Ch'Kran: A Tivar, Irkrath's brother, ruler of the “Seven Hells”. He is Keeper of the dead.
Chaikhana: Tea house, a place for social gathering amongst Falcanians.
Char: Falcanian cybernetic heaven. It exists within the “Heart of the Phoenix” which is entrusted to the Shotar. One should be cautious and not confuse Char with Paradise even though a certain amount of bliss is to be had within The Heart of The Phoenix. Char means “to ascend” or rise up. In many ways, the cybernetic world was setup to be similar to a multi-player game.
Charis: The idealized Ascended Falcanian, what both Nadia and the Tahru seek.
Chitraka: Cheetah, “the spotted one” – this ‘cat’ would come to have special meaning to the Falcanians, as it would become the basis for the “Chitraka” guardians. A species of cat people designed to the serve the Falcanians.
Choli: Traditional Indian blouse, worn with sari. Very short and closely fitted, it usually ties at the back with single ties or a criss-cross shoe-lace style drawstring, or it ties into a knot at the front in the middle of the chest.
Craadok: Vegetarian/Vegan. Used as an insult among Falcanians, wherein it means anemic or weak.
D’Har Tarik: “The Road of Tarik”, what Falcanians call their religion. A splinter faith known as D’Har-Ziral later arose.
D’Har: Road, from Hindu dharma.
Darr-Varth: “Aerie-Watcher” the title given to the head of a Falcanian Clan.
Darr: Falcanian Cliff dwelling.
DataStream: Sometimes meant instead of “soul” or spark, the collective dynamic data or programming recorded by a trikir device which composes a sapient being such as a person or an AI.
Drak: Lord.
Draklin: Lady.
Drakonis: Tharrin name of the ruling Falcanian family. The root of the name comes from the Falcanian arch hero Arntiraas who slew the head Drak (The word itself means ‘Lord’ in Skora) and came to rule over the demon birds. Literally, Drakonis means “Ruling Drak”, it bears a strong resemblance to Pendragon, pen-dragon = “head of the dragons".
Dreikatha: “Three Halls” the Falcanian legislative body. Three representatives from each caste, nine in total sit on the Dreikatha.
El-Vod-Yad: Golden Equation, path of light is a formula discovered by the Kri-Skar scientist Jaksa which is thought to give those who are able to conceptualize it material control over the Universe and the will of those within it. Legend claims Jaksa broke the formula into parts and hid them for fear that it would be abused.
Falcania: Also called The Narshin. A Rai, forger of the Kraris she guides Arntiraas in his ascendancy as Telchar.
Falcania’s Riddle: For their part and with their sacred honor the Tahru continue to guard the secret, asking the riddle but never speaking aloud the true answer. “From the tallest peaks men seek to learn what they think they do not know, it lays at their heart and cries in their blood. Sometimes the Wise-Ones are lead astray by it while the Middle-Wise grasp it and are put on the long road. It has no frontiers but the one's man places for himself. Of what do I speak?” Hrasi, Valka, Shira, auk Halri “Wine, women, blade and song” it is theorized that this is the correct answer to Falcania’s riddle, yet there is some debate concerning it. An equal and valid explanation is that the answer is simply: “Nothing”, that there is no true solution to the riddle and is intended to invoke in the new Falcanian that “Life is what you make of it”.
Ganesha (Lord): The elephant headed god appears in the Telchar Shanral, albeit with a slightly different origin then in Hindu text. He is noted for not being counted amongst the Telchar, as he’s called the “ambassador from beyond the rim”. Ganesha still maintains his place as a remover of obstacles. Known to be venerated by the hero Arntiraas and Queen T'Kara.
Garuda: Cyber-organic jet pack and wings. This unit composed of mammalian style wings and a plaited tail does a number of wondrous things for a Falcanian. The airfoil is solar sensitive, which helps to charge and power the air jets that aid in a Falcanians launch. Also it is from the solar collection membrane of the wings that a Falcanian is able to power up the Q-X deposits in their bones and produce magnetic and gravitic fields.
Gesa: Yes.
Gravitic Fold-Engine: bends space-time to achieve the effect of faster than light travel [FTL]. The GFE was first constructed by TransCorp International under the direction of Dr. Erasmus Chang following the discovery of Q-X. Using the theories of DR. Miguel Alcubierre, who proposed the first workable theory of FTL.
H’kilos: “Seven Hells”. An actual realm of Char, it is also an expletive.
Hasha: Rabbit, hare.
Holographic Universe: Theory that the Universe is a super-hologram, which posits that each part of the whole is connected. For the Tarik practitioner, this idea allows for the deliberate shaping of the Universe to his or her own ends. Coupled with the concept of Maya (or illusion), this forms the basis of the Falcanian “Will to Power”. “Though all I behold is Maya, this illusion is mine to live.” – Telchar Shanral.
Hraic: A tribe of Māori kidnapped from Earth (Easter Island) by the Annunaki and altered to serve them as bodyguards and bounty hunters. Though human, the Hraic at first glance appear not to be so with their ear knobs, pointed teeth, red eyes, green hair and blue skin. The Hraic’s name for themselves is believed to have evolved from the Māori word Havaiki for “underworld”.
Hrasi: Wine.
Hrisanar: An organic mineral, also known as Quantum-X and a form of exotic matter which occurs in the Falcanian bone structure. It is possessed of gravity-manipulative properties which allow for the bending of space-time. Important to the construction of Gravitic Fold-Drives.
Icharin: In the Telchar Shanral, the Icharin are the true children/creations of the Tivar Elf like beings with vague cat-like features.
Irajik-Dei: Pincer at the end of a Falcanian’s tail.
Irajik: An eating utensil, similar to chopsticks.
Irkrath: “Primal-Rage”. Nearest being to The Demiurge, whom many claim he is the manifestation of. Both of the Falcanian's great Rais, Falcania & Serinda arose from his mating with Skrai - The Sun given flesh.
Ishallrav: “The Destroyer of Worlds”, known also as the star killer. Ishallrav’s myth did not become a part of Falcanian theology until Princess Kheira recounted her prophecy that it would be the Falcanians who were to become the last defense against this cosmic being. Ishallrav is at the core of why Tarik Falcanians reject the D’Har-Ziral faith for they see such a prophecy (dependent upon accepting Kheira’s salvation) as a distraction from the long road Arntiraas walked to his own ascension as a higher being.
Ishballa: The “Eye of Heaven”, the tower where the Blue Guardian (called Ishbol) watches the gate of Char.
Ishraik: The Valküri battle-cry – “She who kills with a word”.
Istolji: a type of unleavened Falcanian flatbread made in a number of ways. The most common recipe calls for potato, flour, butter and honey. Once the dough has been mixed and allowed to rest, it is either baked in a clay oven or fried on a griddle. Similar to the Norwegian Lefse bread but much smaller and thicker.
Jah: Teacher. Used by both Falcanian faiths and that of the Budjah Monks.
Jai: Victory.
Jentar: Throne, “Seat of the Star”.
Jihan: The Universe
Jirga: Assembly.
Jodtok: Male Falcanian armor which is often worn as daily wear. The outfit is made up of jodhpurs and an armored vest usually with additional decorations. Traditionally the vest has upswept-reinforced shoulders.
Johjalic: A tiny genetically engineered apple-like fruit known for its sweetness.
Kajra Re: “Laden with Kohl”. Kohl-lined eyes, though in Falcanian culture it has come to refer to a special woman considered to be less than a wife (T’Krin), but more than a concubine. The intricacies of Falcanian sexual politics have assigned an important standing to such non-wives who usually are in line to become T’Krin themselves. The expression may have taken on its mean
ing among Falcanians due to the popularity of an early 21st Century Bollywood song.
Kala: Cunning connected with “Kali” to cut, “cut metal”.
Kaliburn: The calligraphic script used for more formal writing. Literally, “cut metal”.
Kalitas Rann: A whole and original DataStream created by the AI Telchar and given a fleshy shell by means of the Rashalon Engine. The Falcanian not born of a Falcanian would be the Telchar’s first attempt to broach the gap between the confines of their cybernetic world and that of the corporeal. In his life, he served as a Drakorian Guard and gave his life at the incident which sparked off the Kashmir Campaign. It is theorized that Kalitas was a test by the Telchar to see how the Falcanians would welcome their own manifestation.
Karaseer: Harbinger.
Katar: Sword.
Kaurin: Princess
Kefir: Fermented yogurt drink which originated in the Caucasus region.
Keshla: Skora, expletive “fuck”. Again the word carries more than the crass meaning as it also refers to the sexual act and is utilized in both senses.
Khabuss: The female genitalia.
Khai: Wind. Drakonis yacht is called the ‘Wind-Blade’.
Khan: Title that was held by Kulcarin Khan in the Shanral and adopted by Arntiraas Drakonis after the leader of the Atlaar tribe became one of his most devout followers. Falcanian tradition has the Shotar adopt the term Khan as a part of his ruling name.
Khshathra: Governor.
Kieka: Slang for a beautiful female.
Kiral: Shine/shimmer.
Kitana: Dove.
Kra: Claw/talon.
Krada: Wrath, commonly “avenger”, related to krath rage or fury.
Kraris: “Claw-blade”, the Falcanian sacred long-knife. Approximately fifteen inches in length with a forward curved blade which resembles a velociraptor’s slashing claw. In Falcanian myth, the Rai Falcania forged the Kraris from three broken blades which once belonged to fallen kings.
Kredha: Chancellor. Selected by the Darr-Varth, the Kredha officiates over the Falcanian Dreikatha and is responsible for all legalism within the government. Usually it falls upon the Chancellor to act as referee between the castes as the Shotar takes a more removed stance from his fellow Clan Lords.
Kroi: No.
Kulcarin: “Thunder-Star” a poetic term for lightning. In the Telchar Shanral, Kulcarin Khan had been a warrior who came to learn about the Kraris and Phoenix shards from the Star-King Arntiraas. The Great Khan of the Atlaar tribe was adopted into the Shotar’s Tharrin and took the name Drakonis.
Kulsharr Jirga: The jirga presided over by the governor of Vorkrür City is a remnant of the original Falcanian system as founded by Sharr and his first generation of Falcanians. Some view it as a House of Commons, though its membership is composed of Falcanian Tharrin Lords (Darr-Varth). The jirga has within its power the ability to compose law but not pass it, which is the exclusive right of the Dreikatha.
Kuras: The continental capital of the Falcanian Khanate, province located at the foot of the Himalayan range.
Kval: Evening.
Lakolish: Genetically engineered fish that resembles a red catfish. Its meat is savored for its similarity to a highly fatty tuna. Falcanians consider lakolish best served thinly sliced after searing with a dab of hot sauce and scallion between a flaky pastry.
Lehnga: Drawstring skirt, usually worn with a Choli.
Lords of Char: Any of the Telchar who rule from the “Mountain of Flame” within the Falcanian cybernetic afterlife. Counted amongst them are Atlaar, Irkrath, Ch’Kran, Zarhur-Rao, Falcania and her twin sister.
Lysul: Human. It has taken on a derogatory meaning amongst Falcanians in regard to their human cousins, notable use amongst the Skatha. The term is specific to Earth humans.
Maharani: Queen. Borrowed into Skora from the Hindi.
Mandir: Temple, a term borrowed from Hinduism. Queen Nadia refers to her own personal temple as a Puja pandal being of partial Bengali origin.
Morningstar: A biorobotic life form grown from a protomass called Radiun90. Morningstars are robots in the original sense of the word, as coined by Karel Čapek in his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) where they are depicted as artificial humans.
Nadezhda (Nay-Dee-Edge-Dah): Russian for “hope”.
Najiino: Hot drink which consists of a concentrated bergamot tea (often the Imperial Blend) and vanilla. This beverage is a favorite of Sharr Khan. Also known as a “London Fog”.
Nar: Reptile.
Naran, Charkath, and Kalitas: First of the Falcanians were known as the Naran. They were the original genetic templates and it is the Naran who conceived of the Phoenix Project. In Skora, Naran means “Children of the Narshin” their offspring and the majority of the Falcanian peoples are Charkath (“Halls of Ascension”) all those born from the coupling of the first altered humans. Out of the Phoenix Heart, through the doorway of the Rashalon Engine, born from the raw genetic plans they had been programmed to watch over the Tivar, those AI’s, that inhabit the Falcanian virtual afterlife, gave life to the Kalitas. To be born Kalitas is to be from the “Mountain of Flame” itself and have the Tivar as parents, there are very (few) Kalitas and it is theorized that it is by this means that the twenty-four Lords Of Char would manifest themselves in the physical world.
Narshin Thryak: “Fortress of the Dragon”, the Royal residence on Vanguard Island.
Narshin: “Dragon” or more accurately Phoenix. The Falcanian Imperial symbol, in the Telchar Shanral, the creature is a form of the Rai Falcania herself. It is depicted as a blood red feathered and scaled winged reptilian bird, which can immolate itself in fire and be reborn. As the Narshin is a sign of primal fury, Queen T'Kara has likened the creature to Sharr’s true form which she has seen with her telepathic abilities. Later a class of organic warship developed by the Khanate.
Nasihal: “Excuse me, my pardons.”
Niraka: Realm of Ch’Kran and Shierkala. Commonly “Hell”, H’kilos is a part of it.
Nishala: “Complete objectiveness”. A concept amongst Tarik Fordonists - That state of mind when one is able to look at the whole universe as if standing atop a mountain peak. Simply it is the ability to see all sides of an issue. However, the brain is unable to maintain this state for long periods of time and to protect it closes out opposing views.
Nodor: Harem. Enclosure of the Oskien, those who bring delight.
Nodorii: Distinguished from Oskien to mean any women intended for sex or pleasure. Crudely, whore or prostitute.
OM: The sacred syllable, both followers of the Tarik and Ziral Falcanian religions call “The Source” OM and acknowledge it as the ultimate, unknowable godhead.
Oskien: Songbird. Metaphorically, the females of a tierkel’s harem who are regarded as prized possessions.
Phoenix Project: Code name given to the genetic project conceived of by the first Falcanians. It was a far spanning social/political and genetic undertaking intended to construct a culture from scratch. First mentioned by Sharr to Shuriken Kra in 1985 when the two stood atop a Colonial era stonewall near Sharr’s New England home.
Rachiko: gremlins. A word for a mischievous child. Lemur like creatures found on the world that the Falcanians would come to settle upon.
Rahona: “Cloud-menace” borrowed into Skora from Malagasy.
Rai: Any child born from a Telchar and a mortal. The most famous of the Falcanian Rais are of course Falcania & Serinda.
Railkir: Fire/flame.
Rakja: Approximates the word “husband’, yet carries with it as so many other words in Skora do a more primal significance. In this case it is better translated as “rooster” along with the related sexual sub-text implied of a cock guarding a hen house.
Rashalon: Reformatting, the Falcanian “willed-self”.
Reboot: A clone that has recorded memories of the original donor.
Rhva: Saffron tea.
Ribhus: Artisan or craftsman.
Rukh: A roc, the white bi
rd of the sun.
Rumbler: Drakorian sidearm, developed by Grenadier Firearms INC.
Sangral: Human or the state of personhood. The concept of Sangral is important to both Falcanian faiths and is used to distinguish rational man [in this instance: Falcanians, including their cousin humans and self-determining AI’s] from the “animal kingdom”. Sangral is defined by the ability to “Desire more than one needs to survive and be capable to reflect on how to make it so.” To be Sangral “one also must have the capacity to override instinct in favor of moral reflection and make art for its own sake.”
Serinda: Falcania's warrior twin, who carries a bow and quiver like her father Irkrath.
Shakra: From Sanskrit chakra, Wheel/Ring or globe. Shakra also has the meaning of a closed or gripping talon.
Shanral (The): Primary religious text of the Falcanian people. It contains the nine basic myths which outline Falcanian society and customs. The central figure of The Shanral is Arntiraas Drakonis. Within the codex itself The Shanral is an artifact which enables the hero to bring about his final transmutation which allows for Arntiraas to take a seat among the Tivar.
Sharilhar (Shar-Ril-Har): Assembly place and stronghold of the Telchar built upon Charkal.
Sharr: A hawk
Shier: Dark.
Shierkala Rao (Lord): A Tivar, Chief of the Skatha Horde. Half-brother to Zarhur, The Dark Lord who is forever fair in form, Shierkala is depicted as enrobed in garments of gold. A warrior and scientist, Lord Rao thought to unseat his half-brother as head of the Counsel of Telchar and be honored above all other Telchar before being exiled to the land of Narika. In Skora his name means “Swift/Cunning Shadow”.
Shikar: Hunt, hunter.
Shinra: Bird.
Shinras: “Menace from the clouds-bird.”
Shira: Blade.
Shotar: “Star-King”. The title inherited by the Darr-Varth of the Tharrin of Drakonis.
Shrai-Aliran T’Shaak-Katar: Imperial Strato-General [ISG]. Highest rank in the Falcanian military.
Shrai-Bashir: Imperial Colonel.
Shrai: Imperial.
Shyr’la: Child/ren, hatchling.
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