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Starblade Page 26

by Rodney C. Johnson

Skar: The Horned Owl. It’s considered an animal of vigilance and duty among Falcanians.

  Skarin: The Primordial Atlaar’s Centurions who guarded his Floating City of Skarasis, they were called such in honor of Zarhur-Rao whom the Horned Owl is a sign of. Thought to have been sentient automatons.

  Skatha: Shadow.

  Skora: Literally Skora means “to speak”. The word has come to be the proper name for the Falcanian language.

  T'krin: Wife, but translated literally would mean “she who bears eggs”. Commonly, “Protectress of the aerie or clutch”.

  T'Saar: A salute used both as a greeting and a farewell. "T'Saar" originated during the many discussions that Kvaltar Vron and Sharr Khan used to have when they came to realize that they needed a proper means to end a telephone conversation.

  T’Shaak-Katar: General. “Commanding Sword”.

  Tahru: Druid oak/tree. The priestly class of the Falcanian religion known as Tarik.

  Taikara: “Hope” though it actually refers to “That moment between despair and oblivion where you choose either to continue or fall to the darkness”. It is the moment of desperation, which drives a person or society forward even when the odds tell them that all is lost. Sometimes referred to as the driving force. The proper name “T’Kara” is of course derived from it.

  Tair: Blood.

  Tairjof: Blood-sausage.

  Talai: Sphere

  Talis: Acclaimed.

  Tan: Free, liberty.

  Teilani: Paradise. An ironic word to be sure. In the Falcanian religion of Tarikism, Paradise exists only as a hypothetical construct, one which can only be achieved by a mortals hands and then it is inherently flawed.

  Telaach: Half-circular dumplings of unleavened dough, often fried and filled with meat either eaten as street food and very often at breakfast. A common filling is sprakzir-pig mixed with mashed peas.

  Telchar: People of The Lamp, shepherds of Char. There are twenty-four Lords of Char in all. Nine sit in assembly within the palace Sharilhar. Counted amongst them are Irkrath (The only Tivar who can face the OM itself) Zarhur-Rao chief of the Telchar and called the “Most Wise”, Ch’Kran Irkrath’s brother the keeper of the dead and Atlaar Lord of Technology who built many things for his people. Originally created as cybernetic bosses for the virtual world Char.

  Telhri (Tel-H’RI): Lamplight, a prayer lamp.

  Tharrin: Aerie. From Skora, Darr.

  Thraj: Tent similar to a yurt, a Falcanian mobile dwelling.

  ThunderHawk Compact (Kulsharr Kahran): Falcanian, semi-religious document that outlines Falcanian culture, ethics, and laws. Chief among its stated laws, “Falcanian shall not kill Falcanian”.

  Tierkel: Skora, “male”, man masculine.

  Tirhra: Standard Falcanian monetary unit. The Shotar & the Dreikatha set its value.

  Tivar: Diminutive and singular of Telchar.

  Trikash: Original Falcanian script composed of triangles and dots. The calligraphic script known as Kaliburn later supplemented it.

  Trikir: Falcanian Skora. The triangular crystal device that enhances a Falcanian's link with the cybernetic Over-Soul. The trikir is worn as a piece of jewelry usually close to the abdomen.

  Tulath: Breakfast food. A combination of sprakzir-pig crackling, hominy, chili, and onion.

  Urksa: Ox/bull

  Vajra: Falcanian monofilament weapon, the “energy sword” is composed of titanium filaments suspended in a highly compressed magnetic field which forms an extremely effective cutting edge.

  Vali Shah: Crown Prince, Heir Apparent to the Claw-Throne.

  Valitey: Mother, though the Hindi “maa” is common among Falcanians.

  Valka: Skora, “female”, feminine.

  Valküri: Sisterhood founded by Queen T’Kara intended to act as a bonding group between all Falcanian tharrins. The chief commandment of a Valküri is “to inspire awe and terror in those who behold her.” and “to take upon herself the aspect of the many armed goddess, giver of life and death.” It is often assumed the “many armed goddess” is Kali – of course the Cult of the Valküri would never admit to Kali worship.

  Vedik: Holy Judge.

  Veheer: An oracle or seer.

  Veruliya: Light green semi-precious stone.

  Veslor: Reverend Mother. Highest Valküri rank.

  Vichira: Vizier.

  Vorchar: Lesser Telchar akin to archangels. The Wardens of Char’Kal the stronghold of the Lords Of Char. Warriors, garbed in white armor who bear swords of lightening.

  Vorjah: Head guru. Title held by the leader and high priest of the Falcanian Tahru caste.

  Vorskrai: First-Sun.

  Vrasi: Caste. The word means “skills of need”.

  Vraxis: Juncture point located on the slopes of Mt. Shira in Char. In the vernacular of gamers it’s a place to “level up”, though the temple's attributes cannot be utilized without the presence of a Guardian Vorchar.

  Vrok: Humans who have adopted Falcanian customs.

  Wyrd: The threads of destiny.

  Yendor: Junction.

  Zarhur: Light-Bearer (Skora ziral ‘light’ hjur ‘to bear, to bring’), Lucifer – the Ninth Tivar. called the “Most High”, he who presides over the twenty-four Tivar. Zarhur is depicted as a being of light with great wings and pupiless blue eyes. It was he who welcomed Arntiraas into the Mountain of Flame.

  Zuhla: Honey/sugar, something sweet.

  About The Author

  Rodney C. Johnson lives in Westbrook, Ct. with his two beagles, Zoey and Bentley, plus the family cat Gretchen. He enjoys reading and writing. He considers himself a “Foodie”. His love of Science Fiction was driven by Star Trek and Frank Herbert’s classic work DUNE.

  In his free time, Rodney C. Johnson is an avid collector of books, new or used. Mostly Science Fiction books (Sci-Fi), but he will read anything, provided it catches his interest. It's not about the genre - it is about if the author paints a vivid picture with his words.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1. Coming Of The Overman

  Chapter 2. The Golden Apple

  Chapter 3. Phoenix Dawn


  About The Author





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