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Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ( Un missable Series Book 1)

Page 23

by Jerry Summers

Sean stops advancing, never taking his eyes off Ricardo’s face, he says, “Everyone, calm down. This is out of control.”

  Ricardo taunts him. “What’s the matter? Can’t you figure out how to spin this to your client’s advantage?” Glancing down at Bonnie, he continues with a sneer, “Why do all you American bitches think it’s sexy not to wear underwear? You are all filthy, nasty little whores.”

  Eduardo, having come to see what the commotion is all about, is appalled to see Ricardo holding Sean at bay with a knife and reaches behind the door to grab the shotgun.

  Stepping out onto the veranda, he racks a round into the chamber. Ricardo turns to look for the sound, and Eduardo points the gun at him, descending the stairs slowly.

  “Mr. Montes,” Eduardo says, his voice unwavering and cordial, “you have ten seconds to put that knife away and leave this estate, or the authorities will be fishing your bloody, lifeless body out of the pool.”

  Ricardo snarls at him and then slowly returns his knife to his pocket. He begins walking to his vehicle with Eduardo following him, still aiming the shotgun at his back. Only after Ricardo starts his vehicle and drives off the estate does Eduardo return to the veranda. Bonnie is now being attended by the staff, and Jessica is kneeling next to her, concern written on her face. Bonnie’s left cheek is swollen and a massive blood-filled sack has formed under her left eye.

  Sean shakes his head in disbelief at what has just happened. “Bonnie, you need to go to the hospital,” he says quietly.

  Bonnie replies stiffly, “Since we are heading home in the morning, I’d prefer to go to the doctor in San Diego that Mark really liked. I’ll call Wendy and ask if she can get an appointment scheduled, if you guys could drop me off there on your way back to San Francisco?”

  Sean says, “Of course we will, but if you can’t confirm everything with Wendy, I’m taking you to the hospital here.” Jessica calls Wendy for Bonnie and briefly explains what happened, then expresses Bonnie’s request for Wendy to make the doctor’s appointment.

  Wendy tells Jessica, “I know that doctor fairly well. I’ll pull every string I have with him. She’ll get an appointment. And please, let her know that I expect her to stay with me over the weekend, so I can be sure she’s okay before she heads home.”

  Jessica asks, “Could you meet us at the airport?”

  “Of course. I’ll be there. I’ll call you back as soon as I get a hold of the doctor.”

  Jess hangs up and fills Bonnie in. Eduardo brings both of them dirty martinis, made to Bonnie’s liking, and an ice pack. Bonnie tells him, “Just keep these coming until I say stop, please. And thank you for your quick response to Ricardo’s violence. You are irreplaceable.”

  He replies. “Not a problem, just say when.” He gives her a short, formal bow, and she almost smile, then winces at the pain in her cheek.

  Wendy calls back fairly soon and tells Bonnie, “I got a hold of the doctor, and he said I should call him when you get here. He said he will meet us at his office to x-ray your cheek and decide on the best course of action from there.”

  “Thank you,” Bonnie mumbles, the swelling making it a little bit difficult to talk.

  “What the hell happened?” Wendy asks, wanting to hear the story from Bonnie’s perspective.

  Bonnie says, “I’ll bring you up to speed tomorrow. Right now, my head is pounding and I’m going to get very drunk.”

  Wendy sighs. “Okay, but I want every detail, do you understand?”

  Bonnie replies, “Yes, I know. I promise, but right now, I feel like shit and don’t want to talk, okay?”

  “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. Take lots of ibuprofen and get some ice on it in the meantime. Love you,” Wendy says, and they hang up the phone.



  Sean, Jessica, and Bonnie arrived at the San Diego airport on time. Wendy is waiting at the gate, worried, but completely unprepared for what she sees. She is stunned and very angry. The entire left side of Bonnie’s face is swollen, she has two black eyes, and her speech sounds like she has just undergone major dental surgery. Wendy tells Sean and Jessica she is taking Bonnie to the doctor immediately and will call them when she has some results. She hugs them both and leaves with Bonnie in tow.

  The doctor’s office is prepared, anticipating Bonnie’s arrival, and moves her into the examination room without delay.

  Dr. Peckman examines her and asks, “How did this happen?”

  Bonnie explains, “I was in Brazil and an angry business associate punched me after I slapped him for being rude.”

  Dr. Peckman gapes at her for a moment, then regains his composure and orders immediate x-rays. He tells Bonnie he will see her again before she leaves to discuss the results and form a treatment plan, because he is pretty sure at least something is broken.

  After about an hour, Dr. Peckman returns with the results. Bonnie has a broken orbital socket, but it won’t require surgery. He prescribes Vicodin as needed for pain, telling Bonnie to keep ice on her cheek for the swelling. Wendy and Bonnie thank the doctor for seeing her on such short notice.

  Dr. Peckman nods and rubs Bonnie’s arm gently. “I’m so sorry about your husband, Bonnie. If there is anything else I can do, please let me know.”

  Bonnie thanks him as she and Wendy leave the office.

  Wendy tells Bonnie on the ride to her house, “I have fresh lobster, a salad, and a wonderful bottle of wine waiting for us.”

  Bonnie replies, “You didn’t need to go to all that trouble.”

  Wendy says, “Oh yes, I did, beautiful. Besides, you need to tell me everything that happened yesterday, without skipping anything. I need to know if you’ll need counseling.” The two laugh, but Wendy knows she is only partly kidding.

  When they arrive at the penthouse, Wendy immediately pours a glass of wine and gives Bonnie the wine and Vicodin. They sit on the deck overlooking the ocean. There is a slight breeze and the temperature is warm and comfortable right around eighty-five degrees.

  As Bonnie begins relating the events leading up to the incident, the wine and Vicodin begin relaxing her, making it easier, as Wendy had planned, for her to speak in detail. As she’s explaining, Wendy notices tears forming in her eyes. A drop falls when Bonnie murmurs, “Ricardo called me Mark’s temporary office skank… that’s why I slapped him. Then, to make matters worse, when I fell my skirt came up and I wasn’t wearing any underwear. It was so embarrassing, and he said I was a filthy, nasty little whore. How could any man be so cruel to any woman?”

  At that statement and question, Wendy feels something snap in her brain, followed immediately by a wave of recognition and then rage that she hadn’t experienced since her traumatic experience fighting with Mark.

  “He said that specifically? Nasty little whore?” Wendy asks, trying to keep the anger and realization out of her voice.

  Bonnie just nods miserably, and Wendy is glad she’s under the influence of wine and Vicodin, because it gives Wendy time to regain her composure. She hugs Bonnie and says, “Not all men are pigs. I’m so sorry you had to endure such a thing.” Then she stands and walks into the house, furious at Ricardo for opening old wounds in her and bringing out the rage she thought she had resolved.

  “Bonnie, just relax,” she calls from the kitchen. “I’m going to make dinner. It should only take about fifteen minutes.” Bonnie leans back in her chair and lets her eyes drift shut.

  While waiting for the lobster to boil, Wendy melts the butter and completes the salad, then sets the dinner table. She pours Bonnie another glass of wine and considers how she can restore strength and confidence back to the somewhat broken woman on her terrace.

  Wendy walks back outside, hands Bonnie the glass of wine, and assures her that dinner will be ready momentarily. After slipping back inside, Wendy calls Jessica and informs her of what the doctor had discovered. “Physically, Bonnie will heal just fine,” Wendy says, “but I’m worried about her emotional state. How much trauma do y
ou think she can handle in such a short time frame?”

  Jessica responds with concern in her voice. “I don’t know, but she has always been such a strong, resilient woman. I’m sure if we just support her, she’ll be okay.”

  Wendy sighs and replies, “Okay, well dinner is ready here. I want an update on Sean, but I will call later, after Bonnie has fallen asleep, if that’s okay? I really need more detailed information about what happened with Ricardo as well.”

  Jessica says, “Absolutely, call anytime. I’ll fill you in on any details from the incident that we may have missed so far.”

  Wendy hangs up and has Bonnie come in from the deck for a beautifully prepared dinner and more wine.

  Bonnie says, slurring slightly because of the medication, “I had no idea you had such extraordinary culinary skills. This is prepared to perfection and tastes absolutely fabulous.”

  Wendy replies bashfully, “I wanted you to have something homemade and comforting, and really worthy of your sisterhood.”

  Bonnie looks at Wendy with nothing but kindness in her eyes and says quietly, “You are the only family I have left, and you will always be my family, dear.”

  Wendy is deeply moved by Bonnie’s kindness. As tears start to fall from her eyes, Bonnie says, “Oh, no. That is enough of that. Tonight is a celebration of love and family.” She holds her glass up for a toast, and then the two enjoy the lobster in all of its deliciousness.

  After Wendy gets Bonnie into bed, she calls Jessica back and explains Bonnie’s apparent emotional state. “That asshole has pissed me off more than any of you will ever know,” she says ferociously, “Please, fill in every detail so I can develop a strategy on how to help Bonnie recover from this mess.”

  Jessica nods, “Well, I wasn’t in the initial meeting. That was between Sean and Ricardo, so Sean will have to fill things in there.” She goes on to explain every detail leading up to Ricardo’s violence and the terrible things he said. “It was something like, ‘Why do you American women think it’s sexy not to wear underwear. You are all nasty little whores.’ It was absolutely horrible of him.”

  Her throat tight with confirmation, having gotten the same sentence from two sources, Wendy asks again, “He said that? I mean, those exact words?”

  “Yes. I’m certain, because they seemed so unbelievable to me. Why? Does the wording matter?” Jessica asks.

  Wendy says, “Yes, because of how to counsel them. And also because there was only one other time in my life where I heard a comment like that. It was from a man I once respected, and since then, I’ve loathed him, even to this day.”

  Jessica is shocked. “I’m so sorry. Who was it?”

  Wendy replies, “It doesn’t matter. That man is dead and can’t affect my life any longer. But those words cut to the core of my being and destroyed my sense of self-worth back then, and today I find they still enrage me. I want to make sure Bonnie doesn’t end up in the same position.”

  Jessica agrees. “They are just words from an angry, ignorant asshole. Not you, nor any other woman, have to accept them as a reality in her life.”

  Wendy nods and says, “Intellectually, of course I know you’re right, but emotionally they still make me want to cause the same amount of emotional pain to the guy who says such things to anyone.”

  Jessica chuckles, “I understand. It would be nice, wouldn’t it?”

  The next morning, Bonnie awakens to the smell of fresh coffee brewing, coupled with another pleasing aroma she can’t quite distinguish. When she walks into the kitchen, she finds Wendy putting an egg concoction onto fresh baked croissants.

  Bonnie watches her working feverishly for a few moments before she says, “I’ll hire you as my personal chef any day.”

  Wendy turns around quickly, surprised because Bonnie jolted her back to reality. Then she smiles and says with a wink, “You could never afford me.”

  Bonnie chuckles. “That’s probably true, but I’d be happy going broke and getting fat on your cooking.”

  Wendy beams at the compliment, “Well, breakfast will be ready in about fifteen minutes, so enjoy your cup of coffee in the living room and I’ll finish things up here.”

  As she’s cooking, Wendy hears Bonnie’s cell phone ring, and from parts of her conversation she assumes Bonnie is speaking with Sean. Wendy comes into the living room with breakfast, then notices the unsettled look on Bonnie’s face.

  “What is it?” she asks, as she and Bonnie enjoy a wonderfully prepared French breakfast.

  Bonnie raves about her first bite, and then explains, “Sean called because he received a call from Ricardo, apologizing for his behavior. He requested that Sean schedule a meeting between us, so Ricardo can personally apologize to me. Sean wanted to know if I would consider such a meeting, and I’m not sure.”

  Wendy nods. “Well, I don’t know if meeting him in person so soon is a good idea, but I’ll tell you what. Give me Ricardo’s number and let me call him as your counselor. I’ll ask him a few questions, and if I feel comfortable in the fact that it is safe for you to meet with him, I’ll let you know. Would that be okay?”

  Bonnie nods gratefully. “If you’re willing to do that for me, I certainly would appreciate it.”

  Wendy replies, “Of course I will. You’re my sister-in-law and I love you.” Bonnie gives Wendy Ricardo’s number. Then the two of them finish up their breakfast and enjoy lighter conversation. Bonnie thanks Wendy for everything she has done for her, then mentions she would like to head back to San Francisco that afternoon, if Wendy will take her to the airport.

  Wendy complains, “But you’ve only been here one night!”

  Bonnie acknowledges. “I know, and it was far too short, but I really have to get back. I have things I have to work on with Mr. Stoddard and others. But I promise my next stay will be much longer.”

  Wendy says, “I guess I understand, but I will definitely hold you to your promise, both for another visit and a longer one.”

  After Bonnie leaves for San Francisco, Wendy telephones Ricardo. She introduces herself as Bonnie’s counselor and tells him, “Before I advise Bonnie on whether or not to meet with you, I would like to have dinner with you to discuss the event, in order to determine if it would be safe for her, given the physical abuse during your last meeting. Perhaps, more importantly, I will be better able to determine if it is emotionally safe for her to see you in person.”

  Ricardo sighs, resigned. “Fine. When and where?”

  “Not so fast,” Wendy admonishes. “I have one condition. This meeting must be confidential, due to my client’s delicate feelings on the issue. No one, especially not Bonnie, is to know that you and I are meeting. If anyone finds out about it, I’ll make sure Bonnie never speaks with either you or your cousin ever again. Understood?”

  Ricardo agrees to Wendy’s condition, and they both agree to meet in three weeks in San Francisco. Wendy thanks Ricardo for his willingness to work with her and tells him she looks forward to helping him and Bonnie restore their business relationship.

  Ricardo replies, “Thank you, as well, Ms. Stevens. Our meeting will certainly remain confidential. Goodbye.”

  Next, Wendy calls Bonnie to tell her she would like to stop by for a visit to discuss her phone call with Ricardo.

  “Really? You spoke with him already? Wonderful!” Bonnie exclaims. “When would you like my pilot to pick you up?”

  “In three weeks? It gives me some time to schedule time off,” Wendy replies.

  “Perfect! I can’t wait.”

  Wendy replies, smiling, “I can’t either, sister dear.”

  After the conversation ends, Wendy goes to the market, buys some fresh pork chops, and leaves them in the see through packaging on the kitchen counter in the sun. They develop mold rapidly. She also bakes a potato in aluminum foil and places it on the counter next to the pork chop. As the days progress, she checks on the mold’s development continuously. When either of the items is covered in the mold, she scrapes it off and plac
es it in a jar containing a small amount of pork broth. Wendy continues this procedure over the next three weeks, then she transfers the moldy broth into three small nasal spray containers and places them in her purse.

  Wendy meets Bonnie’s pilot at the airport, boards the jet, and flies to San Francisco to meet with Ricardo, then visit Bonnie. Ricardo has agreed to meet her at a small restaurant, the Bistro on Union Street, for dinner. When she arrives, she is greeted by the hostess and seated with Ricardo, as he arrived first. Wendy is struck by his good looks and charming personality, and she thinks of what a shame it is that he is such an evil bastard.

  Their conversation is cordial as Wendy questions him about the incident, but she is completely unimpressed with the way he displays his so-called remorse for his actions and demeaning behavior. The server comes to take their orders and Ricardo orders pork chops in a port sauce and a good glass of cabernet sauvignon. Wendy enjoys a private smile at how fortunate his dinner selection will prove to her, and then orders fresh grilled salmon with a salad bar combination and a glass of chardonnay.

  “Excuse me, Ricardo. I need to get my salad,” she says.

  She surveys the bistro, and seeing to it that no one is watching, she removes the first nasal sprayer from her jacket pocket, squirting a small amount onto the salad bar after retrieving her salad. She places the sprayer back into her pocket, then returns to the table to have a pleasant conversation with Ricardo. Fairly soon, the server brings their dinners, but just as he arrives Ricardo excuses himself to go to the restroom. Wendy is extremely pleased with the timing and retrieves the two remaining sprayers from her purse, again surveying the bistro for observers. She mixes the entirety of one sprayer into Ricardo’s port sauce and the other she pours into his glass of cabernet.

  When Ricardo returns to the table, the two return to polite conversation. Wendy watches him take a bite of his pork chop and drink some of his cabernet before she settles in to enjoy her own meal. She keeps a watchful eye on him as he finishes his dinner and wine, leaving nothing for leftovers. The two of them also enjoy a wonderful dessert of blueberry crepes and coffee.


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