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Let Me Be the One: The Sullivans, Book 6

Page 19

by Bella Andre

  She took his face in her hands to kiss him again, but even though there was nothing in the world he wanted more, Ryan had to make absolutely sure she wouldn’t use their pre-date sex as a reason to back away from him later.

  “You and me, we’re about more than great sex.”

  She licked at his lips. “Of course we are. But the sex is a really fantastic bonus, don’t you think?”

  He had to kiss her again once, then twice, before saying, “The best bonus in the world.”

  * * *

  An hour later, they were walking hand in hand onto the same wetland path they’d walked so many times before as teenagers.

  “I can’t believe you brought me back here.” She squeezed his hand tighter as she pulled him toward the water, murky green as it slowly flowed along the peninsula south of the city. “Ready for the plunge?”

  Side by side, they squatted down on the muddy edge to stick their hands underwater. Vicki looked down at their hands just under the surface, then back at him.

  “This is a really lovely first date. Thank you.”

  “Even the part where I tore off your clothes the second you walked in the front door?”

  She shot him a wicked—and well satisfied—grin. “Especially that.”

  “Do you know what I always wanted to do out here?” he asked her.

  “Probably the same thing I wanted.”

  In perfect sync, they leaned in to kiss each other. But just as their lips were about to touch, Vicki’s heels started skidding on the muddy bank.

  Her wide, laughing eyes were the last thing he saw before she toppled into the water...and took him in with her.

  Ducks scattered into the sky as they splashed their way to the surface. Laughing too hard to bother climbing out of the sludgy water, as they held onto each other, the ducks that had flown away settled back down to swim around them.

  A clump of something green and gooey clung to Vicki’s hair, mud streaked her cheek...and still, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “You,” was all he could say. “Just you, Vicki.”

  And then he gave up on talking altogether to make good on the wet and dirty wetlands kiss he’d waited fifteen years to give her.

  * * *

  Twenty-four hours later, Vicki hummed along with the pop song she’d had on repeat for the past two days as she worked. Cheesy love songs performed by sixteen-year-old kids were her weakness. Serious artists, she knew, were supposed to behave accordingly. But she’d never been any good at looking, sounding, or acting the part of the serious artist.

  Then again, she hadn’t thought she’d be able to pull off the role of Ryan Sullivan’s fiancée very convincingly, either.

  Of course, that had nothing whatsoever to do with her acting skills...and everything to do with the fact that she’d lost her heart to him so long ago.

  It wasn’t hard to act besotted when you actually were. And when every night they spent together had been so special. Especially last night, when he’d taken her back to the wetlands.

  She knew how busy his life was during the season, and yet he’d squeezed her into every free moment. As much as she loved it, she couldn’t live with herself if she accidentally stole him away from his friends and family. Hopefully, she thought as she looked out at how low the sun was in the sky, he’d had a great practice and was headed out to have a beer with the guys.

  Yes, that was what he needed. Some guy time.

  She could darn well ignore her pangs of missing him in the eight or so hours that had passed since he’d kissed her awake that morning. She blushed at the delicious—and decadent—memory of the good morning Ryan had given her before heading out to the stadium.

  Realizing her hands had stopped working at least fifteen minutes ago, and that her focus was slightly shot for the time being, she carefully moved her fellowship project over to her worktable against the wall.

  Somehow, she realized, she’d let herself start to plan for the future. One that Ryan—and his family—were a big part of.

  Her stomach clenched as she mentally looked down the road she’d been walking these past couple of days with Ryan. When they’d agreed to start dating, post tiled-shower-wall-banging sex, she’d told him they should take it slow.

  And now, here she was having a hard time doing that herself.

  There was no guarantee things would work out between them, despite how incredibly compatible they were. She didn’t doubt her feelings for him, knew they wouldn’t ever lessen. But Ryan had the whole world at his feet. And even though he was already one of the top athletes in the world, she knew he hadn’t yet reached his peak. He would go from pitching to something even bigger, she was sure of it. She wouldn’t stand in his way. And she would never—never—let herself be the albatross tied to him that he felt compelled to pull behind him as he climbed higher and higher.

  Her studio light flicked on and she was momentarily blinded. A few seconds later, she realized Ryan was walking toward her. Before she could even register what was happening, he pulled her to her feet and gave her a hard, hungry, possessive kiss. She could taste his need. And, strangely, his relief as well.

  “Jesus, Vicki, you need to answer your phone.”

  Her pupils were still trying to adjust to the bright lights at the same time as she worked to keep her balance after Ryan’s brain-sizzling kiss.

  “My phone?” was the best she could do by way of a response when she was at the perfect level to stare straight at his gorgeous mouth. She couldn’t resist taking her own tiny little taste of him this time.

  “You weren’t at home, and I’ve been calling you for an hour.” He pulled back, his dark eyes flashing dangerously. “No one was answering out front.”

  She wished her hands weren’t covered in wet clay. Otherwise she could have stroked the worry from his face. “I lost track of time. You shouldn’t have worried.”

  He abruptly let go of her and walked back to her door to kick it shut. Maybe it would have scared her if some other man had acted like this, but she didn’t feel even the slightest bit of fear with Ryan.

  Only the fast sizzle of arousal...and anticipation of just how he would take her this time.

  Plus, she couldn’t help but think she knew why he was acting this way. Until she gave him the commitment he said he wanted, how could he do anything but doubt her? One way or another.

  He locked her door before moving to yank down the blinds on one of the big windows. “All goddamned day long I thought about you.” He yanked down another blind, so hard it rattled against the glass. “Every second at the stadium, every second of my meetings, I was waiting for it all to end so that I could get home and spend my last night before leaving for the playoffs with you.” Frustration fairly rolled off him. “But you weren’t there.”

  She stood in the middle of her workroom, paralyzed by the desire—and possessiveness—in her normally calm and easygoing friend’s eyes as he quickly covered the distance between them.

  “We agreed to go slow,” she reminded him, and herself, even though slow was the exact opposite of what she wanted right now. Fast and hard and breathless was all she could think about even as she told him, “We’ve spent the past six nights together. I wanted to give you space to go out with the guys.”

  “I’ve had a lifetime of space,” he growled. “I don’t need space. I need you, Vicki. You.”

  She was shellshocked by his intensity.

  And honesty.

  “Then take me, Ryan, because I need you, too.”

  He yanked off his shirt and then hers, stopping only long enough to run his fingers over the engagement ring hanging on the chain between her breasts. Her leggings were gone a second later and then he snapped open the clasp at the back of her bra and it fell, too. All that remained was for him to push his thumbs into the sides of her panties and shove them down over her hips and thighs.

  Her hands were wet and covered with clay, but Ryan clearly
didn’t care as he threaded his fingers into hers and backed them up against the nearest wall. He lifted her hands up over her head and lowered his mouth to her breasts, roughly rubbing the stubble on his chin over her, making her flesh even more sensitive by the time he laved first one and then the other with his tongue.

  Even lost in the sweet shock of arousal, Vicki realized she was surrounded by all of her favorite things.

  Clay. Sculptures. Ryan.

  Full to bursting with a joy she hadn’t ever let herself believe could be real, the next thing she knew, Ryan was kissing her again and letting her hands go to press his now clay-covered palms over her breasts.

  Every inch of skin he touched came alive beneath his fingers, marking her with clay, claiming her as his even more with every caress.

  Wanting to mark him, too, desperate to feel his heat and strength beneath her fingertips, she laid her hands over his shoulders and slowly slid a path of clay down over his chest and then his abdomen.

  He pushed himself between her naked thighs so that the zipper of his jeans—and the huge bulge behind it—was a deliciously hard press of heat into the vee between her legs, making her gasp as he hit just the right spot. Always incredibly in tune with her body, he reached for one thigh and slid his hand down to grasp her beneath her knee and pull her leg up and around his waist.

  Vicki was entirely sensation now, a bundle of nerves ready to spring apart at any moment. But she didn’t want to go there alone.

  Suddenly clumsy with desire, her hands shook, fumbling at the button and zipper on his jeans. He moved his hands from her breasts just long enough to pull a condom out before his jeans fell to the ground. She was the one yanking off his underwear now and thank God his hands were clean enough from brushing over her skin again and again to slide on the condom.

  So strong, he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist just as he lowered her down onto him. Both of them breathed out hard at the sweet moment of connection, her body a perfect fit around his, and then he was cupping her hips hard in his hands and riding her against the wall while she kissed him with more than just her mouth. Her entire heart and soul were there in every slick of her tongue against his, in every gasp of ecstasy...and especially in the explosion of pleasure that soon took them both over in the middle of her studio.

  They clung to each other for several long moments, working to catch their breath. She loved the way Ryan kept holding onto her as if it didn’t even occur to him to ever let her go.

  “I like dating you,” he said into the curve of her shoulder.

  She laughed before losing her breath all over again at the aftershocks that her body made jostling over his in laughter. Thirty minutes later, when they’d pulled their clothes back on over their clay-covered bodies and were sitting on the floor devouring the slices of pizza that had just been delivered, with Ryan’s fake-engagement ring lying between her breasts, she realized it was the craziest second date she’d ever had.

  Crazy...and so right.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Vicki snuggled in closer to Ryan. He had a bad habit of kicking off the covers while they were sleeping, but as long as he was there to keep her warm, she didn’t mind.

  A few minutes later, alarms started to sound from around the room. “Time to wake up, sleepyhead. You have a plane to catch.” She softened her words with a soft flick of her tongue across his earlobe.

  He groaned and tried to pull her closer, but as much as she wanted to let him drag her beneath him to make their morning even more perfect, first she needed to wiggle out from beneath his arm to find his various alarms and turn each of them off.

  By the time she clicked off the last one, he was sitting up in bed giving her a very appreciative—and smoldering—look.

  “You look so good naked, you’ve just given me a new idea.”

  She raised an eyebrow even as she moved toward his outstretched arm. “Are you sure it’s a new idea?”

  He pulled her over him so that she was straddling him over the covers. “I think we should make this a clothes-free room.”

  She laughed and kissed him. “Okay.”

  His large, extremely talented hands cupped her breasts and as he lowered his mouth to them, he said, “If I’d known it was going to be that easy to convince you, I would have said the whole house should be a naked zone.”

  Her laughter stopped the second his tongue slicked over her. She threaded her fingers through his hair and held him against her as he feasted on her.

  She was panting as she said, “Maybe.”

  He lifted her head. “Say that again?”

  She gave him a wicked smile. He needed to get on the road soon, but if they worked fast, they could squeeze in a little fun, couldn’t they? “Make me say it.”

  Just that fast, her wrists were in his hand, her gentle morning lover turning deliciously dominant in a split-second change-up.

  Ryan’s free hand moved between her legs and his mouth covered hers as his fingers played over her aroused flesh.

  “You ready to talk yet?”

  Talk? She could barely breathe.

  “Okay, then. You’ve left me no choice but to get serious with you.” He moved his hand down to the top of her abdomen and stopped right there—such a good tease.

  Already overflowing with wanting, Vicki gasped out the word, “One.”

  “One what?” His fingers went a little lower, just brushing against her curls, but no matter how she tried to move against his hand, he held firm.

  “You can have me naked for one day.”

  “Where? Just in the bedroom?” He nipped at her earlobe with a possessive growl. “Or the whole house?”

  He moved his hand even lower, but still not low enough.

  She all but moaned the words, “The whole house.”

  He grinned down at her, but his eyes were dark with desire. “Only once?”

  She couldn’t believe what she was about to promise him. But no one had ever made her feel so desired—or safe—that she could even consider agreeing to stay naked for one full day with him.

  “At least once.”

  “Every month.” His words were a seductive flicker of warm breath and stubble over her breasts and stomach as he kissed his way down her body until his mouth was hovering right over his teasing hand. “Promise me a naked day every month and I’ll give you what you want.”

  If she’d been able to, she would have promised him anything, everything, but all she could manage was, “Please, Ryan.”

  She’d stopped trying to quiet her pleas when they were in bed together. Not only because it didn’t feel like she was giving up any of her power to him when she begged...but also because she knew how much he liked knowing he was making her crazy.

  His mouth came down on her at the exact moment his fingers slid inside, and Vicki instantly came apart in a flash of brilliant, beautiful color.

  Moments later, he moved over her, inside her, and she was wrapped all around him and he was wrapped around her, too, and it was all so beautiful and perfect that she knew it couldn’t possibly get any better.

  “I love you.”

  They were the three words she’d waited half her life for Ryan to say. Not only to hear him say it…but also to believe it could be true.

  She’d been so young when she’d learned not to get too attached to anything since her father would be stationed somewhere new at least every year. But that one year with Ryan had been different. So special that she hadn’t been able to keep herself from losing her heart to him. Just like this week, when she’d given him her heart all over again.

  And still, even when he’d told her how he felt about her, and that he wanted their fake relationship to be real, she’d held herself back out of fear that their friends-to-lovers story was too good to be anything but fiction.

  Only, as they lay together, with his heartbeat thudding in time with hers, Vicki felt closer to Ryan than she’d ever felt to anyone else. Close enough that she finally allowed
herself to give voice to the feelings she’d once believed would forever remain silent.

  “I love you, too.”

  The joy on his face at her confession had her heart clenching hard in her chest and tears coming so fast they were already slipping down her cheek one after the other.

  “God, it’s good to hear you say that. So damn good, Vicki. Say it again.”

  “I love you,” she whispered again and again between kisses, and even though they were already so close, she needed more.

  And as their words of love for each other tangled on their tongues and mouths, their morning quickie turned into something even hotter and sweeter with Ryan’s fingers threading through hers, and he took her body—and heart—up to the highest peak she’d ever crested one more beautiful time.

  * * *

  Vicki was towel-drying her hair as Ryan gathered up the last of his things to head out for the airport. They’d used up every single second of their final morning before the playoffs—and then some, she thought with a smile.

  She put on her usual studio uniform of a tank top and pair of leggings and headed out to the kitchen. Her smile grew even bigger as she thought about just how she could make Ryan’s day just a little bit better before he got on the plane for St. Louis to play the Cardinals in the first game of the playoffs.

  He was staring at his cell phone and she couldn’t see his face as he said, “Thanks for calling about this, Smith.”

  When he kept scrolling down the screen, she took the chance to stare at him for a few seconds...and to reflect on the shocking fact that he was all hers.

  Oh, how she was going to miss him while he was in Missouri for five days. How had she ever managed to go so many years without seeing him, when now she was barely going to make it a week?

  Thanking God he’d be back from his games just before the fellowship board made their decision, she wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her face against his back. “Okay, you can have it.” He turned to face her and she was grinning as she said, “One completely, totally naked d—” Vicki’s words fell away as she saw his face. “What’s wrong?”


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