Book Read Free

Exploring Maggie

Page 8

by KT Morrison

  Jay: Maybe I should have gone with you

  Maggie: Keep me safe or meet my parents?

  Jay: ha ha. We there yet?

  Maggie: Not even close. They love Max. I love Max.

  Jay: Okay. I love our time together. You regret what we did?

  Maggie: I’m okay with it. I know what it is. You know what it is?

  Jay: I know what it feels like

  Maggie: Tell me what it feels like

  Jay: Ha ha no way. You tell me first

  Maggie: Feels like sex

  Jay: If you say so.

  Maggie: I say so

  Jay: good sex?

  Maggie: uuuhhh, what do you think?

  Jay: is it conceited to say I think I make you see stars and rainbows

  Maggie: pretty conceited. what about unicorns?

  Jay: shiiiit, you see unicorns? That’s some next level shit...

  Maggie: it is indeed

  And with that she added an eggplant emoji. Now she was one of those girls. The naughtiness was thrilling.

  Then there was another melody of incongruous chimes as all of her devices dinged a new arrival. There was a third player vying for her attention. She laughed out loud, ran her hands over her hair and gripped her neck.

  Cole: U get home safe?

  She swished her mouth from side to side, texted.

  Maggie: made it in one piece!

  Cole: good. I like you in one piece

  Maggie: me too. Two pieces or more would be terrible

  Cole: and painful. How’s Carol and Martin

  Maggie: absent

  Cole: my little Maggie is all alone in her big house?

  Maggie: OMG and it’s dark outside

  Cole: you scurred?

  Maggie: so scurred

  While texting Cole her phone had binged three times. Holding it up she read three texts from Max.

  Max: Maggie?

  Max: hello?

  Max: just tell me

  Her thumbs moved on their own, a wide smile on her face.

  Maggie: are u mad? I don’t want you to be mad

  Max: no. Tell me

  Maggie: we kissed a bit

  Max: kissed?

  Maggie: yeah, he sat next to me. He started it. He came on to me. Can I just tell u later?

  Max: call me

  Maggie: no.

  There was a long pause and she watched three dots bobbing around while Max struggled with this entirely false information she was meanly feeding him. Her toes wiggled and she sucked on her lower lip while she waited. Finally, he responded.

  Max: did he touch you?

  Maggie: he put his hand up my skirt but I stopped him

  Max: ok

  Maggie: you and Jay left me really dirty down there. What would he have thought if he touched me, ha ha

  Max: did u touch him?

  Maggie: u know I bought a douche at the train station. Almost twenty-one yo and I never douched in my life

  Max: did you touch him?

  Maggie: yeah

  Max: did you?

  Maggie: yes

  Fearing she would lose her gullible little boy she scaled it back.

  Maggie: only through his suit

  Max: ok

  Maggie: sorry

  Max: was he hard?

  Maggie: yeah

  Max: what else?

  Maggie: nothing

  Max: nothing?

  Maggie: no.

  Max: you didn’t make him...

  Maggie: no. It wasn’t very sexy really. Too many ppl around

  The thought of her hand moving on her hunk under his Glen plaid jacket was at once comical and also, admittedly, kind of arousing. You would never get away with it, would you? She supposed if you were highly motivated you could do it. But would it be sexy with a stranger?

  On her macbook she saw a message from Cole left hanging.

  Cole: the calls are coming from inside the house Margaret

  She texted him back.

  Maggie: you trying to creep me out?

  Cole: I’m waiting for you to beg me to come keep you safe

  Maggie: fun but too much to do. Appointment with Carol tomorrow, dress on sat

  Cole: I don’t like u being away

  Maggie: it sucks. bored

  Tilting her iPad she saw that Jay had texted under her eggplant emoji.

  Jay: eggplant? that’s what you think it looks like?

  Maggie: ha ha, do you think I have an exact emoji? that’s the closest they got...I work with what I’m given

  Jay: ha ha, me too

  Maggie: touche

  She looked around her room, smirking, reluctant to type what she wanted to. She did anyway.

  Maggie: send me one

  Jay: one what?

  Maggie: you know

  Jay: we talking about what I think we’re talking about, or maybe you got me so all I think about is sex.

  Maggie: Tit for tat. send me one

  Jay: don’t you have a drawing?

  Maggie: mm, left it at home tho

  Jay: lol hold on

  She watched her iPad screen expectantly, her mouth working around nervously. Picked up her phone and read from Max:

  Max: did you get his number?

  Maggie: yeah he put it in my phone but I didn’t give him mine

  Max: thank God. Why not?

  Maggie: thank God? I don’t know why not. He was so hot. I mean really hot

  Max: thanks

  Maggie: you saw him

  Max: big dick too?

  Maggie: yeah pretty big. Like Cole but maybe not quite as thick

  Max: that’s nice

  Now she had to cup her hand over her mouth again, stifling an urgent laugh that brought tears to her eyes from restraining it.

  Maggie: I think I like girth. Jay hurts sometimes when he goes deep. He bumps my cervix and it makes me feel queasy

  Max: okay

  Now she hooted and kicked her feet.

  Maggie: I think Cole could hit my cervix if he tried but he wants to be careful I think. he’s a gentle lover

  Max: Jay can’t help it? He’s just soooo big?

  Maggie: I don’t know. Cole stretches me and I like that

  Max: I don’t want to hear about it

  Her head cocked in sad affection. Max did want to hear about it, she figured. Maybe this was too mean though, maybe this would be something she could say when they were together and he would enjoy it.

  Maggie: sorry. I’ll shut up

  Max: how’re your parents?

  Maggie: not even home. Haven’t seen them.

  Max: you could have stayed with me. Gone tomorrow.

  Maggie: yeah. Too late now

  Max: I miss you so much

  Maggie: I didn’t kiss anybody on the train shithead.

  As much as she’d enjoyed twisting her Max up like that, it felt so wonderful to let him off the hook. She ran her thumb over the edges of her iPhone and imagined him falling off his dorm room bed with relief.

  On her macbook Cole had texted:

  Cole: u hinting u want company?

  Maggie: no way. Supposed to be only me and Carol this weekend

  Cole: I know so much about wedding dresses tho

  Maggie: Weird, u look like u know nothing about wedding dresses

  Cole: looks can be deceiving Mags

  Maggie: what are u doing this weekend?

  Cole: pining

  Maggie: didn’t take u for such a sap

  Cole: u don’t know what pining is

  Maggie: I don’t?

  Cole: it’s dirty

  Maggie: ha ha it is not

  Cole: I make everything dirty

  Maggie: now that I believe

  Cole: thank you. I’m going to pine the shit out of some freckle-face freshman

  Maggie: don’t worry I won’t ruin ur reputation

  Cole: I don’t want my fans to be disappointed

  Maggie: all those teen girls

  Cole: I know
my market

  Maggie: gross

  Cole: Nah my dick is taking a break

  Maggie: Aw, don’t let it get out of shape

  Cole: u corralling me into an ‘exercise’ joke?

  Maggie: like what?

  Cole: like I’ll spend the weekend masturbating

  Maggie: that what ur gonna do?

  Cole: I’ll be thinking of you lol

  Her stomach flinched, then fluttered. Chewed her lip again, her thumbs feeling a little sweaty she slowly typed:

  Maggie: mm kind of hot, send a pic

  Cole: wait of me masturbating?

  Maggie: no

  Cole: whew thought you’d gone hardcore perv

  Maggie: no you didn’t, you hoped that’s what I meant

  Cole: no comment

  Maggie: just send me a regular pic

  The room was quiet as she waited. The ding from her iPad startled her and she tilted it to reveal a photo Jay had sent. His viewpoint, looking down between his legs. That huge thing he had was half-aroused, lurching to one side, the swollen glans touching down on his muscular leg. It was dark against his caramel thighs and her stomach fluttered again, that stretch that lay between her anus and her vagina tightened like a string on her cello.

  Her phone dinged now with a message from Max but her eyes stayed on the image of Jay’s large penis.

  Then below it, a text from Jay followed.

  Jay: I’ll be in Farm on Thursday

  Maggie: Okay

  Jay: u want to see me?

  Maggie: I’m done figure drawing

  Jay: you’re so cold

  Maggie: I’m heartless

  Jay: See me Maggie. no strings

  Maggie: txt me Wed

  Jay: can’t wait. Take care

  Her phone chimed again with another message from her Max but now she saw that Cole had sent a photo. She enlarged it.

  Artfully shot, careful light played along the surface of his very thick uncircumcised club. He’d eased his foreskin back so it bunched in creases under the flare of his glans, showing off its plump shape. He was achingly erect. She frowned.

  Max texted again but she texted Cole.

  Maggie: how did you get so hard so fast?

  Cole: I’m always hard for you baby

  Maggie: oh my God did you send me a file pic?

  Cole: ha ha, yes.

  Maggie: wtf? how many dick pics you send you have to have them on hand?

  Cole: gotta keep these bitches happy

  Maggie: ah, the life of the Lothario

  Cole: the struggle is real

  Maggie: send me one now. Send me one where it isn’t hard, I’ve never seen that

  Cole: few have

  Maggie: ha ha, send me one. now

  Cole: I don’t think I should

  Maggie: Why not?

  Cole: I think it’s wrong

  Maggie: what the hell are you talking about?

  Cole: I don’t know

  Maggie: You just sent me one!

  Cole: that was on my phone already

  Maggie: so?

  Cole: taking one just for you is stepping over a line

  Maggie: ??? you forget last night? crisis of conscience?

  Cole: crisis of conscience

  Maggie: wow. Cole is deep

  Cole: Cole misses you.

  Maggie: I’ll be back on Sunday

  Cole: we should all go out

  Maggie: I’d like that

  Cole: ok ttyl pick a good dress

  Maggie: see you

  Staring at the painting she’d done when she was in high school, she realized her mouth had fallen open. She huffed, closed it. Shrugged. That wild painting, hanging high on the concrete wall that faced the foot of her bed, was done when she was seventeen, meant something then, a lot about being dissatisfied and being unfulfilled. She’d never admit that it was sexual in nature. Maybe others could read it because it had done her well. It one three awards at local galleries and exhibitions, and had been a major piece of her portfolio in her Farmingham package. Three years later and look at her now.

  She stared dumbly at the words Max had been texting her.

  Max: Maggie?

  Max: Maggie

  Max: are you kidding?

  She typed.

  Maggie: I slept on the train. That guy was in a completely different car

  Max: You are a fcuking butch and I hate your stupid guts

  Maggie: I hope u mean bitch

  Max: I do. I’m so mad I can’t type

  Maggie: guy was hot though right?

  Max: I guess

  Maggie: If he did sit next to me, who knows?

  Max: so nothing happened? You were kidding?

  Maggie: yes. But not about the douche

  Max: I don’t know if that’s gross or hot

  Maggie: I know right?

  Max: maybe kind of both. Bad girl

  Maggie: would you believe me if I told you I can literally feel waves of ur relief all the way here in RI

  Max: I believe you. You had me almost crying

  Maggie: I’m going to have you eating out of my hand


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