Queen who came to stand beside her mate. She gave Sharr a concerned look, but said nothing to him of the feelings she experienced from their bond. Nadia inspected Kvaltar, looking him over imperiously. “How was your time in the jungle?” she asked in reference to his excursion to the Sundarbans.
“Most promising Nadia. Kiralia enjoyed herself,” Kvaltar replied and felt Nadia’s eyes look deeply into him. Her telepathic abilities always caused him unease. The two had a precarious relationship which stemmed from the fact both of them desired to look after the Shotar in their own manner. Vron was glad Sharr had at last found a woman to love. But when Nadia entered the Phoenix Project, she started to rule with a pair of well-sharpened claws.
“Why are you awake?” Sharr asked his mate.
“Kitana was concerned. Come back to bed.” The Queen took Sharr's hand and tugged him toward his lair. “You can catch up with Kvaltar in the morning.”
“Go on.” Kvaltar grinned, a devious glint in his eyes. “Do as Nadia wishes. We have more than enough time to talk.”
Vron had no interest in enduring Nadia's wrath. He once even witnessed her reduce a Drakorian to a puddle of mush for not doing exactly as she had ordered. The woman could be a shrew when she desired to be.
“You can join me for tea in my study,” the Shotar said.
“Sounds great. Still got those strippers serving you breakfast?”
“Of course.” Sharr Khan smiled. “Wait till you see the one tomorrow, a fine creature.”
“I've never doubted your taste in a woman sir.” Kvaltar knew his friend was very good when it came to the his choice of the best looking females. His standards had always been exacting.
“Heard from Shuriken or Lehaja lately?” Kvaltar inquired of their friends stationed in Kuras.
“I expect a troop report from Shuriken soon.”
Nadia batted her elegantly long eyelashes at Atar and Kvaltar as she gave them both a glance that told them she wished fo
r them to leave so she could bring her mate back to their nest. “Kiralia, and I should get together soon, been awhile since we’ve had a girls night out.”
“I’m sure Kiralia would like that,” agreed the Grand Vizier.
They quickly took the hint. Kvaltar and Atar nodded farewell, and continued to walk down the hall to leave their friend in the company of his Queen.
At daybreak, Sitara arrived in front of the palace gates where Frederika patiently waited clothed in shorts and a forest green bikini top. She had piled her blonde mane into a messy bun on her head, tendrils of honey-gold caressed her cheeks.
The princess wore the female version of a jodtok, which had been designed for flight and consisted of an angled midriff baring vest with a fur collar and a pair of trousers. Her black trousers formed themselves over the curves of her thighs and the seams of her tri-claw boots blended into the streamlined outfit. Her tail swayed behind her. The Princess still bore the Tarik Star that dangled from its headpiece on her forehead and the OM pendant remained in the crevice of her breasts.
Hands on hips, Sitara smiled at Frederika. “Are you ready?”
“Whenever you are, Princess.”
“Sitara will do just fine, Frederika.”
Frederika returned the smile. “Sitara, then.”
Drakorian Guards opened the oval doors to allow the two girls onto the main Golden Road. Falcanians and humans moved among the merchants. The princess and dancer examined various wares which included imported foods and textiles. They stopped in front of a Falcanian merchant who sold fabric. Sitara ran her fingers through a gossamer green weave with golden stars embroidered into it. The merchant couldn't help but recognize his Shotar's first born daughter.
“Do you like the fabric, Princess?” the merchant asked.