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Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ( Un missable Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Jerry Summers

  Jessica makes a face. “Wow, I never would have thought about that.”

  Sean chuckles, steering her toward the door, and says, “Then it’s a good thing I did, eh?”

  Once outside, Sean introduces Jessica to Hugo and Juan. Both are enamored by her beauty and choice in clothing. Sean mentions the outfit she is wearing is a new design of hers that she hopes to manufacture and market in Brazil.

  Juan nods intently. “My wife would love that outfit. How much are you selling it for?”

  Jessica smiles and replies, “I haven’t priced it yet, but if you get me her sizes, I’ll be happy to ship her a complimentary outfit so she can help get my name known in the proper circles here.”

  Juan beams with delight. “I will have them by the end of this meeting.”

  Sean gives Jessica a quick nod of approval, and she returns a sneaky wink of acknowledgement. Their conversations are casual while the lunch of fajitas is prepared in front of them, then served with margaritas, tequila, and beer. After the plates are cleared and dessert is served with coffee, Juan turns to Jessica and says, “I understand you might be interested in retaining the old Nike facility for your organization.”

  She nods. “I’m interested in the facility, but I’m not sure we will be able to reach an agreement with Ricardo Montes.”

  Juan turns to Hugo and asks in Portuguese, “What is the problem?”

  Hugo replies, “When I spoke to my cousin, he told me he believes they have a deal, but he would like to try and squeeze her a little harder.”

  Juan looks upset. “Come on, she is a lovely lady who designs beautiful clothing, and we all should do what we can to help her open the old factory!” He returns his attention to Jessica. “How can we help?” he asks, switching back to English.

  Sean interjects, “Well, Jessica isn’t familiar with the business requirements here. Hugo and I are helping to guide her through them, and any assistance you could provide with the appropriate authorities would be most beneficial.”

  Juan nods and asks, “What time frame are we looking at if a satisfactory agreement can be reached about the facility?”

  Sean glances at Jessica and replies, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks like four to six months after a property agreement can be reached.”

  Jess nods. “That is an excellent time frame as long as what has been represented to me about the displaced workers is correct and we can hit the ground running as hard and fast as anticipated. I’ll have a better idea after I meet with the workers this afternoon.”

  Juan smiles encouragingly. “I’m sure you will find these workers as eager and able to perform as you hope and anticipate. This is a very tight time frame for officials here, and I’m sure you could anticipate extra fees in order to expedite such a request.”

  Jess nods and Sean says, “We anticipated that would be the case. We just need to know the range of fees we should expect.”

  “I’ll have to check the expedited fee schedule at the office, but I would think somewhere in the fifty-to-one hundred thousand range,” Juan replies. Then, turning to Jessica, he says, “I’ll have those figures for you well before you sign an agreement—and probably even before you leave Brazil Monday morning. In fact, I’d like to bring my wife by to meet you. I think it would be easier for you to get the proper sizing for her that way, and she will have an opportunity to get to know you before she discusses your designs with her friends.”

  Jessica smiles. “Juan, I would be delighted to meet your wife and give her my personal attention. In fact, I might even be able to get the factory workers to produce a copy of this design for her on Sunday, if I can get some linen tomorrow. It would be a test run for everyone.”

  Juan is visibly excited by the possibility. “I believe my wife would be delighted if that could happen.”

  Jess nods her head. “I will do my utmost, but it will only be possible if the workers have the ability and we can get the linen.”

  Hugo interrupts and says, “The linen won’t be a problem. However, how will the factory workers produce any garment without a design?”

  “I have designs for every outfit I brought with me, so that as I wear them, I can make notes about what I like and don’t like,” Jess replies with a smile. “Juan, it looks like your wife and I are going to spend a couple of hours together tomorrow. By the way, what is her name?”

  “It’s Carmen.”

  “Well, please tell Carmen I am looking forward to meeting her and creating the first Beauty Boutique design ever manufactured in Brazil for her.”

  Juan turns to Hugo and, reverting to Portuguese, says, “This is terrific. Carmen will be amazed this could be arranged for her. Make sure Jessica has the fabric she needs, and have Lidia and Ricardo insist to the workers this is a test. The garment must be completed on time and of the quality deemed necessary.”

  Hugo replies, “Of course, Mr. Zamora. Anything for your Carmen.”

  Juan chuckles, “I’m sure if this truly happens, most of the governmental barriers can be removed for Ms. Silva’s company to open—”

  “Juan,” Jessica interrupts quietly, still not acknowledging that she speaks Portuguese, and slightly tired of being so rudely cut out of conversations. “Perhaps it would be nice to find Carmen a necklace to go with her new outfit and give it to her at the same time? Let’s make the next couple of days very special for her, and who knows? It might turn out to be a very special couple of nights for you as well.” She smiles and gives him a seductive wink.

  Juan grins. “I believe that is a fabulous idea.”

  Sean, Jessica, Hugo, Ricardo, Juan, and his wife, Carmen, arrive at the factory promptly at four o’clock and are greeted by Lidia and the displaced factory workers. After all the proper introductions are exchanged, Jessica takes control of the meeting. She finally reveals her secret—much to the surprise and discomfort of Hugo, Ricardo, Juan, and Lidia—and explains in fluent Portuguese the goals she wishes to accomplish. She instructs the workers that Lidia hand-chose to get Carmen Zamora properly measured and fitted for the first ever Beauty Boutique original design crafted outside the U.S. Jessica explains that this outfit is to be of the highest quality for Carmen, as it will serve as the showpiece for any future production in Brazil.

  “I will pay you,” Jessica says to the workers, “and also you, Lidia, as a production supervisor. Ricardo, I will also reimburse you for any expenses associated with this single production request.”

  After the initial shock at her fluency in his native tongue, Ricardo smiles wickedly and responds, “That won’t be necessary, as you already know my position on your proposal based on what we thought were private conversations. I suspect we have reached a verbal agreement.”

  “Yes, we have an agreement.” Jessica replies, then adds, “As long as you don’t try to squeeze me any harder.”

  At that, a cheer resounds through the factory. Sean stands there, dumbfounded, not understanding what just happened, and turns to Jessica with a questioning look.

  Hugo, laughing, tells Sean in English, “Let me explain this to you, my friend.”

  Jess winks at Sean as he says, “Please do.”

  Hugo explains quietly so as not to interrupt while Jessica speaks to the workers. “None of us knew Ms. Silva spoke fluent Portuguese, and it seems there were some unintentionally unguarded conversations revealing Ricardo’s willingness to accept her proposal. Also revealed in those conversations were his plans to get more money out of her. However, even though it is clear now that he can’t, they still have a deal. Jessica had a very big trump card, and Ricardo was forced to acquiesce to her or lose face in front of everyone present.”

  Jess moves to stand by Sean as everyone talks excitedly about the reopening of the factory. “You owe me dinner.”

  Sean shakes his head incredulously. “You tricked me into the bet. You knew you had a deal before we even talked about it, didn’t you?” Jessica just nods and smiles. Sean continues, “Well, then I would be honored to buy you
dinner. Well played.”

  “Thank you. I’m delighted to accept your dinner invitation,” she says, then turns and explains that she will meet Carmen, Lidia, and the assigned workers at the factory Sunday morning at nine o’clock. Jessica excuses herself and Carmen so she can verify Carmen’s measurements for tomorrow’s production.

  Juan interrupts before Jessica and Carmen can go to a private room and says, “I have a gift to give Carmen before everyone gets focused upon the work at hand.” Carmen looks surprised as Juan presents her with a beautiful diamond necklace. He clears his throat. “On such a special occasion as this, I could not miss the opportunity to make it truly special for the love of my life. Do you like it?” Carmen, unable to respond, cries tears of joy and hugs and passionately kisses Juan.

  After Carmen’s fitting is complete, Jessica walks the staff through the design and production expectations. Everyone agrees to meet at nine o’clock the next day, and the meeting is concluded.

  During the drive back to the villa, Sean and Jessica discuss their impressions of the day’s events.

  Sean asks, “Why didn’t you tell me you spoke Portuguese?”

  Jessica’s answer is simple. “A girl has to have some secrets.”

  He makes a face. “Well, I guess so.”

  “Besides,” she continues, “if you knew that, you wouldn’t have accepted my bet, and I wouldn’t be getting a free dinner. I told you my culinary desires aren’t cheap and neither is my choice of wines, although I must admit, it won’t rival your expensive taste in scotch.”

  Sean nods, chuckling. “Well, I guess I’m fairly safe then.”

  Jess smiles, “I’m not sure I’d go that far.” Her face then becomes very serious, and she says, “Sean, apparently this expansion is looking like it’s realistic and the details are coming together nicely, so we are going to have to make a decision on how your contract is going to fit into everything.”

  Sean, looking equally serious, replies, “SGM hasn’t agreed to represent Beauty Boutique Clothing yet.”

  Jessica’s mouth drops open as she gapes at him. Sean can’t maintain his straight face and begins to laugh, to which Jessica makes a disgusted sound. “Oh, Jesus, Sean, you’re such an asshole!”

  Sean, still chuckling, replies, “Relax. I told you, we will structure my contract in a manner that will work for the Beauty Boutique’s budget. What that looks like, I’m not prepared to go into right now.”

  Carmen tells Juan on their ride home how impressed she is with him, how beautiful the necklace is, and how gracious Jessica is to produce her first design in Brazil just for Carmen.

  “Yes, it’s wonderful of her to do this for both you and me, but it is also a way for her to test the factory workers.”

  “Nevertheless, if the design is as beautiful as I suspect it will be, promise me you will open all the necessary doors to ensure her time frames are met as cheaply as possible?”

  Juan smiles. “Of course I will, my love, but only if you are thrilled with the finished product.” As Juan is pulling into their estate, Carmen reaches over and strokes his inner thigh upward until she reaches his crotch.

  She gives it a little squeeze and says, “I think I’ll take a shower before dinner, if you don’t mind. The factory was a little bit dusty after going unused so long.”

  “Of course I don’t mind,” Juan says as he walks into the living room to make himelf a drink. Carmen heads upstairs for her shower.

  Juan enjoys his drink and settles into his favorite wing-backed arm chair to contemplate what this evening might have in store when his anticipation is abruptly interrupted by Carmen’s screams. Juan jumps from his chair and rushes upstairs, suspecting Carmen has found another scorpion in their bedroom, as had been the case many times before. Juan rushes into the bedroom to find Carmen holding two drinks and wearing nothing by the diamond necklace and gold stilettos.

  Juan pauses momentarily, taking in the view, and then asks with a tinge of humor, “Is something wrong?”

  Carmen gives him a sultry smile. “No, nothing is wrong. I just figured that was the quickest way to get you upstairs. Would you like your drink here, or would you prefer to join me in the tub?”

  Juan smiles and says, “I would love to join you in the tub.”

  Carmen walks seductively to him, hands him his drink, rubs his crotch long enough to sense his excitement, then says, “Good. I hoped that would be your choice.” She turns and walks toward their colossal granite bathroom.

  Juan stays behind, enjoying the way Carmen’s hips sway, and when she looks over her shoulder and asks if he is coming, Juan says, “Yes. I was just taking a moment to admire the view.” Carmen giggles and bends over to undo the straps of her stilettos, observing Juan’s appreciation from between her long legs. Juan undresses and, upon entering the bathroom, finds the bubble bath has already been drawn. Carmen steps in and lounges comfortably, covered in bubbles and sipping on her drink.

  He eases himself into the bathtub after her and offers a toast. “May my love and admiration for you grow each day, and may this evening hold pleasures beyond each of our wildest imaginations.”

  Carmen sits forward, purposefully exposing the sparkling necklace and her breasts, and says, “I can drink to that.” She kisses him slowly and seductively, lingering long enough to feel his warm and increased breath upon her lips. The time passes quickly, spent teasing each other in the bath until the water becomes cold, and then they retire to the bed.

  Juan’s attention is focused only on Carmen’s tanned body. He begins kissing her neck, and then moves to her shoulder, inching inward to seize her left breast in his mouth. His tongue finds her nipple and circles it rapidly. Carmen responds instinctively by arching her back and letting out a pleasure filled whimper that excites them both. Juan holds her nipple between his teeth and intensifies his approach by flicking the nipple with the tip of his tongue, making her squirm with pleasure. He reaches up with his right hand and cups her right breast. Pinching the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he then begins gently twisting. Carmen’s breathing quickens and deepens, signaling her intense excitement.

  After a moment, Juan’s right hand leaves her nipple and strokes the junction between her legs, causing Carmen to moan deeply when his index finger penetrates her moist, unhindered body. She begins moving her lower body in response to Juan’s caresses. He gradually begins kissing his way down her torso to her abdomen and lingers at her belly button momentarily before moving even lower at a painstakingly slow rate. Finally, Carmen feels his breath against her labia. In an aggravating gesture, Juan suddenly turns and begins kissing her inner thigh.

  She makes a frustrated sound, running her fingers through his hair to guide him back to where she wants him, but he switches to the other leg and moves down to the knee, then crosses back over, positioning his body between her legs. There he remains, motionless for what seems to Carmen like an eternity before she finally feels his tongue stroke up the entire length of her eager womanhood. She grabs his head, interlacing her fingers through his hair, and Juan gives her another stroke of his tongue.

  Carmen cries out, “Oh God, don’t stop!”

  Juan places his hands over her hip bones and, using his thumbs, he spreads her labia and exposes her clitoris, which he attacks with his flickering tongue, causing a sweet torment that leads to a prolonged and intense orgasm.

  After the waves subside a bit, Carmen pushes Juan onto his back, straddles his hips, and with one fluid motion drops down on the entire length of his shaft. Juan groans as Carmen places her palms on his chest, pushing his upper body into the mattress as she rocks back and forth on his shaft. Her desire builds quickly yet again, and her rocking becomes frantic as she explodes into another shattering orgasm. At this point, Juan can no longer be patient as his desire and need reach a fevered pitch. He throws Carmen onto her back and slams his entire manhood into her over and over again. Sensing she is close again, he continues his relentless pounding until their frenzied pant
s give way to audible cries, and Juan finds his release deep inside her.

  He collapses on top of her and lies there as each of them catches their breath, feeling the tiny convulsions of sexual satisfaction from each other’s bodies and basking in the fact that their lovemaking surpassed both of their expectations. They doze off and on for a bit, then order a light snack to be had in bed before sleeping blissfully until the alarm goes off in time for them to make the nine o’clock appointment at the factory.

  Everyone is assembled at the factory by the time Carmen and Juan arrive. Carmen is showing her personal style wearing blue jeans, a maroon silk blouse, and her stilettos from last night, along with the diamond necklace Juan had given her. Hugo and Ricardo have supplied both white and black linen, and Jessica gives Carmen the choice between the two. Carmen chooses the black linen. As the work begins, Jessica constantly checks the stitching, the measurements, and the specifications. She realizes she is pleasantly surprised by the competency the workers are displaying.

  Lidia catches a stitching flaw and runs it by Jessica, who is impressed that Lidia caught something she missed. The first fitting for Carmen is extremely close to perfection. When Jessica suggests a few minor alterations to have the garment tailored for Carmen’s figure, the results are stunning. Carmen is ecstatic, Juan’s jaw drops when he sees his wife wearing the design, and Sean, Hugo, and Ricardo just applaud. Lidia and the factory staff are pleased with their work, and Jessica feels their craftsmanship is phenomenal. Carmen and Juan can’t thank Jessica enough, and Jessica can’t give enough credit to Lidia and her crew; she even praises Lidia for catching the flawed work that she missed.

  Everyone leaves satisfied with the way the day has gone. Juan and Carmen have a local photographer memorialize this creation and promise Jessica her Brazilian designs will be showcased in all the right social circle. Juan speaks to Sean later, via telephone, and has him pass on to Jessica the message that the expedited governmental approval fees will not exceed fifty thousand U.S. dollars, which Sean knows is well below normal standards, probably because of how well Carmen was treated. Sean congratulates Jessica on her extremely successful business maneuvers, and they share a toast in celebration of a job well done.


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