Zoar: Interesting paper. You cover the issues pretty well.
What I’m not clear on – would this recycling of persona cause our individual personalities to cease? I think that is where the pro-linear resurrection camp is at. Shouldn’t the point of any form of resurrection mean the survival of the personality? Why bother otherwise? Would not there be an entirely new person as the result of the method of rebirth you’ve laid out for us? Which also strikes me to be very Hindu. I know from talking with Sharr, it’s very close to the Teutonic Heathen notion of reincarnation.
>>>We’ve put into place the Telchar Artificial Intelligences to act as “bosses” (Nadia’s familiar with the term where it relates to gaming)
LOL! I am very aware of this term in that context. There’s something to be said for thinking of Char as if it were an advanced video game if my experience “jacking in” using the Chair proved any indication. These impartial observers I think make a good safety valve, most especially Ishbol!
Just so you all are aware, I’m pro-child in this debate. It would be a very sad day if we as a culture put “the usual method” aside in favor of such a detached manner of continuance. Not that Sharr’s ever indicated that’s part of his grand plan, as you all well know he and I have talked about kids. I did not go through all the trouble to update and enhance the Falcanian sexual drive as well as the method of birth just so it could later fall out of use.
I mean we could have spared ourselves many headaches and simply remained a cloistered group of Nine beings who perpetuated ourselves via cloning and passing on our personalities without building a following or worked for any political goals. From an academic standpoint, I can sort of see an appeal in that route, yet it’s not where we’re really at or I think what Sharr’s wanted for his Falcanians. That method also screams genetic bottleneck to me.
Dr. Nadia Korelia/Maharani T’Kara
“Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony?” ~ Leonardo DaVinci ~
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Subject: Re: Re: Our Cybernetic Infrastructure And Linear Resurrection. The Debate!
Hey Nadia!
What I outline is very much structured on a Hindu time cycle and yes also on my understanding of the Norse concept of familiar/clannish rebirth. In point of fact, Eric helped me reach this compromise.
To answer your questions about persona, it’s meant to be both a bit of old and hopefully with each incarnation new bits literally added to a Falcanian’s personality matrix…or “spark” as we’re now referring to it among the order. This raises the question as to would one recall one’s former life? To an extent, this should be permissible. Your point is well taken, that if we are not to be a semblance of ourselves after being reborn why then bother? I think though it’s an awareness that is best left to be awoken to rather than be born with.
Of course, the key here is not all sparks will be aggregate in nature to start out. Some will be fresh and newly minted without any past lives to burden them. Though even once the tabula rasa souls enter the system, they then will eventually fall into the aggregate.
Vorjah Zoar Jangsiin, Tahru Caste
“We will never forget them this morning as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.” – Ronald Reagan.
To: [email protected]
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From: [email protected]
Subject: Resplendent Singularity! (Had To Change The Headline)
Been in dialogue with Falcania (yeah, that sounds weird, even to me). By the way, it's certainly enjoyable jumping into Char, it’ll be something when we’ve gone through the Rashalon and no longer need to use the chair as our only interface and can just switch our awareness over to the cybernetic world at will.
Anyway, I decided to take our dilemma and find out what the AI’s had to say about the whole issue of linear resurrection vs. a collective rebirth as outlined by Zoar. The Telchar (again, it’s odd to speak of them as actual beings) offered a suggestion, one I know that probably won’t be entirely popular but it is a solution.
First, let me speak personally. I would find it rather disconcerting to be “reborn” and yet not fully remember who or what I had been before my death. I’d feel rather cheated to be honest and I think most of us would.
Now Falcania’s solution: she has suggested that every Falcanian should have a Guardian, a Vorchar to help lead them back to their former awareness. I hesitate to put it in such terms, though its accurate, this being would be a cybernetic guardian angel, a kind of continuity switch that would help nurture along the reintegration and reconciliation of a Falcanian’s life cycle
Sharr Khan Mingh Drakonis, Shotar.
“As you grok, brother.”
To: [email protected]
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From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Resplendent Singularity! (Had To Change The Headline)
Are we sure we want to give over so much control of our lives to Artificial Intelligences? That’s a scary concept. I get the function that the Telchar serve in Char, but to give them this god like, spiritual function would appear to me a step too far.
Atar Kran
To: [email protected]
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From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Re: Resplendent Singularity! (Had To Change The Headline)
>>>Are we sure we want to give over so much control of our lives to Artificial Intelligences?
Atar, I like this idea that Falcania has given to us. The Telchar are meant to be regulators, this lets us allow them to fulfill the function for which they were programmed. They are as it has been said “impartial observers” with but one purpose – to ensure the continuation of the Falcanian species and keep our history. This is a good idea and I must tell you, my fellow Tahru love it for the mystical implications. It makes our religious role within the Khanate a little less hypothetical; our gods are observable and play a direct role in our lives. The combined thought processes of Sharr’s Telchar have found our metaphysical answer to the reconciliation of our impulses in the matter.
Vorjah Zoar Jangsiin, Tahru Caste
“We will never forget them this morning as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.” – Ronald Reagan.
To: [email protected]
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From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Resplendent Singularity! (Had To Change The Headline)
One of the strangest, yet most gratifying
discussions I’ve ever had the privilege to have followed. I’m glad for our part in the Phoenix Project, and happy that Nadia and Sharr hit it off like they did. We’ve all come this far in our dream.
Like the rest of you, I’ve had experience with Char and find the virtual world something to behold. I particularly was impressed with the distinct characteristics of each of the Telchar. Of course, Falcania is the most defined so far. I can almost see the harmony of this system. Nothing is ever lost, and we exist as an extension of it and it of ourselves. The Rashalon Engine shall very soon be online. This just makes it that much more intriguing for me.
Turhan Korelia
Ukko is the first creator.
Ukko, maker of the heavens,
Cut apart the air and water,
Ere was born the metal, iron.
Ukko, maker of the heavens
--- The Kalevala: Rune IX
ThunderHawk Compact
Historians Note: As outlined here, this is the Second Reformation incarnation of the holy Falcanian Compact. Please note, in the wake of the Third Reformation instigated by Shinras Rukh, the holy Arblus, this Compact reverted to its original state with Darr-Varth holding supremacy of power over the Falcanian Caste Lords which effectively left the Nine Lords as mere organizers and functionaries.
Loyalty binds us all, sworn to each other to protect our race.
We are Falcanians, children of the Phoenix.
--- Shotar Sharr Khan Mingh Drakonis.
1: This Compact is a binding agreement between the Tharrins (Aeries) of each Falcanian Vrasi (Caste) which are comprised of the Konar (Warriors), Tahru (Scientists/Philosophers/ healers), and Guilthari (Workers/Craftsmen). The three Vrasi and all those within them shall be recognized as equal before Falcanian law
A Darr-Varth shall represent each Tharrin during a legally called Jirga with his voice equal among all others no matter rank or social status. A Shotar shall be appointed by acclamation from among the Darr-Varth to rule the Khanate and preside over a Jirga. A Chancellor shall oversee the Jirga and its workings and shall act as warder of all laws which the Shotar and his Darr-Varth’s decree.
2: No Jirga may be arranged without the express consent of the Shotar.
3: All members of the Falcanian Khanate and Phoenix Project, be they Darr-Varth or simple Aerie members, shall annually (re)affirm the conventions of this Kulsharr Kahran by signing this document down throughout generations and bloodlines. To be welcome among us, one need only offer of their own freewill, loyalty and to take on, as well as defend, the Falcanian tradition which has been recognized or authorized by this Compact. We are all brood, brothers, and sisters of Falcania.
4: Falcanian shall not kill Falcanian.
5: Tradition takes precedents over legalism.
6: Tarik Fordonism shall be the guiding philosophy of the Falcanian Khanate and Phoenix Project. We Falcanians have been brought together from many diverse backgrounds and shall stand united by the binding philosophies of Tarik Fordonism.
7: This Compact shall not be altered without the consent of the Shotar and may only be done so while in an open Jirga for all Falcanians to witness and affirm. Laws or restrictions shall be considered invalid if they are reached or affirmed under the cover of darkness.
8: A Jirga shall be held at least once every year to reaffirm this compact’s holy order. This does not preclude or bar a Jirga from being called at any time.
9: Laws when called to be established should be setup in simple, clear language and in a minimal way. Our guiding philosophy is the more complex a machine of government, the more likely it is to breakdown or become corrupted. Given the choice, we choose small family focused governance over unwieldy faceless bureaucracy. Every Falcanian should be able to comprehend our law with only the most basic of Falcanian schooling as his or her tool.
10: The Shotar and Jirga shall set the monetary standard of the Khanate. Either the Shotar or his representatives will regulate all financial transactions within a reasonable standard. However, personal ventures and risks are encouraged across all strata with a minimal amount of interference from the established government.
This is a two-way street and as the Jirga’s primary function is defense, it shall not meddle in personal financial affairs beyond holding exclusive right to mint and regulate currency. Let nature take its course. As Falcanians, we recognize this is a trade off in favor of personal freedom and such ventures inherently entail risk to personal investments. Yet it must be reiterated, we are all of a brood and if in doubt, appeal to the better angels of our natures and adhere to common sense, tempered by mercy.
11: The Falcanian Khanate reserves the right to choose those who shall call themselves Falcanian.
1: It rests within the province of a Darr-Varth of a Ruling Tharrin (Those Darr-Varth who sit or speak in Jirga) to act as the supreme authority over his Aerie or Sub-Aeries. A ruling Darr-Varth may appoint those whom he sees fit to act as a judge or representative in his stead.
2: Any member of the Falcanian Khanate is given the right of Sra Kreis, "The Circle" should he or she be accused of a crime. It is only within that they can fight for their honor and innocence. A Circle is either a trial of facts or of combat, but only to first drawn blood or surrender.
3: Three Vedik (hallowed judges) will judge The Circle keeping with the three fold Vrasi balance of our society which these appointed judges shall represent.
4: The accused may appoint for him or herself a friend to act as a defender and advocate.
1: A Darr-Varth, including the Shotar, may choose his heir to his power and acquired wealth provided that the Jirga consents and affirms his choice.
2: All personal wealth will be passed onto a Darr-Varth's chosen heirs, including land holdings and moneys.
3: Should a Darr-Varth lack an heir, all his holdings will revert to Imperial control but this is an act of last resort.
Tharrin Militias
1: Each Tharrin will build its own militia to maintain and defend itself and the Falcanian Khanate. A Tharrin militia is expected to take up the cause of the greater Khanate should it be in need of defending.
2: The Claw Throne and Aerie Drakonis assert the right to maintain the order of the Drakorian Guard. The Drakorian Guard supersedes all other military within the Khanate with the right to conscript those who they believe they might need to better accomplish their job.
3: A Tharrin's militia shall become null and void if it turns its weapons upon fellow Falcanians, thereby abrogating its right to exist and shall be given a notice to disband. If it does not, both its soldiers and its Darr-Varth shall be judged to be in contempt and insurrection of this holy Compact.
Amendments to follow as need be required by those above stated rules by acclamation of the Shotar, his Darr-Varth and fellow Falcanians assembled here in open Jirga...
AI: Artificial Intelligence. Any computer program endowed with self-awareness. Falcania, the Telchar Avatar at the center of The Heart of The Phoenix is an example of such a being. Others include the thinking machines such as Dr. Erasmus Chang’s companion Chronos.
Akjang-T'Shaak: Sub-commander.
Aliran: Wing; can also mean “stratosphere”.
Aranskrai: Ironsol.
Arblus: That which recurs or loops inward upon itself or “eternal recurrence”.
Arclayht Warlocks: The most inner circle of Tahru who utilized Druidic practices married with that of scientific calculations to affect change in their environment. Though they existed at the inception of the Falcanian’s Tahru caste and that of the Tarik Way, Arclayht Warlocks did not rise to prominence until the coming of The Arblus who seeded to them various pieces of technology that strengthened their powers. Arclayht’s were ranked in three colors: White First Order, Blue Second Order, and Black Third Order.
Ardala: Star-Wheel, Sun Angel, corona.
Äri: S
tar sometimes “- tar” when used as a suffix such as in Shotar.
Arshira: Falcanian, Skora “Starblade.” Very often used as a female proper name. Later used as a designation for a class of starship.
Arshruk: “Star-Prow” sometimes “Star-Plow”, an airship to be found in The Telchar Shanral. A dirigible like craft that in function works along steampunk mechanics created by the first Falcanians. Though mythical, it is to be noted that real world Falcanians refer to some of their spacecraft as “arshruk” and have even constructed dirigibles that resemble their mythical counterparts.
Ashkaltai: “The Sun Drama” by the playwright Arduth Pol. Pol’s play traces the birth of Ashkaltai, the sun through to her nova event. An artifice of the production is that the sun exists with a dual identity as a young woman named Aral Charen.
Atari: Father. In Skora, the diminutive Atar means “Brightest-Star" or "Point of Starlight".
Atlaar: Lord of Technology. The Primordial who brought “The Spark" to Char and founded a city of technology called Skarasis [Skar’Rasis] that hovered in the sky of Char.
Bastiya: Pigeon Pie, served in a flaky crust with many aromatic herbs. Rather than almonds the Falcanian recipe calls for walnuts.
Brakcha: Thank.
Caliphate Of Aslan: Also called, the Kingdom of Lions designates Darius Noorani's Islamic empire which extends from Iran to Greece.
Calviiri (Kal-Veer-I): A cognac distilled from Johjalic fruit.
Starblade Page 24