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Exploring Maggie

Page 5

by KT Morrison

  On the left, the stage dropped away and empty seating for two-hundred-and-fifty looked blankly at him from the dark. As he hustled to keep up with Maggie, he fantasized about watching her getting fucked here by Jay, all the seats filled. Jay and Maggie giving all these salivating people a real live sex show, his Maggie with her legs spread on some boulder recreated in papier mâché, surrounded by Astroturf, and a big oak tree overhead, crafted by students in the props department. Jay stroked his cock as Maggie eagerly waited. The audience licked its lips. Jay lowered himself, forced his weapon into her tight wetness. Maggie squealed. The crowd sighed. It was all theater.

  Catching up to her in another hall, he loomed over her shoulder as she struggled a key into another lock. A sign on the steel door read PROPS. He was breathing heavy, her breaths coming in excited whines. The lock turned, and she kicked the bottom of the door with her loafer, they stumbled through, and she slammed the heavy metal door behind them. It locked. They were in pitch blackness, her hands scattered around the wall, found a switch and then the room they were in was lit in flickering fluorescence.

  He grabbed her roughly, put his arms around her, her nails were under his jacket, scratching his back over his shirt. He kissed her, took her lips by force and she surrendered them, opened her mouth like she’d opened her legs for Jay. He stabbed into her with his tongue, sucked hers into his mouth. Breath scored through their nostrils. His eyes clenched tight, and tears streamed his cheeks. They broke the kiss simultaneously, each taking a step back and regarding one another lustily.

  He pulled his jacket off. She threw the poncho over her head. They stared at one another, her hair was a tangled mess. Her makeup practically gone. His hair stuck up in clumps, his mouth hung open, and his chest heaved with his breaths.



  Thursday, October 5th

  “I watched you.”

  Maggie said, “Watched me what?”

  His eyes narrowed with menace. “I saw you, you fucking slut.”

  “Max, I don’t know—”

  “Liar!” He slapped his hand against the wall just over her shoulder.

  “You watched me?” she whined.

  His face came close to hers. He said, “I followed you. I saw what you did.”

  “Oh no,” she gasped.

  “How could you?”

  “You don’t understand...”

  “What does he mean to you?”

  “It’s just sex, Max, I swear.”

  “What does he give you I don’t?” Her smell was driving him mad. Up close he could smell her hot skin, her sweet breath. That Maggie sweat. Her sex. He could smell Jay too. Smell his deodorant soap.

  “Max...I have needs,” she whispered. Her voice soughed past his ear and his knees buckled.

  “I’m not enough for you?” he whispered to her. His other hand hung loosely between them. It grazed the tops of her thighs, drawing a line where the hem of her skirt touched her skin.

  “His body, Max. He has a beautiful body...”

  “Smart girl like you? That’s what you care about?”

  “I like the way it feels. I like what his body feels like under my fingers, Max.”

  “You’re a cheap whore.”



  “Max, he has a huge cock too...”

  “I saw it.”

  “He fills me up, Max. He fills me so deeply...”

  He groaned, now his knees did buckle and his body collapsed against her. Her hands instantly went between them, struggling to get his pants down, happily even more eager than when she had worked Jay's button and zipper.

  “Oh shit, Max, fuck me, I need you so bad...”

  “Oh fuck, Maggie,” he sighed against her collar. His hands pulled up at her skirt, then stroked up and down her haunches. She writhed under him.

  “What did I look like, Max? ...Tell me what you saw...”

  “I saw the worst fiancée ever. I saw some cock-hungry little tramp, cheating on her loving man, spreading her legs for some jock...ah...” he gasped as his cock was freed.

  He looked down, saw her pale hand grip him, saw a string of semen bowing from him, swaying from the tip of his penis all the way to the floor.

  “I saw the hottest woman on earth, Maggie. I saw the hottest woman on earth doing the dirtiest things...”

  She was stroking him, his words doing erotic things to her brain. She was shut off, her head tilted back against the door he had pinned her to. Her mouth was agape, her white teeth parted. He took her mouth with his own.

  “Do you have a boyfriend, Maggie? Do you?”

  “I do, Max,” she whispered.

  “Are you having an affair behind my back?”

  “My boyfriend is the hottest guy on campus.”

  “He fuck you good?”

  “He fucks like a st-stallion...he’s just my meathead with a big cock...”

  “I know he’s not...”

  She chuckled, whispered, “That bother you?”

  “Should it?”

  “That body, that cock, he’s smart too...”

  “Stop.” He pulled from her, his slippery penis squirting right out of her grip.

  She said, “Hey...”

  “He’s not smarter than me.”

  “No, I know. Max, he’s smart. But he’s not you. He’s not funny. He’s not...he’s not my Max. Now, come on... Come on, Max, don’t stop...” She lifted the front of her skirt seductively again, showed him the cleft between her legs.

  He came to her, gripped her arms, but before he could kiss her she said, “Max, go down on me...”

  “You want that?”

  “Max, eat my pussy.”

  His heart was pounding. He looked into those amber eyes, saw them wet and shining, narrowed in sultry command.

  She told him again. “Max, eat my pussy. You do it so well, Max. Please...” Her fingers ran through his hair while she stared into his eyes. This last week had changed her. Changed him. Those were the familiar eyes of the woman he loved. Those were Maggie’s eyes, but something new was shining in there. Something more in control, more challenging. Even if he didn't want to go down on her, he would. She would compel him with those eyes.

  But he wanted to go down on her. The thought of it now made his legs shake.

  He got to his knees before her. She held the front of her skirt up over her tummy and watched him. The bald perfect thing she had between her legs was a breath away. His face moved closer. He breathed her in, felt the warmth of it on his cheek as he grew closer. She’d been dirtied. Defiled by another man. A man that was foreign to their relationship. An unknown alpha male had sexual intercourse with her.

  He lightly kissed her between her legs. She pressed it forward, presented it to him. His tongue darted out, traced the soft rounded shapes of her vulva, the tip dragging along her commissure. Jay had ejaculated inside her. His semen had been spread inside her. She had been claimed. His huge cock had launched the contents of his balls inside Maggie, then lubricated her with it, stroking in and out of her, plunging his seed deeper.

  “Do it, Max,” she urged. “Do it. I need it. Show me how much you love me.” Now her hands slipped low, eased along the lines where her thighs met her hips, long, graceful fingers working through her own folds, kneading her own membranes, then spreading herself, pulling the pale flesh open to reveal her hot pink insides.

  His breath clutched at the sight of her exposed like that. His dirty Maggie. Knowing what she wanted. Wanting what she wanted. Wanting something so dirty...

  “Make me come, Max. I love it when you make me come...”

  She moaned and her knees buckled when he took those pink folds into his mouth, grabbing up her coppery flesh and pulling it past his teeth, suckling it.

  She began to sink lower down the door, moaning and gasping as he worked his tongue through her. She held the sides of his head, scratched at his scalp. She sighed his name, she made soft crying sounds. Soon she sat on t
he floor with her knees up, and was right down on all fours between her legs, lapping at her like a dog.

  Her excitement began to rise, and she gripped his hair in tight handfuls, thrust her sex up to meet the stabbing of his tongue.

  “Fuck it, Max,” she urged, “fuck me with your tongue...fuck me where he came, show me how you love me...”

  His eyes shut, his hearing tuned to her words, bringing in the filthy things she said to sharp focus. Her pussy was hot and coppery. More coppery than usual. He imagined her lover shredding her sex, his large size making tiny tears in her, the copper taste the result of minute traces of damage her lover had done to her delicate membranes.

  His own cock was poking into his belly, so hard, so rigid, so slippery. Maggie’s hips danced in his grip, she gyrated against his mouth. There were slick dirty slurping noises. Her breaths came short and fast. Ah Max, ah, Max, she chanted, still gripping his hair, still forcing his face between her legs.

  “You dirty pig, Max, you dirty pig, eat it, eat all that filth, show me you love me, ah,...”

  Her chanting trailed off and her thighs closed on his ears. She made a low croaking groan and her tummy was trembling. Then with no warning, he was ejaculating.

  “Ah, shit,” he hissed, rose up, shoved a thumb under her skirt and pulled it high so he wouldn’t come all over the clothes she wore to travel.

  “Max, ah,” she whined, her hips still grinding. Her hand came between her legs, two middle fingers bunched together, stabbing her own clit, pressing it down and working it in circles. When she saw he was coming, she put a hand out, blocking his spurts from landing on her clothes

  “Max, what...?”

  “Sorry,” he said, “I can’t help it.” He sprayed her bare legs with his semen, dropping long white tails on her, short, watery splashes, dots and droplets landing from her mound down to her kneecaps.

  “Shit, Max,” she said in shock, sitting up and taking his cock in her hand. Her slippery touch went through his brain and short circuited him. He wobbled.

  “Maxy, Maxy,” she cooed, stroking him. “My other lovers let me come first. They’re not little boys, I guess...”

  “Oh fuck you, Maggie,” he chuckled.

  She giggled, her grip flicking on just his glans now. “My other men know how to satisfy me. They don’t embarrass themselves...”

  He took her face in his hands and kissed her fully. She breathed deeply and gave it back to him with love. They fell back naturally, man over top of woman, and her legs opened for him, her knees at his waist, her heels touching the backs of his thighs. His orgasm hadn’t waned his stiffness in the slightest and his tip found her wet stripe easily, plunged deep and made her gasp in satisfaction. She was slick and wet and so, so hot inside. She felt incredible.

  He began to make love to her, laying on the cold concrete floor of some prop room. There was a bus leaving in a few minutes to take her from him but for now, he would be inside her and he would enjoy her and she would enjoy him. They kissed and worked into one another. Hands groping and moving in tender familiar patterns.

  He whispered, “You were so intimate with him.”

  “I like him, Max. He’s nice.”

  “You looked happy with him.”

  She hesitated, then said, “Max, I think he’s falling in love with me.”

  “Oh,” he blurted, the intensity of carnal emotion swelling him even harder between his legs, putting terrible butterflies in his stomach that flitted around sharply and in a darting scattered pattern that reminded him more of bats.

  “He’s falling in...for you? ...”

  He had trouble saying the word.

  “I think he’s falling in love with me, Max.”

  “Oh Maggie, oh...” he stroked in and out of her and she hugged his back and clutched her face next to his neck. “Maggie...Maggie...”

  “What? ...Max...”

  “Make him fall in love with you...”

  “No, Max...”

  “Do it. Make him love you then break his heart for me...”

  She whispered, “So... Ss-so dangerous... Oh, Maxy...”

  “You ever break a man’s heart?”

  “I think…I broke Lee’s...”

  He pinched her earlobe between his teeth and thrust deeply into her. “My bad Maggie,” he sighed.

  “Say it again,” she hissed.

  “Bad Maggie.”

  “Mm,” she hummed, her lips pinched between her teeth, her expression tight and pained.

  “Slut Maggie, whore Maggie,” he grunted with each thrust into her. She was nodding emphatically, and he repeated it. His pace quickened, he watched her beautiful face intently, wondered what images were conjured behind that beautiful brow, what dirty movies played in her mind when she was on the verge of coming.

  “Like Jay’s big cock?”

  “Yeah,” she gasped.

  “Like big horse cocks in your tiny pussy?”

  “I do...”

  “Your little pussy need big fucking animal cocks? ...”

  “Ah!” she cried out loudly then shoved her own knuckle in her mouth to stifle it.

  They came together. The events of the day building awful things up inside them, but they were sharing, and in this damp cold dirty basement in an ancient building their secrets were combined with one another. Kept from prying eyes they could leak their darkest secrets to each other. Share their depravities, their fears, their unwanted stimulations. They were together in the moment, doing things no one should do but they had their hooks in it, slippery as it was. Whatever it was that wriggled between them like quicksilver, as long as they both kept their hands on it it wouldn't get away. But they each needed the other to hold on tight.

  Max drove deep as he watched her face twist in orgasm. She bared her teeth to him, showed him how white they were, how bright and pink and healthy her gums were. She was perfection. Physical and spiritual perfection and he loved her completely, darkness and all. Her darkness made her sweetness shine all the more brightly.



  Thursday, October 5th

  Her chest and belly rolled up and down, a desperate whine laced her breath like an injured animal. Her neck pounded with her pulse. Max lay between her legs, the hump of his back rising and falling as quickly as her breaths. His pants were down his thighs, his cock inside her.

  “ bus,” she whispered.

  “Yeah,” he sighed near her ear.

  “That was incredible,” she told him when he didn’t rise off her. She squeezed his arms.

  “You are amazing,” he said into her neck.

  “Max, baby, my bus...”

  His head reared up, inhaling deeply, eyes lazy and half closed. He stared into her and she smiled. He said, “Stay. Don’t go. I can’t be without you right now.”

  “You know I have to.”

  “You were so incredible, Maggie. I loved watching you...”

  “I saw you.”


  “Behind the little pine tree.”

  “That the only time?”

  She nodded.

  “God,” he groaned long and sighing, thumped his forehead to her chest. “I want to do it all over again. I want to do it—”

  “I have to go, Max.”

  “Are you my bad Maggie?” he asked her.

  “You know I am,” she whispered. “Who knows what I’ll get up to on the train...or in Rhode Island. Whatever I do, I might not ever tell you.” She darted her lips to him and kissed the tip of his nose. Her words had captured his imagination. She could see it in the blank and frozen shine it had put on his glossy eyes. She laughed, said, “I’m not going to call you or text you the whole weekend. And no jerking off while I’m gone.”

  “ jerk someone...”


  “Jerk a stranger off...on the train...”

  She gasped. “Max... You want me to...?”

  “Do it, you little slut. Jerk off a stranger...c
all me tonight...tell me...” his hips began to moil against hers and she could feel he was still hard as steel.

  “You’re so hard, Max...”

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he said.

  She smiled, her eyes gleamed. “I’ll jerk off a stranger but I won’t call. How’s that? Picture it. Maybe he’ll like my hand so much I’ll get off at his stop and he’ll take me to his apartment and do the dirtiest things to me...”

  Max’s face hovered over hers, stuck in some erotic purgatory. He hated her words, but he absolutely loved hearing them and feeling what they did to his body. She felt it too, felt his excitement, his fear, his hardness pushing between her legs, still up inside her, slippery and steely. They could fuck all day.

  She said, “Maybe I’ll spend the weekend in bed with another man. I’ll learn all about what makes him hard, what makes him come. I’ll show him what I like. Show him how to touch me, how to fuck me...”

  “Just your hand, Maggie,” he whispered, his eyes blank and distant.

  “I don’t know. I like my idea better...”


  “I’ll see you Sunday, Maxy baby. I love you. But you really have to get off me. My bus is leaving...”

  He took her lips and although her anxiety was rising sharply within her—a fear building in her over missing her bus and the catastrophe that would cause at home, the confirmation it would give her parents of her low character—she loved the feel of his mouth. She ran her hands over his back and allowed herself to enjoy it for two seconds. Then she was squirming from him, flexing her tummy to eject his erection from her.

  Max scrambled up, gripping his cock with one hand, closing his pants over it with the other. The muscles of her legs felt cramped and her legs were wobbly. Quite the workout this morning. Sticky bubbles tickled her between her legs and she felt his semen leaking from her. It was stomach-rolling and at the same time pulse-poundingly erotic. She would sit on a bus all the way to Boston with her men's seed seeping from her. Her nipples clenched tightly at the thought.


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