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Emma's Deliverance

Page 15

by Susan Vance

  Emma walked around him and continued on her way to the steps. She heard him call out to her to keep her mouth shut. She heard him call her ugly names, but she never turned around. She stopped for a moment at the top of the stairs to the church and closed her eyes. He isn’t real. He isn’t real. He’s a coward, too. He only bothers me when I’m by myself. Emma turned towards him and smiled. She laughed out loud then looked around to make sure no one could hear her. “You’re a coward, you are a pathetic coward.” With that she walked into the church. If he shouted back, she never heard him. She looked up at the altar and whispered, “Help me God. Help me to be strong and keep my sanity. Please be with me and don’t let him win.”

  Emma sat down next to Marilyn and Howard and reached out her arms for Louie. He cheerfully climbed onto her lap and hugged her tightly. She closed her eyes and whispered in Louie’s ear, “Someday, I will have a beautiful little one just like you.”

  After church Emma went over to the house. She sat down at the table in the kitchen. She could smell the roast in the oven and it made her hungry. Marilyn and Howard came in with Louie.

  “Hi, Honey, are you staying for dinner?” Marilyn asked. “Jody and Ryan will be here in an hour. They had some shopping to do.”

  “I can't, I’m having dinner with Jason.”

  “That’s fine. By the way, isn’t it just wonderful news about the baby?”

  “It is very wonderful, Mom, but I need your help right now. I want to see all the newspaper clippings from the murders. I want you to tell me about everything you know and I mean everything.”

  “What? Oh not today. Why do you want to re-hash all of that?” Marilyn said sounding very alarmed.

  “I need to find out what happened. Step by step until I understand exactly how it happened. Will you help me?” she asked with tears in her eyes.

  “I had hoped this day would never come. I have always wanted to protect you—to shield you from that terrible night. I guess deep down I’ve always been glad you couldn’t remember what happened, but I see the pain in your eyes and you have a right to know what happened if that is what you want.”

  “It is,” Emma said nodding her head.

  Marilyn turned to Howard. “Take Louie to the den and give him some graham crackers. Give him some juice, too, his little cup is on the counter.” She pointed to the sink. She took a deep breath and turned to face Emma. “Come on, let’s go upstairs.”

  She took Emma into her bedroom and walked over to the closet. She pulled down a box from the top shelve and blew off the dust. The box was taped and it looked as if it hadn’t been opened since it had been sealed many years ago. She carried it over to a table and opened it up. She reached in and pulled out a stack of newspaper clippings and handed them to Emma.

  “Do you want me to stay with you while you read them?”

  “Thanks, Mom, but I think I better do this by myself, okay?”

  “Of course. Just let me know when you’re finished and I’ll put them back. Oh, before you start reading, there are some pictures in the box of your parents and your brother. You might want to look at them first. There are a few police reports that I was able to find back when you first came to live with us. There’s even a picture of the house your family lived in,” she said as she walked out and quietly shut the door.

  Emma stared at the clippings for several minutes then carefully set them down and looked in the box for the pictures. The first picture was of her mother. She was surprised to see how much she looked liked her. They shared reddish blonde hair and the same green eyes. She looked short compared to Emma’s father who was standing next to her mother in the picture. It was their wedding picture. Emma held it to her chest. The tears released like a flood gate that had been abruptly opened and she had to stop for a moment until she’d regained her composure.

  She set the picture down on the table and began to look once again in the box that held her past. She picked out another picture where she and her brother were sitting at a table together. In front of her was a cake that read, Happy Birthday, Emma. There were three candles on the cake. Her brother had the sweetest smile as he looked at his little sister. He had been five years old in that picture. There were odds and ends of pictures in the box and Emma gathered them all together in a neat stack. She turned her attention to the newspaper clippings. The very first one showed a tiny little girl with such a dirty face. She had blank eyes and no expression, whatsoever. One by one Emma began to read about a very tragic event that she had no memory of.

  The first few articles told about the Taylor family. Paul Taylor was an attorney with a small firm in Clayton County and his wife, Amelia was a homemaker. They had two children. The article went on to read how they were murdered one by one in their sleep. All but her mother. She was found away from her bed. It was assumed the youngest child had awakened unaware that there was an intruder in the house. A noise or perhaps something as simple as a thirst for water may have brought the child into the parent’s room that dreadful night. The small child must have become frightened by the presence of this madman and slipped into the master closet, unaware. She watched in silence as he bludgeoned her mother to death. There was a picture of Amelia and again, Emma held the clipping close to her heart. She didn’t remember her. Marilyn had become the only mother she knew. Other articles told of a man hunt and the capture of a man by the name of Henry Dalton. He was a twice-convicted burglar and had other criminal offensives on his record. He was charged, convicted and sentenced for the murder of three people. Another clipping showed a picture of Dalton. Emma was stunned. She was confused and suddenly frightened. Pictures came flooding across her mind. She could see the bodies of her parents and all the blood. She stood up and some of the clippings fell to the floor.

  She ran out of the room and down the stairs. “Mom, it isn’t him. It’s not the same man. I told them, didn’t I? I remember now, I told them there were two men in the house that night. That’s what I said, right? I told them there were two men in the house,” she cried. “I remember, I remember everything. The picture in the paper isn’t the man that killed my mother. There were two of them. I remember. For God’s sake, Mom, I remember. The man I keep seeing isn’t Henry Dalton. It isn’t him.”

  “Emma, calm down. Yes, you did say there were two men. Honey, the police said there was no evidence of two men and it was never proven there were two men in the house that night. You hadn’t spoken a word to anyone and then when you finally said something you were living with us. You told me there were two men, but you didn’t remember anything else. No one believed you. You said it was from your dreams and no one believed you. Henry Dalton swore he was there alone. He had no reason to say he was alone when he wasn’t. Oh, my God, maybe he was protecting his son? They had thought at one time that Henry Dalton’s son was involved somehow, but there weren’t any of his fingerprints in the house and it appeared this was the job of one person,” Marilyn exclaimed.

  “He’s real, Mom, I know he’s real. The man I keep seeing has to be Dalton’s son. He’s after me. He said he would kill my family all over again if I told anyone about him,” she confessed.

  “Emma, whose real, sweetie?” Howard chimed in, handing Louie to Jody who had just walked in the house.

  Marilyn ran into the kitchen and grabbed the phone.

  Emma ran after her. “Who are you calling? Are you calling Dr. Williams? I don’t want to talk with him right now. I want Jason,” she said crying.

  “Right on,” Jody said sounding excited. “She’s finally come to her senses.”

  “I know it’s been a long time,” Marilyn said, “but we need to talk to the police. If Emma remembered two men that night then they need to re-open the case. We need to reach the detectives that were on the case.”

  “Mom,” Jody said, “Those detectives are probably retired by now. Just call the police station and they’ll send someone out to talk to us. Emma, where are you going?”

  Emma stormed out the door and the whole fam
ily was right behind her calling after her to wait. Emma didn’t stop. She wanted to go home. It was all coming back to her. She could hear the screams of her mother. That must have been what woke her up that night.

  Emma remembered the blood and then the quiet of the house as all her family lay dead. She could hear the two men rummaging through drawers and one of them opened the closet door. She remembered crawling further back in the closet as the man grabbed boxes off the shelves looking for anything of value unaware the child was hiding right there. She was remembering everything. She was only three years old when it happened, but she was remembering everything. She could see her father lying bludgeoned to death in his bed. There were two men in the house that night. Of that she was positive. They should have believed her. Perhaps they would have caught him, too. She wanted Jason at this very moment. She picked up her cell phone and called him. She wanted to tell him everything. How she had remembered, but mainly she wanted to tell him that she loved him. That if he would still have her then she wanted to marry him. Jody was right. She did deserve a happy life and she wanted a life with him.

  Jason’s voice mail came on. Emma had hoped Jason would answer, but a message would have to do. “Jason. It’s Emma. Please call me as soon as you get this message. No, don’t call me. Just come over to my place as quickly as you can. It’s an emergency. I’m okay, but I need you.”

  Jody was the first one to catch up with her. “Emma, come back in the house for a little while.” She took Emma’s hand and led her back towards the house. “You’re right, you need Jason, but I don’t think you should drive right now. Call Jason again and see if you can reach him. Either have him pick you up here or I’ll drive you home. You are way too excited to be driving.”

  “Jody, honestly, I’m fine to drive. All I want is to go home and digest this a little and wait for Jason to come over.”

  “Are you sure?” Howard asked.

  “Yes, Dad, I’ll be fine. Let me do it my way, please. I’m begging you. Just let me do this my own way.”

  Marilyn motioned for her husband to come closer. She whispered in his ear that she hadn’t called the police. She asked him to not let Emma leave until they could sit down and talk about this. She feared the pictures and clippings might have triggered a reaction, but was this really a memory? Howard ran back inside the house, picked up the phone and called the police. Marilyn tried to stop him, but he was too determined.

  Emma drove to her apartment and ran upstairs. Alone in her living room she sank to the floor and closed her eyes. It was true. She remembered it all. The phone rang and she grabbed it before it could ring again. “Jason?” she cried.

  “No, Honey, its Mom. Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay. I thought it was Jason calling. He’s coming over and I need to talk with him.” She let out a sob. “This is so horrible, Mom, I remember everything. Everything.”

  “Oh, Emma, I’m so sorry, Sweetheart.”

  “Don’t feel bad, Mom. Please don’t.” Emma took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. “I want to remember. It’s part of facing what happened that will help me survive the future. Oh God, it was awful. There was so much blood, it was everywhere. I was so frightened that night. I saw them. Both of them.”

  “I want to come over and be with you until Jason gets there. I’m leaving right now. Jody said to tell you she’s coming with me. Ryan and your dad will stay here with Louie. We will be right there,” she said hanging up the phone.

  “Mom, no, it’s okay. Don’t come over. I’m fine, really. Jason will be here soon—Mom? Hello?”

  Emma dialed her back and Marilyn answered quickly, “Emma, we’re on our way.”

  “No, Mom, please, I’m fine. Jason is on his way. I know he is,” she said trying to sound assertive.

  “You shouldn’t be alone right now. We’ll only stay until Jason gets there,” Marilyn demanded.

  “I need a few minutes to let this sink in. I need to be alone, just until Jason gets here. I know you would be here in a flash and I love you so much for that. I’m fine, really. I want to take a shower and wait for Jason. I’m going to accept his proposal and this will be a special night. I want a life with him and I don’t care what Dr. Williams says about it. You didn’t call him, did you?” she asked.

  “No, I didn’t, but Dad talked with the police. They want us at the station to speak with some detectives tomorrow. We’ll pick you up at the shop late morning if that will work for you.”

  “That’ll be fine,” Emma said not really listening. “Let me go so I can get a shower now.”

  “Okay, but if I don’t hear from you in a few hours I’m calling you back.”

  Emma was just getting out of the shower when the phone rang. She ran to answer it hoping it was Jason.

  “Hi, Emma, are you okay? I saw you called. Sorry, I didn’t listen to voice mail yet, but I wanted to call you right back.”

  “Jason, do you still love me?” she blurted even though she was pretty sure she already knew the answer.

  “Of course I still love you. You are the love of my life, young lady,” he said sounding confused.

  “Good. What time are you coming over?”

  “I can be there in about an hour. Is that okay with you? What’s going on?”

  “Don’t ask and don’t listen to my message either. Just get over here. I have something to tell you. Can’t you get here sooner?”

  “If it’s that important I’ll come right over.”

  “I have a lot to tell you. I love you. I swear, I really love you.”

  “Emma, what is going on?” he questioned.

  “Everything’s okay. I have a feeling everything is going to be okay from now on,” Emma said sounding as if she had just won the lottery.

  * * *

  Emma had just finished with her hair when the phone rang again.

  “Emma, it’s Marie. I’m sorry to bother you, but I left some tickets for a play Charlie and I were going to tonight at the shop. I think I must have left my keys in the shop and I can’t get in. I hate to ask you, but could you meet me there so I can get the tickets? Again, I’m sorry to bother you, but I don’t know what else to do.”

  Emma almost said no. Then she changed her mind. The store wasn’t very far and it should only take her a few minutes. “Sure Marie, I’ll meet you there in ten minutes.”

  “Great, I’ll see you then. Thanks.”

  She reached for the phone and called Jason. She explained that she needed to run to the shop and for him to let himself in to her apartment and she would hurry.

  Emma arrived at the store first. She opened up and walked to the back room. A few minutes later Marie and her boyfriend appeared at the front door.

  “Emma? We’re here,” Marie hollered.

  Emma had been in the cooler looking for some carnations to take home. She walked out and smiled at Marie then turned her attention to the man she was with. Emma was startled as she stood there staring at him. Marie was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Emma, this is Charlie Johnson. Charlie, this is Emma Taylor.”

  “Nice to meet you, Emma,” Charlie said smiling at her.

  Emma couldn’t breathe. She reached for her throat and suddenly the room began to spin.

  Marie saw Emma’s eyes roll back in their sockets. Emma turned very pale and then without warning she hit the floor, out cold.

  “Oh my, God,” Marie screamed. She ran to the phone to call 911 and as she was giving them the address Emma started to come to.

  Charlie bent down over her. “Are you okay, Emma? Just stay calm. Marie called an ambulance,” he whispered.

  Emma looked at him and screamed, “Get away from me. Somebody please help me. You killed my mother and my family. You and your sick dad. Get away from me.”

  “What did you say to her, Charlie? Why is she screaming at you?” Marie asked.

  “She started to come to and I asked her to remain calm until the paramedics arrived. I think she passed out again though,” he

  Marie ran to Emma’s side. “Emma, it’s okay. I called for help. It’s okay.” She looked at Charlie. “I need to call her parents. Keep an eye on her while I do that.”

  “Sure, Marie, go on and call them. I’ll watch her.”

  The paramedics arrived quickly and started working on Emma at the same time Marie got a hold of Marilyn.

  “Hi, Marilyn. It’s Marie. I’m sorry to tell you, but Emma has had another episode. We’re at the shop and the paramedics are already here. Maybe you better meet them at the hospital. I’m so sorry this happened.”

  “We’re on our way, Marie. Tell Emma we will meet her there. What was she doing at the shop,” Marilyn demanded.

  “She isn’t conscious. She’s moaning, but not making any sense.”

  “Whatever that means. We’re on our way,” Marilyn stated.

  Marie locked up the shop and she and Charlie left together. Marie wanted to go to the hospital, but Charlie told her there would be enough going on with the family and it would be better if they didn’t.

  * * *

  “Where’s Emma?” Jody cried. “Where is she, Mom?”

  “She’s still in the emergency room. They gave her a sedative to calm her down. She’s still screaming though. Dr. Williams is on his way, but they won’t let but one person be with her right now. We can go in and see her in a while. Your dad’s with her now.” Marilyn wrung her hands. “Jody, this isn’t good. Emma should never have gone home by herself. She’s at the breaking point. Why did I let her see all those newspaper clippings? Why?”

  “Mom, we don’t know what happened, right? Let’s just wait until Dr. Williams gets here and see what he says. Did you call Jason?” she asked.

  “No, Honey, I didn’t have his number with me. Do you have it?”

  “I have his cell. I’ll call him.” She walked out to the lobby, leaving Marilyn standing alone in the hallway.

  Jason was there in ten minutes demanding to see Emma. He wasn’t taking no for an answer. The family was surprised to see him acting like that. He didn’t apologize, but he did change his tone a little.


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