Angel's Redemption

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Angel's Redemption Page 2

by Andi Anderson

  They shared everything, and for many years lived a very happy life until Ben's untimely death.

  A love like that only came once in a lifetime.

  Jackson opened the bottom dresser drawer and pulled out his favorite gray t-shirt. It was Ben's old college shirt and had been worn so much, it was getting pretty thin and soft. Just before he slipped it on, he looked at himself critically in the mirror. Dark green eyes looked back at him as he ran his fingers through his shoulder-length, black hair. At thirty-nine, his hair was still free of gray and almost as thick as it was in his twenties. Grabbing a brush, he ran it through his hair a few times to get out the tangles. He spotted a discarded black rubber band on top of the dresser and twisted it around his hair, putting it in a low, comfortable ponytail.

  A faint five o'clock shadow darkened his cheeks and pale throat. His chest was still considerably hairy with the occasional gray or four, which he always plucked out immediately.

  His stomach wasn't as firm as it used to be, which came with age. Jackson eyed his midsection critically in the mirror and sighed.

  Damn, maybe he should lay off the desserts for a while.

  He considered changing out of his green and blue flannels, but there was nothing like lazing around on a Saturday, with no plans other than watching endless television and surfing the 'net. He headed back to the kitchen to grab the newspaper and his coffee before he walked outside.

  The backyard had been the selling point when he and Ben bought their home. His ranch was located on two lots, which gave Shep a large fenced-in backyard for him to run. Jackson sat on his comfortable wicker chair. From where he sat, he could admire the concrete walkway all the way to the pond he and Ben had tirelessly worked on. Between the colorful array of flowers and the soothing sounds coming from the water feature, it was one of Jackson's favorite places to be.

  He sipped his coffee and opened up the newspaper. He'd just started reading the first article, when Shep started barking and running at full speed to the left of the fence.

  Jackson groaned.

  Recently, the empty house next door had been sold, but Jackson had no idea who his new neighbor was. He hoped Shep wasn't scaring some young child with his overly-enthusiastic bark. Even though Jackson's other neighbor's nephew, Daniel, adored Shep, his dog's bark always sounded more vicious than he really was.

  With a feeling of dread, Jackson jumped up and ran to the edge of the porch to see what had gotten Shep so stirred up.

  On the other side of the chain link fence stood a stunningly beautiful young man. Jackson's breath caught as he watched the younger man smile and put his hand tentatively against the fence for Shep to smell.

  While Shep checked out the gorgeous stranger, Jack shamelessly did the same.

  Sunlight glistened off his reddish brown hair. The color complimented his peaches and cream complexion. His hair was cut in the modern style that Jack had seen some of the younger men favor—short in the back and with longer layers combed toward his face. It highlighted his youthful glow and the bright smile he was giving Jackson's lucky dog, which was currently licking the palm of the young man's hand. The gorgeous man-boy looked up at Jackson for the first time. Those full lips formed a shy smile as he wiped his hand on his faded jeans.

  "You have a beautiful dog."

  Shit, even his voice was attractive. Jackson found himself walking closer to the pretty man just to hear and see him better.

  "Thanks. He's spoiled rotten, but I love him anyway." Jackson noticed the man's eyes widen slightly the closer he got to him.

  A golden brown, they were the most beautiful eyes Jackson had ever seen. He looked from Jackson back to Shep, and his kissable lips formed a somewhat crooked smile.

  "Would it be all right if I pet him? He reminds me of a dog I had once. He was spoiled rotten, too." He looked at Jackson questioningly, and the shy smile returned.

  "Of course. He's very friendly."

  The young man stood on his tiptoes and reach over the fence to pet Shep behind the ears.

  This gave Jack the opportunity to discreetly look at the other man's physique. Although the man was small in stature, he was fit. The light blue t-shirt he wore clung snugly around his body. It was obvious from his toned arms and tight torso that he worked out. Faded, skin-tight, blue jeans encased his hips and thighs like a second skin, and well-loved red converse sneakers covered his small feet.

  Jackson wasn't a tall man by anyone's standards. At five-foot-eight, he was used to others towering over him. This man was at least four, maybe five inches, shorter than him. But even for his petite frame, he was well-proportioned, and it seemed to enhance his attractiveness as well.

  Suddenly aware of his more than casual wardrobe, Jackson cringed. He probably looked like some slob who wasn't concerned about his appearance. He fought the urge to at least tuck in his old t-shirt, so he looked more presentable. He wished he had actually styled his hair, changed into a pair of jeans, and taken off the pink bunny slippers.

  He assumed the gorgeous vision before him was his new neighbor. Jackson inwardly groaned when he realized he must look ridiculous—or worse, dressed as if he were about to go to bed instead of already starting his day.

  Way to make a good impression, Jackson.

  "You must be my new neighbor. I'm Jackson Edwards. You can call me Jack or Jackson… or whatever you want." He fought the urge to grimace at his endless rambling. Jackson silently told himself to get a grip, as he offered his hand to the younger man with what Jackson hoped was a friendly smile.

  The young man looked at Jackson's hand and slowly back at Shep. He stopped petting the happy dog and hastily wiped his hand on his shirt before offering it to Jackson. That amazing gaze burned a swath over Jackson's extended palm to his arm and heated a path up to his face. Then those golden brown eyes sparkled as a brilliant smile crossed the young man's face.

  My God, he's abso-fucking-lutely breathtaking.

  "Hi, Jack. I'm Elijah Patterson; it's nice to meet you."

  Elijah extended his small hand and grabbed Jack's in a surprisingly firm handshake. Too quickly, he let go, leaned back over the fence, and started patting Shep again on the head.

  "That incorrigible dog is Shep." Jackson grinned as Shep jumped up and put his front paws on the top of the fence, so Elijah could scratch him better.

  Lucky dog.

  "Nice to meet you, Shep. I can see that we're going to be great friends." Elijah cooed to the dog as he continued to stroke his soft fur.

  Jackson had never been so jealous of Shep in all of his life.

  "When did you move in?" He was once again privileged to gaze into those sparkling eyes as Elijah gave Jackson another sweet smile.

  "Last week."

  No wonder he didn't notice Elijah moving in. Jackson had been out of town for his cousin's wedding last week. Although he had enjoyed the wedding, he bet he would have had even more enjoyment watching Elijah carry boxes into his house. Just the thought of his new sexy neighbor getting hot and sweaty made him want to break out in a sweat himself, despite the unusually cool August morning.

  What was it about this young man that affected him so?

  "How long have you lived here?" Elijah slid his hands into his jeans pockets.

  "We moved in about seven years ago."

  Elijah's eyes seemed to lose some their sparkle.

  "Oh? How long have you been married, Jackson?"

  Jackson shook his head. "Not married. My partner Ben and I bought this house together. He passed away four years ago."

  A look of sympathy crossed over Elijah's beautiful face. "I'm sorry for your loss."

  "Thank you."

  Elijah's golden brown gaze traveled over his face as if he was memorizing every line and curve of it. Jackson's cock stirred within his boxers with interest.

  Jackson's stomach flipped over. He hadn't been attracted to anyone since Ben's death. Now suddenly, this gorgeous sprite was starting to awaken his long-buried desires. Maybe his mother
was right after all, and he should take a chance at meeting someone new.

  Just thinking of being with someone besides Ben made him uncomfortable. Resolutely, he told himself that it was really nothing to move on and tried to shake it off.

  "I was about to go inside and fix myself some breakfast. Would you like to join me?" Jackson asked. He was surprised that he wanted to enjoy more of this young man's company. For the past four years, he'd been accused of being unsociable, and he knew it to be true. He really didn't think Elijah would want to hang around with a middle-aged man like himself, but it never hurt to ask.

  The young man's amazing eyes narrowed slightly as he glanced from Jackson to Shep and back again.

  "If you can't, I understand…" Jackson began, but Elijah raised his hand to halt whatever he was about to say and nodded.

  "I would love to have breakfast with you, Jackson."

  AJacksAAA wave of relief washed over him as he grinned down into Elijah's welcoming face. Elijah's expression soon became mischievous, as he backed up a few steps and then ran and hurdled over the chain-link fence into Jackson's yard, landing lightly on his feet. Shep started bouncing and jumping around Elijah, obviously impressed by his new friend's unexpected move.

  Shep wasn't the only one.

  As Elijah bent over to pat his dog, Jackson's gaze traveled over his toned, well- rounded ass.

  I'm in so much trouble.

  Chapter Two

  Elijah didn't think today was going to be any different than the day before. He woke up early, and as he was getting dressed, he heard the German shepherd next door barking. A few days ago, he'd noticed the large dog, but before now, the dog had been relatively quiet. Curiosity got the best of Elijah, and he went to see what the commotion was about.

  He wasn't planning to find a hot man who got his blood pumping. He intended on having a quiet day. Alone. But it obviously changed when the big, beautiful dog spotted him and started running toward him as if he was some long-lost friend.

  At that moment, Elijah wished he were.

  He couldn't keep himself from walking over to pet the dog. He always had a soft spot for German shepherds in general. They always reminded him of his beloved dog Al. Al had always been there for him, especially through his shitty childhood. Even when he was a scared, skinny kid, Al never judged him. Through all of the mistakes he made, Al loved him and made him feel safe.

  Elijah missed that unconditional love.

  What he hadn't expected was Shep's owner.

  Jackson Edwards was the most interesting person he'd met in a long time. Between the adorable pink bunny slippers and the old grey t-shirt that said, "I Graduated with Honors at the College of Useless Knowledge," which totally made Elijah want to crack up, he was instantly intrigued by his new neighbor. Somehow, he managed to keep his nervous laughter under control. From those gorgeous, dark green eyes that seemed to bore into Elijah's soul to Jackson's sad, sweet smile; he was immediately captivated.

  He had a feeling Jackson was at least ten years older than himself. Those emerald eyes had a few laugh lines around them, and he had a slight frown line between his brows. Otherwise, Jackson's face was flawless. His pale skin had a soft and appealing iridescence. Even his shining black hair, which had been pulled back in a messy ponytail, showed promise of being gorgeous when it was down. Elijah had to fight the urge to run his fingers through it.

  He'd always been a sucker for long hair.

  It had been his first instinct to turn down Jackson's invitation to join him for breakfast. Jackson was the type of man that was never interested in a person like him. Elijah was used to men with money and power. With their playboy attitudes and careless ways, there was always some fat cat who wanted to fuck and control him.

  Smart, sexy men like Jackson never looked at Elijah twice.

  Especially not nice men with sad green eyes and soft-looking hair he suddenly felt the urge to bury his nose in.

  As Elijah continued to pet Shep, Jackson started walking toward his house. Elijah gave Shep one last pat and followed him up onto the back porch. He stopped and took in the sight of Jackson's backyard. The colorful flowers and the sweet sound of the birds chirping definitely made this a haven of serenity.

  "I love what you've done with your yard. It's really beautiful back here," Elijah commented as he took in all the floral smells and the peaceful atmosphere. Jackson glanced around the yard before gifting him with a dazzling smile.

  "Thanks! I really enjoy spending time back here. After long days of pounding numbers, I needed a place to kick back and relax. As a bonus, Shep has a nice place to run and play."

  "Pounding numbers… are you an accountant?"

  "Yes." Jackson winked and gave him a big grin. "It can be such a tedious job sometimes, it's great to come out here, enjoy nature, and escape for a little bit."

  "Well, I think you've succeeded in creating a refuge." Elijah returned Jackson's smile with a shy one of his own.

  Damn, he could get lost in those green eyes.

  Shep nudged Jackson's thigh, breaking the spell both men were under.

  Jackson reached down and absently patted Shep on top of the head before he slid open his back door and gestured for Elijah to enter first.

  "Come on in and make yourself comfortable."

  "Thanks, Jackson."

  Elijah looked around at the spacious kitchen and eating area. The kitchen was spotless with its stainless steel appliances and gleaming dark green, marble countertops. The cabinets had glass doors that showcased Jackson's perfectly placed, colorful dishes and glasses. Elijah's own kitchen cabinets were unorganized, much like himself. He could never have glass cabinets because all of his dishes were horribly mismatched and chipped. Most of his really nice dishes were left back at his apartment with his old life. He was pretty sure they were all destroyed by his ex-boyfriend and agent, Ken, by now.

  "I thought about making some waffles this morning. Does that sound okay with you?"

  Jackson's smooth Southern accent broke through the negative thoughts about what Elijah had left behind.

  "I hate for you to go through too much trouble."

  Jackson snorted and waved his protests away. "It's not any trouble at all. I usually splurge with waffles on Saturday mornings. I have cereal or grapefruit for breakfast the rest of the week."

  Elijah couldn't help but grin at the older man's insistence. "Okay, waffles sound great. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

  "Nah, have a seat at the bar and tell me about yourself. Where are you from? I can tell by your accent that you're not from around here."

  Elijah's heart beat faster. He had been dreading this part because he was always a bad liar. He looked into Jackson's earnest eyes and managed what he hoped was a natural smile.

  "You noticed that, did you?" Elijah winked. "There's not much to tell, really. I was born and raised in Los Angeles. After my boyfriend and I broke up, I needed a change of scenery. The thought of living in a small town had its appeal, so I got into my car and just travelled around the country looking for the perfect place to settle down. Once I arrived in Charlestown, I immediately fell in love with its beauty and Southern charm. I quickly found this house to rent and here I am." He leaned back and watched Jackson quickly mix several ingredients in a big red bowl with a metal whisk.

  "I've never been to California. Ben and I have gone to Las Vegas a few times, but never further than that. I've always wanted to go to San Francisco, but we never got around to it. It must be a huge culture shock moving from the hustle and bustle of L.A. to an easygoing small town like Charlestown." Jackson reached under the counter, pulled out a stainless steel waffle iron, and plugged it in to heat up.

  "Yeah, there's a big difference, that's for sure. I'm glad because I was ready for a change." A nudge on his thigh made him look down into Shep's sweet face, and he began to pet the top of Shep's head.

  The dog really was incorrigible.

  Elijah looked up from playing with Shep and caught J
ackson giving his scarred wrists a double-take before quickly pouring batter onto the waffle iron.

  Shit. Here come the questions.

  But to his surprise, Jackson didn't mention it. Relieved that he didn't have to give any kind of explanation, Elijah leaned against the barstool and took a deep, calming breath. Elijah gazed down when there was another gentle nudge on his thigh. He grinned at Shep's determination to keep getting as much attention as possible. The dog kept putting his head in Elijah's lap, and he continued to pet him while Jackson prepared breakfast.

  Before Elijah knew it, a plate piled high with buttered waffles was set in front of him. His mouth began to water with anticipation as Jackson handed him a warmed bottle of syrup. He nodded his thanks and drizzled the sugary deliciousness all over them.

  "What would you like to drink? I've got orange juice, coffee, milk…" Jackson opened the refrigerator and began rummaging through the shelves.

  "Orange juice would be great." Elijah cut a small piece of waffle, speared it with his fork, and took a bite.


  "God, Jackson these are delicious!"

  Jack grinned and handed him a large glass of orange juice. "Thanks. There's more over here if you want it."

  He returned his smile and took a healthy drink of the cold juice. Jackson sat on the stool beside him and dug into his own food.

  Shep sat between them, whining.

  Jackson cut off a small bite and tossed it to Shep, who caught it easily with his mouth.

  "Your home is beautiful, Jackson," Elijah said as he glanced around the homey, clean interior. Even though some of the furniture and the appliances were older, it had a lived–in, relaxing feel he always preferred. At the end of the bar was a silver framed five–by-seven of a much younger Jackson and a larger, handsome man standing in each other's arms, both smiling happily at the camera.

  "That's Ben and me on one of our road trips we always used to take." Jack picked up the picture and handed it to Elijah.

  Both men had a young and carefree look about them that Elijah couldn't help but envy. Elijah couldn't remember ever feeling that happy before. He used to dream of finding his own partner. Someone he could love and who would love him unconditionally, but with Elijah's dark past and everything else he'd been through in his life, he had a sinking feeling he would never be one of the lucky people who would find anyone to share a life like that.


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